
Receptive Quotes

Quotes tagged as "receptive" Showing 1-13 of 13
Vera Nazarian
“It's a fact—everyone is ignorant in some way or another.

Ignorance is our deepest secret.

And it is one of the scariest things out there, because those of us who are most ignorant are also the ones who often don't know it or don't want to admit it.

Here is a quick test:

If you have never changed your mind about some fundamental tenet of your belief, if you have never questioned the basics, and if you have no wish to do so, then you are likely ignorant.

Before it is too late, go out there and find someone who, in your opinion, believes, assumes, or considers certain things very strongly and very differently from you, and just have a basic honest conversation.

It will do both of you good.”
Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

Erik Pevernagie
“Social counterpoints can be a shrieking reality. But life may nevertheless become a colorful canvas with an array of opportunities, allowing us to escape from the suffocation of our enclosure if we hold ourselves receptive to the healing power of the daily little marvels and stay aware of the vivifying unexpectedness of the ‘moment’. (‘"Côté cour…Côté jardin" )”
Erik Pevernagie

Toba Beta
“Sometimes, some lies that spoken with high confidence
could be more receptive than facts that spoken with doubt.”
Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity

Pico Iyer
“And if travel is like love, it is, in the end, mostly because it’s a heightened state of awareness, in which we are mindful, receptive, in dimmed by familiarity and ready to be transformed. That is why the best trips, like the best love affairs, never really end.”
Pico Iyer

“Anyone or anything can be a teacher given the right audience.”
Akiroq Brost

“You can paint a wall, put nails in it, hang pictures on it. Even a wall is receptive, why can't you? For once, absorb my words instead of reacting to them.”

Joe Dispenza
“We spend most of our conscious waking day with our attention on the external environment and functioning in Beta [brain wave state]. [...]

[Fast Beta-wave states are the realm of the conscious mind].
Slow brain-wave states are the realm of the subconscious. [...]

[For example, slower] Alpha waves are created in the creative, imaginative state. [...]

[When your brain is in high Beta it] isn’t in creative mode [nor meditative, nor inspiration mode, nor receptive more]; it’s fixated on survival. [...]

The brain in high Beta can’t easily shift gears into the imaginary realm of Alpha [or deeper into the subconscious]. [...]

If you’re constantly analyzing (I call this “being in analytical mind”), you are in Beta and you’re not able to enter into the subconscious mind. [...]

[Meditation slows down the brain waves and takes you out of Beta state].
Meditation Takes Us from Beta into Alpha and Theta Brain-Wave States. [...]

Meditation Takes Us Beyond Analytical Mind and into the Subconscious. [...]. [It] opens the door between the conscious and subconscious minds. We meditate to enter the operating system of the subconscious, where all of those unwanted habits and behaviors reside, and change them to more productive modes to support us in our lives.”
Joe Dispenza, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One

“Writing unlocks the heart and soul that we might be receptive to God’s blessings.”
Peggy Toney Horton

Premlatha Rajkumar
“There are two simple ways to create this window of connection with your Divine Self:

When you are about to sleep or about to wake up, there is a short period where you are neither awake or asleep. This is when your mind is switched off, and you are directly connected with your Divine Self. Enter into silence, ask your Divine Self to draw you to itself. Then if you would like, ask for guidance, insight, or an answer.
During the day you can take time out away from all gadgets, sit quietly, close your eyes, notice your breath, and give intention to make contact with your Divine Self, be open and receptive to all the inspiration and love offered to you.”
Premlatha Rajkumar, BE INSPIRED: 365 Inspiring Thoughts

“If everything bounces back from the surface of your head, how will anything reach your soul? Be less reactive and more receptive. Be a little more feminine. Surrender and let things penetrate your being.”

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Many times in life it’s not about turning on the light. Rather, it’s about refusing to pull the shades.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Dreams don’t die.
They move on to the next available dreamer.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Oneironaut’s Diary

Kalen Doleman
“Being open and receptive does not mean being a doormat, it means you're available to acknowledge the existence of a challenge and come up with solutions.”
Kalen Doleman, Super Sayings to Essential Power