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Sally Vincent

From Wikiquote

Sally Vincent (22 April 1937 – 26 December 2013) was a British journalist, best known for her interviews of prominent people.


  • Mysteriously police link arms to form a barrier to prevent demonstrators (demonstra tors of what?) from mounting the pavement. 'Pigs' is now the word. 'Pigs, Pigs, Fascist Pigs', while civilian arms fink to confront the unified, uniformed police challenge. The lines are long and the confrontation spectacular, but suddenly comes a moment of bewildered embarrassment. 'Peace', says the civilians shyly, 'Peace, Peace, Peace.' A policeman blushes. Perhaps because he has lost his helmet.
    • "As I Saw It: Cat among the pigeons", (31 October 1970), p. 16
    • The previous Sunday in Trafalgar Square demonstrators protested against the selling arms to the apartheid regime in South Africa. On Monday (26 October), The Guardian reported: "The main Trafalgar Square rally passed without incident and without serious interruption". However, "[s]ixty-five people were arrested during ninety minutes of clashes between police and a breakaway group of demonstrators."
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