
Hiding In Plain Sight Quotes

Quotes tagged as "hiding-in-plain-sight" Showing 1-5 of 5
Vladimir Nabokov
“From his earliest years Cincinnatus, by some strange and happy chance comprehending his danger, carefully managed to conceal a certain peculiarity. He was impervious to the rays of others, and therefore produced when off his guard a bizarre impression, as of a lone dark obstacle in the world of souls transparent to one other; he learned however to feign translucence, employing a complex system of optical illusions, as it were--but he had only to forget himself, to allow a momentary lapse in self control, in the manipulation of cunningly illuminated facets and angles at which he turned his soul, and immediately there was alarm. In the midst of the excitement of a game his coevals would suddenly forsake him, as if they had sensed that his lucid gaze and the azure of his temples were but a crafty deception and that actually Cincinnatus was opaque. Sometimes, in the midst of sudden silence, the teacher, in a chagrined perplexity, would gather up all the reserves of skin around his eyes, gaze at him for a long while and finally say: "What is wrong with you, Cincinnatus?" Then Cincinnatus would take hold of himself, and, clutching his own self to his breast, would remove that self to a safe place.”
Vladimir Nabokov, Invitation to a Beheading

Stewart Stafford
“In Plain Sight by Stewart Stafford

How can I show the real me?
My voice breaking as I speak,
Parched hope's cracked lips,
Delphic in this solitary chic.

Vitriol cannot reach my shore,
The purge reveals little to hide,
Or does rage fester within me?
A cannibal cheerleader inside.

No father around guiding me,
Burnt by mother's acid divide,
Cataracts of persona non grata,
A transient hat tipped in a lie.

© Stewart Stafford, 2022. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

John Marrs
“Theirs is a mismatched partnership, yet they're made for one another. Only together can they be their true selves. Outside in the real world, where they have no control over their environment, they are forced to adapt and perform. They are quiet and unassuming and I expect most people forget who they are soon after crossing paths with them. They get away with what they do by hiding in plain sight and by being ordinary. Nobody sees in them what I see because they have no reason to look Only I notice the hollowness of their eyes.”
John Marrs, Keep It in the Family

James Rollins
“...no one in their right mind would ever rob graves in broad daylight.”
James Rollins, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Staci Morrison
“At eighteen, Lady Joanna ben Luke had a talent for being invisible. The night of the Coronation Ball, she applied herself to the task and blended into the yellow and gold wallpaper like a chameleon. Invisibility, unfortunately, did nothing to ease her physical discomfort. She surmised the seventh ring of Hell was not much hotter than the Palace ballroom tonight.

Her brown eyes widened with dread as she felt a slow rivulet of sweat run down the inside of her arm. A covert glance confirmed it, wet armpits. Great, just great. Even if they dried, which was unlikely in this heat, silk stained. She resigned herself to keeping her arms plastered to her sides for the rest of the night, which did nothing to improve her mood or ease the pain from the corset stays. Those medieval torture devices were supposed to make her appear trim. Instead, they dug painfully into her soft belly and forced her ample bosom so high she was afraid one of the straining gold buttons was going to launch and put someone’s eye out. She couldn’t even take a deep breath, trussed up and sweating like a pale chicken ten minutes into the roasting cycle.”
Staci Morrison, M2-Rise of the Giants