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The Jetsons

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The Jetsons was an animated prime-time television series about a nuclear family in the space age future, produced by Hanna-Barbera from 1962. After being re-run on Saturday morning for decades, new episodes were produced in 1985 and 1987 for syndication.

Season 1 (1962)


Rosie the Robot [1.1]


A Date with Jet Screamer [1.2]

Jane: Hello honey! Bad day at the office?
George: Yeah. Those three hour work days are killing me.

The Space Car [1.3]


The Coming of Astro [1.4]

George: And they say dogs are loyal.

Jetson's Nite Out [1.5]

George: Well now, "Football coach predicts victory at tonight's game". I wonder what he's got to say.
Coach: We'll moider dem.

The Good Little Scouts [1.6]


The Flying Suit [1.7]

Cogswell: With this flight suit, we bombed.

Rosie's Boyfriend Mac [1.8]


Elroy's TV Show [1.9]


Uniblab [1.10]

George Jetson: It'll be easy. I'll just tell Mr. Spacely I'm very sorry and that I'll never call him names again.
[Nearly has a head-on collision with another car]
George Jetson: Why you big strata-jerk. It's vacuum-heads like you who keep fuselage and fender shops in business. Come on out and face the music.
Mr. Spacely: [Emerges from the other car] 'Morning, Jetson. Nice day isn't it?
George Jetson: M-M-M-Mr. Spacely, I presume?
Mr. Spacely: That's correct. I hope you're wearing your watch, Jetson, because you have exactly 5 MINUTES TO CLEAN OUT YOUR DESK!

George Jetson: I hope you get ulcers in your cyclotron.

George Jetson: I've got a wife, two kids and 10 finance companies to support. How am I supposed to pay my bills?

A Visit from Grandpa [1.11]


Astro's Top Secret [1.12]


Elroy's Pal [1.13]


Test Pilot [1.14]


Millionaire Astro [1.15]


The Little Man [1.16]


Las Venus [1.17]

Gigi Galaxy: Come in, darling. I'm Gigi Galaxy. What did you say your name was?
George Jetson: [stammers]
Gigi Galaxy: What, darling?
George Jetson: Oh, I'm-I'm, George Sprocket of Spacely Jetsons.
Gigi Galaxy: Now, darling, sit down and tell me... who are you?
George Jetson: My... my... my name is George Darling. Uh, I mean, Jetson.

Jane's Driving Lesson [1.18]


G.I. Jetson [1.19]


Miss Solar System [1.20]


TV or Not TV [1.21]


Private Property [1.22]


Dude Planet [1.23]


Elroy's Mob [1.24]

Jane Jetson: Our son has run away!
George Jetson: Don't worry, honey, he won't get far. Where can a kid like him go?
Jane Jetson: No place. Just to the moon, Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn...
George Jetson: [blubbering] That's enough! That's enough! That's enough!

Season 2


Elroy Meets Orbitty [2.1]


Rosie Come Home [2.2]


Solar Snoops [2.3]


Judy's Birthday Surprise [2.4]


SuperGeorge [2.5]


Family Fallout [2.6]


Instant Replay [2.7]

Irene Kingmaker: And that goes for your whole family, including that pie-faced piece of scrap metal.
Rosie: [rips off her dress] Thank you for making my day.

Fugitive Fleas [2.8]


S.M.A.S.H. [2.9]


One Strike, You're Out [2.10]


Mother's Day for Rosie [2.11]


S'No Relative [2.12]


Dance Time [2.13]


Judy Takes Off [2.14]


Winner Takes All [2.15]


The Mirrormorph [2.16]


The Cosmic Courtship of George and Jane [2.17]


High Moon [2.18]


Hi-Tech Wreck [2.19]


Little Bundle of Trouble [2.20]


Elroy in Wonderland [2.21]


The Swiss Family Jetson [2.22]


Rip-Off Rosie [2.23]


Fantasy Planet [2.24]


Space Bong [2.25]


Haunted Halloween [2.26]


Astro's Big Moment [2.27]


Jetsons' Millions [2.28]

Mr. Spacely: I'll give you a vacation. For the rest of your life!
George: Thank you, Mr. Spacely.
Mr. Spacely: You still don't get it, Jetson. You're through. Forever.
George: Well, it sure sounds like you mean it this time. [laughs] Goodbye Mr. Spacely.
Mr. Spacely: 20 years of firing him and now he just walks out. That's gratitude for you.

The Wrong Stuff [2.29]


The Vacation [2.30]


Team Spirit [2.31]


Future Tense [2.32]

George: Whoopee! We're still rich.
IRS agent: Not quite. Heh-heh-heh. Taxes R Us. Let's see, with income averaging over three fiscal years minus the capital gain, there. [takes most of the money] And the rest is all yours. Well, thanks for your cooperation.

Far-Out Father [2.33]


Dog Daze Afternoon [2.34]


Grandpa and the Galactic Gold Digger [2.35]


Robot's Revenge [2.36]

Ralph: Ooh, don't do that. You'll get your clothes all wrinkly. My name is Ralph, and anything you want, just.. Oh, oh, it's you. The lousy tipper.
George: I never tipped the guys who worked here before you.
Ralph: Uh huh? See why they all quit?

To Tell the Truth [2.37]


Boy George [2.38]


Judy's Elopement [2.39]


The Century's Best [2.40]


A Jetson Christmas Carol [2.41]


Season 3


Crime Games [3.1]


ASTROnomical I.Q. [3.2]


9 to 5 to 9 [3.3]


Invisibly Yours, George [3.4]


Father/Daughter Dance [3.5]


Clean as a Hound's Tooth [3.6]


Wedding Bells for Rosey [3.7]


The Odd Pod [3.8]


Two Many Georges [3.9]


Spacely for a Day [3.10]


Repeated quotes


Mr. Spacely: Jetson, you're fired!



About The Jetsons

  • I told them 1,000 years from now or a million years, the problem is always going to be parking.
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