
Bookworm Quotes

Quotes tagged as "bookworm" Showing 1-30 of 234
Jay Kristoff
“You've got the look of a girl who's no stranger to the page. I can tell. You've got words in your soul.”
Jay Kristoff, Nevernight

Leigh Bardugo
“There had been a time when words had been the only place he could find solace. No book ever lost patience with him or told him to sit still. When his tutors had thrown up their hands in frustration, it was the library that had taught Nikolai military history, strategy, chemistry, astronomy. Each spine had been an open door away whispering, Come in, come in. Here is the land you’ve never seen before. Here is a place to hide when you’re frightened, to play when you’re bored, to rest when the world seems unkind.”
Leigh Bardugo, King of Scars

Margaret  Rogerson
“I knew you talked to books. I didn't realize they listened.”
Margaret Rogerson, Sorcery of Thorns

Lemony Snicket
“You don't spend your life hanging around books without learning a thing or two.”
Lemony Snicket, Shouldn't You Be in School?

“Oh this? It's a 'bookworm.'

They live in books, and they love to eat important or valuable words.”
CLAMP, xxxHolic, Vol. 7

Ashley Poston
“Buying books always made me feel better, even if I never read them.
- Florence Day”
Ashley Poston, The Dead Romantics

Nikita Gill
“I am the girl who spends hours huddled in a corner of a library, trying to find what you love the most about Marlowe, just so I can write you a poem worthy of Shakespeare. I've made books my lovers, hours my enemies and you the only story.”
Nikita Gill, Your Body is an Ocean: Love and Other Experiments

Kevin Ansbro
“Books are the flung-open windows to a parallel universe.”
Kevin Ansbro

Adelise M. Cullens
“Reality doesn’t always give us the life that we desire, but we can always find what we desire between the pages of books.”
Adelise M. Cullens, Dead Bunnies Make All Eight Of Me Cry

Christopher  Morley
“There's no mistaking a real book when one meets it. It is like falling in love.”
Christopher Morley

Louisa Klein
“Never underestimate a bookworm”
Louisa Klein, Supernatural Freak

Tara Bray Smith
“Certain bookworms eat books. Eat them, swear in them, spill things on them.”
Tara Bray Smith

Paul Auster
“[T]he only luxury he allows himself is buying books, paperback books, mostly novels, American novels, British novels, foreign novels in translation, but in the end books are not luxuries so much as necessities, and reading is an addiction he has no wish to be cured of.”
Paul Auster, Sunset Park

Gillian Flynn
“But I wasn't a well-read bookworm; I was just a dumb whore in the right library.”
Gillian Flynn, The Grownup

Kevin Ansbro
“Overhyped books are the empty calories of the literary world.”
Kevin Ansbro

Kevin Ansbro
“Within the pages of books, I've journeyed to Mandalay, the Milky Way and Santa Fe, without once having to leave my armchair.”
Kevin Ansbro

Jennifer Loren
“No, but I do read a lot. I love to read. I could read for days and never stop. I use to be such a bookworm. I would barely look up to notice much of anything.”
Jennifer Loren, The Devil's Eyes

Ashley Earley
“The hours tick by as I lie in bed.
Memories keep surfacing, tormenting me into unbelievable sadness. I can't bring myself to move. I can't fight the memories that keep filling my thoughts. I stay curled in the fetal position as each memory plays out. I can't stop them from coming. I can't make them go away. Nothing can distract me. I can't block the memories, so they continue to come.”
Ashley Earley, Alone in Paris

Kevin Ansbro
“Henry was inclined to drift towards books as keenly as a duck paddles for bread crusts.”
Kevin Ansbro, The Fish That Climbed a Tree

Sarah Morgan
“«A book can't take the place of a man!»
«I disagree. A book can give you most things a relationship can. It can make you laugh, it can make you cry, it can transport you to different worlds and teach you things. You can even take it out to dinner. And if bores you, you can move on. Which is pretty much what happens in real life.»”
Sarah Morgan, Sunset in Central Park

Joyce Rachelle
“Whatever that place is, I don't much care -- not unless a book has happened there.”
Joyce Rachelle

Iain Reid
“Jake always liked his books and stories. And writing in his diaries. It was a comfort for him. He could work through things that way.”
“That’s nice. I’ve noticed he still likes to write. He spends a lot of time writing.”
“That’s how he makes sense of the world.”
Iain Reid, I'm Thinking of Ending Things

Cornelia Funke
“There is a sort of busy worm,
That will the fairest book deform.
Their tasteless tooth will tear and taint
The poet, patriot, sage or saint,
Nor sparing wit nor learning.
Now, if you’d know the reason why,
The best of reasons I’ll supply:
’Tis bread to the poor vermin.
J. Doraston, quoted by W. Blades”
Cornelia Funke, Inkheart

Anthon St. Maarten
“Books nurtured, guided and comforted me as a child. Books were my substitute parents and teachers, when the adults in my life failed me.”
Anthon St. Maarten

Julie  Simmons
“If this turns out to be all we have, I'll cherish it for the rest of my life. Maybe we're like the butterfly when it emerges from its cocoon,” she said, returning to the cocoon analogy she had used before. “The butterfly emerges, amazingly beautiful, but only lives for a short time. Maybe that's us, and we're the butterfly, beautiful for a short time but not meant to last,” she said as tears spilled from her eyes once again.
That's How You Know by Julie Simmons (Chapter 14)”
Julie Simmons, That's How You Know

Julie  Simmons
“Oh my love, don't you know by now that, for me, making love to you is so much more than just physical? When I make love to you, I'm making love to everything that is the pure essence of you: your beautiful mind, your kind heart and everything else that I love about you.”
That's How You Know by Julie Simmons (Chapter 20)”
Julie Simmons, That's How You Know

Martin Latham
“I have found time and time again that people's childhood comfort book prefigures, to an almost comical degree which they cannot always see, their adult mission in life.”
Martin Latham, The Bookseller's Tale

Zoulfa Katouh
“I want you to hold on to that. no matter what happens you remember that this world is more than the Agony it contains. we can have happiness , salama. may be it doesn't come in a Cookie Cutter format but will take the fragments and we will rebuild it”
Zoulfa Katouh, As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow

Ardin Patterson
“All she wanted was to sit down and relax with a nice afternoon snack and a good book.”
Ardin Patterson, Feral

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