
Junk Food Quotes

Quotes tagged as "junk-food" Showing 1-30 of 51
Ilona Andrews
“Why the hell would anyone be eating at the Grease Trap? I’ve seen flies die from buzzing by that place.” Andrea crossed her arms. “Oh, I don’t know, probably because your career just ended and you are depressed and don’t feel like breathing, let alone going out, but your body still needs food and that’s the closest place to your apartment and they don’t mind if you bring a giant dog with you.” “What, you couldn’t find a Dumpster that was closer?” Andrea glared at me. “What are you implying?” “The Dumpster would have better food in it.” “Well, excuse me, Miss Fine Dining.”
Ilona Andrews, Magic Slays

Kelly Moran
“Popcorn, chocolate, coffee, ice cream, and pizza. The five food groups. Health nuts are going to feel stupid one day, dying of nothing.”
Kelly Moran, Puppy Love

John Irving
“Newspapers are a bad habit, the reading equivalent of junk food. What happens to me is that I seize upon an issue in the news—the issue is the moral/philosophical, political/intellectual equivalent of a cheeseburger with everything on it; but for the duration of my interest in it, all my other interests are consumed by it, and whatever appetites and capacities I may have had for detachment and reflection are suddenly subordinate to this cheeseburger in my life! I offer this as self-criticism; but what it means to be "political" is that you welcome these obsessions with cheeseburgers—at great cost to the rest of your life.”
John Irving, A Prayer for Owen Meany

Mark Bittman
“Like pornography, junk [food] might be tough to define but you know it when you see it.”
Mark Bittman, VB6: Eat Vegan Before 6:00 to Lose Weight and Restore Your Health . . . for Good

Michael   Lewis
“foodstuffs absolved of the obligation to provide vitamins and minerals cavorted with reckless abandon.”
Michael Lewis

Lucy Knisley
“Anyone who can fail to rejoice in the enticing squish/crunch of a fast-food French fry, or the delight of a warmed piece of grocery-store donut, is living half a life”
Lucy Knisley, Relish: My Life in the Kitchen

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Everlasting pain is often caused by the pursuit of fleeting pleasure.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Our tongue wants what tastes good to it, not what is good for us.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“The fact that they might still be alive in 5, 25, or even 50 years’ time is not enough to motivate fools to look after their bodies.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Farshad Asl
“When we allow ourselves to ignore a rational option in favor of an irrational one, or perhaps an unjustified one, it’s like eating junk food. It fills the need for making a decision but does so with no decision at all. Just like junk food, it satiates the need to act, but it requires no action at all.”
Farshad Asl, The "No Excuses" Mindset: A Life of Purpose, Passion, and Clarity

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Some people’s meals have way less nutrients than some people’s faeces.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Fools refuse to truly believe that a thing can be both delicious or pleasurable … and harmful.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“A stomach can be full of so-called food, but be empty of nutrients.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“Junk food isn't cheap; we pay a steep price for it years after consuming it.”
Joel Fuhrman, Disease-Proof Your Child: Feeding Kids Right

Evelyn Tribole
“So Where’s the Chocolate Group? As we have said, we’re not going to pull a fast one. There are no forbidden foods, because deprivation doesn’t work. All of the above guidelines are intended as a balance over time—which means even if you eat a candy bar, it will eventually average out. When you have let go of the diet mentality and have made peace with food, you will discover that you sometimes have a desire for food that has no nutritionally redemptive powers. We call this food play food. We prefer this term to one of the most commonly used terms to describe what’s considered unhealthy foods—junk food. The term junk food implies that there is no intrinsic value in this food—in fact, that it probably should be thrown in the garbage can. But we feel that this thinking is unwarranted. There are times when a piece of red velvet cake or a stick of licorice is just the food that will satisfy your taste buds. And eating these types of foods doesn’t mean you are an unhealthy eater.”
Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch, Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program That Works

Stacey Ballis
“There were mini Vienna hot dogs with all the classic Chicago toppings. A macaroni 'n' cheese bar with all kinds of fun add-ins. Cold sesame noodles in tiny white cardboard Chinese take-out containers, sliders served with small cones of skinny fries. Fried chicken legs, barbecued ribs, mini gyros in tiny three-inch pitas. All of it the most delicious and perfectly prepared elevated junk food, complete heaven, and just what I love. She gave us each a bamboo tray with a piece of parchment paper on it to use as plates, and large kitchen tea towels instead of napkins. There were cold beers in a tub, endless bottles of rosé, and a massive birthday cake, chocolate with fluffy vanilla frosting, and rainbow sprinkles. And then, after coffee, mini ice-cream sandwiches on chocolate chip cookies.”
Stacey Ballis, Recipe for Disaster

“No amount of junk food and junk web content can substitute for the love and affection that you need.”

“Some of the most popular tantalizing and chemically processed foods of my youth were Swanson TV dinners, Cheez Whiz, Tang, Hunt’s canned Franks and Beans, Oreo cookies, Devil Dogs, Twinkies, Lucky Charms, and Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes whose motto, “They’re GRRREAT!” still rings in my ears! Then there was Diet Rite, the first diet soft drink. I’m disgusted to admit that I had my share of it all. It was preferable to have a perfect-looking tomato rather than a vine-ripe delicious one. Addiction to unhealthy foodstuffs turned into the norm.”
Donna Maltz, Living Like The Future Matters: The Evolution of a Soil to Soul Entrepreneur

“The industrial food complex polluted our food system
to please the addicted palettes they created.”
Donna Maltz, Conscious Cures: Soulutions to 21st Century Pandemics

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Not only do we not let our food be our medicine, we let our food be one of the causes of our need for medicine.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Because they are fat, some children look like their parents, and some look like they’re parents.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Michael Bassey Johnson
“When you eat junk food, junk food eats you up.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Night of a Thousand Thoughts

Steven Magee
“Eating anything that is not natural is likely going to make you fat!”
Steven Magee

John Joclebs Bassey
“Eating healthy keeps one going for long, meanwhile, unhealthy food keeps one going for a while.”
John Joclebs Bassey, Night of a Thousand Thoughts

Lydia Millet
“Surely little remained of the Puritan legacy of prudish rectitude, he thought: surely this was now a country of excess, gluttony, lust, and sloth; surely this had grown into a land where obesity reigned and even the poor moved ponderously down the street on big thighs that rubbed fatly together. What had become of the pilgrims' gaunt and stingy oversight? He knew in part it was the visionary genius of enterprising men, but such entrepreneurs were only the tools of a hungry culture. For the descendants of those gray, upright pioneers had cherished cravings for beef patties with ketchup, deep-fried chicken and vats of ice cream, chemically scented and dyed all the colors of the rainbow, and billions upon billions of gallons of soda. Their thirst had never been quite slaked and so they never finished drinking; and this was the market in all its streamlined functionality—which, precisely where the supply and the demand curves crossed, had swiftly produced a nation of paralyzed giants, fallen across their couches much as soldiers on the field of battle, their arteries hard, their softened hearts failing.

The market made a fool of you by giving you what you wanted. But this did not make him resent it; it merely earned his respect. From the day you were born you were called upon to discern what to choose.”
Lydia Millet, How the Dead Dream

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“Junk food is rude to your muscle and mind.”
Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma, Rep By Rep

“The Dunkin Donuts slogan “America runs on Dunkin” scares the hell out of me. The suggestion that a country prides itself on being “nourished” on donuts and lattés is rather curious.”
A. Breeze Harper, Sistah Vegan: Black Women Speak on Food, Identity, Health, and Society

“Kitchen people understood that food didn't have to be gourmet to taste good, and that sometimes gourmet food didn't taste good at all. "Kiwis are a soulless fruit," my mother once said when she saw them in a fruit tart on the Ritz's dessert tray. "Don't ever use sun-dried tomatoes," my father told his staff. "They'll take your magic powers." Even junk food could be better. Once, for Jake's birthday, the staff laid out his favorite foods--- frozen meatballs and Twinkies--- on brass serving plates in the dining room. When they sliced the Twinkies horizontally to expose the cream, even my mother admitted they made an attractive dessert.
At staff Christmas parties we served junk food, too: sour-cream-and-onion potato chips, chicken wings, and hot dogs, and for dessert more Twinkies. The rest of the year I never ate food like that, and by the holidays Cotswold tarts and melon wrapped in prosciutto bored me. In my black velvet dresses, I gnawed on fried drumsticks, with a napkin stuffed into my lace collars to catch the crumbs. "I'm not whipping up any foie gras for you tonight, kiddo," said Carla, who, in her olive-green T-shirt and holding a beer, looked the same as she did behind the line. "Fend for yourself.”
Charlotte Silver, Charlotte Au Chocolat: Memories of a Restaurant Girlhood

Tim Hawkins
“I found a really good Brussel sprouts recipe on Instagram. It's really good. It's easy. Take the Brussel sprouts, cut them in half, put them on a baking sheet, put olive oil, salt and pepper on them. Put 'em in the oven. 450° for about 15 minutes and you take them out and you throw them in the trash and then order a pizza. It's so good. It's so easy. Just follow instructions.”
Tim Hawkins

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