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New Archaeological Evidence for an Early Human Presence at Monte Verde, Chile

Fig 5

Schematic representation of the stratigraphic cross-sections of the MV-I and MV-II sites divided by the drainage of Chinchihuapi Creek.

Location of the corresponding radiocarbon dates and cultural and non-cultural levels in the MV-I and MV-II sites also are shown. Not shown is the stratigraphic profile for the CH-I and CH-II sites; however, their profiles are comparable to that for the MV-I site. The dates listed under the MV-II site represent the range of radiocarbon assays for the overlying non-cultural strata MV-3 (P), MV-4 (Q) and MV-5 (R) and for the single cultural component of MV-II on the buried surface of stratum MV-7 (S). Since these dates were published previously [13,14,25], their laboratory numbers are not provided here (see Table 1). Radiocarbon dates in site MV-I are in stratigraphic order but at slightly different depths due to the downward sloping strata in site MV-I (see Text B in S1 File).

Fig 5
