
Hairdressers Quotes

Quotes tagged as "hairdressers" Showing 1-3 of 3
Mehmet Murat ildan
“Wind is the most skilled hairdresser! Find a windy weather and let your hair be shaped creatively!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Jennifer Ouellette
“France had recently switched to the metric system of measurement. This gave scientists a much-needed standardized system to measure and compare results, but it also required a whole new set of calculating tables.

The sheer number of calculations was beyond what could be accomplished by all the mathematicians in France, so Riche established calculating 'factories' to manufacture logarithms the same way workers manufactured mercantile goods.

Each factory employed between 60 and 80 human 'computers.' But they weren’t trained mathematicians; they were mostly out-of-work hairdressers who had found their skill at constructing elaborate pompadours for aristocrats much less in demand after so many former clients lost their heads at the height of the French Revolution. Riche had hit upon a rote system of compiling results based on a set of given values and formulas, and the workers just cranked out the answers in what must have been the world’s first mathematical assembly line.

Babbage figured that if an army of untrained hairdressers could make the calculations, so could a computing 'engine.”
Jennifer Ouellette

Harlan Coben
“He passed a hair salon called Snip Away, which sounded more like a vasectomy clinic than a beauty parlor. The Snip Away beauticians were either reformed mall girls or guys named Mario whose fathers were named Sal. Two patrons sat in a window - one getting a perm, the other a bleach job. Who wanted that? Who wanted to sit in a window and have the whole world watch you get your hair done?”
Harlan Coben, Back Spin