
Dumbing Down Quotes

Quotes tagged as "dumbing-down" Showing 1-16 of 16
Erik Pevernagie
“When we crumble under the exorbitant weight of conspicuous commodities and the material pressure in a universe of illusion, life may become disheveled and devastated, while our mind has been dumbed down and our willpower crippled. ( “Buying now. Dying later “ )”
Erik Pevernagie

Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.
“It isn't a coincidence that governments everywhere want to educate children. Government education, in turn, is supposed to be evidence of the state's goodness and its concern for our well-being. The real explanation is less flattering. If the government's propaganda can take root as children grow up, those kids will be no threat to the state apparatus. They'll fasten the chains to their own ankles.”
Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.

Robert Higgs
“In the natural sciences, some checks exist on the prolonged acceptance of nutty ideas, which do not hold up well under experimental and observational tests and cannot readily be shown to give rise to useful working technologies. But in economics and the other social studies, nutty ideas may hang around for centuries. Today, leading presidential candidates and tens of millions of voters in the USA embrace ideas that might have been drawn from a 17th-century book on the theory and practice of mercantilism, and multitudes of politicians and ordinary people espouse notions that Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and others exploded more than two centuries ago. In these realms, nearly everyone simply believes whatever he feels good about believing.”
Robert Higgs

Natasha Pulley
“The safest way to success is to write according to the capacity of the stupidest member of the audience.”
Natasha Pulley, The Watchmaker of Filigree Street

Kae Tempest
“Why is this interesting? Why are we watching?”
Kate Tempest, Brand New Ancients: A Poem

Sol Luckman
“You are blessed and cursed with consciousness, my child, in a society that has done everything imaginable to remove your kind from its gene pool.”
Sol Luckman, Cali the Destroyer

“The cosmos stands amazed at just how dumb Planet Dumb is. With an uncanny talent for error, humanity has at every crossroads taken the wrong path. Humanity is the species guaranteed to choose wrongly. What else would you expect in a Dunning-Kruger world? Ignorance reigns supreme. Everyone is part of the Dumbageddon Conspiracy.”
Ranty McRanterson, Full Retard: The Dumbest Just Got Dumber

Vladislav Krapivin
“Краем сознания он отметил, что это не его слова, а из какого-то старого фильма... ...нет ничего своего и вся жизнь была только глядением на экран...”
Vladislav Krapivin, Выстрел с монитора. Гуси-гуси, га-га-га...

George Saunders
“Am I oversimplifying here? Yes. Is all our media stupid? Far from it. Were intelligent, valuable things written about the rush to war (and about O.J. and Monica, and then Laci Peterson and Michael Jackson, et al.)? Of course.

But: Is some of our media very stupid? Hoo boy. Does stupid, near-omnipresent media make us more tolerant toward stupidity in general? It would be surprising if it didn’t.

Is human nature such that, under certain conditions, stupidity can come to dominate, infecting the brighter quadrants, dragging everybody down with it?”
George Saunders, The Braindead Megaphone

Laurence Galian
“The Archons use 'mind control' techniques. This is known as psychological warfare, but Archontic manipulation far surpasses anything the United States, Russia, Vatican City, Israel, or the United Kingdom has, of yet, invented. The Archons are the ultimate brainwashers. The Archons keep people distracted with pornography and drugs, with sports and alcohol, with material possessions, exotic vacations, artificial reality, addiction to various pleasures, along with dreams of the artificial technological paradise of: radical life-extension, transhumanism, nootropics and Brain Computer Interfaces. The Archons do this so that humanity does not have the time or opportunity to observe what is really happening in the world. Humanity is under siege. The Archons want you to be as uneducated and uninformed as possible. They destroy your passion for learning, and infiltrate and sabotage the educational system. Ultimately, they want to destroy all that makes you human, your hopes, your dreams, your joys, especially they want to destroy your spirituality.”
Laurence Galian, Alien Parasites: 40 Gnostic Truths to Defeat the Archon Invasion!

A.D. Aliwat
“Nobody will write anything of real value from here on out. Journalism—among the most basic forms of storytelling, the mere relaying of information—doesn’t even stand a chance, has been reduced to those so-called ‘listicles’ or has reverted to sensationalism. Even The Times is riddled with silly teenage-speak and acronyms now, so forget actual literature.”
A.D. Aliwat, In Limbo

Vincent H. O'Neil
“They don't think you're dumb. They're afraid you're smart.”
Vincent H. O'Neil, A Pause in the Perpetual Rotation

Stewart Stafford
“Stupidity is the regurgitated meal that feeds itself and on which it grows fat.”
Stewart Stafford

Jonathan Raban
“For 100 years, governments of every colour were committed to enlarging the language of citizenship. Now Mrs. Thatcher's government is committed to closing it.”
Jonathan Raban, God, Man & Mrs Thatcher

“When you allow society to be designed by irrational, unintelligent markets, and capitalists who will do anything to turn a profit, what do you expect? Fifty percent of teens feel addicted to mobile devices. They can’t put their smartphones down. Their devices are like an extra limb, or vital bodily organ. But smartphones are in truth dumbphones. They produce an inability to focus, to concentrate, to pay attention ... the prerequisites for intelligent, considered behavior. They are not social devices, they are anti-social. They generate a lack of empathy, lack of quality human relationships, an epidemic of snarling, disgusting trolls tormenting every victim they can find. Smartphones are transforming all aspects of human behavior, and not for the better. Who is doing anything about it? Who is empowered to do anything about it? No one at all. Anyone who tried would be branded a fascist. That’s why these things have to play out to the bitter end. The cataclysm inherent in them is sure to unfold since there is nothing to stop it.”
Ranty McRanterson, Planet Stupid: How Earth Got Dumber and Dumber

“We're seeing the world through a prism now; digital capitalism has refined the algorithm to monetize out attention. Peace, contentment, nuance, subtlety, cooperation - all of these things are list as algorithms filter our online communications for maximum engagement. What holds away, of course, is hyperbole, shock, outrage, sensationalism.”
Jonathan Simons, The Analog Sea Review: Number Four