
Devotional Quotes

Quotes tagged as "devotional" Showing 1-30 of 178
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“Nothing teaches us about the preciousness of the Creator as much as when we learn the emptiness of everything else.”
Charles Spurgeon, Morning and Evening, Based on the English Standard Version

Frederick Buechner
“And now brothers, I will ask you a terrible question, and God knows I ask it also of myself. Is the truth beyond all truths, beyond the stars, just this: that to live without him is the real death, that to die with him the only life?”
Frederick Buechner, The Magnificent Defeat

Eric Ludy
“I don't even know her yet..but if she could see me right now, I'd want her to know that I love her”
Eric Ludy, When Dreams Come True: A Love Story Only God Could Write

Oswald Chambers
“There are certain things we must not pray about - moods, for instance. Moods never go by praying, moods go by kicking.”
Oswald Chambers

Nancy N. Rue
“Why miss out on what God has in store for you while you’re trying to get in on his plan for somebody else? Your plans are the best—for YOU—and so is your personality. You’re so worth it”
Nancy Rue, That Is SO Me: 365 Days of Devotions: Flip-Flops, Faith, and Friends

Frederick Buechner
“Our father. We have killed him, and we will kill him again, and our world will kill him. And yet he is there. It is he who listens at the door. It is he who is coming. It is our father who is about to be born. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Frederick Buechner, The Magnificent Defeat

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“I must take care above all that I cultivate communion with Christ, for though that can never be the basis of my peace - mark that - yet it will be the channel of it.”
Charles Spurgeon

David A. Fiensy
“Suffering comes to us as an interrogator. It asks, “Who are you?”
David A. Fiensy, The Journey: Spiritual Growth in Galatians and Philippians

Deborah Patrick
“You are only willing to suffer the cost of your dream when you understand the value of your dream.”
Deborah Brodie

David A. Fiensy
“You have been adopted. You are God’s beloved sons and daughters. Do you really think God is waiting to attack you on a technicality? Do you really think God has a continuous chip on his shoulder?”
David A. Fiensy, The Journey: Spiritual Growth in Galatians and Philippians

Richard J. Foster
“The purpose of the Disciplines is freedom. Our aim is the freedom, not the Discipline. The moment we make the Discipline our central focus we will turn it into law and lose the corresponding freedom....Let us forever center on Christ and view the Spiritual Disciplines as a way of drawing us closer to His heart.”
Richard J. Foster, Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The morning bids me to linger a moment before the sun proclaims the day as having arrived. And it is this silent space hewn from a day not yet on its feet that tenderly and at times abruptly positions me to better face the arriving day. And I am utterly amazed that there has never been a single day in the whole of my life where the day showed up without this gift. Rather, it’s that I have too often shown up too hurried to accept the gift.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Paul Renfroe
“God’s habit of concealing mysteries is how He proves whether we would be kings in His kingdom.”

Excerpt From: Paul Renfroe. “Nobody Sees This YOU.”
Paul Renfroe, Nobody Sees This You: How to Live as a Spirit in the Unseen Realm

Jessica Glasner
“I think in heaven, the greatest heroes will be those we never knew existed during our time on earth. The quite parents who gave everything for their children. The unknown martyrs who gave their lives to Jesus. The faithful men and women who gave up reputations, raises, fame and glory to follow the narrow way.”
Jessica Glasner, The Adventure: A Seabirds-Themed Daily-Devotional

“Jesus had different standards. He had no reservations about eating with the jocks, the nerds, the punks, the snobs, or the dweebs. His acceptance, His grace, His sacrifice was and is for every single sinner in equal portions.”
Anita Hinkeldey McVey

John M. Sheehan
“The most significant competitor of devotion to Jesus is service for Him. It is easier to serve than to be entangled in the things of the world, but we must take note that the one aim of the call of God is the satisfaction of God, not a call to do something for Him. We are not sent to battle for God but to be used by God in His battling’s.”
John M. Sheehan, Application Commentary On Friendship: The Book Of Ruth

Douglas Lim
“He wants us to resist being charmed by the glitter of city lights and the potpourri of neon signs—some of the things the world uses to distract us. In its place, He wants us to seek only Jesus' dazzling light that shines in the deep niches of a believer's heart.”
Douglas Lim, Moments Remembered - A 30-Day Devotional for Families

Douglas Lim
“God’s purpose often puts us into deep waters. He calls us to move from the safety of the kiddie end of the pool and head toward the deep end. If we choose to paddle only in waist-deep water, we miss the chance to witness his grace and power at work.”
Douglas Lim, Moments Remembered - A 30-Day Devotional for Families

Norman Wirzba
“Scripture does not end with disembodied souls escaping creation and ascending to some faraway place. It ends with God descending to creation to take up residence with mortals.”
Norman Wirzba, Way of Love: Recovering the Heart of Christianity

Tracy L. Smoak
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
Matthew 7:7 NIV”
Tracy L. Smoak, Living Water to Refresh Your Soul

“One generation commends God's works to another.”
Psalm 145:4

Stacy Angelique McDonald
“The most supernatural natural feeling thing in this world is to die to yourself and live in Christ!
It does not happen instantly! We really have a lot of baggage and opinions and pains and loves and hang ups and preconceived ideas and lusts and lists to erase, replace, revise, and mend before we reach perfection! We will not make it there while we reside in this flesh of dust, but it is the joy and goal of the redeemed child of God to work towards the goal of apprehending Christ!”
Stacy Angelique McDonald, As You Rise: Scriptural Insights to Help You Get and Stay on The Narrow Way

“That’s what this devotional is about: being human. And with our humanity comes the ability to inquire, to imagine, to dream, to create.”
Kat Armas, Sacred Belonging: A 40-Day Devotional on the Liberating Heart of Scripture

“Love is empty without a promise.”
Cindy. David

“Love thrives on promises; without them, it feels hollow.”
Cindy. David

Sudha Murty
“If you try to please everyone, you will please no one. It is impossible to lead your life for others' happiness.”
Sudha Murty

Sudha Murty
“Give your children two things in life: Strong roots and powerful wings.”
Sudha Murty

“Like numerous river-currents that rush towards the one ocean, those heroes
of the world of men enter your flaming mouths; like moths that fly ever faster
to destroy themselves in a blazing flame, the worlds hurry ever faster to their
destruction in your mouths. With your flaming jaws you lap up complete
worlds and devour them whole; your terrible splendours fill the entire universe
with fiery energy till it is scorched, O Visnu.”
John D Smith, The butchers' manual 1890 [Leather Bound]

“Like numerous river-currents that rush towards the one ocean, those heroes
of the world of men enter your flaming mouths; like moths that fly ever faster
to destroy themselves in a blazing flame, the worlds hurry ever faster to their
destruction in your mouths. With your flaming jaws you lap up complete
worlds and devour them whole; your terrible splendours fill the entire universe
with fiery energy till it is scorched, O Visnu.”
Vyasa Dvaipayana, Mahabharata

Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa
“Like numerous river-currents that rush towards the one ocean, those heroes
of the world of men enter your flaming mouths; like moths that fly ever faster
to destroy themselves in a blazing flame, the worlds hurry ever faster to their
destruction in your mouths. With your flaming jaws you lap up complete
worlds and devour them whole; your terrible splendours fill the entire universe
with fiery energy till it is scorched, O Vishnu.”
Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, The Mahabharata

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