Thom's Irish Who's Who (1923)
a biographical book of reference of prominent men and women in Irish life at home and abroad


Publisher: Alexander Thom & Co.; contributors to the work were not identified

2899896Thom's Irish Who's Who — a biographical book of reference of prominent men and women in Irish life at home and abroad1923















This First Edition of "Thom's Irish Who's Who" contains life sketches of upwards of 2,500 Irish men and women, at home and overseas, who are conspicuous in the Nation's History, and includes leaders of thought and action in all fields of enlightenment and civilization.

Neither labour nor expense has been spared in an effort to make the book as authoritative as possible, but no claim is made to completeness. The difficulties that confront the Editor of a volume of this description are much greater than may appear to a casual observer. In the first place there is always present the desire to avoid invidious selection, and in the second, the danger of omitting, through oversight, names whose absence might naturally occasion surprise.

This applies especially, and for obvious reasons, to a First Edition, and therefore we issue this publication with an apology for errors which are unavoidable, and of whose existence we are unaware. We cordially invite the cooperation of the Irish Public everywhere, in enabling us in subsequent editions to correct such errors of omission or commission as we may have unwittingly made. Our aim is to make this Directory complete, and to enable the wayfarer or the scientific inquirer to discover immediately and without inconvenience "Who's Who" in the homeland and abroad. When it is borne in mind that the sun never sets on Ireland's sons and daughters, it will be apparent that such co-operation as we invite is vitally important.

We respectfully present this Volume as a chapter in the contemporary history of the Irish Nation. Most books of reference become obsolete by flux of time. This volume will become enhanced in value as the years pass. Ireland is emerging from the throes of revolution, the ultimate effects of which none can appreciate or forecast. When the historian of the future undertakes to chronicle the stirring events of which the passing generation is witness, we venture to suggest that the names and history of the outstanding personalities of 1922 will be of priceless value. What, for example, would the historian of to-day not give for an "Irish Who's Who" relating to the year that marked the passing of the Act of Union?

Our immediate appeal is to the Statesman, the Man of Letters, the Clergyman, the Artist, the Journalist, the Lawyer, the Scientist, and last, but in many respects first, the Man of Commerce. To these and to the general public we hope the book will prove useful.

The Publishers.

December, 1922.

Alphabetical list (not listed in original)


A.A.G. Assistant-Adjutant-General.
A.B. Bachelor of Arts.
A.C.A. Associate of the Institute of Chartered Accountants.
Acad. Academy.
A.C.I.S. Associate of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries.
A.D. Anno Domini.
A.D.C. Aide-de-camp.
Ad eund. Ad eundem gradum (admitted to the same degree).
Adj. Adjutant.
Ad lib. Ad libitum (at discretion).
Adm. Admiral.
A.D.O.S. Assistant Director of Ordnance Stores.
A.D.V.S. Assistant Director of Veterinary Services.
A.F.C. Air Force Cross.
A.G. Attorney-General; Adjutant-General.
A.I.F. Australian Imperial Forces.
A.I.G. Adjutant-Inspector-General.
A.K.C. Associate of King's College, London.
A.L.I. Argyll Light Infantry.
A.M. Ante Meridiem (before midday); Anno Mundi (in the Year of the world); Master of Arts.
A.M.I.C.E. Associate Member of Institute of Civil Engineers.
A.M.I.E.E. Associate Member of Institute of Electrical Engineers.
A.O.D. Army Ordnance Department.
A.P.D. Army Pay Department.
A.Q.M.G. Assistant-Quartermaster-General.
A.R.A. Associate of the Royal Academy.
A.R.A.M. Associate of the Royal Academy of Music.
A.R.C.A. Associate Royal Cambrian Academy.
A.R.C.O. Associate Royal College of Organists.
A.R.C.S. Associate Royal College of Science.
A.R.E. Associate of Royal Society of Painter Etchers.
A.R.I.B.A. Associate of the Royal Institute of British Architects.
A.R.M.S. Associate of the Royal Society of Minature Painters.
A.R.S.A. Associate Royal Scottish Academy.
A.R.S.M. Associate Royal School of Mines.
A.R.W.S. Associate Royal Society of Painters in Water-Colours.
A.S.A.M. Associate of the Society of Art Masters.
A.S.C. Army Service Corps.
Assoc. So. Associate in Science.
A.V.D. Army Veterinary Department
b. born; brother.
B.A. Bachelor of Arts.
B.A.I. Bachelor of Engineering.
B.A.O. Bachelor of Obstetrics.
Barr. Barrister.
Bart. or Bt. Baronet.
Batt. or Batn. Battalion.
B.C. Before Christ; British Columbia.
B.Ch. Bachelor of Surgery.
B.C.L. Bachelor of Civil Law.
B.C.S. Bengal Civil Service.
B.D. Bachelor of Divinity.
Bd. Board.
B.E. Bachelor of Engineering.
B.Litt. Bachelor of Letters.
B.N.C. Brasenose College.
B.C.S. Bombay Civil Service.
B.S.C. Bombay Staff Corps.
Brev. Brevet.
Brig. Brigade; Brigadier.
B.S. Bachelor of Surgery.
B.S.C. Bengal Staff Corps.
B.Sc. Bachelor of Science.
B.Th. Bachelor of Theology.
B.V.M. Blessed Virgin Mary.
C.A. County Alderman; Chartered Accountant (Scotland).
Cantab. Of Cambridge University.
Capt. Captain
Cav. Cavalry.
C.B. Companion of the Bath.
C.B.E. Commander Order of the British Empire.
C.C. Catholic Curate; County Councillor; County Court.
C.C.C. Corpus Christi College.
C.C.S. Ceylon Civil Service.
C.E. Civil Engineer.
C.F. Chaplain to the Forces.
C.H. Companion of Honour.
Ch. Chief.
Ch.B. Bachelor of Surgery.
Ch.Ch. Christ Church.
Ch.Coll. Christ's College.
Ch.M. Master of Surgery.
Chm. Chairman.
C.I. Imperial Order of the Crown of India.
C.I.D. Criminal Investigation Department.
C.I.E. Companion of the Order of the Indian Empire.
C.I.V. City Imperial Volunteers.
C.J. Chief Justice.
C.M. Church Missionary.
C.M. Master in Surgery.
C.M. Certified Master.
C.M.G. Companion of St. Michael and St. George.
C.O. Commanding Officer.
Co. County; Company.
Col. Colonel.
Comdg Commanding.
Comdt. Commandant.
Com-in-Ch Commander-in-Chief.
Comm. Commander.
Comr. Commissioner.
Comy.-Gen Commissary-General.
C.P.R. Canadian Pacific Railway.
cr. created.
C.S. Civil Service.
C.S.C. Conspicuous Service Cross.
C.S.I. Companion of the Order of the Star of India.
C.SS.R. Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorist Order).
C.T.C. Cyclists' Touring Club.
C.V.O. Commander of the Royal Victorian Order.
Cwt. Hundredweight.
C.Y.M.A. Catholic Young Men's Association.
d. Pence ; died ; daughter.
D.A.A.G. Deputy-Assistant-Adjutant-General.
D.A.D.Q. Deputy Assistant Director of Quartering.
D.A.G. Deputy-Adjutant-General.
D.A.Q.M.G. Deputy-Assistant-Quartermaster-General.
D.B.E. Dame Commander Order of the British Empire.
D.C.L. Doctor of Civil Law.
D.D. Doctor of Divinity.
D.D.M.S. Deputy Director of Medical Supplies.
D.D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery.
Dele. or d. Cancel.
D.Eng. Doctor of Engineering.
Dep. Deputy.
Dept. Department.
D.F.C. Distinguished Fljing Cross.
D.G. (Dei Gratia), by the grace of God ; Dragoon Guards.
D.G.M.W. Director-General of Military Works.
Diplo. Diplomatic.
Ditto or do. (It.), the same.
Div. Division; Divorced.
D.L. Deputy-Lieutenant.
D.Litt. or D.Lit. Doctor of Literature.
D.P.H. Diploma in Public Health.
Dr. Doctor; Debtor.
D.Sc. Doctor of Science.
D.S.O. Companion of the Distinguished Service Order.
d.s.p. died without issue.
D.Theol. Doctor of Theology.
D.V. (L. Deo volente), God willing.
dwt. pennyweight.
Edin. Edinburgh.
Educ. Educated.
e.g. (L. exempli gratia), for example.
E.I.C.S. East India Company s Service.
Eng. England.
eng. Engineer.
F.A. Football Association.
Fahr. Fahrenheit.
F.A.I. Fellow of Auctioneers' Institute.
F.B.A. Fellow of the British Academy.
F.C.A. Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants.
F.C.I.S. Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries.
F.C.P. Fellow College of Preceptors.
F.C.S. Fellow of the Chemical Society.
F.E.S. Fellow of Entomological Society.
F.F.A Fellow of Faculty of Actuaries
F.F.P.S. Fellow of the Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons (Glasgow).
F.G.S. Fellow of the Geological Society.
F.I.A. Fellow of Institute of Actuaries.
F.I.C. Fellow of Institute of Chemistry.
F.I.D. Fellow of Institute of Directors.
F.I.Inst. Fellow of the Imperial Institute.
F.J.I. Fellow of Institute of Journalists.
F.L.S. Fellow of the Linnean Society.
F.M. Field-Marshal.
f.o.b. Free on board.
F.P.S. Fellow of Philosophical Society; also of Philharmonic Society.
F.R.A.I. Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute.
F.R.A.M. Fellow of the Royal Academy of Music.
F.R.A.S. Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society.
F.R.B.S. Fellow of the Royal Botanic Society.
F.R.C.O. Fellow of the Royal College of Organists.
F.R.C.P. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians.
F.R.C.P.E. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh.
F.R.C.S. Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons.
F.R.C.V.S. Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.
F.R.C.P.S. Fellow of Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons.
F.R.C.S. Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society.
F.R.Hist.S. Fellow of Royal Historical Society.
F.R.Hort.S. Fellow of the Royal Horticultural Society.
F.R.I.B.A. Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects.
F.R.M.S. Fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society.
F.R.Met.S. Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society.
F.R.N.S.A. Fellow Royal School Naval Architecture.
F.R.P.S. Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society.
F.R.S. Fellow of the Royal Society.
F.R.S.A. Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.
F.R.S.E. Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.
F.R.S.G.S. Fellow of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society.
F.R.S.L. Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature.
F.S.A. Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries.
F.S.A.A. Fellow of the Society of Accountants and Auditors.
F.S.A.S. Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.
F.S.I. Fellow of Surveyors' Institution.
F.S.S. Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society.
F.T.C.D. Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin.
F.Z.S. Fellow of the Zoological Society.
F.Z.S.Scot. Fellow of the Zoological Society of Scotland.
G.B.E. Knight or Dame Grand Cross Order of the British Empire
G.C.B. Knight Grand Cross of the Bath.
G.C.H. Knight Grand Cross of Hanover.
G.C.I.E. Knight Grand Commander of the Indian Empire.
G.C.M.G. Knight Grand Cross of St. Michael and St. George.
G.C.S.I. Knight Grand Commander of the Star of India.
G.C.V.O. Knight Grand Cross of Royal Victorian Order.
Gen. General.
G.N.R. Great Northern Railway.
Gov. Governor.
Govt. Government.
G.P.O. General Post Office.
H.A.C. Honourable Artillery Company.
H.E. His Excellency.
H.E.I.C. Honourable East India Company.
H.E.I.C.S. Honourable East India Company's Service.
Heir Heir apparent.
Heir Heir presumptive.
H.H. His (or Her) Highness.
H.I.H. His (of Her) Imperial Highness.
H.I.M. His (or Her) Imperial Majesty
H.L.I. Highland Light Infantry.
H.M. His (or Her) Majesty.
H.M.I. His Majesty's Inspector.
H.M.S. His Majesty's Ship.
Hon. Honourable.
(Hon.) Honorary.
h.-p. half-pay.
H.Q. Headquarters
H.R.H. His (or Her) Royal Highness.
H.R.H.A. Honorary Member of Royal Hibernian Academy.
H.R.S.A. Honorary Member of Royal Scottish Academy.
H.S.H. His (or Her) Serene Highness
I.A. Indian Army.
Ib. or Ibid. Ibidem (in the same place).
I.C.S. Indian Civil Service.
i.e. id est (that is).
I.H.S. Jesus Hominu Salvator (Jesus the Saviour of Men), more correctly I.H.M., the first three letters of the name of Jesus in Greek.
I.L.P. Independent Labour Party.
Imp. Imperial.
I.M.S. Indian Medical Service.
incog. Incocnito (in secret).
insp. Inspector.
Inst. Instant: Institute.
I. of M. Isle of Man.
I.O.G.T. International Order of Good Templars.
I.O.O.F. Independent Order of Oddfellows.
I.O.P. Inst. Painters in Oil Colours.
I.O.U. I owe you.
I.S.C. Indian Staff Corps.
I.S.O. Imperial Service Order.
ital. italics.
I. of W. Isle of Wight.
J. A. Judge-Advocate.
Jas. James.
Job. Jno. John.
J.P. Justice of the Peace.
Jun. Junior.
Jun. Opt. Junior Optime.
K.B. Knight of the Bath (seldom used now) ; Knight Bachelor.
K.B.E. Knight Commander Order of the British Empire.
K.C. King's Counsel.
K.C.B. Knight Commander of the Bath.
K.C.H. Knight Commander of Hanover.
K.C.I.E. Knight Commander of the Indian Empire.
K.C.M.G. Knight Commander of St. Michael and St. George.
K.C.S.I. Knight Commander of the Star of India.
K.C.V.O. Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order.
K.G. Knight of the Order of the Garter.
K.H. Knight of Hanover.
K.H.S. Knight of the Holy Sepulchre.
K.-I.-H. Kaiser-i-Hind.
Kil. Kilometre.
Kilo. Kilogramme.
K.O.S.B. King's Own Scottish Borderers.
K.P. Knight of the Order of St. Patrick.
K.R.R. King's Royal Rifles
K.S.G. Knight of St. Gregory
K.T. Knight of the Order of the Thistle
Kt. or Knt. Knight
L. 50 (Roman numerals)
£ Pounds (sterling)
L.A. Literate in Arts; Liverpool Academy
lb. pounds (weight)
L.C.C. London County Council
L.Ch. Licentiate in Surgery
L.C.J. Lord Chief Justice
L.C.P. Licentiate of the College of Preceptors
L.Div. Licentiate in Divinity
L.D.S. Licentiate of Dental Surgery
L.P.P.S. Licentiate of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons
L.H.D. (Literarum Humaniorum Doctor) Doctor of Literature
L.I. Light Infantry
Lic.Med. Licentiate in Medicine
Lieut. Lieutenant
Lit. Literature; Literary
Lit.Hum. Classics
Litt.D. Doctor of Letters
L.J. Lord Juctice
L.L.A. Lady Literate in Arts
LL.B Bachelor of Laws
LL.D Doctor of Laws
LL.M. Master of Laws
L.M. Licentiate in Midwifery
Loq. Loquitur (speaks)
L.R.C.P. Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians
L.R.C.P.I. Licentiate Royal College of Physicians, Ireland
L.R.C.S. Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons
L.R.C.S.I. Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland
L.R.C.V.S. Licentiate of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
L.S.A. Licentiate of the Society of Apothecaries
£ s. d. Pounds, shillings, and pence; Money
Lt. or Lieut. Lieutenant
Lt.-Col. Lieutenant-Colonel
Lt.-Gen. Lieutenant-General
L.Th. Licentiate in Theology
L. & N.W.R. London and North Western Railway
L. & Y.R. Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway
m. married.
M.A. Master of Arts.
M.A.I. Master of Engineering (Magister in Arte Ingeniara).
Maj.-Gen. Major-General.
M.A.O. Master of Obstetric Art.
Math. Mathematics; Mathematical.
M.B. Bachelor of Medicine.
M.B.E. Member of the Order of the British Empire.
M.C. Military Cross.
M.C.C. Marylebone Cricket Club.
M.Ch. Master in Surgery.
M.C.M.E.S. Member of Civil and Mech. Engineers' Society.
M.Com. Master of Commerce.
M.C.S. Madras Civil Service.
M.D. Doctor of Medicine.
M.E. Mining Engineer.
M.E.C. Member of Executive Council.
Mech. Mechanics.
Mem. Memorandum.
M.Eng. Master of Engineering.
M.F.H. Master of Foxhounds.
M.I.E.E Member of Institute of Electrical Engineers.
M.J.I. Member of Institute of Journalists.
Mil. Military.
M.I.M.E. Member of Institute of Mining Engineers.
M.I.Mech.E. Member Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
M.I.M.M. Member of Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
M.Inst.C.E. Member of Institution of Civil Engineers.
M.Inst.M.E. Member of Institution of Mining Engineers.
M.I.N.A. Member of Institution of Naval Architects.
M.Inst.W.E. Member of the Institution of Water Engineers.
M.L. Licentiate in Medicine.
M.L.A. Member of Legislative Assembly.
M.L.C. Member of Legislative Council.
Mlle. Mademoiselle (Miss).
Mme. Madame.
Mngr. Monsignor.
M.O.H. Medical Officer of Health.
M.P. Member of Parliament.
M.R.A.S. Member of Royal Asiatic Society.
M.R.C.P.I. Member of the Royal College of Physicians, Ireland.
M.R.C.P.E. Member of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh.
M.R.C.S.I. Member of Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland.
M.R.C.S.E. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh.
M.R.C.V.S. Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.
M.R.I.A. Member of the Royal Irish Academy.
M.R.U.S.I. Member of the Royal United Service Institute.
M.S. Master of Surgery.
MS., MSS. Manuscript, Manuscripts.
M.S.C. Madras Staff Corps.
M.Sc. Master of Science.
M.S.I. Member of Sanitary Institute.
Mus.B. Bachelor of Music.
Mus.D. Doctor of Music.
Mus.M. Master of Music.
M.V.O. Member of the Royal Victorian Order.
N.B. North Britain; (L Nota Bene, notice); New Brunswick.
N.B.A. North British Academy.
N.C.U. National Cyclists' Union.
nem con. Nemine contradicente (no one contradicting); unanimously.
net, nett (lt.) Netto (free from all deductions).
N.L.F. National Liberal Federation.
non seq. Non sequitur (it does not follow).
N.P. Notary Public.
N.S. Novia Scotia; New Style in the Calendar (in Great Britain since 1752); National Society.
N.S.A. National Skating Association.
N.S.P.C.C. National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children.
N.S.W. New South Wales.
N.U.T. National Union of Teachers.
N.U.W.W. National Union of Women Workers.
O.B.E. Officer Order of the British Empire.
O.C. Officer Commanding.
O.H.M.S. On His Majesty's Service.
O.L. Officer of the Order of Leopold.
O.M. Order of Merit.
O.M.I. Oblate of Mary Immaculate.
O.P. Ordiuis Prcedicatorum — of the Order of Preachers (Dominican Ecclesiastical Title).
O.S. Old Style in the Calendar (in Great Britain before 1752).
O.S.B. Order of St. Benedict.
O.S.F.C. Franciscan (Capuchin) Order.
Oxon. Oxfordshire; Of Oxford.
Oz. Ounces.
P.O. Privy Councillor ; Police Constable ; Perpetual Curate.
p.c. per centum (by the hundred); post-card.
Ph.D Doctor of Philosophy.
Plen. Plenipotentiary.
P.L.G. Poor Law Guardian.
P.M. Post Meridem (after midday); Pacific Mail.
P.M.G. Postmaster-General.
P.M.O. Principal Medical Officer.
P.M.S. President Miniature Society.
P. & O. Peninsular and Oriental Steamship Co.
P.O. Post Office; Postal Order.
P.O.O. Post Office Order.
P.P. Parish Priest.
P.P.C. Fr. Pour prendre cong (To take leave).
P.R.A. President of the Royal Academy.
Ppeb. Prevendary.
Pres. President.
P.R.I. President of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours.
Prof. Professor.
Protem. Pro tempore (for the time being.)
Prox. Proximo (next).
P.R.S. President of the Royal Society.
P.S. Postscriptum (postscript); prompt side.
P.T.O. Please turn over.
P.W.D. Pubhc Works Department (roads, buildings, Government railways, telegraphs, etc.)
Q.C. Queen's Counsel.
Q.E.D. Quod erat demonstrandum (which was to be demonstrated), applied to a theorem.
Q.E.F. Quod erat faciendum (which was to be done), applied to a problem.
Q.M.G. Quartermaster-General.
Q.U.B. Queen's University, Belfast.
Q.U.I. Queen's University in Ireland.
q.v. Quod vide (which see).
R.A. Royal Academician; Royal Artillery.
R.A.C. Royal Automobile Club.
R.A.M. Royal Academy of Music.
R.A.M.C. Royal Army Medical Corps.
R.Art. Royal Artillery.
R.A.S. Royal Astronomical or Asiatic Soceity.
R.B.A. Royal Society of British Artists.
R.B.S. Royal Society of British Sculptors.
R.C. Roman Catholic.
R.C.V.S. Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.
R.D.C. Rural District Councillor.
R.E. Royal Engineers.
R.Eng. Royal Engineers.
Rear-Adm. Rear-Admiral.
Regt. Regiment.
Res. Resigned; Reserve.
Rev. Reverend.
R.F.A. Royal Field Artillery.
R.G.A. Royal Garrison Artillery.
R.H.A. Royal Hibernian Academy; Royal Horse Artillery.
R.H.G. Royal Horse Guards.
R.H.S. Royal Humane Society.
R.I. Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours.
R.I.B.A. Royal Institute of British Architects.
R.I.P. Requiescat in pace (May he or she rest in peace).
R.M. Royal Marines; Resident Magistrate.
R.M.A. Royal Marine Artillery.
R.M.A. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich.
R.M.C. Royal Military College, Sandhurst.
R.M.L.I. Royal Marine Light Infantry.
R.M.S. Royal Microscopical Society: Royal Mail Steamer; Royal Society of Minature Painters.
R.N. Royal Navy.
R.N.R. Royal Naval Reserve.
R.O.I. Royal Institute of Oil Painters.
Roy. Royal.
R.S.A. Royal Scottish Academy.
R.S.E. Royal Society of Edinburgh.
R.S.L. Royal Society of Literature.
R.S.O. Railway Sub-Office.
R.S.P.C.A. Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
R.S.V.P. Fr. Repondez s'il vous plait (Please answer).
R.S.W. Royal Scottish Water Colour Society.
Rt. Hon. Right Honourable.
Rt. Rev. Right Reverend (of a Bishop).
R.T.S. Religious Tract Society; Royal Toxophilite Society.
R.U. Rugby Union.
R.U.I. Royal University of Ireland.
R.U.S.I. Royal United Service Institution.
R.W.S. Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours.
R.Y.S. Royal Yacht Squadron.
Sc.D. Doctor of Science.
Sch. Scholar.
Sec. Secretary.
S.G. Solicitor-General
S.J. Society of Jesus (Jesuits).
S.L. Serjeant-at-Law.
s.p. sine prole (without issue).
S.P.C.C. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.
S.P.C.K. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.
S.P.G. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.
S.S.C. Solicitor before Supreme Court (Scotland).
S.S.M. Society of the Sacred Mission
St. Street; Saint.
S.T.D. Sacræ Theologiæ Doctor.
Stip. Stipend; Stipendiary.
S.T.L. Sacræ Theologiæ Lector (Reader or a Professor of Sacred Theology).
S.T.M. Sacræ Theologiæ Magister.
S.T.P. Sacræ Theologiæ Professor (Professor of Divinity, old form of D.D.)
Supt. Superintendent.
T.A. Telegraphic Address.
T.C.D. Trinity College, Dublin.
T.D. Territorial Decoration.
T.R.H. Their Royal Highnesses.
Temp. Temperature; Temporary.
Ter. or Terr. Terrace.
tr. transpose.
Trin. Trinity.
T.Y.C. Thames Yacht Club.
U.D.C. Urban District Councillor.
U.F. United Free Church.
Ult. Ultimo (last).
Univ. University.
U.P. United Presbyterian.
U.S. United States.
U.S.A. United States of America.
V.A. Victoria and Albert.
V.C. Victoria Cross.
V.D. Volunteer Officers' Decoration
Ven. Venerable (of an Archdeacon)
Very Rev. Very Reverend (of a Dean).
Vet. Veterinary.
Vice-Adm. Vice-Admiral.
Viz. Videlicet (namely).
V.L. Vice- Lieutenant.
Vol. Volume; Volunteers.
V.P. Vice-President.
W.I. West Indies.
Wm. William.
W.S. Writer to the Signet.
W.S.P.U. Women's Social and Political Union.
X. Ten (Roman numerals).
Xmas. Christmas.
yds. yards.
Yeo. Yeomanry.
Y.M.C.A. Yound Men's Christian Association.
Y.W.C.A. Young Women's Christian Association.

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