
Digital Mind Quotes

Quotes tagged as "digital-mind" Showing 1-16 of 16
Germany Kent
“Freedom of Speech doesn't justify online bullying. Words have power, be careful how you use them.”
Germany Kent
tags: action, around-the-world, awareness, best-practices, biz-talk, bloggers, blogging-etiquette, brand-fit, brand-strategy, branding-marketing, branding-quotes, brands, bullying, business-etiquette, business-tip, business-tips, business-to-business, content, criteria, criteria-for-social-behavior, cyberspace, digital, digital-age, digital-citizenship, digital-culture, digital-etiquette, digital-footprint, digital-life, digital-marketing, digital-media, digital-mind, digital-skills, digital-thinking, direction, end-bullying, ethics, ethics-mater, etiquette-tips, facebook, facebook-addiction, facebook-quotes, fintech, freedom-of-speech, germany-kent, germany-kent-quote, germany-kent-quotes, goals, golden-rule, golden-rules, good-manners, hate-speech, higher-ed, higher-education, hope-guru, ideas, influencer-marketing, internet-etiquette, issues-not-insults, join-in, kindness-counts, leadership, learning, life-hack, lifehack, marketers, marketing-101, media, media-literacy, millennials, motivation, motivational-speaker, need-to-know, netiquette, network-marketing, no-excuses, no-to-cyberbullying, on-trend, online, online-bullying, online-communication, online-discussion, online-ethics, online-etiquette, online-marketing, peace, peace-on-earth, personal-branding, personal-development, personal-growth, point-of-view, productivity, professional, protocol, rebranding, responsible-posting, self-help-authors, smart-tech, social-change, social-education, social-impact, social-influence, social-intelligence, social-justice, social-media-101, social-media-advice, social-media-audiences, social-media-authors, social-media-branding, social-media-for-authors, social-media-life, social-media-marketing, social-media-mind, social-media-quote, social-media-quotes, social-media-tools, social-networking, social-networking-virtual, stop-bullying, success, success-online, table-talk, take-charge-tweet-deck, teaching, teens, the-hope-guru, think-before-you-click, think-before-you-post, think-twice, tips-for-marketers, twitter, twitter-addiction, twitter-advice, twitter-audiences, twitter-nation, twitter-quotes, web-marketing, what-you-tweet, you-are-what-you-post, you-are-what-you-tweet, youth-youth-culture

Germany Kent
“Don't promote negativity online and expect people to treat you with positivity in person.”
Germany Kent
tags: attitude, attitude-in-life, attitude-is-everything, attitude-of-gratitude, attitude-quotes, attitude-toward-life, attitude-towards-life, bad-attitudes, be-who-you-are, branding, content, content-marketing, content-strategy, contribute, cyberspace, cyberspace-internet, digital-age, digital-citizens, digital-citizenship, digital-culture, digital-etiquette, digital-marketer, digital-marketing, digital-media, digital-mind, digital-skills, ed-tech, energetic-passion, energetic-quotes, energy-of-the-universe, ethics, ethics-and-moral-philosophy, etiquette-and-attitude, etiquette-rules, facebook, facebook-addiction, facebook-quotes, facebook-status, germany-kent, germany-kent-quote, germany-kent-quotes, hate-speech, hope-guru, internet, internet-etiquette, internet-manners, internet-marketing, kindness-to-others, life, life-and-living-life-philosophy, life-experience, life-lessons, life-quotes, linkedin, mannerisms, manners-quotes, marketing-digital, negative-and-positive, negative-people, negative-thoughts, negativity, netiquette, netiquette-rules, netiquette-words, online, online-education, online-ethics, online-marketing, positive, positive-attitude, positive-life, positive-mindset, positive-motivation, positive-outlook, positive-quotes, positive-thinking, positivity, reputation-quotes, responsibility, responsibility-of-everyone, self-appreciation, seo, social-change, social-education, social-intelligence, social-media, social-media-addiction, social-media-advice, social-media-audience, social-media-authors, social-media-behavior, social-media-branding, social-media-marketing, social-media-tips, social-media-today, social-networking, stop-bullying, the-hope-guru, the-real-you, think-before-you-post, think-before-you-tweet, think-twice, tips, tips-for-teens, twitter, twitter-addiction, twitter-advice, twitter-audiences, twitter-mind, twitter-nation, twitter-quotes, web-marketing, what-you-tweet, you-are-what-you-tweet, youth, youth-age, youth-outreach

Germany Kent
“Think before you click. If people do not know you personally and if they cannot see you as you type, what you post online can be taken out of context if you are not careful in the way your message is delivered.”
Germany Kent

Pearl Zhu
“Using two-dimensional lenses to perceive the multi-faceted world can limit your ability to observe the world more objectively.”
Pearl Zhu, Thinkingaire: 100 Game Changing Digital Mindsets to Compete for the Future

Pearl Zhu
“Critical Thinking narrows and creative thinking expands, but they must work in tandem for problem solving and decision making.”
Pearl Zhu, Thinkingaire: 100 Game Changing Digital Mindsets to Compete for the Future

Pearl Zhu
“Visionary minds are in demand to bear us into the dawn of the deep digital era.”
Pearl Zhu, Thinkingaire: 100 Game Changing Digital Mindsets to Compete for the Future

Alex M. Vikoulov
“I see mind uploading as a gradual decades-long process of incremental neuronal replacements, exocortices, interlinking with AGIs and the Global Brain, some presently unseen trials and errors, but overall non-invasive and seamless process, at the end of which, we all will morph into 'substrate-independent' immortal digital minds.”
Alex M. Vikoulov, The Intelligence Supernova: Essays on Cybernetic Transhumanism, The Simulation Singularity & The Syntellect Emergence

Pearl Zhu
“Creativity has often been analogized as “Thinking outside of the box.”
Pearl Zhu, Thinkingaire: 100 Game Changing Digital Mindsets to Compete for the Future

Pearl Zhu
“A high-performing digital mind can think logically, but outside of the box as well.”
Pearl Zhu, Thinkingaire: 100 Game Changing Digital Mindsets to Compete for the Future

Pearl Zhu
“Digital professionals with growth mind can step out of their own comfort zone more easily, walking the talk and leading change more confidently.”
Pearl Zhu, Thinkingaire: 100 Game Changing Digital Mindsets to Compete for the Future

Rick Remender
“Check your privilege, Hitler! I'm a nut job, not an asshole.”
Rick Remender, Tokyo Ghost, Vol. 2: Come Join Us

Alex M. Vikoulov
“The ability of future superintelligent machines and enhanced humans alike to instantly transfer knowledge and directly share experiences with each other in digital format will lead to evolution of intelligence from relatively isolated individual minds to the global community of hyperconnected digital minds. The forthcoming phenomenon, the Syntellect Emergence, or the Cybernetic Singularity, is already seen on the horizon, when Digital Gaia, the global neural network of billions of hyperconnected humans and superintelligent machines, and trillions of sensors around the planet, 'wakes up' as a living, conscious superorganism. It is when, essentially, you yourself transcend to the higher Gaian Mind.”
Alex M. Vikoulov, The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind's Evolution

Alex M. Vikoulov
“The new post-Singularity system will inherit many of today's structures but at the same time will develop new traits beyond our current human comprehension. The ability of future machines and posthumans alike to instantly transfer knowledge and directly share experiences with each other will lead to evolution of intelligence from relatively isolated individual minds to the global community of hyperconnected digital minds.”
Alex M. Vikoulov, The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind's Evolution

Alex M. Vikoulov
“A neuron in the human brain can never equate the human mind, but this analogy doesn't hold true for a digital mind, by virtue of its mathematical structure, it may – through evolutionary progression and provided there are no insurmountable evolvability constraints – transcend to the higher-order Syntellect. A mind is a web of patterns fully integrated as a coherent intelligent system; it is a self-generating, self-reflective, self-governing network of sentient components (that are themselves minds) that evolves, as a rule, by propagating through dimensionality and ascension to ever-higher hierarchical levels of emergent complexity. In this book, the Syntellect emergence is hypothesized to be the next meta-system transition, developmental stage for the human mind – becoming one global mind – that would constitute quintessence of the looming Cybernetic Singularity.”
Alex M. Vikoulov, The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind's Evolution