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Cookbook talk:Magic Brownies

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Latest comment: 15 years ago by in topic Who Put This Here?

magic borwnie's are great

Cook Time?

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How long is "a long time" for cooking the marijuana in the butter?

3 1/2 Cups of weed!?!

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I'm pretty sure 3 1/2 Cups of weed is a little bit of an overkill. Typically anything for than a quarter ounce per batch is the max you can actually get high off, the rest is just waste.

You must have eaten some of those brownies if you read that! It asks for 4 grams of it!


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I have reverted a previous edit so that the warning about illegal possession of marijuana is again noted at the top of this recipe. I, personally, don't think it's needed but it was agreed during the recent Vote for Deletion that most people prefer some kind of warning at the top of the page. Xania talk 20:26, 20 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

Who Put This Here?

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Seriously, cannabis is illegal, there shouldn't be anything with drugs in it in this "cookbook" or whatever. Whoever made this page probably is in possession of special brownies if they know how to make them. 00:42, 5 April 2007 (UTC) My Wikipedia user name is Sherlock32.Reply

Cannabis is not a "drug", its an herb. I know some people are upset by the plant's psychoactivity, but by using that same logic we'd have to get rid of all the recipes containing coffee, too. PurplePieman 03:31, 7 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
It may be illegal in your country but it is legal in a few countries and Wikibooks is not censored. We have recipes which include alcohol in the Cookbook and that has a much more detremental effect on health and society. Xania talk 22:24, 7 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
"A chemical substance that affects the processes of the mind or body." - ignoring the other connotations of the word, Cannabis is still a drug. But yea, as stated above, it's only illegal in certain countries, and in my state of California it's no worse than running a stop sign. So no reason to get rid of this page. (talk) 04:08, 10 September 2008 (UTC)Reply

Wikibooks is available worldwide, and as such should not be censored according to one countries POV. Alchohol consumption is illegal in some countries, yet alcohol is still on here. This should stay.

From "sherlock32"'s Wikipedia user page:

"I am also a strong advocate of keeping illegal drugs (including marijuana, the most popular illegal drug) illegal; I have never done drugs before, or even seen them in person, nor have my parents or my sister ever done illegal drugs. Anyone who does drugs is a f*cking idiot and a pretty lousy human being to me [...] What drugs are totally legal (alcohol, tobacco) are fine with me". Apart from that, the user claims to be liberally minded! Make of that what you will. (talk) 14:56, 17 July 2009 (UTC) well, your logic is fundamentally flawed so therefore your argument also makes no sense. you said illegal drugs should stay illegal, yet alcohol and tabacoo, since they are already legal, can stay that way. thats an argument from authority. simply because the majority of people, or people in power, think a certain way about something does not make it correct. decisions about legality should be made from solid scientific evidence, not based upon the public's antiquated feelings about the subject. if you wish to argue cannibus be kept illegal and hope to have credibility with said argument, i suggest a different line of logic which addresses the real issue, what is it that makes one drug legal, and one drug not legal? it has truly been an exercise in arbitrary decision making up till this point. the science has clearly shown a higher rate of negative physical and mental effects from both alcohol and tobacco when compared to cannibus. this subject is a perfect example of how without logic and science involved in an issue, arguments degrade to the point of uninformed banter and over-opinionated, fact devoid ramblings. and to the point that oneself or ones family has not done drugs and therefore are better for it and therefore have a valid opinion in the matter is likened to a blind man arguing for the idea that braille should be printed on drive up tellers. it makes no sense, but if enough people blindly believe it, it will come to pass. informed decision making would either lead to weed being legalized or alcohol and tobacco being illegalized. there is no such uneven middle ground in a world of logic and reason. legalize it and keep this page up.Reply