
Cultural Change Quotes

Quotes tagged as "cultural-change" Showing 1-22 of 22
Pooja Agnihotri
“Great things take time. Your business idea is one of those things. If it’s taking time, it means your idea is trying to bring a big societal and cultural change.”
Pooja Agnihotri, 17 Reasons Why Businesses Fail :Unscrew Yourself From Business Failure

Pooja Agnihotri
“If your product is bringing a bigger cultural change, it will take time but when that period of resistance is over, you will be able to reach the heights you’ve never even thought existed as Amazon did.”
Pooja Agnihotri, 17 Reasons Why Businesses Fail :Unscrew Yourself From Business Failure

Lucy H. Pearce
“The Dalai Lama says that the world will be saved by Western women. Not any women, perhaps not all women, but Burning Women. Women who have stepped out of silence and into the fullness of their power. Angry women who love the world and her creatures too much to let it be destroyed so thoughtlessly for a moment longer.

Burning Woman is the heart and soul of revolution – inner and outer. She burns for change, she dances in the fire of the old, all the while visioning and weaving the new.”
Lucy H. Pearce, Burning Woman

Lucy H. Pearce
“We hardly dare trust that this is a process of transformation – that out of the ashes will rise the phoenix of humanity.”
Lucy H. Pearce, Burning Woman

Lucy H. Pearce
“We often fear that the Revolution needed is too big for what we can give.
Too much change is required inside, outside.
And we are too small.
But all that is required is that you step into the truth of your life.
And speak it, write it, paint it, dance it.
That you shine your light on your truth, for the world to see.
And as hundreds, then thousands, then millions do this – each sparking the courage of yet more –
Suddenly we have a world alight with truth.”
Lucy H. Pearce, Burning Woman

Lucy H. Pearce
“We are weaving her-story into reality.
Unweaving the limiting his-stories.
Creating our-story.
Reaching beyond religion and patriarchy and capitalism and so-called democracy.
Into new ways of being and seeing.
We are the bridge between worlds
We are the ones we have been waiting for.”
Lucy H. Pearce, Burning Woman

Lucy H. Pearce
“Those in the System, would like us to share their belief that all the changes [we are witnessing] are not connected: they are simply anomalies, isolated symptoms to be treated or preferably ignored, before the all-powerful Western capitalist patriarchal model goes on to ever greater heights and grander ejaculations. Most are numb to it, caught in fear, denial or resistance.

But we, Burning Woman, know this process intimately. Amongst Burning Women and Men, there is a fierce, quiet knowing that these are both the death pangs of the old, and the birthing pangs of the new.”
Lucy H. Pearce, Burning Woman

Lucy H. Pearce
“Often we can get caught in our own struggles, our own small stories, that we forget our place in the larger story arc – the way that our actions, our choices, our achievements can and will blaze trails for that who come after us, so that they do not have to spend their time and energy re-fighting the same battles.

For sure we walk a spiral path, but for generations of women the spirals were so tightly packed that it seemed they were going round in circles – let us blaze trails so that the path we walk takes in wider and wider sweeps of human experience.

Trail blazing is what we do when we find ourselves in the wilderness, with no path to guide us but our own intuitive understanding of nature and our destination. At times we must walk through the night, guided only by the stars. We know when to sit and rest, to shelter from storms, when to gather water, and what on the trail will sustain us and what will do us harm. We are courageous and cautious in equal measure, but we are driven forward, not only by our own desire to reach our destination, but also by the desire to leave a viable way for others who follow.

Trail blazing is an art-form. It is how we find paths through what before was wilderness. We push aside braches, or cut them back, we tramp down nettles and long grasses, ford rivers and streams, through the inner and outer landscapes.”
Lucy H. Pearce, Burning Woman

Lucy H. Pearce
“If we are to be women in power, then it must be power on very different terms. we have to find a new source of energy. New structures of power. Ones that don’t deplete us or our environment. We need to run our lives on sustainable energy.”
Lucy H. Pearce, Burning Woman

Fredrik Backman
“[...] culture is as much about what we encourage as what we actually permit.”
Fredrik Backman, Beartown

“As mothers raising sons, we have the power to change the trajectory of not only our own sons’ lives, but also of the culture at large.”
Melia Keeton Digby, The Hero's Heart: A Coming of Age Circle for Boys

Barry M. Goldwater
“Social and cultural change, however desirable, should not be effected by the engines of national power. Let us, through persuasion and education, seek to improve institutions we deem defective. But let us, in doing so, respect the orderly processes of the law. Any other course enthrones tyrants and dooms freedom.”
Barry Goldwater

Wayne Gerard Trotman
“A pandemic will lead to permanent social, economic, and cultural changes. The key is to create good from a bad situation.”
Wayne Gerard Trotman

Enamul Haque
“The sustainable success of digital transformation comes from a carefully planned organisational change management process that meets two key objectives, one being the company culture, and the other one is empowering its employees”
Enamul Haque

Larrie D. Ferreiro
“Organizational culture is simply the response of an organization to its political influences, both internal and external.”
Larrie D. Ferreiro

“Underneath all that divides us, we share a common humanity. Discovery and the quest for well-being motivate all of us. We continually seek relief from the difficulties of existence, and in so doing, we change the world, hopefully for the better. My vision is that humanity will one day learn to be at peace with itself. I think that can happen only when people have their basic needs met and each is allowed to reach his or her potential.”
Terry B. Clayton

“We shouldn't confuse grief over the passing of our favorite technology with resentment because some digital alchemy failed to preserve analog experiences. Whether or not we admit it, the internet and its artifacts are not just like their cultural precedents. They're not even a rough translation -- or a strong misreading -- of those precedents.”
Virginia Heffernan, Magic and Loss: The Internet as Art

“Modernity is kind of a tradition and tradition itself is not a rulebook. It's a dialogue and a dialectical process— just as tradition affects us, we too affect tradition and culture, and we change it.”
Sharanya Haridas

Rochelle Forrester
“The order of discovery concerning the materials in the human environment and of the technology that resulted from such discoveries was not haphazard or accidental. The order of discovery followed a logical order and an order that it had to follow. The easier discoveries were made before the harder discoveries; discoveries that were dependent upon prior discoveries being made, were only made after those discoveries; and inventions that were not economic or did not meet human needs were not made until they made economic sense or until a need arose. The course of human social and cultural history is written into the structure of the universe.”
Rochelle Forrester, How Change Happens: A Theory of Philosophy of History, Social Change and Cultural Evolution

Rochelle Forrester
“The key to understanding the course of history is to divide history into two parts. One part follows a predetermined direction and the other part is random and unpredictable. The part that follows a predetermined direction is the part that results from ever increasing human knowledge of the world we live in. The world we live in is structured and understandable and is explained by the laws of physics, chemistry and biology and the known properties of the particles, elements and compounds that make up our world. Our ever increasing knowledge of these laws and properties of matter comes to us in a predetermined and rational order from the easiest discoveries being made first to the more difficult discoveries being made later.”
Rochelle Forrester

C. JoyBell C.
“In the Asian home, children are raised in a very strong shame system and are taught to question their choices based upon what "your auntie, your grandmother, your father, the neighbourhood, your teachers" might feel and think. Children are born into Asian families as extensions of other people's experiences. And that sense of awareness of personal choice and action is carried over into adulthood, and implemented onto peers as well. And then later onto their own children. If we do not successfully diminish, unlearn and restructurize this aspect of our cultural upbringing and mentality, we will continue to be a people who do not know the value of individuality, personal direction, personal fulfillment, and the process of living through, and for, the heart.”
C. JoyBell C.