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Galactic Civil War

Galactic Civil War
Part of the Imperial Period of Star Wars
Date4 BBY - 5 ABY

Rebel victory


4 BBY - 2 BBY
Pre-Alliance rebel cells

2 BBY -
Alliance to Restore the Republic
  • Clan Markona
  • Saurin resistance

Old Mandalorians
Clan Assembly
New Republic
File:Emblème de l'Ordre Jedi.svg Jedi Order


Separatist holdouts

  • Agamar garrison
Sullustan resistance

4 BBY - 5 ABY
Galactic Empire

Sith Order
Hutt Clan

Mining Guild

5 ABY -
Imperial remnants
  • Chadawan government
  • Imperial territory G5-623
  • Imperial-Royalist coalition
  • Kenner Loring's faction
  • Ubrik Adelhard's Imperial remnant
  • Velcar Imperial remnant
  • Royen's fleet
  • Yomo Council

Sith Order remnants

  • Acolytes of the Beyond


Klik-Klak's droid army
Commanders and leaders

4 BBY - 2 BBY
Mon Mothma
Hera Syndulla
Leia Organa (secretly)
Jun Sato
Saw Gerrera
File:Emblème de l'Ordre Jedi.svg Kanan Jarrus
File:Emblème de l'Ordre Jedi.svg Ezra Bridger

2 BBY -
Mon Mothma
Bail Organa
Gial Ackbar
Jan Dodonna
Hera Syndulla
Leia Organa
Saw Gerrera
File:Emblème de l'Ordre Jedi.svg Obi-Wan Kenobi
File:Emblème de l'Ordre Jedi.svg Kanan Jarrus
File:Emblème de l'Ordre Jedi.svg Ezra Bridger (MIA)
File:Emblème de l'Ordre Jedi.svg Luke Skywalker

4 BBY - 5 ABY
Mas Amedda
Darth Vader
The Grand Inquisitor
Gallius Rax
Wilhuff Tarkin
Mitth'raw'nuruodo (MIA)
Rae Sloane
Firmus Piett
Tiaan Jerjerrod†
Arihnda Pryce
Kassius Konstantine†
Jabba Desilijic Tiure

5 ABY -
Non-centralized leadership


Units involved

4 BBY - 2 BBY
Rebel militias
Partisan militants
Rebel insurgents
File:Emblème de l'Ordre Jedi.svg Jedi

2 BBY -
Alliance Military
  • Alliance Army
    • Rebel Alliance Special Forces
  • Rebel Alliance Navy
  • Alliance Military Research and Development
  • Rebel Alliance SpecOps
  • Rebel officer corps
  • Signal Intelligence

Mandalorian resistance

  • House Vizla
    • Clan Wren
  • House Kyrz
    • Clan Kryz

File:Emblème de l'Ordre Jedi.svg Jedi

4 BBY - 5 ABY
Imperial Military

  • Battle Station Operations
  • Imperial Academy
  • Imperial Army
  • Imperial Intelligence
  • Imperial Marines
    • Imperial Starfighter Corps
  • Imperial Quartermaster Corps
  • Imperial Special Forces
  • Imperial Vehicle Corps
  • Joint Chiefs
  • Sector Command


Protectors (formerly)

Jabba's Gamorrean guards
Mandalorian bounty hunters
Mining Guild TIE fighters

5 ABY -
Chadawan navy
  • Madrighast's unit

Forest troopers
Imperial Military remnants

  • Anoat sector fleet
Royen's fleet

Dathomirian warriors
Nightsister ghosts

Klik-Klak's droid army

The Galactic Civil War, also known as the Rebellion or the Revolution, was an large-scale insurgency in the galaxy between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic. The goal of the Alliance to Restore the Republic was to restore the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order. It started in 4 BBY with the Action at Mustafar where the Rebels won their first major victory against the Galactic Empire, successfully rescuing Kanan Jarrus and killing the Grand Inquistor. Full scale fighting began after the Battle of Scarif where the Alliance to Restore the Republic won a very major victory against the Empire and successfully stole the plans to the Death Star they needed to destory it in the Battle of Yavin. Three years later, the Galactic Empire almost destroyed the Alliance at the Battle of Hoth with the capture of Echo Base and the main Rebel leaders being put on the run. The Galactic Civil War came very close to ending with the incredibly decisive Rebel Alliance victory at the Battle of Endor and the destruction of much of the Imperial leadership, including Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader. A year after the Battle of Endor the Galactic Civil War ended with the Imperial defeat at the Battle of Jakku followed by the Galactic Concordance. Much of the Galactic Civil War also overlapped with the Great Jedi Purge and some overlapped with the Mandalorian Civil War. Following the Battle of Jakku, the Galactic Empire was dissolved into various remnants and the New Republic successfully established itself as the true galactic government. Near the end of the war, Luke Skywalker reestablished the Jedi Order as the New Jedi Order.



The Clone Wars began ending after the Battle of Coruscant where Count Dooku was killed and Sheev Palpatine was "rescued" by Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi and the Confederacy of Independent Systems lost large amounts of its navy and one of its main leaders. Following this, the Siege of Mandalore resulted in Ahsoka Tano defeating Darth Maul on Mandalore and destroying the Shadow Collective. Then, the Separatist forces on Kashyyyk were defeated in the Battle of Kashyyyk. The majority of the Separatist forces on Mygeeto we eliminated in the Fourth Battle of Mygeeto shortly after. The Clone Wars truely ended with the Battle of Utapau, where all the Separatist forces there were defeated and the Separatist leader and warlord General Grievous was killed. After the death of Grievous, the Jedi discovered that Palpatine was Darth Sidious. This led to Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar, and Saesee Tiin confronted Sidious in his office. Three of the Jedi were killed by Palpatine, but Mace Windu was killed after Anakin intervened on Palpatine's behalf. Shortly after, Darth Sidious executed Order 66 and began the Great Jedi Purge. This was opened with the Siege of the Jedi Temple, where hundreds to thousands of Jedi were killed by Anakin and the Grand Army of the Republic. Anakin, renamed "Darth Vader" by this point, went to Mustafar and killed all the remaining Separatist leadership. Obi-Wan Kenobi then confronted Vader on Mustafar and defeated him, leaving the Sith burning to death. Meanwhile, Yoda battled Sidious in building of the Galactic Senate on Coruscant. Yoda was almost defeated, but managed to escape. Darth Sidious then went to Mustafar and saved Vader from death, building him into a cybernetic warriror similar to that of Grievous. With Palpatine having no opposition, he proclaimed himself the Emperor and formed the Galactic Empire. Emperor Palpatine reformed the Grand Army of the Republic and various other components of the Galactic Republic's military into the Imperial Military to nominally combat the various Separatist holdouts. This began the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire with various pre-Alliance insurgents, Order 66 Jedi survivors, Separatist holdouts, and other groups rebelling against the Empire. Following Ezra's broadcast to the people of Lothal to fighting against the Empire, the rebellions escalated into the Galactic Civil War.

Course of the war
























After the Battle of Jakku, the last holdouts of the Galactic Empire were crushed. Various Moffs and Imperial continued to exist afterwards. Some of these Imperial remnants, such as the one led by Moff Gideon, stayed within the galaxy and continued to actively fight and survive. Despite this, the majority of the Imperial remnants fled to the Unknown Regions and began organizing in secret as the First Order. The Alliance to Restore the Republic was disbanded after the war and the New Republic officially came to power with the majority of the Rebel leaders becoming politicians. Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, near the closure or sometime after the Galactic Civil War, began finding and uniting the remaining Jedi in the galaxy and formed the New Jedi Order. However, the First Order would begin the threaten the New Republic over 20 years later and begin the Cold War.

Spillover of the Syrian Civil War

Spillover of the Syrian Civil War
Part of the War on Terror, Syrian civil war, Arab Spring, and the Arab Winter
Date17 June 2011 – present
No official territorial changes, but various countries have their territorial integrity divided among rebel groups and governments. However, many rebel groups do claim lots of territory.
Iraqi Turkmen Front
Iraqi Communist Party
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command
Amal Movement
Syrian Social Nationalist Party in Lebanon
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Popular Nasserist Organization
File:Fatah Flag.svg Fatah al-Intifada
Arab Democratic Party
Armenian Revolutionary Federation
Arab Nationalist Guard
Liwa Fatemiyoun

Liwa Zainebiyoun
Galilee Forces
Liwa al-Quds
Palestine Liberation Organization
Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine
Free Palestine Movement

Syrian Interim Government

Jaysh al-Islam
Future Movement
Islamic Front
Ahrar al-Sham
National Front for Liberation
Ahrar al-Sharqiya

Syrian Salvation Government


Fatah al-Islam
Ghuraba al-Sham
Jund al-Sham
Osbat al-Ansar
Osbat al-Nour
Ansar al-Din Front
Turkistan Islamic Party in Syria
Ajnad al-Kavkaz
Ansar Bait al-Maqdis
Hasm Movement
Takfir wal-Hijra

Islamic State

Ansar al-Islam
White Flags

Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria

Kurdistan Region

Sinjar Alliance
Kurdistan Workers' Party
International Freedom Battalion

Kurdistan Communities Union
Patriotic Revolutionary Youth Movement
File:Flag of the Peoples' United Revolutionary Movement (Halkların Birleşik Devrim Hareketi - HBDH).svg Peoples' United Revolutionary Movement
Kurdistan Freedom Hawks

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve

Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party – Iraq Region
Free Iraqi Army
Lebanese Communist Party
File:Fatah Flag.svg Fatah

Infobox for the Spillover of the Syrian civil war. This is a work in progress.