
Future Self Quotes

Quotes tagged as "future-self" Showing 1-23 of 23
“When you don’t know what to do in a situation, ask yourself, ‘What would the person I want to be do in this situation?’ Then do that.”
Drew Dudley

Robin S. Baker
“Begin making decisions that align more with your future self.”
Robin S. Baker

Richie Norton
“Some see opportunity where others see work. Some seek opportunity where others seek work.”
Richie Norton

“Children, teenagers, and young adults frequently attempt to duplicate their cult hero’s mannerisms. Sometimes when we observe youngsters attempting to emulate the gestures and behaviors of a celebrity whom they admire, we state that they are putting on airs or engaging in pretensions. Adults tend to fob off such pretentious behavior as a frivolous act engaged in by children. In actuality, pretentious behavior is an important learning rubric for behavior and character formation. Imitation is more than a form of flattery. When young people mimic admired celebrities they are displaying telling behavior regarding what subjects spikes their interest and this in turn might provide clues to their future vocational and recreational activities. By engaging in mimicry, we are able to audition our future self. Just as many athletes begin in their youth attempting to impersonate the style of their sports idols, young people universally attempt to copy the mannerisms and behaviorisms of people whom they respect. Mimicry is one way that people feel safe exploring what persona they wish to adopt. How many rock stars and other successful people endorsed the mantra, ‘Fake it ‘till you make it.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“Our evolving self-concept guides our daily actions, organizes our information processing, and fosters a stout mental predisposition that assists our ego maintain a fibrous self-image. Self-concept is not restricted to a bare assessment of what role we presently fulfill in society. Our self-image is an endogenous alloy that includes an agglomeration of past selves and possible future selves. Future selves or ‘possible selves’ represent a person’s ideas of what they might become, what they aspire to become, and what they are afraid of becoming.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“Writing is my greatest adventure as it takes me deep into the psychology of the self, the dark woods containing entombed skeleton of a former self, and the secrets of a future self. Until I demystify all aspects of being, I will be forevermore chasing an enigmatic persona, and living with an unholy pack of insecurities, self-doubts, and unchecked skepticism and pessimism. Until I discover how to preserve the independence of solitude, I will always doubt myself and live an anxious and worrisome life.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“A déjà vu is your future self doing a past life regression.”
David Mellen-Thomas

Richie Norton
“Final Cause is the reason, the interest in why you do what you do, your hope for how things turn out—how you imagine your best future. Final Cause is more than the goal of the goal—it’s the effectual living beyond the goal. Final Cause is the success after the success. Final Cause is the place where your time is spent on your values. Final Cause is where misaligned commitments are reexamined. Final Cause is purpose. Final Cause helps you integrate your purpose into everything you do—even before you’ve finished the puzzle to your big-picture dream. Puzzles are put together one piece at a time, not in one big block—and so are dreams. Final Cause helps you identify the big-picture dream, and Time Tipping helps you put together the oddly shaped interlocking pieces. The mosaic of our dreams draws closer as we draw the mosaic wide awake. Final Cause is your intangible expression of joyful living—that feeling of starting something new harmonizing with the fulfillment of accomplishment. To Time Tippers, Final Cause is not the end—it’s both the end and the beginning. The end informs the beginning so you can begin living the values of the end from the beginning.”
Richie Norton, Anti-Time Management: Reclaim Your Time and Revolutionize Your Results with the Power of Time Tipping

Richie Norton
“Victim VS Hero: When will you move from being the victim of your story to the hero? The moment you assume responsibility for your choices moving forward is the moment you recover and receive what you've been after.”
Richie Norton

“Whatever and whoever you are around is feeding you something. Just make sure you're eating what your future self needs.”
Doug Wood, Church Boy to Millionaire: How to Find Personal Freedom and Liberate Your Millionaire Mindset for Massive Impact

Benjamin P. Hardy
“Have faith in the future.
Your future is as bright as your faith.”
Benjamin P. Hardy

Benjamin P. Hardy
“From the late 1800s to the late 1900s... science suggested that human beings are the direct byproduct of their own past. [...]

Research now shows that a person’s past does not drive or dictate their actions and behaviors. Rather, we are pulled forward by our future. [...]

From this view, [...] all human-action is goal-driven [or purpose-driven], even if the goal of the behavior isn’t consciously considered by the individual. [...]

There is always a why for everything someone does. That why is their reason or goal for what they’re doing. [...]

While [...] purpose may not [always] be conscious or inspiring, [a person's reason behind their behavior] still exists. Even if the goal is simply immediate gratification or escape, [as in the case of wasting time] on social media.”
Benjamin P. Hardy, Be Your Future Self Now: The Science of Intentional Transformation

Benjamin P. Hardy
“Because we’re disconnected from our Future Selves, we opt for near immediate goals or dopamine hits. This short-term seeking ends up costing our Future Selves big.

[Example of this, from comedian Jerry Seinfeld]
Late at night, I think, “Well, it’s night, I’m having a good time, I don’t want to go to sleep. I’m Night Guy. Getting up after five hours’ sleep? That’s Morning Guy’s problem. Let him worry about that. I’m Night Guy, I’ve got to party.”
Then you get up after five hours of sleep, you’re cranky, you’re exhausted.
Night Guy always screws Morning Guy.”
Benjamin P. Hardy, Be Your Future Self Now: The Science of Intentional Transformation

Benjamin P. Hardy
“Whoever you’re being, right now is the evidence of your Future Self.

Your level of faith in and commitment toward your Future Self is evidenced by everything you do, and every thought you think.”
Benjamin P. Hardy, Be Your Future Self Now: The Science of Intentional Transformation

Benjamin P. Hardy
“The future many pursue is only a step ahead:
Get to work. Get to lunch. Get to the end of the day. Get to the weekend. Pay the bills.

When you’re engaged in short-term goals, [you're] like a hamster on a wheel: expending lots of energy, but not making progress.

To exit the rat race of [one-step-ahead] day-to-day mindset requires a shift in your focus. Begin thinking much bigger and further out. [Instead of asking yourself, "what am I doing after this task?" ask yourself:] Where could you be in five years?”
Benjamin P. Hardy, Be Your Future Self Now: The Science of Intentional Transformation

“When I sit to write out my 3 year vision I let my thoughts and words flow. This is a journal entry written by your future self. Let it play out like a movie you’re watching, with you as the star in the setting you most love.”

“these words time travel into the eyes of another”
Riya Shah, The Earth Is Spinning

“Hey there, beautiful! Just a friendly reminder that your future, incredibly awesome self is out there, stalking & judging your every move. Do you think it will cherish you, thank you or be impressed by your current state of mind, health & questionable choices, decisions & daily doings? Most likely – Not…

So, before your future self starts plotting revenge against your present self, how about you challenge yourself to be a slightly-less-messy & slightly-more-awesome self today?

Darling listen – every morning, ask yourself: “What’s one tiny step I can take towards being a little bit more… awesome today? Then, go crush it, even if it’s just drinking an extra glass of water, or walking one extra mile or making one more phone or one more squat (you know what one or two things you can do, must do). Everything will count & matter, my friend!

Onward to Awesomeness (at your own pace)!

Happy New Week!

P.S. this was a reminder not from me but from your future self with love…”
Rajesh Goyal

“Ever have that feeling that time is flying? Yesterday evening, it hit me – 20 years from now, we’d give anything to be: this exact age, exactly this healthy & back in this exact moment.

Don't Blink! Every Second is a Race Against Inevitable Regret... When we know this truth that one day we’ll all look back wishing we were exactly where we are today.. why don't you set a stage you’ll be proud to look back on!

Darling listen – make today count! While you’re strong, capable & still in control, do the best you can with what you have & continue to evolve, fight & be proud of that.

Sweetheart, start thinking, speaking & doing things with your future self in mind.

Wishing you a day filled with purpose & progress! Blessings!”
Rajesh Goyal