Moksha Quotes

Quotes tagged as "moksha" Showing 211-240 of 317
“Shiva is saying: the body is a product of nature and your will to do. The nature is merely the source, the womb. Your ego functions like a seed in it. Your will to do this or that, to achieve this or that, to become this or that – acts like a seed. And the moment the art of your doing meets the womb of nature, a body is formed.
Therefore, buddhas say: ”Give up all desires, only then will you be liberated.: If you desired for heaven, you will become an angel, but that won’t be liberation either. Because as long as desires persist, there can never be any liberation. All desires lead to the formation of bodies.”
Osho, Bliss: Living beyond happiness and misery

“So as long as you have not attained to desirelessness, as long as you have not renounced desires completely, you will go on taking births and wandering in different bodies. And howsoever different the forms of the body may be, their basic condition is always the same. The ills of the body are the same, regardless whether it’s a bird’s body or man’s. There is no difference in their miseries, because the fundamental misery is only one: the soul becoming confined in the body, the entering of the soul into the prison of body. A prison after all is a prison; it makes no difference whether its walls are circular or angular no matter what you think.”
Osho, Bliss: Living beyond happiness and misery

Dada Bhagwan
“Civility must be a natural thing; all the rest is considered etiquette. The path of moksha [ultimate liberation] means there must be simplicity. There should be no ‘ghosts of etiquette’ there.”
Dada Bhagwan

Dada Bhagwan
“God says that the one who does not find the worldly life boring at all, is not worthy of moksha [the ultimate liberation] at all. While earning money one gets bored, while not earning money one gets bored, everywhere one gets bored, then he is considered worthy of moksha.”
Dada Bhagwan

Dada Bhagwan
“One's ‘life’ is ‘fractured’; he does not even know what he is living for. What is the essence of the human life? It is that one can attain whatever life form one wants, or he can attain ultimate liberation (moksha) if he wants moksha.”
Dada Bhagwan

Dada Bhagwan
“If you want to attain moksha (ultimate liberation), then you cannot give unsolicited advice. Give advice only when it is asked for. In order to give advice, you have to become the chief!”
Dada Bhagwan

Dada Bhagwan
“This world is not without causes. There is Moksha [ultimate liberation] when one’s causes stops. There is Moksha where everyone's 'claim' is completed. Without a cause, effect does not happen.”
Dada Bhagwan

Dada Bhagwan
“What do the vitarags [the enlightened one] say? This world will keep on running, You do not interfere with anything in it. If you want to attain ultimate liberation (moksha) then you will have maintain a state of vitaragta (state free of attachment).”
Dada Bhagwan

Dada Bhagwan
“When one remains ‘sincere’, no type of fear will come to him in the worldly life (sansar) and it will lead him to moksha (ultimate liberation)!”
Dada Bhagwan

Dada Bhagwan
“If you are only ‘moral’ or only ‘sincere’, even then you will go to moksha!”
Dada Bhagwan

Dada Bhagwan
“Things that you have remained ‘sincere’ to, those many things you have won. The world has to be won; only then will it let you go to moksha!”
Dada Bhagwan

Dada Bhagwan
“If you remain ‘insincere’ to one person, then that person will hold you back from going to moksha!”
Dada Bhagwan

Dada Bhagwan
“If you are not able to ‘adjust everywhere’, then even the moksha,that you have in your hand, will go away.”
Dada Bhagwan

Dada Bhagwan
“The worldly life remains [and is not ending and one is not going to moksha] due to the pollution of the mind [bad mind/bad thoughts] and not due to the pollution of the body.”
Dada Bhagwan

Dada Bhagwan
“We live here for five to fifty years (in this world, in the relative) and we are searching for beautiful houses there, while where we have to live permanently (moksha; in the Real, Self), there is no work being done for it; and no one is even inquiring about that (place). The world is baseless/disorderly. ‘Do something for here and do something for there’. We are not saying not to do anything for here. Do both. Don’t you have two hands?”
Dada Bhagwan

Dada Bhagwan
“What do the Vitaraag [the enlightened one] say? ‘If you want to continue to remain in the worldly life, then do what people say, but if you want to attain Moksha [ultimate liberation], then do only what I say, then only you can go to Moksha!”
Dada Bhagwan

Dada Bhagwan
“All the energy is destroyed due to conflict. That is why the infinite energy of the soul does not manifest (is not seen). If the slightest negative intent occurs, or the eye raises (on someone), it is conflict. What happens if you collide with a wall? You will crack your head. In the absence of conflict alone, man could go to moksha. If one learns only this: ‘I do not want to get into conflict with anyone’, he will go directly to moksha. Then no guru or anyone else would be needed in between.”
Dada Bhagwan

Dada Bhagwan
“Eternal love’ (sanatan sneha) is indeed moksha [ultimate liberation].”
Dada Bhagwan

Dada Bhagwan
“Where you don’t see pure love, there is indeed no path to moksha [ultimate liberation] there. Where there is a fee, there is no pure love there!”
Dada Bhagwan

Dada Bhagwan
“Anyone who wants a Prakruti (relative self) that brings worldly benefits, they should worship Mataji,the goddess mother. And those who want Moksha [ultimate liberation] should worship the Soul [Real Self]. Those who want both should worship both.”
Dada Bhagwan

Dada Bhagwan
“Worship without ‘Gnan’ [True Knowledge] will give material pleasures in the world and worship accompanied by ‘Gnan’ [True Knowledge] is known as ‘Gnan’ [True Knowledge] which gives the result of moksha [ultimate liberation].”
Dada Bhagwan

Dada Bhagwan
“To whom should you surrender? The one who takes the responsibility for you right till the ‘end’ (moksha, the ultimate liberation). Surrender to the one who is tatharoop [attained the highest spiritual state]. Surrender to the one whom you consider a ‘Virat Purush’ [magnificent human being], otherwise there is no point of surrendering.”
Dada Bhagwan

Dada Bhagwan
“When you understand that [in reality] the bitter fruit [unfavourable result] is sweet and the sweet fruit [favourable result] is bitter, then you will go to moksha [the ultimate liberation]!”
Dada Bhagwan

Dada Bhagwan
“Gnani’s [The enlightened one’s] sangna [directions] is the compass then it will take you to the end of your journey [Moksha, ultimate liberation]. And the worldly people’s sangna [directions] is the compass then it will make you wander in the worldly life.”
Dada Bhagwan

Dada Bhagwan
“Gnan’ [True Knowledge, Knowledge of one’s own self], is freedom itself. It keeps one in Moksha [liberated state] and prevents [karmic] bondage.”
Dada Bhagwan

Dada Bhagwan
“Where there is no ‘superior’, no underhand; such is the moksha [ultimate liberation] of the Vitaraag Lords [the enlightened ones] that I would like to have.”
Dada Bhagwan

Dada Bhagwan
“If you are lost while travelling on the road, then if you ask a guide of the road, you will find the right way. Similarly, people have become lost on their way to moksha. They will find a solution when they meet the One (Gnani, the Enlightened One) who is familiar with the way to moksha. ‘We’ are that guide to moksha [the ultimate liberation]!”
Dada Bhagwan

Dada Bhagwan
“Grace of the Gnani’ [the enlightened one] will take you to moksha [ultimate liberation] and ‘Grace of God’ will give you worldly happiness. God will not take you to moksha, because God cannot be realized without a ‘Gnani’ [the enlightened one], can he? He remains hidden.”
Dada Bhagwan

“You are not in any way aware that you are already victorious, that life has happened to you. You are already a winner and nothing more is possible, all that could happen has happened to you. You are already an emperor, and there is no other kingdom to be won. But you have not recognized it, you have not known the beauty of the life that has already happened to you. You have not known the silence, the peace, the bliss that is already there.
And because you are not aware of the inner kingdom, you always feel that something more is needed, some victory, to prove that you are not a beggar.”
Osho, The Empty Boat: Talks on the Sayings of Chuang Tzu

Dada Bhagwan
“One has never [truly] understood, and whatever understanding one acquires, it goes away. Such is this path to moksha; it is incomprehensible (beyond the comprehension of senses) and imperceptible.”
Dada Bhagwan, The Science Of Karma