
Cook Quotes

Quotes tagged as "cook" Showing 1-30 of 73
Salman Rushdie
“Things, even people have a way of leaking into each other like flavours when you cook.”
Salman Rushdie, Midnight’s Children

Patricia C. Wrede
“Well, it doesn't sound particularly noble and knightly to say you've rescued the Chief Cook and Librarian, does it? And it has cut down on the number of interruptions. I used to get two or three knights a day, and now there's only about one a week. And the ones who do come are at least smart enough to figure out that I'm still a princess even if the dragons call me Chief Cook”
Patricia C. Wrede, Searching for Dragons

Anthony Bourdain
“I lurched away from the table after a few hours feeling like Elvis in Vegas - fat, drugged, and completely out of it.”
Anthony Bourdain

Natsuki Takaya
“OY! Stop playing around and lets cook already!"
J-just now, that made a really loud noise.."
Do you wanna hear it again?"
N-no, you'll just hit me again!"
Kyo and Tohru”
Natsuki Takaya, Fruits Basket, Vol. 10

“Whether your pleasing or pissing everybody off, your doing something wrong.”
David Cook

Tanya Huff
“But I am a knight of the Round Table," he protested, weakly. "I am a protector of the realm, a slayer of evil, I defeat all those who raise their swords in opposition to Arthur, King of all Britain."
"Trust me, kid, women prefer a man who can cook.”
Tanya Huff, Nights of the Round Table and Other Stories of Heroic Fantasy

Michel Houellebecq
“A whore can always turn herself into a good little cook over time.”
Michel Houellebecq, Soumission
tags: cook, whore

Karl Wiggins
“A real dish has grown from all the chefs who have combined their talents over the centuries to develop a meal with unique physical characteristics, for there’s not a chef on earth who can claim sole title to a particular dish. It will have typical Iberian or French features, but with traces of Indian, Celtic, Roman, Jewish and even Moorish culture in its savour, although food can’t possibly pass from one country to another without change”
Karl Wiggins, Wrong Planet - Searching for your Tribe

Kati Marton
“Her description of a perfect day sounds perfectly ordinary: “I will sleep long, have a relaxed breakfast. Then I’ll go out for some fresh air, chat with my husband or with friends. I might go to the theater, to the opera, or listen to a concert. If I’m rested, I might read a good book. And I would cook dinner. I like cooking!” These are the dreams of a person who had not been truly free for the last sixteen years. Though no longer young, Merkel is spry enough to enjoy the simplest of pleasures: country rambles, leisurely meals with (nonpolitical) friends, and music and books instead of charts, polls, and position papers. These pleasures will not replace the satisfaction of outsmarting a foe with her legendary stamina and command of facts. But, never one to ruminate over feelings, she will observe her own reaction to this new life with a scientist’s curiosity. In the short term, she is likely to spend time near her childhood home in the province of Brandenburg, where she first learned to love nature and which she still regards as her Heimat, or spiritual home. She’ll travel, too. Among her stated dreams is to fly over the Andes Mountains—an idealized destination; a metaphor for freedom.”
Kati Marton, The Chancellor: The Remarkable Odyssey of Angela Merkel

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“A good spice often deceives us into thinking that someone is a good cook.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Jarod Kintz
“All the funny faces I could possibly make I've already made, and I did them all while tasting her cooking. She made food fit for a contortionist, and I'm glad I never gave her my recipe for duck soup.”
Jarod Kintz, One Out of Ten Dentists Agree: This Book Helps Fight Gingivitis. Maybe Tomorrow I’ll Ask Nine More Dentists.: A BearPaw Duck And Meme Farm Production

Meg Wolitzer
“Edie was a gorgeous, avant-garde girl back in the day when that could be a full-time occupation, but in marriage she slowly became less wild. To Manny’s great disappointment, though, her domestic skills didn’t rise to the fore as her sexual and artistic ones receded.”
Meg Wolitzer, The Interestings
tags: cook

“Sensuality is the real soul food.”
Lebo Grand

Jacob Grimm
“A cook must know how things taste”
Brothers Grimm

Fran Lebowitz
“And I thought, You know, Fran, you could go away and you could be in a very beautiful place with a cook, but then you’d have to be a good guest. I would much rather stay here and be a bad guest. And, believe me, I am being a bad guest.”
Fran Lebowitz

Amit Kalantri
“No one became a great cook just by reading the recipes.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

“Sensuality is the real food for the soul.”
Lebo Grand

“Sensuality is food for the soul.”
Lebo Grand

Stewart Stafford
“Torture Cuisine by Stewart Stafford

Kitchen death growls,
Whipping that cream,
Beating those eggs,
Burning all the toast.

Knifing diced cheese,
Drawn, quartered ham,
Straining tomato sauce,
Crushed-down walnuts.

Peeling potatoes naked,
Then smashing them up,
You say purée, I say mash,
Turkey and chicken skewers.

© Stewart Stafford, 2022. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

Shakenal Dimension
“Dishes that focus on original flavors should faithfully avoid interference from other flavors; dishes that focus on tactile, chewing, and layered experiences beyond the taste should mask their original flavors.”
Shakenal Dimension, The Human Nature of Cooking: A Guide to High-End Cuisine Tasting
tags: cook

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“We humans have survived and thrived for many centuries before the discovery of fire, which eventually led to the invention of cooking.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“A stupid cook serves a jolly dinner.”
Mantaranjot Mangat, Plotless
tags: cook

Jennifer Ryan
“...always remember that being a cook is both a blessing and a joy. You are spreading both nourishment and delight to the world. You are the most blessed of people.

[Mrs. Newton, letter to Mrs. (Eileen) Quince]”
Jennifer Ryan
tags: cook

Kwame Onwuachi
“I realized that being a cook wasn't only about providing people with food, but rather about providing them with the feeling that they were cared for.”
Kwame Onwuachi, Notes from a Young Black Chef

Steven Magee
“You cook, me fix!”
Steven Magee

“To serve as a cook in the Zendo life means that the monk has attained some understanding about Zen, for it is one of the positions highly honoured in the monastery, and may be filled only by one of those who have passed a number of years here.”
Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, The Training Of The Zen Buddhist Monk
tags: cook, zendo

“Cook and then get hungry.

Charmaine J. Forde

Robert Jordan
“…my Cirri is a good cat," the cook was saying sharply, "and I won't hear a word otherwise, do you hear? Complaining about him doing his job too well, that's what you're doing, if you ask me."
"I have had complaints," Master Fitch managed to get in. "Complaints, mistress. Half the guests-"
"I won't hear of it. I just won't hear of it. If they want to complain about my cat, let them do the cooking.
My poor old cat, who's just doing his job, and me, we'll go somewhere where we're appreciated, see if we don't." She untied her apron and started to lift it over her head.
"No!" Master Fitch yelped, and leaped to stop her. They danced in a circle with the cook trying to take her apron off and the innkeeper trying to put it back on her. "No, Sara," he panted. "There's no need for this. No need, I say! What would I do without you? Cirri's a fine cat. An excellent cat. He's the best cat in Baerlon. If anyone else complains, I'll tell them to be thankful the cat is doing his job. Yes, thankful. You mustn't go. Sara? Sara!"
The cook stopped their circling and managed to snatch her apron free of him. "All right, then. All right.”
Robert Jordan, The Eye of the World

Shakenal Dimension
“Integrated Experience >Layer Experience >Taste Experience >Tactile Experience & Chewing Experience”
Shakenal Dimension, The Human Nature of Cooking: A Guide to High-End Cuisine Tasting
tags: cook

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