
Parables Quotes

Quotes tagged as "parables" Showing 1-30 of 185
Alan             Moore
“Artists use lies to tell the truth. Yes, I created a lie. But because you believed it, you found something true about yourself.”
Alan Moore, V for Vendetta

C. JoyBell C.
“Silk is a fine, delicate, soft, illuminating, beautiful substance. But you can never rip it! If a man takes this tender silk and attempts to tear it, and cannot tear it, is he in his right mind to say "This silk is fake! I thought it was soft, I thought it was delicate, but look, I cannot even tear it" ? Surely, this man is not in his right mind! The silk is not fake! This silk is 100% real. It's the man who is stupid!”
C. JoyBell C.

Thomas Hardy
“If the story-tellers could ha' got decency and good morals from true stories, who'd have troubled to invent parables?”
Thomas Hardy, Under the Greenwood Tree

“The best way to respond to Hatred is to trigger Love. The one who Loves is the Greatest”
Samuel Asumadu-Sarkodie

Stuart Connelly
“Jesus taught in parables for a reason.”
Stuart Connelly

Lynne Sharon Schwartz
“Parables, yes. We here are to lead life with woe. Tasting bitter.”
Lynne Sharon Schwartz, The Fatigue Artist

“The vibrations he felt in his sleep had nothing to do with his soul easing out of his body as he dreamily thought; they came solely from the weight and motion of the freight train rolling north to deliver fuel, furniture and other items having no relevance to Elijah’s life or his dreaming. On the metal rail his arm itched like a nose with a feeling that something bad was about to happen. In another life the sound of the train would have been reminiscent of certain songs by Muddy Waters or even Bruce Springsteen but not in this one. In this life the sound stabbed viciously against the night exactly like a human being demonstrating flawless disrespect for the life of another human being.
--from short story ELIJAH’S SKIN”
Author-Poet Aberjhani, I Made My Boy Out of Poetry

“Greed is an addiction to things—be it money, food, power, property, sex, beauty, or fame. We just never seem to have enough of it.”
Dami Olu, When God Speaks in Parables (Volume 3): Understanding Jesus’ Parables on Forgiveness, Greed, and Wisdom (When God Speaks in Parables

“It’s not the intensity of trials that destroys a soul; failure is often due to the poor quality of the soul’s foundation.”
Dami Olu, When God Speaks in Parables (Volume 1): Understanding Jesus’ Parables on Obedience, Faith, and Holiness (When God Speaks in Parables

“The wise builder loves the truth, even if it makes him uncomfortable. He understands that the veracity of the truth is not dependent on the immediate comfort it affords.”
Dami Olu, When God Speaks in Parables (Volume 1): Understanding Jesus’ Parables on Obedience, Faith, and Holiness (When God Speaks in Parables

“God often sends us great trees hidden in tiny seeds, and if we are not careful, we may be discouraged by such small beginnings.”
Dami Olu, When God Speaks in Parables (Volume 1): Understanding Jesus’ Parables on Obedience, Faith, and Holiness (When God Speaks in Parables

“Care should be taken to ensure that children, and even adults, do not become so addicted
to entertainment and activities that they despise quiet contemplation.”
Dami Olu, When God Speaks in Parables (Volume 1): Understanding Jesus’ Parables on Obedience, Faith, and Holiness (When God Speaks in Parables

“Idleness may demand nothing of you, but that is because he pays nothing in return. He makes you sit down quietly beside him while you both watch your life pass you by.”
Dami Olu, When God Speaks in Parables (Volume 2): Understanding Jesus’ Parables on Stewardship, Humility, and Prayer (When God Speaks in Parables

“Placing the demands of a transformed life on an untransformed soul would end in disaster. It is like trying to enforce sailing rules on a truck on dry land.”
Dami Olu, When God Speaks in Parables (Volume 2): Understanding Jesus’ Parables on Stewardship, Humility, and Prayer (When God Speaks in Parables

“The things you often complain about may be
subtle guides to what God has equipped you with the ability to fix.”
Dami Olu

“It is more accurate to judge the state of our
heart by looking at our historic spending rather than at our proposed spending.”
Dami Olu, When God Speaks in Parables (Volume 3): Understanding Jesus’ Parables on Forgiveness, Greed, and Wisdom (When God Speaks in Parables

“We tend to dread poverty when in wealth
than when we are poor. We do not want to go back to that life. So, the more we have, the more we want to store up.”
Dami Olu, When God Speaks in Parables (Volume 3): Understanding Jesus’ Parables on Forgiveness, Greed, and Wisdom (When God Speaks in Parables

“If from the prodigal son, we learned how to
repent, from the father, we learn how to forgive. Long before the offender came to his senses, forgiveness was already waiting.”
Dami Olu, When God Speaks in Parables (Volume 3): Understanding Jesus’ Parables on Forgiveness, Greed, and Wisdom (When God Speaks in Parables

“The Cross is where the flesh goes to die. Its hands can no longer reach for what it desires because they have been nailed to the Cross.”
Dami Olu, When God Speaks in Parables (Volume 3): Understanding Jesus’ Parables on Forgiveness, Greed, and Wisdom (When God Speaks in Parables

Jean de la Fontaine
“Chain! Chain you! What! Run you not, then,
just where you please, and when?”
“Not always, sir; but what of that?”
“Enough for me, to spoil your fat!
It ought to be a precious price
which could to servile chains entice;
for me, I’ll shun them while I’ve wit.”
So ran Sir Wolf, and runneth yet.”
Jean de la Fontaine, Le loup dans les fables - La Fontaine - 2

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