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Reliquary #2


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Mattie Carver has relinquished the world of magic, with all its dark temptations. In six weeks, she’ll marry Ben Ward and claim the safe, small-town life she craves. But Mattie’s talents as a reliquary—someone able to smuggle magic within her body—make her a valuable commodity, even to those she trusts the most. Forced out of retirement by a painful betrayal, she must seek the help of the man she’s tried desperately to stay away from: Ben’s estranged brother, Asa.

Asa, a sensor and magic dealer, may have saved Ben months ago, but he’s complicated Mattie’s life beyond imagining. Trailed by lethal mobsters through Chicago’s seamy magical underbelly and an eerie traveling carnival, Mattie struggles to endure the priceless magic she’s holding and her feelings for Asa. Once, she thought she’d chosen her path. Now the only option may be to succumb to the destiny that’s choosing her, and hope she’s strong enough to survive.

306 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 2, 2016

About the author

Sarah Fine

49 books2,010 followers
When I'm not writing, I'm psychologizing (really, I even get a paycheck for it). Sometimes I do both at the same time. The results are unpredictable.

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Profile Image for Alyssa.
1,069 reviews853 followers
July 21, 2016
***Review posted on The Eater of Books! blog***

Splinter by Sarah Fine
Book Two of the Reliquary series
Publisher: 47North
Publication Date: August 2, 2016
Rating: 4 stars
Source: eARC from NetGalley

***Warning: this is an adult book, and for the eyes of mature readers***

Summary (from Goodreads):

Mattie Carver has relinquished the world of magic, with all its dark temptations. In six weeks, she’ll marry Ben Ward and claim the safe, small-town life she craves. But Mattie’s talents as a reliquary—someone able to smuggle magic within her body—make her a valuable commodity, even to those she trusts the most. Forced out of retirement by a painful betrayal, she must seek the help of the man she’s tried desperately to stay away from: Ben’s estranged brother, Asa.

Asa, a sensor and magic dealer, may have saved Ben months ago, but he’s complicated Mattie’s life beyond imagining. Trailed by lethal mobsters through Chicago’s seamy magical underbelly and an eerie traveling carnival, Mattie struggles to endure the priceless magic she’s holding and her feelings for Asa. Once, she thought she’d chosen her path. Now the only option may be to succumb to the destiny that’s choosing her, and hope she’s strong enough to survive.

What I Liked:

I didn't like Reliquary as much as I'd hoped, which is pretty surprising, if you know me and/or have followed my blog for some time. I've read twelve of Fine's thirteen published books (the only one not read being Burn - which I have!). I'm a huge fan of Sarah Fine and her books, so I was so disappointed when I read Reliquary - more so because I didn't like the book (not just that the book wasn't good).

That being said, I am pleased to let you all know that I liked Splinter A LOT more than I liked Reliquary. The issues I had in book one were present but no longer issues to me. I liked Mattie more, I hated Ben more (which is good!), and I liked the direction and progression of the romance more. I am NOT giving Splinter a more positive rating because I felt bad about giving Reliquary a not-so-great rating. Absolutely not - I refuse to feel bad for not liking that book as much as I usually like Fine's books. Splinter was better than Reliquary, and much nicer to read.

Splinter begins months after the end of Reliquary. Mattie and Asa parted ways, in which Asa disappeared, and Mattie went back to Ben. But it's been months since Mattie's been healthy. She's been sick, physically and emotionally, and no one can figure out what is wrong with her. Is it magic? Is it her heart, trying to tell her something? Her relationship with Ben just isn't the same, despite continuing to plan a wedding that will happen in six weeks. But when Ben makes a dangerous decision that forces Mattie back into the magic world - back to Asa - Mattie will have to open her eyes and decide for herself what she wants to do with her future.

I have to look at Mattie in a different light, after reading this book. She seemed a little... weak? In book one. I didn't like that she hid when things got too difficult, and that she refused to make big decisions. She's not a control freak but she does like to have control, and yet, she proved herself incapable of making certain decisions, in book one. I like that, in this book, Mattie fully realizes and recognizes this flaw of hers. She begins to really understand just how much she hides, takes cover, pretends, avoids, and ignores. In this regard, Sarah Fine wrote Mattie's character development beautifully. Yes, Mattie likes to pretend that everything is okay. Yes, it's annoying and painful to read. But yes, it's something human and very real. I dislike Mattie's indecision (on SO many things), but I understand her better.

That being said, this book dealt less with a Mattie/Asa connection dynamic, and more with a Mattie-discovering-herself type of angle. Don't get me wrong, Mattie/Asa is a huge part of this book, their relationship ever shifting and developing, pushing and pulling. But I like that the author writes this story in a way that Mattie really sees herself and her current state of affairs. By the end of the book, I was finally on board with Mattie and her life choices.

Asa, oh Asa. If I wanted to give him a hug after Reliquary, I really wanted to hug him after this book. My heart broke for him in so many scenes. Ben is with Mattie in this book, as they run from various mobsters in the magic world, and so Asa has to see Ben with Mattie. I mentioned that Mattie and Ben's relationship is not in good shape - but Ben is constantly trying to get Mattie to forgive him, and Mattie is indecisive and too trusting, as always. So I felt so bad for Asa, even if Mattie and Ben weren't being physical or lovey-dovey with each other. Asa is so selfless and never makes demands of Mattie. He's moody at times, but he always wants to what he can to make her happy, even if it's walking away or shutting her out. That is so selfless, as Asa is throughout the whole book.

I might as well talk about the romance... I'm more happy with it, in this book. Fine kind of turns Ben into a crazy person, though a sane crazy person. Ben thinks he is doing the right thing for him/Mattie, but he ends up doing one terrible thing after the other. Good intentions, bad results. Mattie is so in denial for a good 75% of this book, not wanting to believe that Ben has hurt her. Ben created so much pain in her life... he needed to go.

Asa, on the other hand, is stubborn, angry at times, grumpy, and charming, and selfless. You can tell at the beginning of this book that he doesn't want to want Mattie like he does, but he never stopped. He lets Mattie be, despite hating that she is with Ben. I like that Asa doesn't force Mattie to make a decision about anything, despite how much it frustrates him (I'm talking about the magic world, relics, and yes, their relationship).

Mattie and Asa are the better couple, especially after how toxic Ben was, in this book. The steamy scenes are pretty much at a minimum in this book, but I suppose that's good, because Mattie and Ben are still planning a wedding in this book. A somewhat spoilery note - the pair really lose their way. They're planning a wedding but haven't had sex since Reliquary (i.e. for months). I honestly could not wait to see Ben get shot or fall off a cliff (neither of those two things happen).

In terms of the story, I could not read fast enough! Seriously, I finished this book really quickly. There was a lot of action and high stakes, with Asa being a constantly wanted guy, and Mattie on the move with dangerous things. Mattie was sick for most of the book and you'd think that would slow down the story, but it didn't!

Overall, I'm very, very pleased with this book. It was much better than Reliquary for me, and I'm glad I decided to keep going with the series.

What I Did Not Like:

I think this is a huge part of the series, part of the story, part of Mattie's journey, but I still hate it: I hate that certain things are done to certain characters that they have no control over. This story's world deals with four types of magic, and having or wielding that magic gives you control over a person in a certain way (like pain, or lust). In Reliquary, Ben used a lust stone to get himself off, and get Mattie aroused (how. is. this. OKAY WITH HER. See? She's pretending. She's avoiding. It's not okay!). The loss of control happens in this book, though it's not too bad... still it, made me uncomfortable.

Would I Recommend It:

If you were like me, and didn't really enjoy Reliquary, I still recommend giving Splinter a chance. Sarah Fine has never let me down and I had a feeling that I would enjoy the rest of the series more than Reliquary by itself. And my gut feeling was right! This is a heavily adult series, despite the lack of steamy times. There is other VERY visualized content. And beware, there is a weird somewhat-love-triangle in this series (which was most of the reason why I hated Reliquary), but it's pretty much gone in this book. Within the first two or three chapters, that was obvious.


4.5 stars -> rounded down to 4 stars. MUCH better. I felt bad for not liking Reliquary, and so I had high expectations before reading Splinter. Even with those high expectations, I really enjoyed this book! This is definitely not a pity rating (I don't do those). I'm hoping for more Mattie/Asa and more steamy times in Mosaic. We shall see!

Much, MUCH better. I gave Reliquary 2.5 - 3 stars, but I'd gladly give Splinter 4.5 stars. This book worked significantly better for me.

And this is why I don't give up on series too quickly! Well, especially concerning series of authors whose books I've loved in the past. Sarah Fine is one of my favorite authors and I hated not loving Reliquary!
Profile Image for Beth.
3,135 reviews288 followers
October 17, 2016
Honestly, I had serious issues with Mattie's decision making. I could not fathom her vacillations between the two men when one obviously killed her grandfather, magically raped her and kept lying to her time and time again.
Profile Image for Kristen.
436 reviews617 followers
August 7, 2016
I'm so addicted to these books! I need the third one noooooow.
Profile Image for aprilreads_andwanders.
130 reviews40 followers
July 26, 2016
4-4.5 Stars

You can also check out my Reliquary series Pinterest board here: https://www.pinterest.com/BookWithMap...


Mattie Carver has relinquished the world of magic, with all its dark temptations. In six weeks, she’ll marry Ben Ward and claim the safe, small-town life she craves. But Mattie’s talents as a reliquary—someone able to smuggle magic within her body—make her a valuable commodity, even to those she trusts the most. Forced out of retirement by a painful betrayal, she must seek the help of the man she’s tried desperately to stay away from: Ben’s estranged brother, Asa.

Asa, a sensor and magic dealer, may have saved Ben months ago, but he’s complicated Mattie’s life beyond imagining. Trailed by lethal mobsters through Chicago’s seamy magical underbelly and an eerie traveling carnival, Mattie struggles to endure the priceless magic she’s holding and her feelings for Asa. Once, she thought she’d chosen her path. Now the only option may be to succumb to the destiny that’s choosing her, and hope she’s strong enough to survive.

I enjoyed reading Reliquary, and this reader is a happy reader in that I enjoyed Splinter even more!

“The last few hours had pulled me apart and rearranged me, and now I was trying to slide the pieces into place again, but they weren’t fitting the way the way they used to.” – Mattie, Reliquary

^^This pretty much sums up where we find Mattie at the beginning of Splinter. Mattie is the stubborn toddler who continues to jam the same puzzle piece where it just doesn’t fit…over and over again. It’s so frustrating to watch because you can see that if they would just turn the piece a different way or pick up the piece right next to them, it would fit…but you know they have to figure it out for themselves.

In Reliquary, the world and magic system really drove my enjoyment. I LOVED the different types of magic and the black market underworld feel of magic with its dealings, commerce, the magic crime lords and territories. In Splinter, the characterization was the driving factor for me. Everything I loved about Reliquary was still there, but in Splinter I really appreciated the character growth. Mattie’s journey was excruciating, frustrating, and intense. A couple months after Reliquary, we find Mattie in pretty bad shape. Literally, her body is in pain and falling apart and figuratively, Mattie is completely lost.

“But then there’s the knowing that comes for you at night, after layers of consciousness have been peeled off by the exhaustion of the day. The kind of knowing that won’t let you rest until you finally surrender and let it, in all its ferocity and hideous glory, step into the light.” (psst…the pieces don’t fit Mattie…)

Mattie has a single-minded focus to reclaim her life and live out her hopes and dreams, a life she envisions with Ben leaving the magic world (and Asa) far far behind. The problem is, whether she likes it or not, the magical world is not ready to let her go. Deep down she may not be ready to let a broody and infuriating; but at the same time inexplicably lovable certain someone go (it’s the dog you guys, I mean any guy that treats his dog better than most humans…instant swoon.) It really matters not as an immense betrayal has Mattie right back in the thick of things…and you know what? It’s a good thing because Mattie shines “in the thick of things.” There were moments when I wanted to grab Mattie by her fictional shoulders and shake some sense into her…to yell at her to just let go and CHOOSE YOURSELF; but it's really easy to be objective when you’re on the outside looking in. So I think Mattie’s journey, her conflict and inner turmoil was realistic and ultimately necessary.

All of the action, magic, intensity and the banter, conflict, and tension interspersed with some swoony sweetness that was present in Reliquary is present here; and I enjoyed all of it. Bring on Mosiac!!

I received a free digital copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not shape or change my opinion of the book. Thank you 47North and Netgalley for the review copy!
Profile Image for nick (the infinite limits of love).
2,120 reviews1,532 followers
August 17, 2016

Having enjoyed Sarah Fine's Reliquary, I was excited about reading Splinter. One thing I always love about Sarah's series is that she always takes her sequel to a whole new level and Splinter proved exactly that. This trilogy is shaping up to be one heck of an entertaining series, and after finishing Splinter, I was more than ready to have the last book, Mosaic in my hands.

At the start of Splinter, Mattie is in a really dark place. She's suffering in more ways than just emotionally and being inside her head wasn't easy as she went through this tough time. Even in her moments of vulnerability though, Mattie possessed an inner strength to her that made her endearing and admirable. She grows tremendously throughout Splinter even with all the things looming over her. I liked Mattie a lot in the previous book, but here, she was even more loveable as she grew fully into her real strong, determined and brave self. I really connected with her character as she slowly came to the realization throughout the book that maybe her hopes, dreams and aspirations wouldn't make her happy in the long run. Asa, as always, was a shining star. This guy is still all broody, intense and sexy. He tries so hard to keep him emotions at bay but he is slowly learning to open up to the people that matter. His bond with his pit bull, Gracie, just makes me melt. I especially love how he makes Mattie stronger by showing her repeatedly that she isn't weak.

Ben, Mattie's fiance, is a big part of Splinter. It was interesting to see him play a bigger role in this installment, especially because we get to see him and Asa side by side. This guy just confuses me. There were times when I genuinely liked him and I could see what Mattie saw in him. But more often than not, he made my blood boil with how senseless and irresponsible he could be. He thinks he's doing Mattie a favor, but he constantly put her in the face of danger and I didn't find that to be very appealing. Some of you will be happy to know that at the end of Splinter, Mattie finally makes a choice, so the triangle is well and truly gone. While romance isn't the focus of this series, we do see Mattie and Asa progress emotionally as a couple and there's one scene in particular that hit me right in the heart. I have no doubt that these two make a great team and are good for each other, but I also realize that Mattie has a lot of healing to do on her own.

Sarah Fine always knows how to write a tight, action-packed story with lots of world building development. I loved how entertaining Reliquary was, and here I found the story line to be even more enjoyable. I was almost breathless after all that action and all those twists. Mattie's abilities as a reliquary as well as her grandfather's history were at the limelight here and I loved that we got to learn so much more about this magical system that I find absolutely fresh and fascinating. The bad guys are as multi-dimensional as the main characters are, which make them villains that you hate to love. There's an engaging quality to Sarah Fine's writing that makes it incredibly hard to put down her books. All you want to do is get lost in her words forever.

With every book that she releases, Sarah Fine shows just how comfortable she is with the written word. If you're in the mood for a unique, sexy and well-crafted UF/PNR series, then the Reliquary series is for you!
Profile Image for Anne.
302 reviews45 followers
September 5, 2016
Splinter is the 2nd book in The Reliquary Series.
This story picks up 9 months after the end of the 1st book, Reliquary.

Mattie has turned her back on the magical world, she wants nothing to do with it.
She is 6 weeks away from her wedding, the life she's always dreamed of with the man of her dreams. So why isn't she happy? And why does she keep having debilitating chest pains? Mattie is determined to see the wedding through -- this is the life she's always wanted!

She's marrying Ben, but she can't stop thinking about his estranged brother, Asa.

When a romantic getaway turns deadly, Mattie is once again thrust into the magical world of theft, smuggling and murder, a pawn to rival mobs. But this time, she's not sure she will survive it.

I always love Sarah Fine's stories, and this one is no exception.
I thought that the method in which she brought Mattie back into the magical world was a little contrived, but the overall story more than made up for this. I really love Mattie & Asa, and their dynamic. And even though this story ended with a satisfying conclusion to the series, I think she's laid a great foundation for more stories to come, and I am really looking forward to them!

Profile Image for Carol.
802 reviews59 followers
January 10, 2020
I am hooked on this series can't get enough don't want it to end loved book one and two.
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,685 reviews213 followers
April 6, 2018
This series is getting so freaking good! I honestly have an idea on why it's taking me so long to get through these audios and its: work, traffic, sleep, and wine. Not in that specific order but they are all influencing me to do other stuff.

Mattie is preparing for her wedding to Ben in Splinter. I'm still not a fan of Ben, but hey.. I'm not marrying the guy. I'm still mad at her for choosing Ben over Asa so I didn't really feel bad for her when she was having those anxiety attacks. She chose the wrong guy in my eyes.. so I felt nothing for her.

Another reason why I don't like Ben is this ENTIRE damn book. He somehow tricks Mattie into doing another job but everything goes to shit. She eventually sucks it up and asks Asa for help. OBVIOUSLY she chose the wrong guy.. right? Or is it still just me thinking this?!?!

Well, everyone is going after them at this point once Asa joins forces with her. Of course it was entertaining as hell and I'm still constantly shipping those two. I just really want Ben out of the picture - I hate that guys so much!

Now as much as I hate Ben in this book, Mattie annoyed me just as equally. She kept forgiving that piece of shit. I was so mad at her for doing that. I would've left his ass for Asa by the first time he fucked up. LE SIGH! People frustrate me. Relationships like this frustrate me.

Overall, it would've been better if she was with Asa forever and ever. Forget Ben and move on already!
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,277 reviews57 followers
March 11, 2018
I am loving this series!

In this installment, Mattie is preparing for her wedding to Ben. She is plagued by anxiety attacks which turn out to be a remnant of the magic she carried in book one. Clearly making the attacks worse is her stress over her decision to be with Ben instead of Asa, and trying to pay off the huge debts that Ben owes. When Ben tricks Mattie into doing another reliquary job - which goes terribly wrong - Mattie has to find Asa to help her. Of course, everyone is after them for the power she now holds - all the mob bosses, even some Russian guys, and the equivalent of the cops of the magical world. There is lots of action and emotional turmoil as Mattie has both Ward brothers around.

I still find myself mildly annoyed with Mattie's character - mainly because she keeps forgiving Ben for some really bad stuff. Despite my annoyance with her, I am invested in the characters and I can't wait to find out what happens in the next book.

Profile Image for Heidi.
1,395 reviews163 followers
October 13, 2016
Four stars: This second book notches up the action, complicates the romance, and it sets this series up for an excellent finale.

Mattie bends over gasping for breath. It has been fifteen months since Ben was kidnapped, and now she is set to be married in six weeks. As she gains her composure, she glances in the mirror seeing skin and bones, her wedding dress hanging on her gaunt frame. Hopefully, she can restore her health and her sanity before her upcoming nuptials. Since her return, Mattie has tried to forget the magical world and restore her relationship with Ben. Unfortunately, she can't quite erase Asa from her mind. Just when things seem like they will be okay, Ben delivers devastating news. Then Maggie is betrayed and forced into carrying some deadly magic. There is only one person Maggie trusts to save her, but will he help?
What I Liked:
*I am happy to report that Splinter restored my confidence in Ms. Fine. I don't know what it was about Reliquary, but there was just something about that book that I didn't love. This book gets the series on track with another thrilling adventure with lots of danger, twists and turns and a complicated romance. I very much enjoyed this book.
*Mattie is a work in progress. I like her, but I continue to struggle with her indecisiveness and her loyalty. However, she shows lots of courage, she grows up even more in this one. I liked that she did what it took to save herself and those she loved. By the end, I was most pleased with the new path she chose. I have high hopes for her for the final book.
*Asa continues to peel back his layers and show his most vulnerable side. He is complex, yet lovable, and I love how he is always thinking on his feet. I am always eager to see what he is hiding in his pockets, and no this isn't a sexual innuendo. Not to mention, how can you not love a man who is so devoted to his battered dog, Gracie?
*The romance is so wicked and frustrating, yet I can't get enough. First, it is sort of a love triangle but not really because deep down in her heart, Mattie knows who she wants, and so does the reader. I never had a doubt whom she would choose. This is a long, slow burn romance that will drive you nuts as you wait for that delicious moment. It is hard fought and beautiful when it roots. Just be patient and watch the magic.
*I am enthralled by this world and the concepts that Ms. Fine has created with this series. I love the originality of it all. You are immersed into a world with magic and people who possess it and can influence others either through pain, pleasure, manipulation or sensing. I loved the creativity and seeing more of the magic.
*I liked the carnival setting. Believe me this is like no other carnival you have ever encountered. I wish I could say more, but I won't, you have to read it for yourself. I will tell you that this carnival uses magic, and things aren't what they seem, and once you learn the truth, it is comical.
*Like with the first book, this book is full of non stop action and deadly characters. Some of the villains are downright scary. Once the action starts, it doesn't hardly let up. You won't be bored with this one. Prepare for lots of twists and betrayals. You have to be on your toes throughout!
*The ending is nice and satisfying, and in all reality, the series could end with this book because most of the story lines are tied off, but luckily for us, it isn't going to stop just yet. There is still one small niggling little story line that has to be concluded involving the mysterious Teresa. I can't wait for what is next.
And The Not So Much:
*Alright now we have to address the big irritation with this book: Ben. Mattie's fiancé is present throughout most of the book, and the more I got to know him, the less I liked him. In fact, I can't stand him, I wanted to kick him in the nether regions, and I was so frustrated with Mattie. I couldn't believe that she still put up with him after what he did again and again. She totally should have kicked his butt to the curb, but she is too nice. I will say, he does sort of redeem himself a tiny bit, but I still don't like him. It drove me nuts that Mattie didn't hate him.
*It has only been a couple of months since I read the first book, and I still felt lost. This book has hardly any recap, and there is so much to keep track of. There are all the different types of magic, and those who wield it, and a huge cast of characters. Especially when things get fast and dangerous, it was hard to remember who was who. All these villains show up from the first book, and I couldn't keep them straight. This is definitely not a series you can read out of order. I wish there was a bit more refresher on the characters and the magic.
*There were parts in the book were there was just too much going on. I hated that I felt lost when all these bad guys keep popping up, and I didn't know who was who or what side they were on. It got confusing.

Splinter gets this series on track. I loved the excitement and danger as well as all the magic. There is never a dull moment in this one. I also enjoy the eclectic characters. The romance is one that drives me crazy, but I can't get enough. This is a series that requires patience, but I love that is smart and sophisticated and unlike anything I have read before. If you want unique, check this out.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own, and I was not compensated for this review.

Posted@Rainy Day Ramblings.

Profile Image for h o l l i s .
2,612 reviews2,228 followers
March 18, 2017
SPLINTER feels very aptly named. Everyone's had one, right? Little piece of wood or piece of metal stuck under the skin. The frustrating pain of it, the agony as you dig it out of your flesh..

That's what most of this book reminded me of. Don't get me wrong, I love Fine's writing, I love the world she's created with this Reliquary series. But everything that irritated me about book one was blown up onto an even bigger scale for this follow up. And I can sum it up in one word : Ben.

Also, as an aside, fucking Mattie. Girlfriend, you took way too long to get your feelings on this straight. And it should not have been that hard. Ben = bad. There, simple, done. Not even Asa calling her out on her shit multiple times throughout the story over her constant forgiveness and rationalization over Ben's actions (again, even after everything that happened in book one, compounded by everything that happened in book two) made this easier to bear. I think I was also a little cranky as there was a lot less Mattie/Asa fun-times this time around. Which was understandable. But still. Cranky.

SPLINTER, besides causing me heartache, was also a pretty non-stop action and terror thrill ride. There were lots (and I mean lots) of betrayals and double crossings and wondering who is genuine and who is screwing over whom. My head was spinning.. and mostly in a good way. And the last 25 - 30%, though it certainly didn't make up for douchebag Ben, did however make me really happy. It felt a lot like book one.

Incoming rant, feel free to skip : I just wish there'd been more anger on Mattie's part over everything. I almost feel disappointed in her. I mean, fine, a decision had been made, as a reader we were being hustled into moving on and moving forward, and also moving to book three, but jfc the amount of awful he caused her, and everyone, is just astounding. Which accounts for so much of my frustration, I think. I dislike when "good" guys who do bad things, even with "good" intentions, are never fully held accountable for their actions by the characters they wrong (usually women they claim to love). I saw this happen in another recent read and it's clearly my new pet peeve because it drives me to distraction. I'm not vindictive person (I don't think?) but this is fiction. I'm okay with some punishment or karma or.. something. I mean, fine, we saw Ben have his moment of self-realization and even some self-flagellation over his treatment of Asa, their history, , and both he and everyone else knows he's weak and weak in character, but.. I need more.

Will I get to see any of that in MOSAIC? Don't know. Part of me thinks no. And part of me may have moved on by the time I settle in to the final book anyway. Mattie's journey in this one was tough to read and experience but by the end she had really grown and I'm hoping that trend continues (ie, don't regress to your old "avoid it all!" ways, woman!) in book three.
Profile Image for Pili.
1,191 reviews230 followers
July 31, 2016
I read Reliquary and really enjoyed it, although our main character Mattie sometimes got on my nerves and I wanted to shake her more than once, but I decided to cut her some slack, because given how her life is thrown upside down... Gods know how I'll handle something of that magnitude!

I'm really happy to report that I loved how Mattie did grow as a character, not only on her powers and her knowledge of the world she is now part of, but also in what she really wants or who she really is. She starts the book in a bad place, both physically and emotionally, even if she had got what she had fought so hard to get back.

I had chosen a ship quite clearly during book 1, even if I wasn't entirely happy about the relationship seemed to be forming at the time, but once again, decided to give it space and see what might come of it, and I'm quite glad to see that although the progress seems to be very slow all through the book, it is what I'd call the right kind of progress!

Splinter is the second book in the trilogy, but it does NOT suffer from middle book syndrome or sequel slump at all! The stakes got really higher, more slightly unexpected betrayal (I was not expecting it entirely, I knew he was not exactly reliable but goodness!) and more enemies coming together to make life difficult (thankfully also more allies) and it also left me wondering about the original relics and how much more we'll learn about them in the bigger picture on Mosaic!

A very much deserved 4 to 4.5 stars to this one! A half star probably because of Asa and Gracie and how much I love when canines are okay! Thank you for that Sarah!!
Profile Image for Book Catharsis.
376 reviews26 followers
January 18, 2019
Entrancing & terrifying

“Dammit Maddie”. I feel it in my gut every time Asa says that. I swear I felt like my own body was deteriorating slowly while reading this. I felt weak, sickly and wracked with pain. I don’t think there have been many fictional guys I have hated more than Ben. Mattie is strong, but she somehow still let’s Ben get away with murder. Literally. I wanted to run him over with Asa’s van more than once in this one.

I was completely entranced by the dreamy carnival life of the naturals. The imagery felt like a glammor all its own. I really hope that’s not the last we see of that group! Although, I have no doubt the next book will be equally as action packed as the first two. The last chapter felt like leaving a winter in Wisconsin for a beach in Bali. I felt like the clouds cleared and I could feel the sun warm on my skin as Asa smiled and cracked jokes. I can’t wait to see what the future brings for Mattie, Asa and Gracie.
Profile Image for Mari.
1,416 reviews10 followers
February 6, 2017
3.5 ***

I got so annoyed with Mattie for continuously making excuses for Ben. It was almost a DNF because of it. I would have enjoyed the book much more if Mattie's character was stronger and more decisive.
Profile Image for rose Gomez.
65 reviews
September 27, 2024
I hate love triangles , especially one between brothers. Mattie annoyed me, and the thought that she still couldn’t decide if she should be with Ben made me so angry! Ben used her , killed her grandpa and ran over Gracie!!! Then she can’t decide if she should still marry him!!! Ugh!! She made me so angry!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Helen Weale.
89 reviews2 followers
September 28, 2016
o, we start nine months after we left Reliquary and dive straight back into it. I didn't think I could loathe someone as much as I did Ben. What a thoughtless man and greedy man? Only wanting to look after him. I know Mattie thought he was doing it for her, but really?

I also didn't think I could love Asa anymore but I did. He is such a good character, so well written. You can feel his frustration and at times I just wanted him to let go and tell Mattie what he thought about her. The same goes for Mattie. Stop thinking what you could have with Ben, he's a fool! Asa is right there!

The pace of the story was great, moving along at a good rate, so good in fact that I read both Reliquary and this one in the space of 24 hours. Sleep is overrated anyway!

I cannot wait for November to read the conclusion of Asa and Mattie's story. I'm now going to download everything else by Sarah Fine to keep me going until then.
Profile Image for Jaymie.
100 reviews8 followers
February 28, 2017
Better than the first book. More likeable characters, but Ben is
still as annoying as ever. My major issue, and I'm just going to say :::SPOILERS::: is that Mattie seems less upset that Ben basically killed her grandfather and shoved magic in her in a really awful way. He's a terrible person. He even runs over Asa's dog. He's also a moron. I'm struggling with this story because it's just simply so silly. Upside being you find out more info about this world, and there's some decent action in it. Even Asa gets on my nerves. I'm not sure why the characters are blatantly off, but I'm going to read the next book to finish this off. I mean I get that Sarah is trying to incorporate the submissive bdsm thing, okay but still, how boring.. since that's just the popular thing now. ((sigh)) This series just lacks the passionate writing I'm used to from this author.
Profile Image for Judi Easley.
1,485 reviews48 followers
January 19, 2017
My Review of the series at this point:
These two books are a smooth continuation. There is no break in the story other than a short time blip. Anything I can say for the first book can be said for the second and vis versa.

I absolutely loved Mattie. She was such a caring person and so ready and willing to do almost anything to help anyone in need. She had such a strong compass for right. If she'd committed a crime, she would have turned herself into the police. Ben had been ripped from her life in a horrific way, and she was going to find him and take care of him. His brother, Asa, was the person she needed to help her find him. Even with what she had been told about Asa, and the way he acted, she tried to reach out to him when she thought he needed help or comfort. She trusted people until they proved that they weren't trustworthy. Even then, she tried to see their side of things. In the first book, this got her in all sorts of trouble, in the second book, she was tougher. She had learned a bit more of this magical world. But she still held on to her hopes until the bitter end.

And this magical world is villainous. Everything seems to have a price. It can be bought and sold or bartered. Even people, and especially Mattie. She's quite a prize, and everyone appears to want her. They're not too gentle about taking her, either. Not that what she can do is easy on a girl. She's a reliquary. That means she can carry magical items within her. She has to suck the magic into her body from a conduit, another person. Then, when they want the magic back, she has to spew it out via a conduit. Yes, another person again. It's been known to kill the reliquary or the conduit in the past. It all depends on how strong the magic is. Mattie's pretty strong, but all this is taking its toll even on her. She just wants to get home to Ben and talk out their problems. Doesn't she?

I did get a little impatient with Mattie in Splinter. You can be a little too good. Forgive someone for too much or just not see their faults as faults or errors. No amount of talking and explaining makes what they've done okay. She's a bit blind when it comes to those she loves, and I wanted to sit her down for a good talk a couple of times.

A great series to while away these hot summer days. And then in November, the third book of the series is due out, Mosaic. Sure to be another great read.

Mosaic due out in November 2016
Profile Image for Lillian.
980 reviews65 followers
October 11, 2016
I received an eARC of this book via Netgalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of this review.

As much as I enjoyed book one of Reliquary by Sarah Fine, I LOVED Splinter! In six weeks, Mattie will get the happily ever after she’s dreamed of. She and Ben will be married and everything that’s happened can go away. But she’s sick. She knows deep down the something is wrong. She’s losing weight, her chest feels like it will split open and that doesn’t even begin to touch the emotional trauma at having made her choice over Asa. Did she chose wrong?

Mattie is distraught to say the least this book. She’s struggling to survive, day to day. These anxiety attacks that aren’t really anxiety keep coming and there’s no way around it. The clinic, Ben’s clinic, is bankrupt and now he’s forcing her back to the world of magic to make some quick money. Except she doesn’t want to and when he betrays her in a way she could never anticipate, there’s only one person she can turn to.

Asa…Asa comes to the rescue but he’s angry. He believes that Mattie has been fooling with magic all along and now it will kill her. He plans to help her and then leave but there’s always more to the story. He’s loyal and protective of her and so easy to fall in love with. I fell for him in the first book but his gentle care of Mattie, even his tolerance of Ben puts him on a pedestal in my eyes!

The plot revolves around Ben’s gross betrayal of Mattie and a splinter of magic still trapped inside her. I love the continued world-building in this book. Asa takes them to a carnival of fellow magic users and I’m amazed at the gypsy life they live. I loved it! The intense action, the fantastical elements, and even the romance that continues to add tension to the story drew me in. If you’re a fan of the series or looking for a good paranormal romance/urban fantasy, I highly recommend you grab a copy and start today!
80 reviews4 followers
August 30, 2016
Mattie and Asa are at it again as Splinter begins. This is book 2 of the Reliquary series and it does not disappoint. Mattie is struggling with Asa not being in her life, knowing there is a whole other world of magic out there and she's muddling through her feelings about Ben as she prepares to marry him. All the while, she's dealing with agonizing pain in her chest and falling apart physically from a splinter of the Strikon magic that wasn't completely transferred in the last book.

What I liked -This book was a ride. It took a little more to get the story going, as there was set up that needed to happen (Mattie preparing for a wedding, dealing with real life again, being in pain). I liked that you got to hear more of what her Grandfather's life was like a world traveling reliquary which lends itself to many parts of the story. I liked that Mattie had to come into her own. She had to be strong and think on her feet. She's becoming more savvy about the world of magic and being manipulated. I liked that Asa and Mattie grow in their relationship, and backstory is revealed.

What I didn't like- Ben. OMG lose that guy. I kept saying out loud, "lose him!" He is awful wrapped up in a package of "I'm so sorry. I'll make it right" which seems to be his mantra as he screws Mattie selfishly over time and time again. I hated that even after all the crappy things he did to her or somehow made happen to her, she still even wears his ring.

If you liked book 1, you will like this one. If you didn't like book one, you might even like this one more!
Profile Image for Lisa.
169 reviews7 followers
August 27, 2016
Main character seems like two different people: One who's simultaneously brave and a sad, abused doormat.




Things Ben Has Done To Mattie But She Still Loves Him So Much If Only They Could Talk It Out Hearts Hearts Hearts, in order of awful to the worst
Lied about what happened between him and his brother to make Ben seem like the good guy in that f-d up situation
Didn't realize she was legitimately dying from what she was forced to do in the first book (for his dumb ass)
Generally made the worst choices even when he "meant well"
Lied to her for 3 years about being basically addicted to a version of heroin
Used magic on her to make her more pliable and/or into sex
Mind-raped her FOR MONEY

I read the first book and kinda bought into this Midwestern naivety, but after the first few chapters where Ben kills Mattie's grandfather and she's like "Oh ok lol we'll talk about it later lol" ... I lost my mind. I did finish the book, but viewed it more as a take on an abusive relationship with a few magic capers and heists thrown in.

Ridiculous. I am giving this two stars only because Asa's character is intriguing (confusing, but intriguing) and the world-building is also interesting. I only read this because it was free, and will only read the next one if it's free and wraps up the series.
Profile Image for Pam C.
998 reviews16 followers
August 14, 2016
Waffled between 2 and 3 stars. Entertaining, but to be honest, this series is not my favorite. I'll always read Sarah Fine and the magical world she's created is interesting, but I hope I like the next book more.
Profile Image for Melindeeloo.
3,210 reviews158 followers
July 31, 2016
This was a very tough read, even tougher than the first since the leading lady Mattie is betrayed, manipulated and is in constant peril. It isn't Mattie's fault, even though she did 'drink the coolaid' in the last book and is still trying to reach for the happily ever after with her perfect on the surface fiance Ben who is still putting her in the cross hairs trying to do what's 'best' for them - but who is too stupid or selfish to see what it will cost Mattie.

So this was a roller coaster ride and I ended up feeling a bit mixed, although I did feel that there was a light at the end of the tunnel. The best part of this series is still the world, which still dangerous and interesting and there was a great addition to the world in a Carnival that is truly magical - for those who can't see through illusions.

ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review
1,494 reviews52 followers
August 2, 2016
Well I think I can adequately explain how much this book meant to be. I stayed up to midnight for the date to tick over and then proceeded to change my amazon store so I could get it that teensy tiny bit earlier.

And it delivered.

Reliquary was amazing. Splinter was ten times better.

The world building remains unique and complex and fascinating. The characters even more so. God I hate Ben. I wish there had of been a tiny bit more resolution between him and Mattie and Mattie and her parents, but I'm also sure the next book will address the loose ends. Asa was his usual snarky self. Mattie really grew up, god knows she did it kicking and screaming but she eventually pulled her out of the sand and owned her decisions. Splinter was epic.

I'm dying to read Mosaic. I don't think I can wait until November.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Shelley.
5,421 reviews481 followers
August 4, 2016
*Source* Publisher
*Genre* Fantasy
*Rating* 4.0

*My Thoughts*

Splinter is the second installment in author Sarah Fine's Reliquary series. Mattie Carver is Six weeks away from marrying Ben Ward, but things aren't exactly joyful and happy. She's been experiencing panic attacks, she's wasting away to almost nothing, and on top of all that, she still thinks about the man who wanted Mattie to run away with him; Asa Ward. Asa is in her body and in her soul. He's in her thoughts which means she doesn't see yet another betrayal staring her straight in the face.

I'm all in for the next book! That was some fantastic ride to the very end!

*Full Review @ Gizmos Reviews* Link Follows Shortly*

*Published* August 2nd 2016 by 47North

Profile Image for Melinda.
1,992 reviews19 followers
October 9, 2016
This book was much much much better than book 1. Our heroine seemed to have grown and developed over this book - she realised her faults and weaknesses and how she runs away from things and sticks her head in the sand...very very glad about some of the decisions she made during this book (ie: people that I hated in book 1 were finally put in their place!!) All in all - a solid effort. See what happens in Book 3.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 134 reviews

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