
Improvement Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "improvement-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 46
“You don't have to race with anyone if you learn to create your own lane.”
Sabrina Newby

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“The lesser we have to care about whether someone is a narcissist or not, the better we will end up improving our private lives.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo, Treatise Upon The Misconceptions of Narcissism

“Progress should be the Product of the Process”
Yohann Dafeu

“Every failure is a learning opportunity, only, if we are interested in improving rather than proving that the game wasn’t lost to the opponent but to bad luck.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan

Rebecca Raisin
“... you always seem to think you have to change, you think you have to improve yourself, to be like everyone else, to fit in, but can't you see you're perfect just the way you are?”
Rebecca Raisin, Rosie’s Travelling Tea Shop

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“The further you stay away from the revenge mode, the more you will strengthen your relationship with yourself and will be closer to your soul.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

“Make things happen, Don't let things happen to you.”
Syed Sharukh

“I want to be better than all my fellow-men!” I prayed. And I heard a voice say:- “Be better today than you were yesterday and better still tomorrow than you are today!”
Dada J. P. Vaswani

Pearl Zhu
“Due to fierce competitions and rapid changes, making a continuous improvement is critical for surviving and thriving of digital businesses today.”
Pearl Zhu, The Change Agent CIO

Bishal Baishya
“Having best of everything will only generate more sorrows, the best medicine is making the best of everything.”
Bishal Baishya

“Do not let contentment become a motor of procrastination. There is always room for improvement. There is always something better to accomplish, if not for self, then for others.”
Naide P Obiang

“Do not let comfort become an excuse for procrastination. There’s always room for improvement. There’s always something better to accomplish; if not for self, then for others. Life is more meaningful when we keep producing – when we keep giving.”
Naide P Obiang

“If yesterday reigns today will be never tomorrow”
Rik Boers

“It is true that we are the descendant of our circumstances, but is also true that we are the patrons of own improvement. Blaming the past without taking charge of the present is like driving a car cursing the rear-view mirror and shutting our eyes to the road ahead. - On Self Fulfillment”
Lamine Pearlheart, Walking the Soul

“It is true that we are the descendant of our circumstances, but it is also true that we are the patrons of own improvement. Blaming the past without taking charge of the present is like driving a car cursing the rear-view mirror and shutting our eyes to the road ahead. - On Self Fulfillmen”
Lamine Pearlheart, Walking the Soul

“Everyone one of us has room for improvement. And those who say they don't, are the ones who need it the most.”
Christine Szymanski.

Carlos Wallace
“Our lives are so busy, and for many of us the demands are overwhelming. Some of us focus so much on the needs of others, we lose sight of ourselves. Stop, for one moment. Take a deep breath. Be still. Re-focus. Concentrate on improving your life. One situation at a time; you can't be much good to others, if you're not good to yourself. If they love you, they'll understand.”
Carlos Wallace

R.J. Intindola
“When today is no different than yesterday and you haven’t taken any action to improve your tomorrow, then all your days continue to be yesterdays.”
R.J. Intindola

“Become defeatable, embrace it, for it is the greatest impetus to improve. It is because I am defeatable that, ultimately, I am unbeatable and endure.”
Brian S Woods, THE CODEX BELLUM: Iron Wrapped In Cotton

Isaac Nash
“I have tried to conceive without any successes
Successes have not knocked on my door for a long time
Time is to believe that it will come soon
Soon, you may have your biological child or adopted child
Child is a child and he or she needs you
You are his or her only hope in life
Life does miss a lot without Parents
Parents Exist”

Isaac Nash
“Tips for a great parent are three. Love, learn and pray
Pray that God protects your children and their children
Children will remain children even if they have children
Children are always in need of your hugs and kisses
Kisses, hugs, praises, service, quality time, and love
Love your children because you are a loving Parents
Parents Exist”

Isaac Nash
“Unconditional love must be provided
Provided to all your children without exceptions
Exceptions do not exist. Learn how to present your love
Love because if you do not, you will regret
Regret should not be in your dictionary but support
Support your children. Know-how because each one is different
Different actions mean different results for Parents
Parents Exist”

Isaac Nash
“With too many children an organized schedule is needed
Needed to have a private time with each child
Each child needs quality time with his mother or father
Father knows how to organize his busy schedule
Schedule is scheduled. Parents and children should be flexible
Flexible toward variables, incidents, and true Parents
Parents Exist”

Adriana Vandelinde
“One cannot improve any skill without regular practice.”
Adriana Vandelinde

Germany Kent
“Adding a smile to your daily routine will offer you significant improvement in your life to combat anxiety, depression, stress, and self-esteem issues. Smiling more will also boost your outlook every day and have an impact on your life with healthy vibes, giving you a glowing attitude.”
Germany Kent

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Nothing is wasted in life. You simply learn from previous mistakes and move on, making improvements on the next attempt.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

“When better doesn't work anymore it's time to switch to new.”
Gijs van Wulfen

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