
Melodramatic Quotes

Quotes tagged as "melodramatic" Showing 1-17 of 17
Andri E. Elia
“Stay! Take the drink. Take my hand. Marry me.”
Andri E. Elia, Yildun: Worldmaker of Yand

Shah Rukh Khan
“When you make a film, if you are an insider, you're usually the last person to know that your film is not right. But when you are an outsider, you have a little more objectivity.I think a part of my success is that I am naturally objective. I am not an insider.In many ways, Anupama is the same.
Foreword, First Day First Show”
Shah Rukh Khan

Stephen Lovegrove
“My first kiss I regret. My first date I regret. But I do not regret the choice to say I love you for the first time. Even though that was the melodramatic story. Even though that one ended badly. I don’t regret it.

Because that time ... that night, I was myself. I found my feelings and honored them. I loved myself enough to trust what I felt and say what I needed to say. And I chose to be myself. I was present as I delivered my awkward speech and felt each pound of my beating heart. I had never been more of myself than in that moment.”
Stephen Lovegrove, How to Find Yourself, Love Yourself, & Be Yourself: The Secret Instruction Manual for Being Human

Raziel Reid
“Darling,” she said, “we’re a train wreck.”
“Sweetheart,” I said, “train wrecks always make the front page.”
Raziel Reid, When Everything Feels Like the Movies

“The history of hysteria is a history of the relation between the colonizing father and the colonized devalued other.”
Judith L. Alpert, SEXUAL ABUSE RECALLED: Treating Trauma in the Era of the Recovered Memory Debate

Ally Carter
“OH. MY. GOSH. It was as if the gray storm clouds had parted and Macey McHenry was the sun, bringing wisdom and truth into the eternal darkness. (Or something a lot less melodramatic.)”
Ally Carter, I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You

Carrie Jones
“We’ll fight them. We took down my dad. We’ve taken down so many since then. We’ll take down these jokesters too.”
“I will never let anything happen to you,” Nick growls into my hair. “I will die before you get hurt again. So help me God, Zara. I will die."
“Me too.”
“I will die before I let anyone hurt you or Issie or Dev or Gram or . . .” I stop and pull my head away from his chest so I can look up at him. “This list is getting kind of long and melodramatic, isn’t it?”
He laughs. His hand moves slowly up my spine. He starts leaning down for a kiss. “Yeah. It is.”
Carrie Jones, Captivate

“Disclosures of childhood sexual abuse have frequently been discredited through the diagnosis of hysteria. In this view, women/female children were seen either as culpable seducers who were not really damaged by the sex abuse or as dramatic fantasizers projecting their own incestuous wishes onto the father. I will argue that this view pervades the false-memory movement and can be found, for example, in Gardner's work (1992).”
Judith L. Alpert, SEXUAL ABUSE RECALLED: Treating Trauma in the Era of the Recovered Memory Debate

Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
“This is thy funeral, this thy dirge!”
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Frankenstein: The 1818 Text

Thomas Burnett Swann
“It is always pleasant to divulge a secret under dramatic circumstances.”
Thomas Burnett Swann, Day of the Minotaur

“Egg ? Egg , i dreamed that i was old".”

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Some real kings are drama queens.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Jarod Kintz
“Ducks are melodic, not melodramatic. That, plus the gift of aquatic aviation, makes them the ideal soup ingredient.”
Jarod Kintz, Powdered Saxophone Music

Sol Luckman
“And who with any theatrical sense doesn’t like a little crazy?”
Sol Luckman, Cali the Destroyer

Georgette Heyer
“There was nothing romantic about Miss Charing's appearance, but her entrance would not have shamed a Siddons. "You," she uttered in accents of loathing. "I might have known it!”
Georgette Heyer, Cotillion

Hannah     Marie
“Most men needed sunlight to survive: Dorian needed a spotlight.”
Hannah Marie, Prince of Ruin