
Mobile Quotes

Quotes tagged as "mobile" Showing 1-30 of 74
Rachel Caine
“You know what we call pedestrians in Morganville? Mobile bloodbanks.”
Rachel Caine, Midnight Alley

Erik Pevernagie
“If we don’t counter the onslaught of the insidious triviality of transgression in our daily environment and if we gradually lose grip on the pervading taint of apathy and disrespect, we need irrevocably restructure our thinking and adjust the mechanism of our action. Taking everything for granted and accepting anything uncontested, might generate disjunction, arouse extreme heartbreak and, finally, turn our living into a scourge. ("Even if the world goes down, my mobile will save me" turn into )”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“If we are not prepared to spell out clearly the content of our thinking or to ‘name’ undisputedly the quality of the cold hard facts, we deserve to be disentitled, intellectually. ("Even if the world goes down, my mobile will save me" )”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“The Smartphone has become a young divine embodying the ultimate desire and saving us from droopiness or lack of care and concern. It is the epitome of happiness, encompassing pleasure and contentment, but for sure does not allow woe and depression. ("Even if the world goes down, my mobile will save me" )”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“As long as we keep the elephant in the room and we persist ignoring it, we won’t be capable of unlearning people from ‘phubbing’ their way through life. ("Even if the world goes down, my mobile will save me")”
Erik Pevernagie

Criss Jami
“In the age of technology there is constant access to vast amounts of information. The basket overflows; people get overwhelmed; the eye of the storm is not so much what goes on in the world, it is the confusion of how to think, feel, digest, and react to what goes on.”
Criss Jami, Venus in Arms

Amit Abraham
“Long distance relationships through mobile communication generally becomes poor because of the weak signals and ends up due to jammed networks”
Amit Abraham

Vera Nazarian
“It's easier for a rich man to ride that camel through the eye of a needle directly into the Kingdom of Heaven, than for some of us to give up our cell phone.”
Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

Marissa Meyer
“The mobile phone acts as a cursor to connect the digital and physical.”
Marissa Mayer

Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove
“As participants in a mobile culture, our default is to move. God embraces our broken world, and I have no doubt that God can use our movement for good. But I am convinced that we lose something essential to our existence as creatures if we do not recognize our fundamental need for stability. Trees can be transplanted, often with magnificent results. But their default is to stay.”
Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, The Wisdom of Stability: Rooting Faith in a Mobile Culture

Catherine Bateson
“Mum's mobile was the most immoblie cell phone in the world. It often lived on the top of the bookshelf closest to the front door. It was there so she'd see it before she left the house. The trouble was, Mum was alwayd leaving the house in a mad rush and the mobile stayed put.”
Catherine Bateson, Boyfriend Rules of Good Behavior

Anthony T. Hincks
“A telephone connects more than just people.”
Anthony T. Hincks

stained hanes
“In 2005 software actually had designs. Now everything is flat, colorless, without icons, without borders, gradients, just horrible. Mobile ruined everything, everything is just practical now.”
stained hanes, 94,000 Wasps in a Trench Coat

“When your personal safety or very life is on the line, to remain alert, mobile, and skillful is an immense feat of self-mastery.”
Shannon Lee, Be Water, My Friend: The Teachings of Bruce Lee

Steven Magee
“I had a history of using company laptop computers since 1999 and my right hand would rest in the area of the keyboard that was above a high pulsating electromagnetic field the laptop computer was emitting. I was not surprised my right hand had developed issues.”
Steven Magee, Magee’s Disease

Steven Magee
“5G for me equated to five times the gas!”
Steven Magee, Hypoxia, Mental Illness & Chronic Fatigue

Hadinet Tekie
“I think my mobile is actually rebelling and blaming auto instead...”
Hadinet Tekie

Ineke Botter
“The mobile industry quickly developed, and lawyers, investment bankers, consultants and contractors offered their services. The feeling of ownership of the projects and the effort of getting networks up and running within the shortest possible time span was gigantic. Engineers slept in their cars to make sure that they could start early mornings, ‘war rooms’ were kitted out with huge maps, project timelines, pictures and milestone markers. Contests ongoing between different teams in the specific country regions where we were building. Employing a thousand people in no time and generating work for tenfold that number; network and other suppliers, construction companies, distributors, retailers and other often highly skilled third parties.”
Ineke Botter, Your phone, my life: Or, how did that phone land in your hand?

Steven Magee
“My smart phone is set up to be a not so smart phone.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“When home, I use my smart phone the same way I use a traditional corded home telephone and answering machine.”
Steven Magee

Ineke Botter
“Impact of the mobile phone
While 2G and 3G basic and feature phones were tremendously important for people to open their worlds, be able to communicate whenever and wherever they wanted and made life so much easier, 4G enabled the smartphone to revolutionize our lives in ways that go well beyond how we communicate. Besides calling and texting, almost 4 billion people around the world are connected to the mobile internet and use their devices to send money, navigate, book cab rides, follow the news, learn a new language, watch movies, listen to music, play video games, memorialize vacations, and, not least of all, participate in social media.”
Ineke Botter, Your phone, my life: Or, how did that phone land in your hand?

Ineke Botter
“Shortly after that nerve-racking event, Minister Delikatny, whom I really liked, did indeed disappear, but at least UMC was ‘in formation’. UMC would make a real and huge change in this highly secretive world. I still had a long to-do list. First, I needed to open a bank account to transfer the share capital. There was only one, very new, international bank, the First Ukrainian bank, a subsidiary of a Dutch bank that I hoped would be able to help. No such luck, there were no transfer processes in place yet. I decided to simply put the required USD 10,000 in my shoes next time I would travel. Fifty notes in each shoe was surely not a problem. I delivered the money to the bank on my next stay in Kiev and we were up and running. We could officially start building now.”
Ineke Botter, Your phone, my life: Or, how did that phone land in your hand?

Ineke Botter
“It was well after midnight when I put the thick document called ‘Invitation to Tender for a concession to provide GSM services in Hungary’ on my bedside cabinet. The document had been reissued on October 15, 1992. I had quickly scanned, and hopefully absorbed, the main points. The tender was organized as a beauty contest and the winning consortia would be allowed to participate in the auction to be held next year. There were two concessions up for grabs, one that would surely go to the existing NMT operator Westel (US West & Bell Atlantic) and one for a new party. It was shut eye time now, I was tired. The flight to Budapest would leave early in the morning, so I had only a few hours to rest.”
Ineke Botter, Your phone, my life: Or, how did that phone land in your hand?

Ineke Botter
“KPN had set up an office in most countries of the former Eastern bloc. The office in Budapest was in the Buda hills, an area with lush lanes with beautiful large nineteenth-century villas. The minute I saw it, I baptized KPN’s villa ‘Villekulla’, after Pippi Longstocking’s house. I could just picture Pippi leaving the place with Mr. Nilsson on her shoulder, leading her speckled mare down the lane, looking for new adventures. The actual offices were downstairs, with double doors opening out into a large garden with roses and big trees.”
Ineke Botter, Your phone, my life: Or, how did that phone land in your hand?

Ineke Botter
“We were ready to submit the bid documents in sealed folders on May 28, at 10 am, as stipulated by the Ministry. Luckily, someone did a final check of our output against the ‘Invitation to Tender’ once more, just to make absolutely sure we hadn’t forgotten anything. He discovered at the last minute that the bid team leader had to initial all pages by hand. Since systems like DocuSign didn’t exist yet, Richard and I spent the whole evening and night signing pages, with me turning the pages and Richard initialing each one. There were thousands. Richard’s arm was hurting badly at the end of it, but we got it done in time. We put the folders in sealed envelopes and delivered it all by hand. One minute late and we would have missed an opportunity that we had already spent over USD 10 million on.”
Ineke Botter, Your phone, my life: Or, how did that phone land in your hand?

Ineke Botter
“The former banker helped us with the financial plans, figuring out how much we could afford to bid in the auction. We concluded that we could certainly bid USD 45 million for a 20-year license in Hungary. Swedish Telecom was very confident, their CEO had said in radio interviews that he thought that 1 in 4 people would have a mobile phone by the year 2000. This was overly optimistic according to the other consortium partners. They were more conservative and we had difficulty persuading them to put up more money”
Ineke Botter, Your phone, my life: Or, how did that phone land in your hand?

Ineke Botter
“I started to organize the procurement process from Denmark, which was good and not good. Good because I had experienced procurement people and engineers close by, and not good because I discovered quickly that we were required to put contracts out to tender under strict EU rules that would thwart our ability to launch on time. That, in turn, would mean that we could risk high penalties and/ or lose the license. After issuing the Request for Proposal and one round of intense negotiations with a couple of network suppliers, we decided to move the procurement team to Hungary. There were two suppliers left, a newcomer called Nokia and the old Ericsson, Finns and Swedes. The final negotiations could start.”
Ineke Botter, Your phone, my life: Or, how did that phone land in your hand?

Ineke Botter
“Nokia and our team worked day and night; sites were selected, even churches, masts were built, and equipment was installed. We were heading for launch. Dead tired but things moved forward. Richard’s wife was screaming and shouting on the phone, where the f… he was, she would divorce him. It was early evening after our Christmas party, the offices deserted. Very cold outside, big snowflakes falling. Richard and I were looking out of the big 6th floor windows of our new office in Pest. Silently we stood together. We had grown close that year. He said sadly, ‘You see those people there Ineke? They have a life and we will improve it when they get cheap mobile phones. And we?’ I said nothing, I just watched people pass by and felt like him; lone wolves we had become.”
Ineke Botter, Your phone, my life: Or, how did that phone land in your hand?

Ineke Botter
“The receptionist called. Nervous. I asked what the problem was. ‘There is a General and soldiers here for you Ma’am’, she said. ‘Okay, let them come upstairs to the meeting room’, I instructed her. A few minutes later, the elevator arrived and indeed a General and his helpers, in full uniform and armed, entered. ‘What can I help you with General?’ I asked. He started to threaten me, ‘We need access to your network. You need to buy digital interception equipment and install it before launch.’ This was really something we hadn’t taken into account. A bit disturbed Lone wolves 63 by all the overwhelming force, I promised to look into that. It turned out that only an Israeli company produced this probing equipment. Very expensive too.”
Ineke Botter, Your phone, my life: Or, how did that phone land in your hand?

Ineke Botter
“It was a late Friday afternoon when old Mr. Bartha came to my office. I offered him a drink and gave him a quick rundown of what we needed. I had prepared a Memorandum of Understanding and handed it over to him. When he saw the daily fee, which was market rate, but lowish, he suddenly became very emotional and cried. He said he couldn’t accept. His company was almost bankrupt, hundreds of families with children were very poor now. Couldn’t I raise the fee a little bit, he asked, shyly. I looked at him and saw him struggling, my heart broke, this old man was trying to help so many people. I thought about my budget and about what I would have to explain to the new CEO, Christian, a nice and competent Norwegian, and decided instantly to raise the fee. And as for my budget and explaining it to Christian, I’d cross that bridge when I get to it, I thought silently.”
Ineke Botter, Your phone, my life: Or, how did that phone land in your hand?

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