Dragon Ball Wiki

"That was an underwhelming performance... I was expecting a lot more out of you."
— Gamma 2 in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero

Gamma 2 (ガンマ2号 Ganma Ni-Gō, lit. "Gamma No. 2") is a Red Ribbon Army Android created by Dr. Hedo, along with Gamma 1. Despite his original purpose, he was designed by Hedo to appear and act much like a superhero. He serves as one of the misguided antagonists in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.


Dr Hedo Gamma12

Gamma 2 with Gamma 1 and Dr. Hedo

Gamma 2 resembles his fellow Android Gamma 1 and wears a similar costume, though befitting his number designation Gamma 2 has two fins upon his head. He also wears a blue cape, carries a blue Ray Gun, and the number two on his chest is colored blue as well. Like Gamma 1, his belt buckle features Greek letter Gamma (Γ) (ガンマ ganma). He has a Red Ribbon Army logo on the left arm of his uniform.


Gamma 2 truly believes himself to be a superhero, despite being affiliated with the Red Ribbon Army, and much like other superhero-esque squads, has a habit of posing in and out of battle. He appears to be more relaxed and jovial than Gamma 1 and is well-acquainted with the Red Ribbon Army's workers. He also appears to be a bit morbid, having wished he could see the look on what he presumed was a dead Piccolo's face after their first fight. He has a positive connection with his creator Dr. Hedo, as well as his fellow Gamma (who he finds too uptight while #1 in turn finds him too lax). Despite his straightforward ideals, he is prone to being manipulated by proxy as he repeatedly refused to believe that he and his creator were being led on by Magenta. It was only until he witnessed Carmine shooting at Pan that he realized the Red Ribbon Army were the true villains all along. Gamma 2 is more than willing to put his life on the line to both protect his creator and defeat the forces of evil.

In Xenoverse 2, Gamma 2 takes an interest in studying the posing techniques of others such as the Ginyu Force, Pride Troopers, and Saiya Squad, though he gets frustrated with Gamma 1 when he critiques his attempts to teach him a new pose he came up with. After he shows up to help Gamma 1 defeat Goku and Vegeta, he tries to get Gamma 1 to thank him after the battle, but Gamma 1 realizes he had been waiting to make a heroic entrance, causing Gamma 2 to sheepishly deny it.



Gamma 2 was created by the genius scientist Dr. Hedo for Magenta the president of the Red Ribbon Army front company, Red Pharmaceuticals. In the manga he was based off Saiyaman X-1.

Dragon Ball Super[]

Super Hero Saga[]

DBS Ch 92 01

Gamma 2 vs. Piccolo

Much like the movie, Gamma 2 makes his first appearance by attacking Piccolo during his training and addresses him as "King Piccolo" with Piccolo confusing him by saying that he only goes by "Piccolo" now. Piccolo inquiries about his identity which the android refuses to give up though Piccolo notices the Red Ribbon Army logo on his sleeve. Gamma 2 tells Piccolo he was sent there on a basic trial run but decides instead to kill him as he knows too much. The two fight and with Piccolo confirming that Gamma 2 is an android. Gamma 2 gains the upper hand throughout the battle and following a mighty blast from his Gamma Blaster, Gamma 2 believes he's killed Piccolo and leaves.

Piccolo, having just managed to dodge Gamma 2's attack and slip away in the dust, follows the android back to the Red Ribbon base. There Gamma 1 chastises Gamma 2 for not confirming Piccolo's death and reveals via camera footage that he got away.

Later on, Gohan arrives at the base to rescue Pan after she is kidnapped by the Red Ribbon. When Gohan makes a direct bee-line for her, Gamma 2 intervenes and kicks him back. As Gohan takes on Gamma 1, Piccolo attempts a ploy of pretending to grab Pan by the scruff of the neck in order to awaken Gohan's true power. However, Gamma 2 shouts at Piccolo to get his hands off her, much to both Piccolo and Pan's surprise.

After Gohan re-awakens his true power, he begins to gain an advantage against Gamma 1. Dr. Hedo orders Gamma 2 to join the battle but he is intercepted by Piccolo who unleashes his new found power. Though Gamma 2 is surprised on how Piccolo had powered up so quickly, he remains confident that the Namekian is not on his level. Sure enough, as the two battle, Piccolo confirms that he is no match for Gamma 2 and after being kicked hard, Gohan rushes to his aid.

DBS 95 05

Gamma 1 and 2 attack Piccolo together

Piccolo suggests finishing the fight in one go rather than dragging things out and going in at full power, Gohan and Piccolo land hard blows against the androids that hurtle them to opposite ends of the base. After Gamma 2 joins Gamma 1's side, he suggests that they take down one enemy at a time, a hesitant Gamma 1 asks him if they really are a part of the evil organization as they had been told. Gamma 2 tells him that they are as Dr. Hedo had told them as such and the two quickly attack Piccolo in unison before Gohan is able to grab hold of Gamma 1 to separate the fights once more.

The Namekian begins to power up his Special Beam Cannon as he tells the android that he does not seem so bad but just appears to be following idiotic orders. Piccolo unleashes his attack though Gamma 2 protects himself with a barrier and tells his opponent that Dr. Hedo's orders could never be wrong. Piccolo however counters by telling him that though the orders may come from him, the intel he is being given by Magenta is bad. Gamma 2 begins to start having doubts of his own which make him become frustrated. He unleashes a deadly physical assault on Piccolo who, momentarily defeated, falls into a crevice in the base. Piccolo soon re-emerges, having received an awakening of his powers and Gamma 2 attacks once more, however this time to no affect. Piccolo then responds with a single punch that floors Gamma 2.

DBS 96 06

The Gammas attack Cell Max

He gets back up only to see Carmine shooting at Pan and quickly uses his own ray gun to blast the gun out of Carmines hands, finally realising which side are truly the villains. Not long afterwards, Magenta releases Cell Max and he takes down Hedo as he tries to flee in an aircraft. With concern for their creator the Gammas rush in to aid him only for them to be attacked by the giant monster. They attempt to fight back but unfortunately the two find themselves heavily outmatched by Cell Max's immense strength.

DBS 97 01

The groups heroic pose

The Gammas are soon joined by the Dragon Team but continue to be outmatched by the giant. Gamma 1 points out that Cell Max has a weakness in his forehead which if penetrated will cause a massive explosion that will destroy all of its cells, something placed by Dr. Hedo in the possibility that Cell Max run rampant. However even after Piccolo lands a powerful attack at point blank range, it proves to not be enough. With no other option left, Gamma 2 realises what is required in order to take him down. Gamma 1 offers to join him in his attack but Gamma 2 turns him down, telling him that he must instead save Dr. Hedo who is in fact still alive.

DBS 98 03

Gamma 2's lifeless corpse

Gamma 2 asks the others to fire off ranged attacks at a distance in order to pin down Cell Max while he prepares his attack. They get into position as Gamma 2 powers up and takes off to the edge of Earths atmosphere. After gathering up all of his power, Gamma 2 plummets back down directly towards Cell Max who spots him at the last second and manages to protect his forehead with his arm. Cell Max loses his arm though survives nevertheless as Gamma 2 remains lifeless on the ground. An angry Cell Max tries to crush him underfoot but Piccolo stops him before he is able.

In the end, Gohan and Piccolo are able to defeat Cell Max and Gamma 2 fades away in Dr. Hedo's hands. Piccolo commends Gamma 2, noting that his sacrificial attack weakened Cell Max and that he really was a superhero.

Film appearances[]

Super Hero[]

Gamma 2 with gun

Gamma 2 arrives at Piccolo's home

Gamma 2 makes his first appearance in the film by attacking Piccolo during his training with a Gamma Blaster and addressing him as the "great Demon King Piccolo". Piccolo rebuffs that he only goes by "Piccolo" now, confusing Gamma 2. Not willing to go through the details, Piccolo instead inquiries about his cheesy superhero outfit, to which Gamma 2 replies that he could at least call it "retro" and that he won't be revealing his identity. Despite this, Piccolo notices the Red Ribbon Army logo on his outfit and - recalling Kami's memories - asks him about it. Gamma 2 realizes his cover is blown and laughs it off, asking in return what Piccolo meant by recognizing the logo when he was a god. Piccolo again stops his interrogation, remarking that he should've done his homework and that the Red Ribbon Army dissipated long ago, even including Dr. Gero's schemes regarding the androids and Cell. Realizing Piccolo knows too much, Gamma 2 opts to take him out, but is again stopped when Piccolo in turn realizes Gamma 2 is some kind of android and reaffirms, he won't be revealing any of his secrets. Piccolo wonders if he really wants to try and fight him, and Gamma 2 responds that he will indeed both fight and eliminate Piccolo, since orders are orders.

Gamma Impact 2

Gamma 2 kicks Piccolo

The fight begins, and it quickly becomes clear that Gamma 2 has the upper hand in the battle, the android expressing his disappointment with Piccolo's power. Even after the Namekian discards his weighted clothing, Gamma 2 still has the advantage, his android body allowing him to handle Piccolo's physical attacks and his speed allowing him to easily evade his Continuous Energy Bullet before retaliating with another Gamma Blaster. Believing Piccolo to be dead via his scans and remarking that he wished he could've seen his corpse's face, Gamma 2 flies back to the Red Ribbon Army base, unaware that Piccolo survived and is in hot pursuit.

DBS SH Gamma 2

Gamma 2 walks through the base

Gamma 2 lands and enters the base through the secret cave entrance, greeting some of the army's workers. He enters the chamber in which Dr. Hedo and his fellow Gamma are meeting with Magenta and Carmine (a disguised Piccolo also sneaking in). Dr. Hedo congratulates him on a job well done, having observed the fight through Gamma 2's eyes. Gamma 2 expresses his gratitude and remarks that he might've gone overboard for a simple test run, but Dr. Hedo replies that he did fine, his only concern being that he could've struck a pose during his arrival as well as a big finish. Gamma 1 asks #2 if he located Piccolo's body, but 2 thought that his Gamma Blaster had blown his corpse to bits. #1 calls him lax, but 2 protests that there was no way Piccolo could have survived the attack.

Gamma 1 and 2

Gamma 1 and Gamma 2

However, #1 replays the recording from #2's vision and shows him a zoom-in of Piccolo escaping the blast. Gamma 2 is still positive that even if Piccolo survived, there was no way they could find the secret base, and that they were too strong for them anyway. He calls #1 too strict, and #1 calls him too easy-going. #2 then practices his fighting pose, but #1 says it lacks flair. When Dr. Hedo asks him about Piccolo, #2 remarks that he was a pushover. The two Gammas continue to argue in the background while Hedo and Magenta discuss the production of Cell Max.

Gamma 2 is later shown with the rest of the army waiting for Gohan to arrive to save Pan. When Gohan blitzes past the other members, Gamma 2 quickly intercepts him by kicking him away, but steps back to allow Gamma 1 to fight Gohan instead. He then witnesses Piccolo and Pan's staged attempt to get Gohan to regain his fighting sense and tells Piccolo to unhand Pan, unaware that it is a trick. After Ultimate Gohan reawakens and begins easily overpowering #1, Hedo quickly asks #2 to step in, but Piccolo discards his army disguise and stops him in his tracks. #2 is surprised that "Demon King Piccolo" was there the whole time, but Piccolo again reminds him that it's just "Piccolo" now and unleashes his own Ultimate form. Gamma 2 is somewhat stunned that Piccolo survived, but remarks that it turns out one beating wasn't enough for the Namekian to learn his lesson. Piccolo retorts that he's not the same as before and Gamma 2 tells him not to run away again before initiating round two.

DBS SH Gamma 21

Gamma 2 at the Red Ribbon base

Ultimate Piccolo quickly separates their fight from Gohan's by sending Gamma 2 into a chunk of the mountain, which comes crashing down. Gamma 2 wonders how Piccolo improved in such a short time, or if he was hiding such power in their last battle. Piccolo says he won't be telling him anytime soon, and Gamma 2 replies that he's still stronger anyway. Fortunately for Gamma 2, his words gain evidence as he begins overpowering Piccolo yet again, claiming he is Hedo's masterpiece. Piccolo telekinetically flings a boulder of rubble at him, but Gamma 2 blasts it to bits. The Namekian says it's a real shame that Gamma 2 follows the orders of the Army, recognizing that Gamma 2 truly is a righteous individual. Gamma 2 blocks his Special Beam Cannon with an Android Barrier, saying that it doesn't matter because orders are what he and #1 were made for anyway. However, Piccolo reminds him that Dr. Hedo was the one who gave him orders and suggests that Magenta may have misinformed the doctor.

Gamma 2 KOed

Gamma 2 knocked out

Gamma 2 dropkicks Piccolo, saying that that's not possible and attacking him from all angles at blinding speed. Both fighters land on a passing train, where Piccolo tells him that he must at least suspect the truth. Still stubbornly refusing to think about it, Gamma 2 tells him to shut up before striking him with an intense combo that ends in a Double Axe Handle into a chasm. Just when he thinks it's over, Gamma 2 is shocked when Piccolo rises out of the chasm in a swirling inferno, boasting an unimaginable power. Despite a furious punching barrage, Gamma 2 can't even get Piccolo to budge a little, and the orange Namekian devastates him with one staggering blow.

The android is able to rise to his feet in time to witness Magenta and Carmine attempting to escape the fray, Pan in hot pursuit and dodging the bullets from Carmine's handgun. Realizing how wrong he was, Gamma uses his blaster to intercept one of Carmine's shots, angrily declaring that he now knows who the real villains are. Piccolo calls for Gohan to stop fighting with Gamma 1, saying that it seems like they misunderstood one another, to which Gamma 2 nods in agreement.

After everything has temporarily settled down, Gamma 2 is seen next to Gamma 1, expressing that the situation has changed. The peace is cut short when Dr. Hedo's ship comes flying out of the inner chambers of the base and crashes. Dr. Hedo quickly calls the Gammas, telling them that Magenta activated Cell Max early, leaving the Gammas surprised. Right on cue, Cell Max flies out of the base and begins charging a massive sphere of energy around him that engulfs Hedo. The Gammas attempt to save him, but they are unable to reach him in time. Believing their creator to be dead, Gamma 2 cries out in anger, and joins Gamma 1 in a fruitless charge on the incomplete monstrosity. Despite their efforts, Cell Max is simply too strong, knocking Gamma 2 into an underground temple in the retaliatory process. As the present Dragon Team joins in, Gamma 1 reveals Cell Max's failsafe weakness to be the top of his head, but Gamma 2 adds that one must be willing to sacrifice themselves in order to capitalize on it, since it triggers his Unforgivable! technique and creates an explosion that will likely kill the attacker.

Everyone throws themselves at Cell Max again, but nothing appears to be working, ranging from a massive Gamma Blaster from Gamma 2 to a point-blank Explosive Demon Wave to the weak point from Ultimate Piccolo. Finally, a makeshift volleyball team attack (using fat Gotenks as the volleyball) makes a direct hit and causes Cell Max's head to crack, but the monster only grows angrier and begins razing the landscape with a cannonade of ki. It is then that Gamma 2 decides to live up to his superhero attitude and sacrifice himself for the greater good, ordering everyone to continue blasting Cell Max to keep him in place so he can deliver a last-ditch strike to try and end the battle. Gamma 1 tries to stop him, but #2 tells him it's too late, so #1 tries to instead join him in his endeavor but #2 tells him to instead go save Dr. Hedo, telling #1 to check his Life Scope and revealing that he is still alive. As a final remark, #2 tells #1 that he's too lax before unleashing his full power and telling everyone to begin the plan and run away as quickly as they can when he begins his own attack.

DBS SH Gamma 2 Final Act

Gamma 2's sacrificial act

Gamma 2 begins to soar into the atmosphere, surrounded by a blinding blue aura. Watching Earth from space, he starts charging even more energy to the point where his eyes glow golden before rocketing back down. Everyone sees the light from his attack growing nearer and brighter, so Krillin uses a Solar Flare to blind Cell Max in place while everyone else flies away - except for Gamma 1, who rushes to shield Dr. Hedo. The clouds spin and split apart as Gamma 2 clears them in his descent, resembling a shooting star as he crashes directly onto Cell Max with stupendous force, enough to crack Cell Max's left arm as he tries to block it. Gathering more power, Gamma 2 begins burning red as his attack changes color, shattering the ground underneath Cell Max in the process. With one final scream, Gamma 2 gives his life up to slam into the titan. The attack is a partial success - while Gamma 2 lies on the ground, gray and motionless, Cell Max's entire left side has been incinerated and his left arm was shattered off. In rage over being injured so heavily, Cell Max attempts to stomp on Gamma 2, but Orange Piccolo intercepts the attack and catches it, allowing Gamma 1 to retrieve #2's body to lay next to Dr. Hedo.

Gamma 2 is later avenged when Gohan Beast kills Cell Max with Piccolo's help. Both Gamma 1 and Dr. Hedo observe his body dissipate into golden ashes and dust, leaving only his cape behind. Piccolo asks Gamma 1 if #2 died, to which #1 confirms and regretfully expresses that he could not save him. Piccolo then asks what #2 did during his final moments, and #1 replies that he used up all his energy in a single burst. Piccolo then remarks that it was thanks to him that Cell Max's power took a dive and places a hand on Hedo's back, reassuring him that Gamma 2 was indeed a superhero. Gamma 1 tells Piccolo that his team were the real heroes, and Dr. Hedo thanks them for saving the world, but Piccolo again affirms that the only person he should be thanking is Gamma 2.



Gamma 2 is thought by Piccolo to have power on par with Goku and Vegeta. He is able to defeat Piccolo in his base form, quickly gaining an understanding of his moves, and going on to describe the battle as being "too easy" to the Red Ribbon Army's higher-ups.


In Super Hero, Gamma 2 is thought by Piccolo to have power on par with Goku and Vegeta. He is able to easily defeat Piccolo in his base form, and upon releasing his full power even overpower him in his Ultimate state. He refers to himself as Dr. Hedo's masterpiece, perhaps indicating he is stronger than his twin. However, he is no match for Orange Piccolo, being unable to faze him in the slightest and being knocked out in one blow, albeit briefly. By using up all of his energy in a sacrificial attack he manages to cut one of Cell Max's arms off.

Statements by guidebooks and authors

The two Gammas are the mightiest androids.[1]

Techniques and Special Abilities[]

  • Flight - The ability to fly through the use of Ki.
  • Fighting Pose - Like most superheroes, Gamma 2 has a habit of making heroic and dramatic poses. He can use holograms to generate the cheesy effects for his poses in battle.
  • Gamma Blaster - Gamma 2 fires a blast from his Ray Gun.
    • Energy Attack - The most basic form of energy attack used by Androids which Gamma 2 can fire from his Ray Gun. In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 it appears as Gamma 2's Special Ki Blast Type Gamma Beam (Blue).
  • Gamma Impact - Gamma 2 hits the opponent with a punch to the gut, followed by a heel kick over their head. He then does a backflip and strikes a pose as an explosion sends their opponent flying. Gamma 2 also projects comic book "sound effects" appear throughout the move.
    • Energy Punch - Gamma 2 surrounds his fist with yellow energy, used as part of his Gamma Impact.
    • Hero's Pose - Gamma Impact's finishing pose. This fighting pose was named in Xenoverse 2 part of the 1.21.00 Update DLC.
  • Android Barrier - Gamma 2 produces a blue barrier to surround himself, used to defend against Ultimate Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon.
  • Cyclone Style! Tornado Super Hurricane - A team attack used by Gamma 2, Gamma 1, Trunks, and Goten.
  • Core Breaker - Gamma 2's final move. By ascending into the atmosphere and bringing forth all of his energy, into a Nova Strike-like aura, Gamma 2 comes crashing down on the target in a humongous explosion.


  • Life Scope - Scanning technology built into each Gamma's visuals that allows them to detect life and record scenarios, as well as providing Dr. Hedo a means of viewing the Gammas' battles from afar.
  • Holograms - Holographic technology that allows Gamma 2 to generate visual effects for his superhero poses & Gamma Impact.
  • Ray Gun - Gamma 2 carries a powerful ray gun which is apparently the same model as Gamma 1's, but Gamma 2's colored blue instead of red.

Video Game Appearances[]

In Super Dragon Ball Heroes, Gamma 2 is introduced as a playable character in Ultra God Mission 1.

In Dragon Ball Legends on May 11, 2022, Gamma 2 (DBL46-04S) was added to the game as part of the game's collaboration campaign with Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. While Gamma 1 (DBL46-03S) appears as a free-to-play character as 100 Z Power for Gamma 1 (DBL46-03S) can be obtained by completing all the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero Collaboration Campaign missions, Gamma 2 is currently only available via the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero Collaboration Summon. Also, Gamma 2 and Gamma 1 are to initially be voiced by their Japanese voice actors, though the developers have noted there are plans to add their Funimation dub voice actors in future update.

In Xenoverse 2, Gamma 2 was added as part of the Hero of Justice Pack 1 DLC.

In Dokkan Battle, Gamma 2 was added to the game as Part 2 of the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero Movie Collaboration Campaign alongside Gamma 1 as Dokkan Festival Exclusive characters.

In Sparking! Zero, Gamma 2 was added as a DLC character.

Voice Actors[]


Dragon Ball Super
  • Gamma 2 vs. Piccolo
  • Gamma 2 vs. Piccolo (Ultimate)
  • Gamma 2 and Gamma 1 vs. Gohan (Ultimate) and Piccolo (Ultimate)
  • Gamma 2 vs. Piccolo (Ultimate/Orange Piccolo)
  • Gamma 2 and Gamma 1 vs. Cell Max
  • Gamma 2 and Gamma 1 vs. Cell Max
  • Gamma 2, Trunks (Super Saiyan), Goten (Super Saiyan), and Gamma 1 vs. Cell Max
  • Gamma 2, Gohan (Super Saiyan), Piccolo (Ultimate), Android 18, Gotenks, and Gamma 1 vs. Cell Max
  • Gamma 2, Piccolo (Ultimate), Gohan (Super Saiyan), Android 18, Krillin, Gotenks (Fat), and Gamma 1 vs. Cell Max
  • Gamma 2 vs. Piccolo
  • Gamma 2 vs. Piccolo (Ultimate/Orange Piccolo)
  • Gamma 2 and Gamma 1 vs. Cell Max
  • Gamma 2, Gohan (Super Saiyan), Piccolo (Ultimate), Goten, Trunks, Android 18, and Gamma 1 vs. Cell Max
  • Gamma 2, Gohan (Super Saiyan), Piccolo (Ultimate), Android 18, Gamma 1, and Gotenks (Fat) vs. Cell Max
  • Gamma 2, Gohan (Super Saiyan), Piccolo (Ultimate), Android 18, Gamma 1, Gotenks (Fat), and Krillin vs. Cell Max


  • Gamma 2's name comes from the Greek letter Gamma (Γ) (ガンマ ganma).
  • Gamma 2's head design bears a resemblance to the Japanese superhero Ultraman Zero from the Ultra Series. He is also conceptually similar to Kamen Rider 2 from the Kamen Rider series, being nearly visually identical to his partner but having a more lighthearted personality.
  • The manner in which Gamma 2 dies resembles Majin Vegeta's own sacrificial attack, Final Explosion. Both fighters end up graying out (Gamma from the heat of his attack and Majin Vegeta from turning to stone) and disintegrate into the air afterwards. Neither fighter succeeded in completely destroying their enemies (Cell Max surviving albeit severely injured and Buu regenerating despite being blown to bits), though their deaths were later avenged.
  • Gamma 2's Japanese voice actor is Mamoru Miyano. The word "Mamoru" means protect in Japanese. Gamma 2 made the decision to be the one to sacrifice himself in order to save everyone.



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