
Fallen Angels Quotes

Quotes tagged as "fallen-angels" Showing 1-30 of 60
Becca Fitzpatrick
“I don't go out with strangers," I said.

"Good thing I do. I'll pick you up at five.”
Becca Fitzpatrick, Hush, Hush

Becca Fitzpatrick
“He grinned when I didn't protest, and lowered his mouth toward mine. The first touch was just that - a touch. A teasing, tempting softness. I licked my lips and Patch's grin deepened.
"More?" he asked.
I curled my hands into his hair, pulling him closer. "More.”
Becca Fitzpatrick, Hush, Hush

Becca Fitzpatrick
“Let’s be honest, Nora. You’ve got it bad for me." His eyes held a lot of depth. "And I’ve got it bad for you.”
Becca Fitzpatrick, Hush, Hush

Becca Fitzpatrick
“But if I hadn't fallen, I wouldn't have met you.”
Becca Fitzpatrick, Hush, Hush

Becca Fitzpatrick
“I hung my fingertips on his waistband, tugging him closer.
Patch buried his face in the curve of my shoulder, his hands flexing over my back. He gave a low groan.
"I love you," he murmured into my hair. "I'm happier right now than I ever remember being.”
Becca Fitzpatrick, Crescendo

Becca Fitzpatrick
“I'm not good," he said, piercing me with eyes that absorbed all light but reflected none, "but I was worse.”
Becca Fitzpatrick, Hush, Hush

Becca Fitzpatrick
“Patch stood over me, and a drop of rain slid from his hair, landing like ice on my collarbone. I felt it slide along my skin, disappearing beneath the neckline of my shirt. His eyes followed the raindrop, and I began to quiver on the inside.”
Becca Fitzpatrick, Crescendo

Becca Fitzpatrick
“He's got the whole bad-boy-in-need-of-redemption thing going on, but the catch is, most bad boys don't want redemption. They like being bad. They like the power they get from striking fear and panic into the hearts of mothers everywhere”
Becca Fitzpatrick, Crescendo

Becca Fitzpatrick
“I tended to be more a romantic than a realist, and chose blind faith over cold logic.”
Becca Fitzpatrick, Crescendo

Neil Gaiman
“When angels go bad they are worse than anyone else. Remember Lucifer used to be an angel.”
Neil Gaiman, Neverwhere

Cassandra Clare
“Fine,” Kyle said. “I’m a werewolf. I’m not part of a pack, but I do have an alliance. Have you heard of the Praetor Lupus?”
“I’ve heard of lupus,” said Simon. “Isn’t it a kind of disease?”
Cassandra Clare, City of Fallen Angels

Lauren Kate
“Cam's wings were so bright they were almost blinding as they pulsed.
"Holy Hell," Callie whispered, blinking.
"More or less," Arriane said”
Lauren Kate, Torment

Becca Fitzpatrick
“Duc?' The boy leaned against a twisted willow tree. 'Or bastard?”
Becca Fitzpatrick, Hush, Hush

Lauren Kate
“this lifeless paper, cruel imposter, was the only to take her with him”
Lauren Kate, Fallen

J.R. Ward
“Time keeps on...slippin'...slippin'...slippin' into the future," Adrian drawled as he walked around”
J.R. Ward, Covet

James Burnham
“He remembered the forceful hand that cast him to the earth. He'd fallen like a shooting star, his flesh burning until his wings fell away. Pain was something he had never known before. But even worse than the physical affliction was the knowledge that he would forevermore be denied Heaven.”
James Burnham, The Fruit of the Fallen

Toba Beta
“No gravity, no fallen angels.”
Toba Beta, My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut

Elizabeth Morgan
“Do you truly feel that she is worth your wings?”
He smiled. “What good are my wings, friend, when I can hold the
world in my arms?”
Elizabeth Morgan, The Collector

Toba Beta
“When shit happened in heaven,
some angels crashed on to earth.”
Toba Beta, My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut

Daniele Lanzarotta
“What he didn’t know was how to beg for her forgiveness, and at that moment, her forgiveness was what he craved the most…even more than he craved her blood.”
Daniele Lanzarotta, Divine Ashes

Daniele Lanzarotta
“...I would want to spend it with you. Even if we had thousands of nights, I would want to spend every single one of them with you.”
Daniele Lanzarotta - Nephilim (Academy of the Fallen)

Eddie Lenihan
“Who're them?" says he to the curate.
"Them are the fallen angels," says the curate.
They had a human form, no wings. God took the wings off of 'em after Lucifer rebelled - that way they couldn't go back, d'you see. They had no wings. But there was so many of 'em that you couldn't drive a knife down between 'em. They were as thick as hair on a dog's back. They were the finest people he ever seen. And whatever way he looked at 'em, some o' the finest girls he ever seen was in it, he said. They had to be good-looking, you know! 'Twas the sin o' pride put Lucifer down, d'you see. The best-looking angel in Heaven, 'twas the sin o' pride put him down. I s'pose they were nearly all as good-looking.”
Eddie Lenihan, Meeting the Other Crowd : The Fairy Stories of Hidden Ireland

Christopher Stanfield
“Indifference is malice. It may not sting with the immediacy of hate, but the wound it leaves behind can linger deeper, even imperceptibly, if we aren't careful, of course.”
Christopher Stanfield, Elegy

Criss Jami
“Christ is the Master - and the Answer - at navigating through peak Foolishness and the height of Evil (with a twist): He's been handling man's crimes since before mankind - from the fallen angels way before there was time. Raised high on any mountain we climb reads a Sign; and His point's to say, 'Just trust Me. Now, come alive.”
Criss Jami

Christopher Stanfield
“It was easy. All it took were whispers into the ears of man. And in the centuries that followed, your kind ran rivers of blood in the name of a God they never knew.”
Christopher Stanfield, Elegy

Silvana G. Sánchez
“Skin to skin, we were as one. Man against woman. And in this place of suspended bliss, I discovered ecstasy as I’d never known before. A delirious trance where she became everything to me: my world and purpose, my goddess to serve and worship without end.
While our bodies rocked together in absolute harmony, I gave her all I was. But her gift to me was greater still. Divine bliss. Unparalleled abandon. Locked in this embrace, we were infinite as the universe… untouchable, eternal.”
Silvana G. Sánchez, The Soul Thief

Becca Fitzpatrick
“You don’t know how to trust. I take that back. You trust—just all the wrong people.”
Becca Fitzpatrick, Hush, Hush

Becca Fitzpatrick
“You’re scared of what you can’t control.”
Becca Fitzpatrick, Hush, Hush

“Some angels who helped create the world at God's command one day separated from Him.
Feeling their own power and perfection, they gathered in a beautiful tall stone tower, created with their own minds, and invoked God: "Father we thank you infinitely, but now that we are gods we will continue alone..."
That terrible act brought about its instant disintegration and defeat.
Since then, they have remained on this Earth.
Awaiting Trial.
Waiting for the Judgment that will come soon.

That was the Rebellion of the Angels that happened at the Center of the World.

This is the reason these words have been put together.”

“In Cathar beliefs, humans were, by nature, imperfect — fallen angels whose soul and spirit had been given physical form in frail bodies. [...] Cathars strove for this moment of consolamentum when their souls would be reunited with their angelic form.”
Janina Ramírez, Femina

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