
Moksha Quotes

Quotes tagged as "moksha" Showing 1-30 of 317
Robert Adams
“You must want to be free. It must become first with you before anything else. Everything that you’ve done all your life, is only a game, a game you’re playing with your self, only it seems to be real. The only reality is the Self and you are That. Why look for anything else? Everything else will take care of itself. You’ve got to abide in the Self, just in the Self. Everything else will take care of itself in a beautiful way. You are boundless space, like the ocean, like the sky, all-pervasive. This is your real nature. But for some reason you believe you are a body, confined to a small space. This is not you. It’s illusion. You are all-pervading absolute reality. This is your true nature. This is who you really are.
Just by thinking about these things all the time, something begins to happen to you, something wonderful. Do not think about the weather, or about the day’s work or your problems. For all the thinkers, who thinks? Find out who has the problems? Find out who you really are, who am I? It’s up to you to awaken from this mortal dream. You can keep on going like you are right now, with the good things and the bad things. Yet you live in a universe of dualities, which means for every good there is a bad. For every bad there is a good. It’s a false world in which you live. You need to awaken to this truth.
Be aware of yourself, always. The world goes through its own karma. It has absolutely nothing to do with you. You belong to God. Everything you see is God. This is why you should be nonjudgemental. Leave everything alone. By practising these things, you become radiantly happy. Everyone wants something. If your mind stops thinking, what happens? Some of you believe you will not have anything, that you will have more problems. But it’s in reverse. You experience bliss, joy and happiness when you don’t want anything. From what we know, people want something and when they get it, they become more miserable than ever before.
Nothing is wrong. Everything is right just the way it is. Do not try to understand this or figure it out. Leave it alone. It will happen by itself, by keeping yourself quiet and still. You quiet the mind because of realization. Let it be calm. In all situations be calm. Let it be still and quiet. The world doesn’t need any help from you. Aren’t you the world, aren’t you the Creator? You created the world the way it is. It came out of you, of your mind. The world that you are in, is a creation of your own mind. When the mind becomes still, the world begins to disappear. And you’re in divine harmony and joy. Therefore, happiness comes to you when you stop thinking, when you stop judging, when you stop being afraid. When you begin to contemplate what is happiness. All the answers are within you. Everything you’re looking for is within you, everything.
Nobody can help but your Self. Know who you are. You are the power. All the
power of the universe is within you. You have all the power you need. All is well, exceedingly well. It has always been well, it will always be well. When you leave here today act like a god or a goddess. Do not act like a human being any longer. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, saying you’re unhappy. Stand up tall. Know the truth about yourself. Become the witness of all phenomena that you see and be free. Peace.”
Robert Adams, Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams

Swami Vivekananda
“Can infinity have parts? What is meant by parts of infinity? If you reason it out, you will find that it is impossible. Infinity cannot be divided, it always remains infinite. If it could be divided, each part would be infinite. And there cannot be two infinites. Suppose there were, one would limit the other, and both would be finite. Infinity can only be one, undivided. Thus the conclusion will be reached that the infinite is one and not many, and that one Infinite Soul is reflecting itself through thousands and thousands of mirrors, appearing as so many different souls. It is the same Infinite Soul, which is the background of the universe, that we call God. The same Infinite Soul also is the background of the human mind which we call the human soul.”
Swami Vivekananda, Practical Vedanta

Robert Adams
“I Am That which has always been, I am That which will always be. I Am That I Am. (p. 162)”
Robert Adams, Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams

“In Banaras, I asked a monk, “To hold onto human character, one must have at least one desire. What is your desire.” He replied, “I have only one desire: Moksha or liberation from mortal bodies.”

I said, “You are using the desire to leave the body to hold on to the body. Isn’t that contradiction? Aren’t you stuck in a loop of contradiction?”
Recently, I met an old man in Chamundi Hills. He was singing praise of Maa Chamundi. I asked him, “Baba, what is your one desire that you are using to hold onto this body?” He replied, “Desire to sing songs in praise of Maa Chamundi.”

I asked, “What about the desire of Moksha? Don’t you want to be free from this bondage?” He replied, “There is just one soul who is free- the Paramatma. I am that.”

I said, “But how come you are stuck in this human body?” He said, “Young man! My mortal form is only in your mind. When you let go of your mind, you can meet me as Paramatma - the free soul. Then there is no you and me. There is just Paramatma.”

“How can I know these trees, how can I know you, how can I know the other if I myself am unknown to me, if I am myself ignorant; when I do not know who I am.”
Osho, Bliss: Living beyond happiness and misery

“What happens after Moksha (liberation)? Moksha means free from Time. So, there is no after or before. Mind exists inside Time. It can never be free from Time, It asks such questions to keep you (soul) attached. It’s a toxic love story between you and your manipulative mind.”

“We can have opinions and thoughts only about things which are or were incomplete and imperfect. The Supreme Power is, was and always will be absolute and complete.

Human mind doesn't want Him. We want to have opinions and thoughts. We want a game, a reality show in which we can vote.”

“Time and Space is a restaurant where you have to pay with the currency of Karma to eat a dish (experience). You can't exit it unless you spend all your Karma. The catch is that every time you spend Karma, you get a cashback of Karma. So you can never fully spend Karma.”

“A farmer’s son brought a black powder from city. Gifting it to his father, he said, “This powder is called Hair Dye. It can make you look young like the movie actors.”
The farmer could not sleep that night. In the morning, he returned the powder to his son and said, “I can’t use this powder. If I become young, I will stop getting the monthly old age pension.”

Your soul can shift to a better version of you or a completely different character. Your question, “But what will happen to this character” is like the apprehensions of that farmer. If your attachment to this character is strong, you will come back in this character. You will not shift permanently to some other character.”

“Treat the entire external world - thoughts, things and people - as a single unit, a single person. Her name is Maya. You, the soul, are in a unique relationship with her. For any happy relationship, space is important. So, leave her alone once in a while. In other words, meditate!”

Adi Shankaracharya
“By fulfilling his dharma a man marches along the path of progress until he attains the supreme dharma of all beings, namely, the realization of Truth. (p. 28)”
Adi Shankaracharya, Self-Knowledge: Atmabodha

Robert Adams
“So there are two ways of seeing this world. One is maya, the grand illusion. You want nothing to do with this. This is what creates problems. This appears to create animosity, sorrow. But then there is the real world. The world of the Self. The world of Bliss. The world of total joy, unalloyed peace and happiness. This is what you really are. This is your real nature, your swarupa. You have always been this and you will always be this. Forget about the past. Do not worry about the future. Have total faith, total joy, in yourself. Only when you can understand yourself as All Pervading Consciousness can you possibly understand that all the universe is an emanation of your mind. Everything that you see comes out of you. You are the Creator. You are the God. You are the Avatar, the Atman. All the Gods that you've heard of, the Buddha, Krishna, Jehovah, Allah, they're all you. You are That. You are nothing else but That. You've always been That. Tat Tvam Asi. This is you.”
Robert Adams, Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams

B.S. Murthy
“Jealousy is but a manifestation of artha’s corruptive influence on man which in due course became the insurmountable hurdle for him on the path of moksha. It is in man’s power to curtail it to manage his passage to moksha. One needs only to understand the physics of jealousy to appreciate the chemistry of its affects on human nature.”
B.S. Murthy, Jewel-less Crown: Saga of Life

“Vedanta ist spirituell gesehen das Ende des Weges, das „Wissen, welches die Suche nach dem Wissen (wer Du bist) beendet.“ Fast jeder, den isvara zu vedanta bringt, hat bereits zuvor bei vielen Lehrern studiert. Wenn der bhakta den Wert eines bewährten Mittels zur Erkenntnis und die Notwendigkeit für einen qualifizierten Lehrer verstanden hat, wird er oder sie nirgendwo anders mehr suchen. Tatsächlich endet deine Suche, wenn du dich vedanta ergibst, weil die Lehre dir sehr klar zeigt, wer du bist. Von diesem Moment an, besteht die Arbeit nur noch darin, alle Hindernisse zu beseitigen, die dich davon abhalten, dein nonduales Selbst wertzuschätzen. (S. 136)”
James Swartz, Yoga der Liebe: Naradas Bhakti Sutra aus der Perspektive des Vedanta

“Maya, die Ursache von samsara, der Glaube, dass die Realität eine Dualität ist und dass die Objekte Freude in sich bergen, ist eine wunderbare, intelligente Kraft, eine machtvolle Verführerin, welche die Welt anziehend und aufregend erscheinen lässt. In der „Bhagavad Gita“ warnt Kṛṣṇa: „Diese, meine göttliche maya, bestehend aus drei gunas, ist wahrlich schwer zu begreifen. Nur jene, die sich mir ergeben, können sie überwinden.“ (Bhagavad Gita 7.14) (S. 138)”
James Swartz, Yoga der Liebe: Naradas Bhakti Sutra aus der Perspektive des Vedanta

“Die „Bhagavad Gita“ sagt: „Gibt alles Handeln auf und nimm Zuflucht zu mir, der nondualen Realität. Ich werde dich von allen Sünden befreien. Sorge dich nicht.“ (Bhagavad Gita 18.66)”
James Swartz, Yoga der Liebe: Naradas Bhakti Sutra aus der Perspektive des Vedanta

“Ich bin nicht der Geist, der Intellekt, die Gedanken oder das Ego. Ich bin nicht meine Sinnesorgane. Ich bin nicht die Elemente. Ich bin das ewig-reine, glückselige Bewusstsein. Ich bin Siva, ich bin Siva. (Nirvana-satkam, Vers 1)”
James Swartz, Yoga der Liebe: Naradas Bhakti Sutra aus der Perspektive des Vedanta

“Dieses höchste ursprüngliche Selbst (Existenz-Bewusstsein-Glückseligkeit) unterstützt uns in zukünftigen Geburten und auch in dieser gegenwärtigen. Es ist die ultimative Unterstützung der Selbstverwirklichten, der Befreiten, die in ihm verankert sind, indem sie es erkennen. Es handelt nicht, doch jede Handlung, groß und klein, hängt von ihm ab. Es ist das Ziel, nach dem alle Menschen streben, und das essentielle ewige Selbst aller Dinge und Wesen. Alles was wir schätzen, ist ihm zu verdanken. (bṛhadāraṇyaka upaniṣad 3.9)”
James Swartz, Yoga der Liebe: Naradas Bhakti Sutra aus der Perspektive des Vedanta

“Ein nondualer bhakta weiß, dass Jeder und Jedes immer das Selbst ist. Wenn meine Selbsterkenntnis verwirklicht ist, dann ist alles was ich höre oder denke das Selbst [...] „Ich bin das ewig volle, immer gegenwärtige Licht.“ (S. 165)”
James Swartz, Yoga der Liebe: Naradas Bhakti Sutra aus der Perspektive des Vedanta

“So wie Liebende, gefangen in der Agonie der Orgasmen, nicht mehr wissen, welcher Körper wem gehört, so sieht der bhakta keinen Unterschied mehr zwischen seinem Körper und dem Körper Gottes. Alle Dualität verschwindet und es bleibt nichts zurück als der süße Nektar ewiger Glückseligkeit. (S. 209)”
James Swartz, Yoga der Liebe: Naradas Bhakti Sutra aus der Perspektive des Vedanta

“Du bist ein in sich selbst leuchtendes Wesen und dein Glanz bleibt unberührt von Ignoranz und Unzulänglichkeit. Du bist die eine Existenz, die allen Objekten ihr Dasein schenkt. Es gibt nichts, wovon du abhängig bist; alles hängt von dir ab. Dies ist die unübertroffene Lehre von vedanta. Der angemessene nonduale bhakta ist ein bhakta ohne Probleme, der alleine steht und nichts von der Welt will... (S. 212)”
James Swartz, Yoga der Liebe: Naradas Bhakti Sutra aus der Perspektive des Vedanta

Hazrat Inayat Khan
“Das Ego des Menschen ist das falsche Ego; Gottes Ego ist das wahre Ego. Doch was ist das Ego? Das Ego ist Teil einer Linie: an einem Ende der Linie befindet sich Gottes Ego, am anderen das Ego des Menschen. Letzteres ist falsch, weil der Mensch sein Ego mit seinen Illusionen überdeckt hat, die er Ich-selbst nennt. Daher, wenn das Ego durch Liebe, Weisheit oder Meditation aufgelöst wird verfliegen die Wolken, die es bedeckten und das wahre Ego, Gottes Ego tritt in Erscheinung. (S. 176)”
Hazrat Inayat Khan

Hazrat Inayat Khan
“Das Ego des Menschen ist das falsche Ego; Gottes Ego ist das wahre Ego. Doch was ist das Ego? Das Ego ist Teil einer Linie: an einem Ende der Linie befindet sich Gottes Ego, am anderen das Ego des Menschen. Letzteres ist falsch, weil der Mensch sein Ego mit seinen Illusionen überdeckt hat, die er Ich-selbst nennt. Daher, wenn das Ego durch Liebe, Weisheit oder Meditation aufgelöst wird verfliegen die Wolken, die es bedeckten und das wahre Ego, Gottes Ego tritt in Erscheinung.

Saadi schriebt in seiner Lebensgeschichte, „einmal hatte ich keine Schuhe und musste barfuß durch den heißen Sand laufen und ich dachte, wie elend ich doch dran sei; dann traf ich einen lahmen Mann dem das Gehen sehr schwer fiel. Ich sank sofort auf die Knie und schickte meinen Dank zum Himmel, dass es mir viel besser ging als ihm, der nicht einmal Füße zum Gehen hatte“ Dies zeigt, dass es nicht die Lebenssituation des Menschen ist, sondern seine Einstellung gegenüber dem Leben, die ihn glücklich oder unglücklich sein lässt; und diese Einstellung kann solch einen Unterschied ausmachen, dass ein Mensch in einem Palast unglücklich, während ein anderer in einer einfachen Hütte sehr glücklich sein kann. (S. 176)”
Hazrat Inayat Khan, Meisterschaft: Spirituelle Verwirklichung in dieser Welt

Aiyaz Uddin
“If we start to identify ourselves with our souls rather than our physical appearances then we would respect each other's journey more welcoming. We need to be pious and righteous inside out to attain moksha, liberation, and Naja'at.”
Aiyaz Uddin

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“The cycle of birth and death is repetitive. The ones who liberates from this, attain Moksha.”
Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma, Smiling Brahma

Swami Vivekananda
“Every being that is in the universe has the potentiality of transcending the senses; even the little worm will one day transcend the senses and reach God. No life will be a failure; there is no such thing as failure in the universe. A hundred times man will hurt himself, a thousand times he will tumble, but in the end he will realise that he is God. We know there is no progress in a straight line. Every soul moves, as it were, in a circle, and will have to complete it, and no soul can go so low but there will come a time when it will have to go upwards. No one will be lost. We are all projected from one common centre, which is God.”
Swami Vivekananda

“What liberates you is the knowledge of your own true Self and what binds you is the knowledge of the outside world.”
Shiva Negi

“If you don't die rightly, you will be born again. Now let me explain it to you. If you don't die rightly, if you don't achieve the total orgasm that death is, you will be born again, because you missed and you have to be given another opportunity.

God is very patient with you. He goes on giving you more opportunities. He has compassion. If you have missed this life, he will give you another. If you have failed this time, for another session you will be sent back to the world. Unless you fulfill the goal, you will be sent back again and again.”
Osho, Nirvana

“The English word anxiety comes from a Latin root which means narrowing down, and in the beginning the word was used for the entry of a soul into a womb. So the first anxiety is felt when a soul enters a womb, because everything is narrowed down; an infinite soul becomes a small body. This is the most painful process possible, as if the whole sky has been forced to enter into a seed. You don't know it because it is so painful that you become totally unconscious.

There are two painful processes. You may have heard Buddha's saying, "Birth is pain, death is pain." These are the greatest pains, the greatest anguishes possible. When the infinite becomes finite in the womb, it is painful, it is anxiety; and when the infinite is taken out of the body again there is anguish and pain.

So whenever someone dies consciously, he disappears. Then there is no more entry into the body. Then there is no more anxiety, because anxiety is the consequence of desire; then you need not be narrowed down because there is no desire to be fulfilled. You can remain infinite; there is no need to enter a vehicle because now you are going nowhere.”
Osho, Bird on a Wing

“There is no death, only a change of form.

Everything continues....

The water that is constituting you, almost eighty percent or more, goes to the water. The mud that is constituting you, goes to the mud.

All the elements that constitute you go to their original sources. Your consciousness moves on into a new body. You can call it soul, you can call it atman.

The old body was no more capable as a house to be lived in so you simply move in a new house and you continue moving into new houses till any kind of desire remains in you.

The moment all desires disappear, the moment you live so totally that all desires are consumed by your living, that you simply live without any desire, without any ambition, without any goal, then the material elements move into material elements and your consciousness moves into the universal consciousness.

Nothing dies.

Only combinations disperse.

And they constitute another body for you. Existence is very compassionate -- it goes on giving you new bodies, new forms, until you have learned the lesson.

And the lesson is to live so totally that there is no space for any desire. Then you are allowed to be part of the universal consciousness.

This universal consciousness is not separate from existence. It is part, intrinsic part of existence. Existence is one. Matter and consciousness are two extremes of one energy. Matter is a certain combination of the same energy as consciousness.

It is the same cloth out of which all kinds of clothes are made -- your shirts, your caps, your pyjamas, everything. According to your need.

But the cloth, the basic reality, is one.”

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