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US pro-life groups ask black women to avoid abortion, calling it genocide

BMJ 2010; 340 doi: (Published 09 March 2010) Cite this as: BMJ 2010;340:c1366
  1. Janice Hopkins Tanne
  1. 1New York

    Last month about 80 billboards went up on highways around Atlanta, Georgia, calling African American children “an endangered species.”

    The billboards were posted by Too Many Aborted (, an organisation that calls on pregnant black women to avoid abortion and have their babies to prevent “genocide.” Another website,, is sending a similar message.

    The billboards and messages play on mistrust of the medical system among many black people in the United States and compare abortion to slavery and ethnic cleansing.

    The billboards in Atlanta were posted during February, national black history month. They were first reported by the Associated Press news agency in the …

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