
Etc Quotes

Quotes tagged as "etc" Showing 1-30 of 83
Swami Vivekananda
“The great secret of true success, of true happiness, is this: the man or woman who asks for no return, the perfectly unselfish person, is the most successful.”

Laurie Halse Anderson
“My face becomes a Picasso sketch, my body slicing into pieces.”
Laurie Halse Anderson, Speak
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Thomas Pynchon
“Laboring through a world every day more stultified, which expected salvation in codes and governments, ever more willing to settle for suburban narratives and diminished payoffs--what were the chances of finding anyone else seeking to transcend that, and not even particularly aware of it?”
Thomas Pynchon, Against the Day

Don DeLillo
“Within sixty-minute limits or one-hundred-yard limits or the limits of a game board, we can look for perfect moments or perfect structures. In my fiction I think this search sometimes turns out to be a cruel delusion.

No optimism, no pessimism. No homesickness for lost values or for the way fiction used to be written.

Everybody seems to know everything. Subjects surface and are totally exhausted in a matter of days or weeks, totally played out by the publishing industry and the broadcast industry. Nothing is too arcane to escape the treatment, the process. Making things difficult for the reader is less an attack on the reader than it is on the age and its facile knowledge-market.

The writer is the person who stands outside society, independent of affiliation and independent of influence. The writer is the man or woman who automatically takes a stance against his or her government. There are so many temptations for American writers to become part of the system and part of the structure that now, more than ever, we have to resist. American writers ought to stand and live in the margins, and be more dangerous. Writers in repressive societies are considered dangerous. That’s why so many of them are in jail.

Some people prefer to believe in conspiracy because they are made anxious by random acts. Believing in conspiracy is almost comforting because, in a sense, a conspiracy is a story we tell each other to ward off the dread of chaotic and random acts. Conspiracy offers coherence.

I see contemporary violence as a kind of sardonic response to the promise of consumer fulfillment in America... I see this desperation against the backdrop of brightly colored packages and products and consumer happiness and every promise that American life makes day by day and minute by minute everywhere we go.

Discarded pages mark the physical dimensions of a writer’s labor.

Film allows us to examine ourselves in ways earlier societies could not—examine ourselves, imitate ourselves, extend ourselves, reshape our reality. It permeates our lives, this double vision, and also detaches us, turns some of us into actors doing walk-throughs.

Every new novel stretches the term of the contract—let me live long enough to do one more book.

You become a serious novelist by living long enough.”
Don DeLillo

“I am a pisces, a fish out of water, searching for a way back home.”
James Kidd

Leonard Cohen
“Be With Me In The Phases Of My Work Because My Brain Feels Like It Has Been Whipped And I Yearn To Make A Small Perfect Thing Which Will Live In Your Morning Like Curious Static Through A President's Elegy Or A Nude Hunchback Acquiring A Tan On The Crowded Oily Beach. ”
Leonard Cohen

Allan Frewin Jones
“we are not leaving anyone behind we have to stick togheter in order to stay safe.”
Frewin Jones, The Lost Queen

Swami Vivekananda
“Desire can be eradicated from the roots by firmly imbibing the four attributes of: Jnan, Atmanishtha, Vairagya, Dharma and the full fledged devotion to God.”
Swami Vivekananda

Bob Marley
“when the words not enough to describe how much you love....
even you know she/he don't anything for you......
you cant fall a sleep exactly like before's"
Bob Marley, The Future Is the Beginning: The Words and Wisdom of Bob Marley

Robert McCammon
“Twas said better to light a candle than curse the dark...”
Robert McCammon, The Queen of Bedlam
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Mikhail Baryshnikov
“No one is born a dancer. You have to want it more than anything.”
Mikhail Baryshnikov, Baryshnikov at Work: Mikhail Baryshnikov Discusses His Roles

“Never praise oneself.”
Bhagwan Swaminarayan

“You want weapons? We’re in a library! Books! The best weapons in the world!”
The Doctor

Paulo Coelho
“Alchemist is like getting up at dawn and seeing the sun rise when other are asleep”
Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
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Thomas Pynchon
“Events seem to be ordered into an ominous logic.”
Thomas Pynchon, V.

“Love is not just blind, it's deaf and dumb and probably has an advanced case of Alzheimer's; it's unhinged...”
our ady if alice bhatti- mohammad hanfi
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“What about someone who believes in beautiful things but doesn’t believe in the beautiful itself and isn’t able to follow anyone who could lead him to the knowledge of it? Don’t you think he is living in a dream rather than a wakened state? Isn’t this dreaming: whether asleep or awake, to think that a likeness is not a likeness but rather the thing itself that it is like?”
Plato, The Republic

Martin Luther
“[on interest from loans] Now that I have loaned you them (100 gulden), you cause me a double loss due to my not being able to pay on the one hand nor buy on the other, so that I have to lose on both sides, and this is called duplex interesse, damni emergentis et lucri cessantis.... on hearing that John sustained losses on his loan of 100 gulden and demands just damages, they rush in and charge double on every 100 gulden, such double reimbursement, namely, for the loss due to non-payment and to inability to make a profit on a bargain, just as though these 100 gulden had the double loss grown on to them, so that whenever they have 100 gulden, they loan them out and charge for two losses, which they have not at all sustained... Therefore you are a usurer, who takes damages out of his neighbour's money for an imaginary loss that you did not sustain at all, and which you can neither prove nor calculate. This sort of loss is called by the jurists non verum, sed phantasticum interesse. It is a loss which each conjures up for himself... It will not do to say, therefore, that there could have been losses because I could not have been able to pay or buy. Else it would mean ex contingente necessarium, which is making something out of a thing that is not, and a thing that is uncertain into a thing that is absolutely sure. Would not such usury devour the world in a few years? ... If an unhappy accident befalls him against his will, and he must recover from it, he may demand damages for it, but it is different in trade and just the reverse. There they scheme to profit at the expense of their needy neighbours, how to amass wealth and get rich, to be lazy and idle and live in luxury on the labour of others, without any care, danger, and loss. To sit by the stove and let my 100 gulden gather wealth for me in the country and yet keep them in my pocket, because they are only loaned, without any danger or risk; my friend, who would not like that?”
Martin Luther
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“menjadi baik itu harus, menjadi yang terbaik itu mitos :)”
ifdal sukri
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“Orang yang mampu melupakan mantan dengan baik adalah orang yang memiliki daya ingat yang sangat buruk.”
ifdal sukri
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Thomas Pynchon
“Riot was her element, as surely as this dark room almost creeping with amassed objects. The street and the hothouse; in V. were resolved, by some magic, the two extremes. She frightened him.”
Thomas Pynchon, V.

Thomas Pynchon
“I've been in more wars for England than I can remember . . . haven't I paid enough? Risked it all for them, time after time. . . . Why must they torment an old man?”
Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow

“Keep the doors open for a while
See how the nature makes you smile
Certainly those winds would enter
In to your heart that'll bestow pleasure,
A pleasure that is not affordable
By any worldly amount of any noble!”
Saddik Ahmed (KM Naveed)

“I wanted to live a thousand lives, So I started reading.”
Ganpat Makad

“Within the pages of my books, I weave tales that enchant and enlighten. Bridge the hearts from every path and across the diverse genres, hold a steadfast belief that in the realm of literature, transformation blooms, and stories aspire not just with hours of enjoyment but with moments of profound wisdom and introspection.”
Jose Fernandez Jr

“Viewing things from a lower starting point provides a clearer perspective while simultaneously expediting the journey towards goals. This principle extends beyond the individual, encompassing society as a whole. Through collaborative overcoming of challenges, we can achieve significant social impact, bringing about positive changes that benefit everyone. This mindset encourages us not to perceive obstacles as insurmountable barriers but as steps towards realizing a greater vision for a better society.”

Imogen Binnie
“What kind of twenty-year-old guy has a lot of trouble coming unless his girlfriend is sucking his dick so he can think about the evil ice sorceress turning Brave Samson into a demure maiden?”
Imogen Binnie, Nevada

“لن نتفق، أنت يرعبك الحريق أنا يفزعني الانطفاء”
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“كلنا ضحايا، والجاني هو الوجود.”
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Friedrich Nietzsche
“إنه بيدك أن تتوصل إلى جعل كل تجارب حياتك: من محاولات، ومتاهات، وأوهام، وأهواء، وحبّك وآمالك تنخرط وتندمج كلها دون استثناء في الهدف الذي رسمته لنفسك.”
Friedrich Nietzsche
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