
Brandon Quotes

Quotes tagged as "brandon" Showing 1-30 of 34
“It was an emergency!" Seth blurted. "Read my lips - emergency reading - not some demented idea of fun. If I was starving, I would eat asparagus. If somebody held a gun to my head, I would watch a soap opera. And to save Fablehaven, I would read a book, okay, are you happy?"
You had best be careful, Seth," Grandma warned. "The love of reading can be contagious."
I just lost my appetite," he declared...”
Brandon Mull

“For Frito-Lay!" - Newel and Doren”
Brandon Mull, Keys to the Demon Prison

“Do not threaten the supreme gigantic overlords. We do as we please.”
Brandon Mull, Grip of the Shadow Plague

“The society killed Kendra."
Don't mention it to Verl. He might dive into a chasm.”
Brandon Mull

“I blush to think of her beholding my work," Verl confessed.
So do we," Newel assured him.”
Brandon Mull

“Jason glanced at the creature. It remained the same distance away as before, still as a statue.
"What do you want?" Jason asked.
No answer.
"Are you the thing that followed Tark? You should keep following him. He's the real mastermind. Shoo. Go hide."
No response.
"Okay, how about you stand guard while I sleep. Keep the giants away. Sound good? All in favor, hold perfectly still. Fine, I guess we have a deal.”
Brandon Mull, Seeds of Rebellion

“You’re free to dream however you wish,” Nollin teased. “But don’t ask the rest of us to share your unrealistic—”
“Then don’t ask us to share your weakness!” Jason interrupted.”
Brandon Mull, Chasing the Prophecy

“Yes, we have different viewpoints represented among us," she continued. "Yes, we have a displacer in our number, and a half giant, and a seedman who publicly disgraced us."
"She's talking about you," Drake muttered to Nollin, loud enough to draw a laugh.
"No, Drake, I'm talking about you," Farfalee corrected.”
Brandon Mull, Seeds of Rebellion

“If we can expect another journey tomorrow, we should secure horses," Ferrin went on. "And if the sun will be shining, perhaps a goat for Aram."
"Keep it up," Aram dared him through clenched teeth.
"Is a goat too large and unruly?" Ferrin asked? "Maybe we should saddle a raccoon."
"Odd how these taunts tend to fade after sundown," Aram growled, taking a large bite of bread.
"But a new day always dawns," Ferrin replied. "And we can all use some entertainment."
Aram glowered. "Then perhaps tonight I should pull you apart and let the others puzzle you back together."
"That's the spirit!" Ferrin applauded. "Taunt back! I get the sense you've seldom had to deal with ridicule."
Aram appeared to be resisting a pleased little smile.”
Brandon Mull, Seeds of Rebellion

“Oh, Kendra, before I forget, Gavin asked me to give you this letter." He held out a gray, speckled envelope.
"Happy birthday to you!" Seth exclaimed, his voice full of implications.
Kendra tried not to blush as she tucked the envelope away.
"Dear Kendra," Seth improvised, "you're the only girl who really gets me, you know, and I think you're very mature for your age--"
"What about some cake?" Grandma interrupted, holding the first piece out to Kendra and glaring at Seth.”
Brandon Mull

How do you kill something that's already dead?
Nobody knows enough about them. Ask Jason. He'll have an opinion.
Wait a moment. Rachel could see Corinne talking to Jason, but they were too far ahead to hear. He says you chop them up into little pieces.
But what if that infects you with the disease?
Jason leaned closer to answer Corinne quietly. She laughed. You let Nollin do it.
Brandon Mull

“He's stubborn," Tux warned in a singsong tone.
"Stay out of this," Mark spat.
"And touchy," Tux added.”
Brandon Mull

Ninya Tippett
“To love you fully is to love you in every way possible, even in the smallest, most inconspicuous ways that will eventually all lead back to you.”
Ninya Tippett, The Mischievous Mrs. Maxfield

“Please," Kendra said. "Think of all the lives that will be destroyed."
"I have," Mark said. "Believe me, darling, I grasp all aspects of this, I really do. But how much has the public I'm protecting worried about me? My sanity, my happiness, my right to find peace?"
"They made no promises," Bracken said. "They are not preventing the end of the world. Those who know about your sacrifice appreciate you immeasurably. Your life may not be fair, but it is absolutely necessary.”
Brandon Mull

“Rolling flat onto his back, Drake shuddered. Then he inhaled deeply. He stared up at the night sky. "We're going to win," he said, his voice calmer, less strained. "This is nothing. Keep going. They can't stop us. Jason, give Rachel the necklace. Tell her . . . tell her I'm sorry. Tell her . . . I wanted . . . to show her . . . my little valley. Tell her I tried."
His voice was growing weak. Farfalee smoothed a hand over his brow. "Shhh," she whispered. "Be still, Drake. You can rest now. You did it. Rest. We'll take it from here."
"Failie," he whispered, his hand twitching toward the back of his neck with little jerks. "Where's my seed?" His head tipped sideways. The breath went out of him.”
Brandon Mull, Chasing the Prophecy

“And you came back to Lyrian?" Galloran said in disbelief.
"Believe it or not, I came through the same hippopotamus that brought me here the first time. Jumped into the tank on purpose. I wanted to keep others from wasting their time pursuing the Word. And I couldn't ditch Rachel."
Galloran smiled. "Truly, you are possessed by that species of madness that begets heroism.”
Brandon Mull, The Candy Shop War

“Ew, sicko. I was practicing Edomic."
"Sure you were," Jason said. "You're just too embarrassed to admit you were playing hide-and-seek all alone. Rachel hiding, nobody seeking.”
Brandon Mull

Brandon Sanderson
“‎"To Parlin's mind, nothing showed affection like a hunk of something dead and bleeding on the table.”
Brandon Sanderson, Warbreaker

“You don't know how to respond," Ferrin said. "I'll make it easy for you. The safest course of action for your young rebellion would be to toss me off the tallest cliff you can find. I have played a perilous game for years--trading secrets, telling lies, finding leverage, earning trust only to betray it. I got away with an eccentric lifestyle among Maldor's elite by hiding much of what I learned and proving myself too valuable to kill. It was a precarious, unforgiving game. When I released you from Felrook, I miscalculated, and I lost Game over. Bridges burned. But the game is part of my nature. I don't think I can stop playing until I stop breathing.”
Brandon Mull, Seeds of Rebellion

Brandon Sanderson
“Has no one done my son a service and assassinated you yet?" "No assassins yet," Wit said, amused. "I guess I've already got too much ass sass of my own."..."Oh really, Wit" she said. "I thought that kind of humour was beneath you." "So are you technically," Wit said, smiling, from atop his high-legged stool.”
Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings

“As soon as you are born, you're given a name, a religion, a nationality and a race. You spend the rest of your life defining and defending a fictional identity.”
Brandon Garic Notch

“You have been spying all along," Conrad said, unconvinced. "The manhunt for you was a ruse."
"Check with the emperor," Ferrin replied coolly.
... "That will not take long," said a man in the corner, studiously picking at a fingernail with a small knife. He raised his head, wavy gray hair framing his pallid face. He wore a long coat of brown leather.
"Torvic!" Ferrin called, the exuberance hollow. "I hadn't seen you over there. Still in touch directly with Felrook? You know, to come clean, I haven't brought Maldor in on my plan yet, so it might be of little use to bother him at this juncture.”
Brandon Mull

Travis Thrasher
“Home should never be dark or full of shadows and secrets. It should be bright and full of open doors. It should be full of stories wanting to be told.”
Travis Thrasher, Marvelous

Molly McAdams
“—El día que conocí a tu madre, sabía que estaría en mi vida para siempre. Había algo sobre ella y supe que me estaba enamorando ese primer día. Te hacía querer ser mejor, tratar de ser digno de su amor. Lamentablemente, tu padre pensaba lo mismo, nadie entendía por qué cambió drásticamente, excepto yo. A pesar de que ella estaba conmigo, dejó de beber, dejó de dormir con otras chicas, es como si lo hubiera hecho madurar al instante y convertido en el tipo que finalmente quería ser para que pudiera tener una oportunidad con ella. Siempre tuve miedo de perderla por él algún día, es como si me diera cuenta de que era una cuestión de cuándo, no de sí. Pero tu madre era diferente, yo había salido con muchas chicas, pero realmente no me importaba si estaban allí o no. Eran sólo alguien para tratar de llenar el dolor de perder a mi padre. Así que cuando me reuní con ella y se dio cuenta de mis sentimientos, luché por mantenerla tanto tiempo como pude. No se lo digas a tu mamá, pero Chase y yo constantemente peleábamos por ella cuando no estaba cerca. Infierno, incluso peleábamos por ella cuando estaba cerca. Sabíamos que cualquiera de nosotros podría tener a cualquier chica que quisiéramos, pero sólo queríamos a Harper. Así que, por supuesto, siendo nosotros, las palabras se utilizaron en puños y volaban cuando nos quedábamos solos. No le dije esto, pero ya sabía lo que había pasado con tu padre antes de que ella me lo dijera. Cuando llegué a casa de la rotura, y Chase no me molestó de nuevo, sabía que algo había pasado. Sólo no sabía qué todavía. Pero ¿sabes qué pequeño hombrecito? No puedo ni siquiera estar loco sobre eso más, porque si no hubiera pasado, no estarías aquí ahora.
Besó suavemente a nuestro hijo de tres meses quien estaba completamente cautivado en sus historias y señaló la última foto en el libro.
—Y él te amaba y a tu mamá, muchísimo. Siempre voy a recordarte eso, pero desearía que hubieras podido reunirte con él.”
Molly McAdams, Taking Chances

“Brandon pulled on her hair, tipping her head back and terminating the kiss. His breath rasped in harmony with hers. He nudged her mouth with his, caught her lips again, then turned his head and rubbed his cheek against hers. “I want you to forget I said this,” he whispered as he increased the pressure on the back of her scalp and urged her forehead to his shoulder. “I don’t even know what I mean by it.”

His mouth dusted over the crown of her head. “But I think I need you, Natalya.”

Her breath caught, the sudden overflow of emotion bringing unbidden moisture to her eyes. He’d reached right in and pulled the words out of her very soul. If anyone needed the other, she needed him. Needed the way he made it impossible to hide.”
Tori St. Claire, Stripped

Travis Thrasher
“Suddenly, I can't move. I can't speak. I am set in stone, but it's a glorious chiseled sort of stone.”
Travis Thrasher, Wonder

Travis Thrasher
“There are a thousand beautiful things behind that look. A marvelous sort of ache that only a few people know about. Some miraculous sort of sorrow she's managed to walk away from.”
Travis Thrasher, Marvelous

Travis Thrasher
“So yeah, maybe this will be the rest of our lives. Pot roast and Diet Cokes and my parents making eyes at each other. As for those slaps and punches and hateful words, we'll just sweep those under the rug or wherever they can go.”
Travis Thrasher, Wonder

Travis Thrasher
“I think of this girl, this bright light coming from such a dark place. I know that the things she believes about God and the Bible and hope and all that are very real to her. They're not nice sayings on Twitter just to fill a box. They're the things she truly believes.

I'm not sure I'm ready to rejoice, and I'm not quite ready to pray.

The cool thing is that Marvel knows this. She knows this and doesn't seem to mind.”
Travis Thrasher, Wonder

Ninya Tippett
“Brandon Maxfield. What a b*stard.”
Ninya Tippett, The Mischievous Mrs. Maxfield

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