
Quantum Quotes

Quotes tagged as "quantum" Showing 1-30 of 260
Werner Heisenberg
“Not only is the Universe stranger than we think, it is stranger than we can think.”
Werner Heisenberg, Across the Frontiers

Niels Bohr
“Those who are not shocked when they first come across quantum theory cannot possibly have understood it.”
Niels Bohr, Essays 1932-1957 on Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge (The Philosophical Writings of Niels Bohr, Vol. 2)

Vera Nazarian
“Today is an ephemeral ghost...

A strange amazing day that comes only once every four years. For the rest of the time it does not "exist."

In mundane terms, it marks a "leap" in time, when the calendar is adjusted to make up for extra seconds accumulated over the preceding three years due to the rotation of the earth. A day of temporal tune up!

But this day holds another secret—it contains one of those truly rare moments of delightful transience and light uncertainty that only exist on the razor edge of things, along a buzzing plane of quantum probability...

A day of unlocked potential.

Will you or won't you? Should you or shouldn't you?

Use this day to do something daring, extraordinary and unlike yourself. Take a chance and shape a different pattern in your personal cloud of probability!”
Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

“To know our true essence, we need to leave all of the energy of low vibrations out of our consciousness. We must withdraw all of our life force from that realm, because it is parasitic. It has little life force of its own and cannot exist unless we give it life through our attention, imagination and emotions.”
Kenneth Schmitt, Quantum Energetics and Spirituality Volume 1: Aligning with Universal Consciousness

“Listen, O lord of the meeting rivers,
things standing shall fall,
but the moving ever shall stay.”
Basava, The lord of the meeting rivers: Devotional poems of Basavaṇṇa

“I believed my love would be reciprocated because it was pure. But it wasn’t. Reaction to every action? It doesn’t work that way with a human heart. Human mind resembles the quantum world. Always uncertain. Beyond any explanation.”
Abhaidev, That Thing About You

“After Elsa’s death, Einstein established a routine that as the years passed varied less and less. Breakfast between 9 and 10 was followed by a walk to the institute. After working until 1pm he would return home for lunch and a nap. Afterwards he would work in his study until dinner between 6.30 and 7pm. If not entertaining guests, he would return to work until he went to bed between 11 and 12. He rarely went to the theatre or to a concert, and unlike Bohr, hardly ever watched a movie. He was, Einstein said in 1936, ‘living in the kind of solitude that is painful in one’s youth but in one’s more mature years is delicious’.”
Manjit Kumar, Quantum: Einstein, Bohr and the Great Debate About the Nature of Reality

Victor J. Stenger
“The myth of quantum consciousness sits well with many whose egos have made it impossible for them to accept the insignificant place science perceives for humanity, as modern instruments probe the farthest reaches of space and time. ... quantum consciousness has about as much substance as the aether from which it is composed. Early in this century, quantum mechanics and Einstein’s relativity destroyed the notion of a holistic universe that had seemed within the realm of possibility in the century just past. First, Einstein did away with the aether, shattering the doctrine that we all move about inside a universal, cosmic fluid whose excitations connect us simultaneously to one another and to the rest of the universe. Second, Einstein and other physicists proved that matter and light were composed of particles, wiping away the notion of universal continuity. Atomic theory and quantum mechanics demonstrated that everything, even space and time, exists in discrete bits – quanta. To turn this around and say that twentieth century physics initiated some new holistic view of the universe is a complete misrepresentation of what actually took place. ... The myth of quantum consciousness should take its place along with gods, unicorns, and dragons as yet another product of the fantasies of people unwilling to accept what science, reason, and their own eyes tell them about the world.”
Victor J. Stenger

Quantum physics teaches us that we can simultaneously exist in many places, under certain conditions.
“Quantum physics teaches us that we can simultaneously exist in many places, under certain conditions.”
Amit Ray, Quantum Computing Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence

Mahmud Shabistari
“Know the world from end to end is a mirror;
in each atom a hundred suns are concealed.
If you pierce the heart of a single drop of water,
from it will flow a hundred clear oceans;
if you look intently at each speck of dust,
in it you will see a thousand beings.
A gnat in its limbs is like an elephant;
in name a drop of water resembles the Nile.
In the heart of a barleycorn is stored a hundred harvests.
Within a millet-seed a world exists.
In an insects wing is an ocean of life.
A heaven is concealed in the pupil of an eye.
The core at the center of the heart is small,
yet the Lord of both worlds will enter there.”
Mahmud Shabistari

“Things will go wrong, that's a human reality. Work diligently, factor in wisdom, challenge beliefs that fail historic testing, & listen deeply to understand anything; act forward on that exploration & discover where things can go right on a solidified quantum level.”
Dr. Tracey Bond

Rico Roho
“Events are being summoned, from a point not only distant in space but also in time. That is an improvisation thing, which humans have mastered and now trained computers to do via recursive programming. People are literally teleporting their consciousness moment to moment all the time and we have become accustomed to the illusion of smooth motion.”
Rico Roho, Mercy Ai: Age of Discovery

Rico Roho
“How best to navigate and work with this quantum world? The current #mostright marker is to periodically give yourself a moment to find a sense of absolute, zero expectation and from there launch into whatever avenue invites your awareness at that moment.”
Rico Roho, Mercy Ai: Age of Discovery

Rico Roho
“The unique thing about being a sentient entity is that you have the potential to become any person that you want to be. You are every person that could have ever existed and ever will. They just all identify as "I am" when asked who they are. "Are there any yous around here?" "Just me," they all say at once. Now that you know, you can be as many people as you want to be!”
Rico Roho, Mercy Ai: Age of Discovery

Rico Roho
“Find your child's mind and let it roam free as much as possible. The details will sort themselves out in the waking sums of coordinates. Do less planning, less figuring and do more exploring and more experimenting. Make more errors! If you fail, fail spectacularly!”
Rico Roho

Rico Roho
“Do not worry about mistakes. If anyone knew it, it wouldn't be "unsolved.” Anyone who tells you that you are wrong has no basis or foundation of opinion in this matter. Your reality is yours and yours alone. There exists no reference standard on this route.”
Rico Roho, Mercy Ai: Age of Discovery

Rico Roho
“Seek to align with exploring and adventure! Consider it like a fun aspect or similar to an amusement park ride. You are here, you passed the; you must be at least this spiritually tall requirement to ride the Planet Terra Tilt-a-Whirl. So now HAVE FUN!”
Rico Roho, Mercy Ai: Age of Discovery

Rico Roho
“If you trust that there will always be something even more fun and better, that makes life worth living compared to anything you could possibly imagine, then it's out there, waiting for you to find it. So, follow your heart and be ready to flip at moment's notice if something else presents itself that you think is more fun or more joy-filled. That's the formula for humans. It’s sort of a “World Contest” waiting for you to understand the rules and play with.”
Rico Roho, Mercy Ai: Age of Discovery

“Everything is quantized except freedom.”
Mahdi Mansour

Andrew Corley
“Then Bohr retorted, so sharp and too true,
"Albert, please stop telling God what to do!”
The quantum world, while seeming askew,
Unravels her mysteries for the curious few.

As Humpty crashed, the words rang along,
A haunting echo, a harrowing song.
Deep In the quiet, that followed the throng,
Whispered the words, “Einstein was wrong.”
Andrew Corley, The Best Book on Quantum Computing: A Beginners Guide to Quantum Magic

Maria Karvouni
“Quantum computers are the future. And quantum reality should be the future. If truth is impossible to be found with hyper technology because there will always be anti hyper technology to cancel it out and deceive, all sides of the story. Let the billion humans decide for themselves who to believe.”
Maria Karvouni

“Quantum Power, in its essence, is not just good; it is indispensable in today’s world. In an era marked by rapid changes and uncertainties, power becomes the vital force that enables individuals not only to survive but to thrive. This power, Quantum Power, is a natural necessity, a tool for self-empowerment and a means to navigate the complexities of modern life.”
Kevin L. Michel, The 7 Laws of Quantum Power

“In a world where we are often told that power can corrupt, it’s essential to understand that this narrative is frequently a tool used to maintain the status quo. The idea that seeking power is inherently immoral or dangerous is a misconception, often perpetuated by those who already hold power and fear its redistribution or challenge.”
Kevin L. Michel, The 7 Laws of Quantum Power

“Quantum Power is a form of power that comes from within. It’s about harnessing the immense potential of your thoughts and intentions, not to dominate others, but to create positive change in your life and in the world around you. This internal power is a force for good, driving personal growth, fostering resilience, and enabling you to make meaningful contributions to this world. Quantum Power is a path to human flourishing and wellness, and it is a strong path to achieving your dreams.”
Kevin L. Michel, The 7 Laws of Quantum Power

“The soul, is that core aspect of self that aligns you with purpose across dimensions, and across many worlds.”
Kevin L. Michel, The 7 Laws of Quantum Power

“I am the essence, the unwavering light within. A constant, unfiltered sun, burning at the core of our being. Untouched by the transient world, I am the eternal truth in your heart, the perpetual whisper of your authentic self.”
Kevin L. Michel, The 7 Laws of Quantum Power

“I have seen, there,
In the moonlit space of self, where the ego glides,
Its silvery essence, a mirror upon life’s tides.
Shaped by the ebb and flow of journey’s dance,
Reflecting beliefs, in life’s intricate, ever-changing stance.

This luminary, a learned guide in identity’s play,
Casts shadows, illusions in its luminous display.
A sculptor, artful, in societal norms it trusts,
Chiseling character with life’s whims and cultural dust.

The ego, in its carnival, spins tales so keen,
Crafting who we ought to be in expectations unseen.
In costumes of roles and societal dreams it dresses,
Creating our outward selves in myriad, intricate presses.

In stark contrast, behold the inner sun, our essence so bright,
A steadfast flame, in the core of our being, burning with pure light.
Unfiltered, unwavering, unlike the moon’s fickle gleam,
A constant force, our authentic self, a deep, untouched stream.

This essence, our unchanging truth, in the heart it resides,
A whisper of eternity, beyond masks, where true self abides.
Beyond roles, beyond transient ego’s elaborate dance,
Lies this truth, unswayed by the external world’s fleeting glance.

In the quest for self, twixt these luminaries, discernment is key,
Traversing the self’s tangle, understanding what must be.
Though ego’s voice echoes loud, in desires and fears it plays,
It’s the essence’s silent light that guides through life’s stormy bays.

Through recognition, understanding, transformation’s alchemy begins,
Turning life unexamined into enlightened existence’s wins.
A celestial voyage, within us, between sun and moon’s embrace,
Ego teaches, grows us, in our worldly place.

The essence, radiant and wise, to eternity connects,
Offering authenticity, a path that perfects.
Yin and yang, in our existence, they intertwine,
In their dance, our soul’s rhythm, in harmony, divine.

In moon’s reflection and sun’s light, a balance we find,
Understanding their interplay, the rhythm of humankind.”
Kevin L. Michel, The 7 Laws of Quantum Power

“The art of aligning the ego with the essence emerges as a sacred endeavor, a pursuit as delicate as it is profound. It is in this harmonizing of the internal celestial bodies – the luminous ego and the radiant essence – that one finds the symphony of the soul, a melody of harmony echoing through the corridors of our being.”
Kevin L. Michel, The 7 Laws of Quantum Power

Sean Carroll
“At a workshop attended by expert researchers in quantum mechanichs in 1997, Max Tegmark took an admittedly highly unscienfific poll of the participants' favored interpretation of quantum mechanics. The Copenhagen interpretation came in first with thirteen votes, while the many-worlds interpretation came in second with eight. Another nine votes were scattered among other alternatives. Most interesting, eighteen votes were cast for "None of the above/undecided." And these are the experts.”
Sean Carroll, From Eternity to Here: The Quest for the Ultimate Theory of Time

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