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Grace @FilthyBlueBird
@VaughnAsher #YouAreCaredFor So the movie star says. But his idea of cared for isn't the same as mine. Obviously a #Douche.

MovieStar @VaughnAsher
@FilthyBlueBird #BehindTheScenesIsMyScene The Blue Bird has trust issues. And tantrum issues. And commitment issues.

Grace @FilthyBlueBird
@VaughnAsher #SaidTheKettleToThePot

MovieStar @VaughnAsher
@FilthyBlueBird #YouAreMine and I won't let you forget it.

Grace @FilthyBlueBird
@VaughnAsher #YouMustShitUnicorns that's how delusional your fairy tale is. #GetAGripOnReality I'm outtie.

MovieStar @VaughnAsher
@FilthyBlueBird You're an #Innie #Sweetheart :) My tongue licked all your #CuteLittleButtons.


Why is he so damn sexy? How will I ever get out from under Asher's thumb if I can't stop thinking about his tongue on my buttons? #HottiesNeedToPlayFair

120 pages, ebook

First published September 9, 2014

About the author

J.A. Huss

136 books8,912 followers
J.A. Huss never wanted to be a writer and she still dreams of that elusive career as an astronaut. She originally went to school to become an equine veterinarian but soon figured out they keep horrible hours and decided to go to grad school instead. That Ph.D wasn’t all it was cracked up to be (and she really sucked at the whole scientist thing), so she dropped out and got a M.S. in forensic toxicology just to get the whole thing over with as soon as possible.

After graduation she got a job with the state of Colorado as their one and only hog farm inspector and spent her days wandering the Eastern Plains shooting the shit with farmers. After a few years of that, she got bored. And since she was a homeschool mom and actually does love science, she decided to write science textbooks and make online classes for other homeschool moms. She wrote more than two hundred of those workbooks and was the number one publisher at the online homeschool store many times, but eventually she covered every science topic she could think of and ran out of shit to say.

So in 2012 she decided to write fiction instead. That year she released her first three books and started a career that would make her a New York Times bestseller and land her on the USA Today Bestseller’s List eighteen times in the next three years. Her books have sold millions of copies all over the world, the audio version of her semi-autobiographical book, Eighteen, was nominated for a Voice Arts Award and an Audie award in 2016 and 2017 respectively, her audiobook Mr. Perfect was nominated for a Voice Arts Award in 2017, and her book, Taking Turns, was nominated for an Audie Award in 2018. Johnathan McClain is her first (and only) writing partner and even though they are worlds apart in just about every way imaginable, it works.

She lives on a ranch in Central Colorado with her family.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 382 reviews
Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews15k followers
August 15, 2017
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★★★★★! Block, book 3 of 6. #ICannotGetEnough! Larger-than-life movie star @VaughnAsher relentless seduction of spirited twitter queen, @FilthyBlueBird!

“We don’t need the fairy tale when this is our reality.”

The Social Media serial should be read in order:
Part 1: Follow
Part 2: Like
Part 3: Block
Part 4: Status
Part 5: Profile
Part 6: Home

In Social Media, Part 1-2 event planner and twitter queen Grace Kinsella aka @FilthyBlueBird met her twitter muse, Hollywood heartthrob Vaughn Asher aka Master while on vacation. What followed was a roller-coaster of Vaughn’s relentless pursuit for Grace to be his next sub, but requiring a NDA so he could act out all his debauched desires. He resorted to mind-blowing samples of his kinky sex, used twitter to taunt her and wasn’t below stalking and hacking to get what he wanted.

In Block, Part 3 Vaughn and Grace are off to a great start that quickly takes a turn for the worse with lies, deceit and dark forces. Follow them to Vegas for a high-stakes game of #HowMuchAreYouWillingToRisk? and #ThisIsGoingToBreakMyHeartButIAmInTooDeep!

"That’s e-fucking-nough."

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Vaughn Asher aka Master digging himself in a whole really worked for me. Seven words to describe Vaughn: Commanding, jaded, blasé, entitled, reflective, protective, unyielding and unpredictable.

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Again, Grace Kinsella aka @FilthyBlueBird holds her own next to the larger-than-life Vaughn. Seven words to describe Grace: Unassuming, secretive, broken, strong, reflective, vulnerable and resourceful.

Block is nothing short of a whirlwind. Story leaves us with uncertainty and darkness. #ICannotWaitFor part 4, Status for the continuation of their story.

#GeniusPlot! #ItKeepsGettingBetter! #VaughnIsEvenHotterWhenHeScrewsUp! #MoreKinkySexSetMyKindleOnFire! #ThisStillReeksOf6Stars!

"This is my life and I know people will never believe this, but it sucks. I am always guilty and never proven innocent."

Hero rating: 5+ stars
Heroine rating: 5 stars
Sexual tension rating: 5 stars
Sex scenes rating: 5 stars
Sex scenes frequency: 4.5 stars
Plot rating: 5 stars
Dialogue rating: 5 stars
Storytelling rating: 5 stars
Story ending rating: N/A
Book editing rating (5 = no edits spotted): 5 stars
Overall rating: 5 stars

Would I recommend this series: Yes.
Would I re-read this series: Yes.
Would I read future books by this author: Yes.

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Profile Image for Christy.
4,238 reviews35.1k followers
July 9, 2020
4 #ForTheLoveOfFilth Stars!!!

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Block is the third installment in J.A. Huss’s Social Media series, and it’s been the best of the series so far.

The last we saw of Grace and Vaughn, they were in a good place. But the smooth sailing doesn’t last forever. Vaughn is trying to protect Grace from his crazy life the only way he knows how. It would be nice if he would clue Grace in to his little plan, but Vaughn does what he thinks is best.

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Grace has spent so long being crazy about Vaughn, now that he’s actually in her life, she doesn’t know how to feel about it. Grace has some backbone. I think it’s great, the way she shows her strength and stands up to Vaughn- but there were times I wanted to scream at her. Even though she wants to say no to Vaughn… he’s pretty damn irresistible.

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Vaughn Asher is #delicious and #pantymelting. He also continues to surprise me by bringing out even more of his sweet and tender side. I love that we got to scratch deeper below the surface and see that he’s not just the jerk, the famous asshole. He is both of those things… but that’s not all he is.
I might not be your prince, but I think you’re my princess.

Vaughn brought the sweet and he brought the swoon. He’s struggling with who is his in public, this persona he’s put on for so long, and who he really is.
“I don’t know how to be me, Grace. The real me, I mean. I’m so used to being him, I might’ve lost me along the way.”

He doesn’t know what to do with everything going on in his life right now, but he does know one thing. He wants Grace.

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I loved that we got part of Grace’s big secret. The thing we’ve been waiting for… it comes to light. I still have so many more questions, and I know that JA will reveal everything in a big way. And I can’t wait! I need more Vaughn. Once again, we’ve got an original and kick ass story. I’m addicted to these installments, my only issue is that I always want more when I’m finished. Thankfully there is only a two week wait between them. That’s what makes it bearable.

Block still had plenty of steam, but it also had a much more emotional story line than the first two. It wasn’t a heavy read, but it wasn’t quite as light as the first two. I’m excited to see where the rest of this series goes. I just know it’s going to continue to be epic!

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Profile Image for Beverly.
1,005 reviews791 followers
September 25, 2014
I just finished and all I can think is

Vaughn and Grace are finally on the same page and have openly communicated how their relationship will go. Naturally Grace is concerned with getting hurt, and Vaughn wants to protect Grace from the media. These installments are short and I don't want spoil anything, so I will just go through how I feel about Block.

This series continues to pull me in, deeper and deeper! It felt like I read this last installment in 10 minutes. It was quick paced and I couldn't wait to see what was coming. Naturally secrets are begin revealed and this nosey bitch can't wait to turn the page to find out what's coming.

Vaughn is still hot as fuck and sexy as sin. Side note: Vaughn I accept with any all faults or stipulations! I love Grace, Huss did a fantastic job writing a REAL female. Her thoughts and actions made me laugh my ass off, because they are things me and my friends did when we were dating.

I highly recommend this series, it is so fun and sexy, but I still contains a real story!

I will close with this...

I don't know what I will be doing tomorrow, but I know what I will be doing on October 8th!
Profile Image for Shurrn.
560 reviews896 followers
October 31, 2014
It's all fun & games 'till the paparazzi shows up...

(Spoilers only if you haven't read the first two books)
"Why do you make me feel this way?”
“Because you like me, Grace. You like me and I like you. We’re in like.”

“We can’t be in like,” she whispers back. “Like should not be filled with so much discord and fighting.”

“Like is passion. And what we have, Grace, is not discord. It’s passion. There’s a difference.”
First off - Holy mother fucking cliffhanger, Batman!!!

The third book in the Social Media series was un-put-down-able.

The shit really hit the fan with this installment of the series - Secrets are exposed, public scenes are made, stakes are raised, and the fragile balance between Grace & Vaughn is completely shattered.

Grace Kinsella
I’m hopeless. Hopelessly in love with a movie star who made me sign a contract to see him again.
At the end of the last book Grace signed on the dotted line - she was seduced and sexed to within an inch of her life...

But she woke up alone.

She hasn't heard a peep out of her Prince-not-so-charming since he left her in bed.

She tries to forget about Vaughn Asher and focus on her job, but the similarities between her situation and that of her new client are starting to stack up.

She gets a pretty clear picture of what the future could hold.
Is the sex worth all the heart ache?

Vaughn Asher
He’s everything a girl loves and hates in a man, all wrapped up into one complete package.
Vaughn is finally starting to grow on me. In the previous books his character entertained me, but I kind of hated the guy.

He didn't want to leave Grace alone the night she signed his contract, but he had to get out of Colorado before the media found out about his new woman.

That's exactly what she is now: HIS.

He should have been able to breathe a sigh of relief at finally getting her to agree to his terms, but disaster is lurking on the horizon... Vaughn can feel it.

He has been digging into Grace's past, and what he finds floors him. Even more unsettling, if he could uncover her secrets so quickly, how easy will it be when the media discover her and do some digging of their own?

Vaughn is forces himself to stay away from Grace while he attempts to do some preemptive damage control. But absence doesn't make the heart grow fonder... It breeds misunderstandings and contempt.

He'll have to risk everything...
Will Grace still want him when its over?

Check out my other reviews in this series:
1 - Follow - You can read my review here.
2 - Like - You can read my review here.
3 - Block - You're reading it
4 - Status - You can read my review here.
5 - Profile - You can read my review here.
6 - Home - You can read my review here.

Follow (Social Media, #1) by J.A. Huss Like (Social Media, #2) by J.A. Huss Block (Social Media, #3) by J.A. Huss Status (Social Media, #4) by J.A. Huss Profile (Social Media, #5) by J.A. Huss Home (Social Media #6) by J.A. Huss
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,082 reviews886 followers
March 1, 2015

We were left with a high. Grace and Vaughn seemed to finally be on the same page, for once. But with a title like BLOCK, you didn’t really expect that feeling to last did you? Vaughn is back in LA but his mind is still in Denver. There is something about Grace that makes him want to push the limits, do things that could risk his personal life getting caught up in his public life. He doesn’t want that for Grace. He doesn’t want her pushed into the spotlight, under the microscope. Protecting her means pushing her away. Something is up, it’s in the air and the blow black is going hit her full force unless he can make sure she’s out of the line of fire.

Grace didn’t expect to ever hold her fantasy in her hands. The dream that she always wanted, when it was simply just a dream. Now that she has a chance to claim it, that bravado has faded. Reality and fantasy are two different things. But only Grace has the power to merge the two. Being part of Vaughn’s life is proving to be difficult and heart breaking. Risking her heart is a choice she isn’t certain she can make. Overcoming her fears and giving Vaughn a real chance at showing her something beyond the NDAs, the spankings and humiliation is just within her reach, but then.... well life happens. Life when the man you’re falling for is a star and nothing done behind closed doors is considered private...


When I open up a book by JA Huss there has always been one thing that I know is going to be lurking somewhere in the story. It’s the twisty. It’s the, “what the fuck?” “Where did that come from?” moments. The type of twists in a plot that you can’t see coming or figure out, even though you’ve run through hundreds of possibilities. It’s here. It’s in Block. And it was pure fucking magic when it appeared. Grace is not my favorite of the heroines, but there was a hint at something very damaged in her that has me wondering she is going to rock this and come out on top in the end.

And Vaughn, oh is he an asshole. But he’s vulnerable. He’s the star, he’s all kinds of public but then there is this man that has never known a moment of privacy. A man that has lived his entire life in front of a camera, getting whatever he wanted. Never being told no. Pushing the boundaries of just how far his power and fame can take him. Putting his private life on the razor’s edge of being made public because he knows nothing else. But beyond all that, he is afraid of taking a risk on something outside of what he’s known his whole life. Feelings are getting tangled up in an arrangement where they never used to fit before. Suddenly wanting something more. Willing to try, willing to take a risk and ultimately willing to fight.


Block gives us a deep look into Vaughn, a glimpse of a man that lurks underneath the shade of assshole that colors his world. And ladies... I swooned. I motherfuckingswooned and I may have had a private ceremony in which I married the book, don’t judge me. Love is love folks. You can’t help what the heart wants.


And that ending. Shit where the fuck did that come from? There are so many ways to read into the end of this installment and it is going to drive me absolutely crazy until I get STATUS. The Social Media Series has hit that moment where the story has escalated from the buildup of the characters, setting the stage... we are full throttle now with BLOCK.


Readers seem to have a love/hate relationship with Serial Novellas. Personally I hate that I love them, because they are addicting little bundles of crack and I can never refrain from not one-clicking them immediately and having to wait out the next release. For some, this series will be read after it is complete and you can devour them all at once. For others, you might want to pass on it all together because you are just that anti-serial. I can’t urge you enough to not do that. Social Media is an original concept with fresh characters. We all complain that we just read another instant-love romance where the entire story was predictable and the same recycled story as the one that came before it. Not with this. You get something entirely new. Whether this is your first JA Huss Book or you’re an old pro and have already been around the block with The Team and The Company Men... Social Media is a must read for any romance reader.

Profile Image for Deanna❤Pink Lady❤️.
820 reviews848 followers
September 29, 2014
5 #LOVED Stars

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The story of Grace and Vaughn continues. I can't tell you how much I loved this installment. I felt for both Grace and Vaughn. The situation of being a movie star is not easy. There is always someone wanting to knock you down and Vaughn has found himself in that predicament. He thinks he's doing the right thing for Grace by going MIA. But Grace is left to ponder his silence without any explanations. Her Prince Charming is not Vaughn Asher. But when Vaughn figures out that he has messed up, he goes out to get his girl back. I loved that it all happens in Vegas. Booze and gambling all make for a wonderful story!! I loved that we got to know more about Grace's secret. There is still more to the story but it's all quite fascinating as it unfolds.
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I loved that Vaughn is trying to be normal but it's not easy when you are a movie star. He does know that Grace ignites a feeling within that no one has ever done before. He wants a relationship with Grace and is ready. But Grace knows a relationship with Vaughn can't happen. It's best to live in a fantasy world that in her reality world. She can't trust for fear that she will be left alone again. Can Vaughn change her mind? Grace has alcohol, anger, fear, disappointment, and sadness on her side. Can Vaughn win her back and make her believe that she can trust him?

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For those of you that have read Block, this is what I think Vaughn did

JA Huss.....
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I ♥ your writing and I ♥ this series!!
Profile Image for Eda**.
720 reviews438 followers
October 9, 2014

** 5++ #IWillBeYoursIfYouWillBeMine STARS **

"Women are not chips, Asher. Love is not a game. You think money buys everything but you're wrong. Your money can't buy love and that girl deserves love."

I love the way Vaughn and Grace evolve along with the story. And I love how the story keeps getting deeper and more emotional, even more!

GOSH, I'm completely and irrevocably "in like" with this whole series!

Grace and Vaughn are "a thing" now. They are in a good place, finally.

But when it's these two crazy-heads, the water blurs quite fast and easily...

Vaughn wants to protect Grace from the craziness of his life. He knows that at the pace that their "thing" is going, the media will probably find out about them pretty soon. He knows they will write hurtful and cruel things about them. About Grace. And Vaughn realizes that he actually wants this "thing" to last. At least last long...er.

"Why can't I ever get what I want? Just once I'd like to get what I really, truly want."

So he does what he thinks is the best, keeping Grace at arms length from himself, ending up looking like he is an unfaithful a-hole that has already forgotten about her.

Big mistake, V. Big mistake bro.

Grace is of course clueless about the reasons behind Vaughn's actions. Her only source about what is going on is the media and it's full of lies about V. But Grace doesn't know that. Grace is hurt. Grace is disappointed. Grace is heart-broken.

What did I figure? That I'd be the girl to change him? That I'd be the girl he falls in love with? That I'd be the girl who could claim his heart, even though countless others have tried and failed?

I'm an idiot.

"Vaughn Asher: The famous movie star" and "Vaughn Asher: The man" are too different. Grace is struggling with the fact that this man that she has fantasized about for so long is nothing like she has imagined. She doesn't like the real man behind the mask as much as the masked one.

So she does the easiest thing to do: She gives Vaughn up.

My Prince Charming is out there somewhere, his name just isn't Vaughn Asher.

Now Vaughn has to fight to win Grace back. To do that, he has to step out of the shell he always keeps himself in and show her who he really is. He has to get to terms with his feelings for her.

And he has to do these fast...because he is about to lose her forever.

"I might not be your prince, but I think you're my princess."

Book #3 ends with a BANG and I seriously don't know how the hell I'm supposed to wait for 2 weeks for the next one! I feel sick just thinking about the awesomeness that is waiting for us!

Thank you J.A. Huss for being an incredibly creative author and introducing us to the world of #TheDickThatIsVaughnAsher!

"We don't need the fairytale when this is our reality."

Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,229 followers
November 23, 2014
5 “Real Life is better than fairytales” Stars.


In this roller-coaster of book we finally start to unveil more of Grace’s mysterious past and we get to know more of Vaughn’s private life and we see that he isn't the asshole his reputation tell us.
Things between them start to get serious and it’s time for them to admit they might be in the middle of something real.
But when both of their pasts and a media circus force into their private lives, things are about to get rough… and dirty.


Rating: 5 Stars.
Character Development: Grace is being stubborn and the only reason I’m not finding her annoying is because we can perfectly understanding where she comes from. I’m ecstatic to say that Vaughn is no longer the playboy asshole we met in the previous books… we knew that the real Vaughn had be hidden and we were right. He “evolved” into an amazing and sexy guy who is impossible not to love.
Steam: HOT.
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,102 reviews1,360 followers
September 25, 2014
ARC provided by author in exchange of honest review


AHHHHH....the suspense is killing in me.. What a cliffhanger ending in the third installment of the Social Media Series.

So J.A. Huss does it again.. literally, when I reached the last page I practically yelled at my kindle....WHY...I NEED MORE!!! haha

In Block. readers get to see the more soft, caring side of Vaughn Asher. Vaughn cares deeply for Grace and wants to protect her from the media. He knows bits of her past that she tries to keep hidden. So when parts of Grace's secrets begins to unravel, the media is having a field day. So what is the truth behind Grace's past? How far will Vaughn go to protect Grace's image?


Block was definitely my favorite installment. It had steam, romance and lots of suspense. I love that JA Huss always keeps her readers on their toes.

Profile Image for K..
262 reviews101 followers
November 9, 2014

HOLY TITS! That did not just happen!!??


What a nasty cliffhanger.

One thing is certain. That in this book we witness that Vaughn and Grace. FINALLY had a realistic conversation. precisely like the metaphor ->

Just Lock Them in a Room and Make Them Talk!

And there is a little Soft,Caring side that we see from Vaughn. Which is great!.

Profile Image for Kelli C .
1,052 reviews357 followers
August 4, 2015
OMG! Vaughn Asher...I'm loving this whole clusterf*** of emotions...holy "sweetness"
This is dirty perfection with Rollercoaster emotions! ♡♡♡♡♡
Profile Image for * Meli Mel *.
856 reviews675 followers
March 3, 2016

♥ ♥ ♥ 4.25 STARS ♥ ♥ ♥

This just keeps getting better for me. This one was really good. I am seriously lusting over Vaughn *sigh*. He may not be perfect but I freaking love him regardless. Grace, you need to snatch him up fast and stop being so scared. I get why she is hesitant but I hope she will change in the next book because Vaughn doesn't stop making me swoon.
Profile Image for Kim Bailey.
Author 6 books609 followers
May 3, 2015
Angst, angst and more angst! Throw in a pile of money, mystery, rumors and sex ... You've got a book I just #couldntputdown.

Some of it still felt a bit bipolar. But that aspect is actually growing on me. And I'm finally starting to understand Grace a bit better.

I'm still in love with Vaughn Asher. He is my #PrinceCharming.

I do wish this serial would get back to it's social media roots. It seems to have strayed a bit from that. But otherwise it's great so far. #Iwantmore.
Profile Image for Chelcie Dacon.
307 reviews10 followers
September 24, 2014



Nobody puts Vaughn Asher in the corner. NO ONE. Not even you she who needs a cock shoved up her ass.

This series is going to ruin me. It is going to make me fall so deeply in love with it and then


it will leave me lying on the floor like a used up filthy dirty whore. A fucking coke whore. That is what my future holds for me. I will never be able to move on and my family will need to lock me up in a psych ward because this amount of #NUTS is certifiable.

all because of Vaughn fucking Asher and JA Huss. I am addicted to this series. I am addicted to Vaughn Asher and his "thumbs". Lesbehonest, I'm addicted to his cock too.

But this installment wasn't about Vaughn Asher and his cock, or his amazing skills in the vagina department. This was about Vaughn Asher finding out what exactly he wants. This is Vaughn Asher at his most emotional self.

It is also about Vaughn Asher claiming my heart and soul, making me melt and swoon for him. He put it everything out there and didn't hold back and


I was screaming YES YES YES, GOD YES. This is perfection, this is exactly how it should be. VAUGHN ASHER you own every part of me. and then


I FUCKING WENT APE SHIT ON she who needs a dick shoved up her ass. I do not love she "who needs a dick shoved up her ass". I want to bitch slap her and shake her around the fucking room.

UGH, She "who needs a dick shoved up her ass", has some explaining and groveling to do. HOW DARE SHE.

I will no longer give her more of my amazing words. She better redeem herself in the next book, thats all i gotta say about it.

JA Huss not only gives us more Vaughn Asher, but she finally gives us what she is best at and that's suspense. We are left with so many questions and I'm dying for more. My heart wouldn't stop beating and I felt like I might have a panic attack.

JA HUSS can only give us one thing and that is greatness.
Profile Image for Kristi.
208 reviews23 followers
September 21, 2014
What can I say? OK, truth, I disliked Vaughn in Follow. I thought he was the biggest #douche out there. I was turned off by his pompous attitude and degrading actions towards Grace…but there was something that was attractive and alluring too. So when Like came out, I was pleased to see the softer, more romantic side of Vaughn. He showed me what POTENTIAL he has as a leading book boyfriend and mate to Grace. It was sweet and I couldn’t wait for more…

Block. Block picks up right where Like stops and there’s one freaking word to describe this installment… ADDICTING. I could NOT put this book down. I loved every word and every part. With a title called, Block, I was scared for this couple. I was scared to read it… but it rocked so hard that I ALMOST threw my iPad when I reached the last sentence.

In Block Vaughn is proactive in protecting Grace from the vultures of Hollywood-the reporters and the fans who want to destroy him and ruin his life. Grace just wants Vaughn. When Vaughn’s actions are misconstrued by Grace, Grace spirals out of control, but is Vaughn there to help pick her up? And what are all these secrets about? Everyone has a secret and the shit’s about to get real!

There’s so much in Block that I loved. I loved Grace’s reaction to everything. She is realistic to a fault and I see myself in her when I’m reading. (OK, well let’s be honest, I picture myself as her hot-mess of a client, turned BFF Kristi…) But Grace could be any of us ladies who swoon over the hottest actor. What would you do and how would you react if said hot actor wanted to have sex with you? I’d react just like Grace! Then there’s Kristi. KRISTI, what a hot mess, but there’s more to her story and her secrets than she’s letting on. I can’t wait to see how Grace's new friendship with Kristi turns out! I loved the poker/baccarat scene between Mr Li and Vaughn. (Pits were sweating and it was good to see a characer from Huss's other series.) And I love how Vaughn will do anything, and I mean anything, to get Grace to talk to him.

The ending of Block left me wanting more. I’ve already TRIED to pry out details from JA Huss, but I’m left waiting. Waiting to see what Grace is forgetting from her previous night with Vaughn. Waiting to see what really happened in her childhood…and who/why is Kristi on the sudden run from, and why did she take Grace with her? Will Vaughn and Grace EVER be on the same page at the same time??? Good thing I only have to wait a couple of weeks to find out!

This is one of the BEST books I've read this year. Each installment is better than the one before. Block will be reread numerous of times and will be on my top list of books from this year!
Profile Image for ★★Sara Lizzy★★.
199 reviews69 followers
October 5, 2014
5 Stars!!

Vaughn is doing all he can to protect Grace from the media, but only he can do so much. He has always been attracted to her, but is starting to realize that he cannot live without her.

Grace is furious with Vaughn over certain things that have come to light. She is hurt and angry and as much as she cares for him, she isn't sure if she can be with the type of man that he is.

Vaughn finally manages to get Grace to sit down with him and he tells her exactly what has been happening and how he feels about her. Grace also opens up and confesses her thoughts and feelings.

Secrets are revealed and both Vaughn and Grace learn more about each other, but there are still many questions that need answered....by each of them.

And since this review for a novella in the Social Media series wouldn't be complete without a few hashtags put in it somewhere.... I would #HighlyRecommend this series. It is fun and sexy. The books just keep getting better and better! I can't say enough about this brilliant and original series! I've never read anything like it and it's AMAZING! #JAHussIsALiteraryGenius! Seriously, she is! I have read almost every book written by her and the books she writes never fail to impress me- I have yet to find one I haven't #TotallyLoved!

If you are waiting to read these novellas because you hate reading a series that is not completed, just keep in mind it's #OnlyTwoWeeks between each book, so #OneClick the available books in this series now if you haven't done so and read them- you won't be sorry you did when you meet #SexyAsHellVaughn!
Profile Image for Misty Crook mcelroy.
63 reviews15 followers
September 22, 2014
Gosh... Ok, I need to get it together to write this review! I can't even find the words to explain how I felt about Block. It has been my fave in the series thus far! I'm just in awe of JA and how she writes her characters and her stories, she has my full attention from start to finish ALWAYS. No other author has been able to do that to me but her. I love her hard!!

So, in this installment Vaughn is back in LA and Grace remains in Denver. Vaughn is completely and utterly into Grace. He is balancing his personal life back home in the spotlight and getting ready for his premier of Invisible Man 2. His life is absolutely insane and he is trying so hard to keep Grace out of it. Keeping Grace out of the limelight means keeping the distance between them. Grace is feeling like Vaughn is a big Dbag at this point and she is hurt and angry about it. Meanwhile back in LA something is getting ready to go down.

In JA fashion as with all her reads there is always an element of surprise, and she does not disappoint in this installment at all! Things are getting cray!

Grace is trying to keep busy with Kristi getting her wedding together but all she keeps hearing about is Vaughn and what's going on in LA.

I will say that I pretty much disliked Vaughn in Follow, but in Like he defiinitely redeemed himself. In this book I pretty much fell hard for Vaughn! Like HARD! He is so freaking swoon worthy in this book it's not even funny!

Block is amazing and things are really coming together in this book for this series. There are still a lot of unanswered questions and things can seriously just about go anywhere from here. I'm dying and I can't wait for Status! Remember when I said things are getting cray, well OMG just wait you are in for such a ride! I want more and I need it now!

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review

Profile Image for Bella.
598 reviews119 followers
September 19, 2014

GAAAAHHHHH.  JA is killing me.  KILLING ME. 

At the end of Like, I was in a happy place.  I wanted to get to know the characters a bit deeper, but Like was a very...likable... installment in this series.

Block, takes it to the next level.  I wanted deeper, and JA gave us deeper.  But yikes - my heart almost couldn't take it.  Vaughn thinks he is doing what's best to keep Grace safe by keeping his distance.  

Great idea.


Could you clue Grace into your plan, Vaughn???

Add the lack of communication from Vaughn with a large quantity of alcohol and what do you get? #ahotmess. Hot. Mess.

In Block, we see that Vaughn can be vulnerable. A gorgeous, wealthy, assholish dom who is also vulnerable? SWOON.

This is definitely the most emotional installment of the series so far. We learn more about Grace's past - but I need more!!!

I need more Vaughn. I need more Grace. I need more of Vaughn calling Grace "sweets."

I need Status!!!

Profile Image for Jen.
765 reviews117 followers
December 27, 2014
OH MY GOD. Vaughn has ruined me. My heart is a mess. I LOVED him in Block. I know I say that all the time, but I REALLY, REALLY LOVE HIM!!! He is the whole package.

I honestly put myself in Grace's place throughout the whole book and pretended I was her. And wow, what he did to me!

"I love Vaughn Asher. I don't want to. I really don't. I want to convince myself he's a selfish asshole who will use me up and throw me out."

IMPOSSIBLE… there is no helping falling in love with the god that is Vaughn Asher. He is the man of my dreams. I want to send him dirty texts day and night. This whole series is freakin genius. #DirtyHashtagsAreHot #WantVaughnInMyBed

If loving Vaughn Asher is wrong, I don't want to be right. I didn't think it was possible, but JA was able to top Follow and Like and I am DYING for STATUS!!

I've said it before and I'll say it again, JA is the BOMB. Do not miss this series!!!
Profile Image for Raj.
274 reviews80 followers
November 9, 2014
5 #fan-fucking-tastic stars

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W.O.W I loved this one outta all of them. This one just blew my mind. We got to see a glimpse of the emotional super star.

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We final have an idea of graces past. I love watching these two grow as characters. I can see the change in them comparing book one. By far this one is one of my favorites in the series.

“I might not be your prince, but I think you’re my princess. I swear, I never knew I was looking for one”
Profile Image for Elle aka Leftie aka Shoebelle.
673 reviews125 followers
July 25, 2015

Well, well, I think the story has finally hit its stride! It got my attention from the very first sentence all the way to that eyebrow-raising last one.

I see how the H is growing and I thought all the self-doubting was quite endearing, what with him making sense of his feelings, trying to make it work with her and all. I'm really liking him!! #swoon The h... umm... hmm... yah, she frustrated me at times, but I know there's more to know, so we'll see...

And the way it ended, how can I not want to find out what's next!
Profile Image for Patty .
817 reviews411 followers
August 4, 2015
** 4.5 Stars **

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Well, I didn't think it was possible but it's been done! I'm officially loving this series!
Profile Image for Veromika.
255 reviews25 followers
December 4, 2015
5 Stars...!!

Vaughn Asher is an obnoxious filthy overbearing asshole who I unfortunately happen to love. The barstard is back and I can't wait for.more of his brand of filth...!!!
Profile Image for ~Stéphanie~.
623 reviews360 followers
December 18, 2014
4 #DoWeFinallySeeTheRealVaughn star

Review to come after all books are release ;)
Profile Image for Krista.
1,075 reviews84 followers
September 23, 2014
For the love of doughnuts - JA Huss, what are you DOING TO ME?! Block toyed with my fragile emotions in ways I didn't expect. I spent equal amounts of time smiling and sneering, and more than my fair share of time crying - like, actual tears-running-down-my-face-and-my-husband-giving-me-strange-looks CRYING - while reading the third installment in the brilliant Ms. Huss' Social Media novella series.

"I have so much inside me, Vaughn. So many bad things inside me that I'm trying to move past. And I think you're right. I'm too afraid of failure to allow anything good to happen to me."

We were lulled into a false sense of security at the end of Like when Vaughn and Grace seemed to be in a good place. But, with the dawn comes reality after the good sex high has worn off, and now Grace is again having reservations. A few texts from Vaughn, though, and she's back to okay. But, then - radio silence. For two whole weeks. And those weeks change both Vaughn and Grace. Vaughn has time to realize what and who he really wants. Grace has time to realize that she's worth more than a casual dirty screw once a month. And, this time, Grace may have bolstered herself up enough to refuse even her fantasy prince charming.

Those two weeks that Grace and Vaughn spent apart - man, those were absolutely pivotial for this series. The change I saw in Vaughn during that time was unbelievable.What was even better is that, I got the impression that the shift even took HIM by surprise. All of a sudden, the thought that Grace may not want to talk to him again after false media reports surface about him is too much for him to bear. The lengths that this unshakable rock of a man goes to just to TALK to her astounded me. It was the absolute height of romanticism and just plain swooniness.

But, the absolute best part for me was when both Grace and Vaughn dropped all pretenses and got real with each other. I've been waiting for this moment since the first time they met. Vaughn shrugged off his arrogance (well - most of it, anyway) and stopped fronting for the purposes of maintaining his insatiable desire for control. It seems that Vaughn is well aware that he lost control of this situation with Grace a long time ago, and with that realization comes true freedom - the freedom to *gasp* talk about your feelings! Share your dreams! Beg for forgiveness that you know you don't deserve.

"I might not be your prince, but I think you're my princess. I swear, I never knew I was looking for one. I just always knew that the women I was with before didn't mean anything to me. But, Grace, when I was up in that private suite and you were sent away, I realized something. I realized that I like you. A lot. And I don't know what that means or where that leads, but I like you and I want to keep seeing you... I can make you feel all those things you crave, Grace. I know I can."

Grace absolutely killed me. She is so torn up about Vaughn and whether she should be with him or not. The two weeks apart really gutted her. We all could tell in Like that she was already in love with the guy. She feels stupid and betrayed and humiliated. And, when Vaughn tries to convince her otherwise, like every good female, she tries to guard her heart from further pulverization. But, she's also so very sad. She wants desperately to be loved by somebody, but ESPECIALLY by Vaughn Asher. He's her white knight who was supposed to take her away from her tragic life. And, instead, he (allegedly) dumps her without a word and (allegedly) hooks up with someone far prettier than her. She was destroyed and utterly disappointed, and that was so tough to read.

"I deserve that fairy tale ending, Vaughn. I do. You might not think so. You might think I'm just some silly girl who has no right to expect so much from a man. But, I don't care. Maybe that man doesn't exist and maybe I'll spend the rest of my life alone, waiting for my prince. I don't care. I refuse to play this game with you."

In Grace's internal musings, she's made references to a seemingly tragic past. We didn't know any details until Block. Now, we know some, and it's even worse than we all imagined. And, I have a feeling we haven't even scratched the surface. I think Grace's past, and how Vaughn responds to it, will play a big part in the books moving forward.

Unlike the two previous installments, Block did not feature any of Vaughn's sexual proclivities. In fact, he seems intent to show Grace that he is multi-faceted. He shouldn't be judged by what she's seen to date. Backpedal much? Honestly, it was refreshing, this vanilla version of Vaughn. He proves that good sex isn't about using the best toys or whether you have an audience. It's about the feelings behind the act.

"You want to know what everyday sex with me is like? This would be it. Me. You. In bed naked. I don't need the dirty words or the public performances. I don't need to make you submit or humiliate you. I just need you, Grace. That's it."

Block was certainly a roller coaster ride. Things start out good, then they get bad, then things seem to get good again, and at the end... well, it's hard to tell how things stand. I think bad? Again? And, it seems that Vaughn has done something while Grace was drunk that we aren't aware of, and that Vaughn seems to think Grace won't appreciate. I have my suspicions as to what that thing is, but time will tell. In any case, at this halfway point in the Social Media series, it's safe to say I am completely and utterly caught up in the story of these two lost souls.
Profile Image for Tiffany.
217 reviews18 followers
November 28, 2014
“What the Hell do you want from me, Vaughn?”

Yeah Grace, I hear ya. I’m wondering that myself.

So, first of all, I love Grace. She’s tough. She’s real. Her heart is on the line whether she wants it to be or not. Fuck! J.A. creates amazing characters.

Vaughn. *Sighs and rolls eyes* I’m so hot and cold with Vaughn. I go from wanting to scream at my kindle for his being such a dick, to swooning over his softer side, to reeling from another dickish move, to swooning all over again. I’ve been a hot mess reading this series because of him.

I also need to say…Block left me stunned. Whew.

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The cliffhanger for this one is way worse than Follow or Like. Its not bad, per say, but does leave you, well … hanging. Precariously. Over a 100 foot cliff. With man-eating sharks below. Okay, you get the idea. Nonetheless, I loved it! I have no idea where J.A. is taking this series and, frankly, that rocks. It’s rare to actually not know and not be able to guess plot points way in advance. J.A. is fucking awesome like that. Seriously. Block really brings out the big guns – holy hell what a ride – and not knowing is killing me.

As in, I . Need . Book . Four . Now .


And you will too.

Haven’t started this amazeballs series yet? Do it up. Grab Follow and Like, dive in, and then preorder the rest for only 99 pennies each! Yup. You read that right.

I received a copy in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Ali .
663 reviews154 followers
December 19, 2014
Throughout book one and two, I was not a big fan of Vaughn Asher. He's #ADick. He uses women for his pleasure and pushes them into uncomfortable situations, like #StickingHisCockInYourMouth in a public hallway with no concern as to the people walking by. #FuckThatShit. Even your #SexyAssDrilling doesn't make up for your arrogant attitude.

What does though...is that ever elusive sweet side that you are beginning to let shine through. #AboutFuckingTime.

So even though I didn't like him in Follow, I started to thaw to him in Like, I am ready to give him a shot after Block. Why? He finally proved he's more than #JustAHeartlessFuckTard.

He's making strides to have Grace in his life as more than a #GirlOnHerKnees.

Grace however, showed her #ToddlerTantrum side. The fight that I admired from her in previous books is now more volatile, more like a #BrokenHeartedWoman. I hated seeing her like that. I want my vulnerable, yet feisty girl back. The girl that even though is falling apart, still keeps her #HeadHeldHigh.

But! It's the #RunningTheGamut of emotions that is keeping me so in love with this series. Even when the characters are #IrritatingMyEveryLastFuckingNerve, I still care about them. I am still rooting for them. I'm still anxious to read their next #HotFuck.

#PinsAndNeedles is what my ass is sitting on until the next installment!

Profile Image for Di Covey/TwistedBookReviews.
1,083 reviews216 followers
October 24, 2014
5 Stars!

"Vaughn Asher was the man of my dreams. Attentive, distant, rough, gentle, sexy, mundane, soft , hard, silent and talkative. He’s everything a girl loves and hates in a man, all wrapped up into one complete package."

HERE WE GO!!! I should've known this wasn't going to be a normal run of the mill romance. BY no mean does JA Huss do average or normal!!!! Sh#t just got real. Secrets are unfolding, lives are changing and I do not want off this rollercoaster. Vaughan has seeped into my skin and all I want is a happy ending for him and Grace! This is what I love right here, unpredictable greatness with a splash of mystery and intrigue. On to the next one.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 382 reviews

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