
Laura Kreitzer Quotes

Quotes tagged as "laura-kreitzer" Showing 1-23 of 23
Laura Kreitzer
“We want to fight.”
“And I want J.K. Rowling to keep writing in the Potterverse, but I know that’s never going to happen,” I said blithely.”
Laura Kreitzer, Fallen Legion

Laura Kreitzer
“Electricity exploded in me, crackling and sparking all throughout my body. And I knew that he could feel it too right before his lips descended over mine.”
Laura Kreitzer

Laura Kreitzer
“He holds her with the strength of a million-man army, but with all the tenderness of her heart lying naked in the palms of his hands.”
Laura Kreitzer, Phantom Universe

Laura Kreitzer
“I suggest you leave now, or you’ll be tied down and gagged until the end of this meeting.”
“Tie us down?”
“And gag you,” Joseph cheerfully reminded them.”
Laura Kreitzer, Fallen Legion

Laura Kreitzer
“Gabby,” Jenna cried. “It’s so horrible. I can’t believe this happened.”
“Jenna,” I said in a soothing voice, “I’m alive and okay. No worries.”
She sniffled into the phone. “No, it’s not that.”
I waited a beat. “What?”
“The bridesmaid dresses are all wrong!” she wailed.
“Wait a second,” I said. “You aren’t upset over my being dead for four days?”
“I knew you’d be fine,” she explained, brushing off the subject. “But these dresses? I don’t know what to do. They’re the wrong color, and they’re hideous!” She went into a hysterical fit of tears.”
Laura Kreitzer

Laura Kreitzer
“So if I asked you to wear my skirt and juggle my high heels, you would?” I joked.
I could only see Andrew's face in profile, but a grin overtook his earlier grim expression, and he laughed. “I draw the line at wearing women’s clothing.”
“Are you sure?” I whispered seductively, nibbling on his earlobe.
“That’s cheating,” he said, his breath hitching.
I kissed down his neck. “If all else fails, I’ll never rule out using my womanly wiles.”
“I refuse to be used as a pawn by my devious lover,” he countered, grinning.
I abruptly pulled away from him. “Ah, well, it never hurts to try.”
Laura Kreitzer, Fallen Legion

Laura Kreitzer
“When the nurse leaves, Doctor Rose mouths, “Act like you’re in pain.” Then she mimics a painful expression in case Summer doesn’t understand. On the contrary, Summer’s an expert at interpreting body language and reading lips. It’s all thanks to her observant nature while enslaved on the Cosmos. Who else could tell that Peter’s discomfort is due to him wearing the same pair of underwear for a week straight? Ah, yes, she always knew when day six and seven approached. She watched the crew member with much amusement as he waddled, pulled wedgies, and scratched his bum relentlessly. Not that anyone else cared to know that little nugget of information.”
Laura Kreitzer, Forsaken Harbor

Laura Kreitzer
“What would you suggest?” one of the Italian officials asked.
“We do have a highly-advanced biological device called the Illuminator,” Joseph chimed in”
Laura Kreitzer, Fallen Legion

Laura Kreitzer
“She notices the unyielding ruthlessness of the storm; the crashing waves, the bitter sky kissing the water on the horizon, the keening laments of the sharp, cutting wind, and the relentless liquid deliverance of its somber showers. She’ll never forgive the audacity of the storm’s neglect.”
Laura Kreitzer, Phantom Universe

Laura Kreitzer
“I’ll stab him,” offers Jaden as she makes a stabbing motion.
“You expect me to play along?” Rob scoffs, gripping his arm protectively.
“Pretty much,” replies Landon earnestly.
“You’re serious?”
“As a heart attack.”
“No,” argues Rob. “I’m not going to let Jaden—or anyone else—skewer me.” He’s greeted with an amused silence. “Bleedin’ crime is what it is,” he mutters. “Why can’t someone else go all noble sacrifice-y? It’s because I’m English, ain’t it?”
Laura Kreitzer, Forsaken Harbor

Laura Kreitzer
“It took me several minutes to persuade myself to watch the news. During which time I gave myself a stern talking to. That turned into me considering a local pub that would be the perfect place to drown my sorrows in a barrel of tequila, though after much introspection, I scratched the idea just to avoid needless drunken embarrassment. Then, admittedly, I contemplated pouncing Andrew for another steamy romp session. Despite its proven potency to assuage stress and tension, I decided now was not the time to indulge in explosive sexcapades.”
Laura Kreitzer, Fallen Legion

Laura Kreitzer
“Firen didn’t waste any time setting up the meeting with Egnatious. The following day she was in such a rush to tell me about it that she burst into my room without knocking and found Andrew and me in an intimate and compromising position reminiscent of the game Twister. Also, I cannot confirm or deny if there was food involved. Let’s just say I toppled over in embarrassment, taking Andrew down with me in a great heap. Firen didn’t fare any better, as she nearly knocked herself out when she ran into the doorframe in an attempt to escape. We were both scarred for life, especially after Firen apologized for walking in on our “naked fun time,” which was apparently what Joseph called it. There were some things people should never know, and that was one of them.”
Laura Kreitzer, Fallen Legion

Laura Kreitzer
“I’m only going to say this once,” I said with a finger pointed at him. “So don’t make me repeat it. I’ve sacrificed everything for you and the angels. I deserve some respect around here. From now on what’s best for me will be discussed with me. Actually, any affairs with the angels will now be discussed with me. You make sure you mind-to-mind that with Ehno, Aiden, and Patrick. And then tell Patrick to phone Joseph and tell him too, while you’re at it!”
Laura Kreitzer, Abyss

Laura Kreitzer
“We need the Fallen Legion,” I said without preamble, trying to catch my breath after running after her.
“And I need an evil-proof bubble to put Jules in,” Firen said dryly.
“That’ll teach me to start off a conversation with a demand,” I grumbled.”
Laura Kreitzer, Fallen Legion

Laura Kreitzer
“I’m not above using unsavory beings to kick the Gods’ asses, but the Phantoms are too unpredictable for my taste,” I said.”
Laura Kreitzer, Fallen Legion

Laura Kreitzer
“Mmm.” Sebastian moaned. “It’s so delicious.” He laughed then. “It’s not the Poisonous Desert; it’s the Oreo Desert.” He scooped up handfuls of dirt and stones and funneled it into his mouth. He licked his palms, his teeth grinding against rock.

“Did the plant scramble his brains?” Firen asked, her lips twitching just a smidgen.

“The plant’s poison makes you delusional,” Gabriella informed as Egnatious and Firen yanked Sebastian to his feet. “He’ll probably be a bit Looneyville for a while.”
Laura Kreitzer, Key of Pearl

Laura Kreitzer
“He strained his ears, and the darkness felt heavier than before. Oppressive.
“We’re hungry.” That came from behind him.
“They smell tasty,” a voice to his left hissed.
“I don’t like this,” Andrew said, feeling like the world around them was spinning with voices, taunting, echoing them.
“I don’t like this,” a voice parroted. “I don’t like this. I don’t like this. I don’t like this.”
Laura Kreitzer, Key of Pearl

Laura Kreitzer
“What are you doing?” Egnatious asked, eyebrows furrowed as he watched Gabriella do a flip.
Firen mimicked Gabriella and turned to Egnatious. “Fun times. Go with it.” She didn’t even crack a smile, though her body language said she was laughing on the inside.
Instead of following their act, Egnatious simply dove for an outcrop just as it began moving away. He nearly lost his balance, but Firen caught his flailing arms.
“Are you having a seizure or something?” she jested, displaying a rare vein of humor.
Egnatious sent her a queasy glare.”
Laura Kreitzer, Key of Pearl

Laura Kreitzer
“I think I found your vampire,” Andrew said, except this time he wasn’t so amused.
However, Gabriella was, her smile huge as she laughed, the sound a trill in the densely packed cold air.
“You think this is funny?” The words came out surly, but Andrew couldn’t stop his lips from twitching over her amusement.
“I thought they’d be bigger,” she said, stifling another round of giggles. “Are you okay?”
“Just a flesh wound.”
Laura Kreitzer, Key of Pearl

Laura Kreitzer
“Burn wounds always elicited pain more terrible than anything else he had ever endured. He didn’t relish the idea of forcing himself to suffer through such agony. But it was necessary. Earth depended on them taking possession of the key. “It’s the only way out,” Andrew reminded him.
“I understand that, but—”
“The trials we have faced thus far have been minimal,” Andrew said, cutting off Sebastian’s retort. “What we seek is the key to the universe. You didn’t expect it to be easy, did you?”
Laura Kreitzer, Key of Pearl

Laura Kreitzer
“An ear-splitting screech pierced the silence, followed by another, striking his ears like metal against a hollow bell. The woosh woosh of wind being displaced brought Andrew’s attention skyward, and a glacial gust of paralyzing terror raced up his spine. The creature opened its mouth, and a blazing shaft of fire bellowed from above. Andrew barely had enough time to back beneath an awning for protection. Egnatious and Sebastian dove to the side while Firen sidestepped her impending doom, raising the katana in challenge.
The screeching returned, except now the howls were coming from every direction.
Firen’s chest heaved. “Did you see that?” she asked, her stormy eyes glinting with rapture and daring as she held her katana out, preparing for the next attack.
“Did I see the dragon?” Sebastian asked, hysteria dangerously rising to the surface. He stood and brushed himself off. “Yes, I bloody well did see that enormous, scaly, fire-breathing dragon.”
Laura Kreitzer, Key of Pearl

Laura Kreitzer
“The Ferryman will transport us across the moat,” Chris informed.
“Yeah. This seems legit,” Gabriella quipped as Chris helped her onto the boat. Andrew followed behind.
“Are you sure this isn’t a trick?” Egnatious asked.
Again, uncertainty filtered into Chris’s blue eyes, but he nodded anyway. “This is the only way.”
Laura Kreitzer, Key of Pearl

Laura Kreitzer
“Where are you taking me?” Andrew demanded, whirling on the Ferryman. His muscles tensed, hands curling in and out of fists.
“To my master.” The voice was ghostly, whispers of black ash and death, words cold and detached.
He had an idea who that was but asked anyway: “And who is your master?”
No answer came.
Andrew’s insatiable rage rose up and swallowed his grief like a yawning ocean mouth, the darkest depths surging to the surface to form a mighty tidal wave. He closed the distance and seized the Ferryman’s gaunt wrist. There was no substance, no life beneath the cloak. The Ferryman slowly turned his hooded head, and Andrew found himself looking into the black hole of a self-contained night. The olfactory of decay was a punch in the face. Andrew released the Ferryman’s wrist and hastily stepped back, rocking the boat as he put distance between him and the unnatural wind spilling from the gaping orifice. Andrew shivered, the tiny hairs on his neck saluting. The cloaked head faced forward again, and the wind died away.”
Laura Kreitzer, Key of Pearl