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English citations of termes

  • 1871, Richard Soule, A Dictionary of English Synonymes and Synonymous or Parallel Expressions: Designed as a Practical Guide to Aptness and Variety of Phraseology, Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, page 406/1 s.v. “Termes, n.”:
    Termes, n.   [L. pl. Termites.]   White ant, termite.
  • ibidem, s.v. “Termite, n.”:
    Termite, n.   Termes, white ant.
  • ibidem, page 449/2 s.v. “White ant”:
    White ant,   Termite, termes.

Latin citations of termitem and termes

  • ante AD 180, Aulus Gellius (author), John Carew Rolfe (editor and translator), Noctes Atticae in The Attic Nights of Aulus Gellius, with an English Translation (1927), book II, chapter xxvi, §§ 9–10:
    Nam ‘poeniceus,’ quem tu Graece φοίνικα dixisti, noster est et ‘rutilus’ et ‘spadix,’ poenicei συνώνυμος, qui factus e Graeco noster est, exuberantiam splendoremque significant ruboris, quales sunt fructus palmae arboris non admodum sole incocti, unde spadici et poeniceo nomen est; enim Dorice vocant avulsum e palma termitem cum fructu.
    For poeniceus, which you call φοῖνιξ in Greek, belongs to our language, and rutilus and spadix, a synonym of poeniceus which is taken over into Latin from the Greek, indicate a rich, gleaming shade of red like that of the fruit of the palm-tree when it is not fully ripened by the sun. And from this spadix and poeniceus get their name; for spadix in Doric is applied to a branch torn from a palm-tree along with its fruit. ― translation from the same source
  • ibidem, book III, chapter ix, § 9:
    Quem colorem nos, sicuti dixi, poeniceum dicimus, Graeci partim φοίνικα, alii σπάδικα appellant, quoniam palmae termes ex arbore cum fructu avulsus “spadix” dicitur.
    This colour, as I have said, we call poeniceus; the Greeks sometimes name it φοῖνιξ, at others σπάδιξ, since the branch of the palm (φοῖνιξ), torn from the tree with its fruit, is called spadix. ― translation from the same source