
Recipes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "recipes" Showing 1-30 of 69
Rick Mystrom
“How We Gain and Lose Weight
To understand how we gain and lose weight, we need to start with insulin. Medical researchers and internal medicine doctors almost universally agree that the amount of insulin a person produces determines weight gain and weight loss. For example, Gary Taubes, a medical researcher and recipient of multiple awards from the National Association of Science Writers, refers to insulin as “the stop-and-go light of weight gain and loss.” 
Produce more insulin—you will gain weight. Produce less insulin— you will lose weight.”
Rick Mystrom, Glucose Control Eating: Lose Weight Stay Slimmer Live Healthier Live Longer

Rick Mystrom
“What Foods Create Blood Glucose?
Blood glucose is not created just by sweets—it’s created by all foods. Proteins create glucose, fats create glucose, vegetables create glucose, fruits create glucose, fruit juices create glucose, starchy foods create glucose, and of course, sweets create glucose. So the key to losing weight is to consume less of the foods (including drinks) that create large amounts of glucose and replace them with foods and beverages that create smaller amounts of glucose and go into the bloodstream more slowly.”
Rick Mystrom, Glucose Control Eating: Lose Weight Stay Slimmer Live Healthier Live Longer

Molly Wizenberg
“I hate the notion of a secret recipe. Recipes are by nature derivative and meant to be shared - that is how they improve, are changed, how new ideas are formed. To stop a recipe in it's tracks, to label it "secret" just seems mean.”
Molly Wizenberg

Susie Day
As devised by frantastica:
dvds with Johnny Depp in them
white chocolate chip cookies
peanut m&ms
pillows X 17
put all on sofa and mix till cheerful.”
Susie Day, serafina67 *urgently requires life*

“if god had intended us to follow recipes, He wouldn't have given us grandmothers.”
Linda Henley

“Drinking tea with a pinch of imagination!”
50 Ways to Drink Tea

Mallory M. O'Connor
“We quickly became friends with other art faculty members such as the ceramist Jim Leedy and his wife Jean and art historian/artist Bill Kortlander and his wife Betty. I also began taking classes in Southeast Asian history with John Cady, who had resigned from his position at the U.S.[CB4] [mo5]  State Department because he thought it would be a huge mistake to get involved in a “land war in Southeast Asia.” In 1966, his warnings were starting to become all too obvious as the Vietnam war grew and protests against it emerged. Dr. Cady was in the thick of the protests and was even being shadowed by the F.B.I. After I finished my BFA in art in 1966, I began work on a master’s degree in history at Dr. Cady’s urging. He and his wife became frequent guests at our parties”
Mallory M. O'Connor, The Kitchen and the Studio: A Memoir of Food and Art

“In my South, the most treasured things passed down from generation to generation are the family recipes.”
Robert St. John (editor)

Mallory M. O'Connor
“I learned to cook by helping my mother in the kitchen. I assisted her with the canning, and she began assigning me some other tasks like making salad dressing or kneading dough for bread. My first attempt at preparing an entire dinner¾the menu included pork chops Hawaiian, which called for the pork to be marinated in papaya nectar, ginger, cumin, and other spices before being grilled with onions and pineapple cubes¾required an extensive array of exotic ingredients. When he saw my grocery list, my father commented, “I hope she marries a rich man.”
Mallory M. O'Connor, The Kitchen and the Studio: A Memoir of Food and Art

Mallory M. O'Connor
“I love salmon. Of all my fishy friends, I love salmon the best. Or trout. Or tuna. Or smelts. Oh heck. I love them ALL! But I have such fond memories of salmon. See, my dad was a fisherman. I mean a fanatic fisherman. Fishing was probably what he liked to do most (along with gardening and riding horses and camping in the Sierra and bowling and… ) But honestly, folks, fishing was probably the winner for leisure-time activities.”
Mallory M. O'Connor, The Kitchen and the Studio: A Memoir of Food and Art

Mallory M. O'Connor
“Although we couldn’t entertain on the same level we had previously enjoyed, we did have several friends over for dinner and managed to cook some delectable meals. For Mama’s birthday, we made a delicious chilled artichoke soup to accompany a French Provencal chicken dish served with leeks, rice, and John’s special green salad. We poured a classic white Burgundy and topped it off with a frozen lemon souffle. Not too bad for an out-of-work couple with a new baby.”
Mallory M. O'Connor, The Kitchen and the Studio: A Memoir of Food and Art

Toba Beta
“Uncertainty is one of government recipes.”
Toba Beta, Betelgeuse Incident: Insiden Bait Al-Jauza

“I love recipes like this, reading them and making them. There’s something brilliant about a recipe that doesn’t ask too much of you; a recipe, in fact, where getting it exactly right would be exactly wrong; a recipe you can fiddle with, and tend to when you remember.”
Ella Risbridger, Midnight Chicken: & Other Recipes Worth Living For

Karma Brown

The cover was red with a subtle crosshatch pattern and distressed, the book's title stamped in black ink- all of it faded with age. Bordering the cookbook's cover were hints of what could be found inside. Alice tilted her head as she read across, down, across, and up the cover's edges. Rolls. Pies. Luncheon. Drinks. Jams. Jellies. Poultry. Soup. Pickles. 725 Tested Recipes.
Resting the spine on her bent knees, the cookbook dense yet fragile in her hands, Alice opened it carefully. There was an inscription on the inside cover. Elsie Swann, 1940. Going through the first few, age-yellowed pages, Alice glanced at charts for what constituted a balanced diet in those days: milk products, citrus fruits, green and yellow vegetables, breads and cereals, meat and eggs, the addition of a fish liver oil, particularly for children. Across from it, a page of tips for housewives to avoid being overwhelmed and advice for hosting successful dinner parties. Opening to a page near the back, Alice found another chart, this one titled Standard Retail Beef Cutting Chart, a picture of a cow divided by type of meat, mini drawings of everything from a porterhouse-steak cut to the disgusting-sounding "rolled neck."
Through the middle were recipes for Pork Pie, Jellied Tongue, Meat Loaf with Oatmeal, and something called Porcupines- ground beef and rice balls, simmered for an hour in tomato soup and definitely something Alice never wanted to try- and plenty of notes written in faded cursive beside some of the recipes. Comments like Eleanor's 13th birthday-delicious! and Good for digestion and Add extra butter. Whoever this Elsie Swann was, she had clearly used the cookbook regularly. The pages were polka-dotted in brown splatters and drips, evidence it had not sat forgotten on a shelf the way cookbooks would in Alice's kitchen.”
Karma Brown, Recipe for a Perfect Wife

“Our Toast

Not to the Future, nor to the Past;
No drink of Joy or Sorrow;
We drink alone to what will last;
Memories on the Morrow.
Let us live as Old Time passes;
To the Present let Bohemia bow.
Let us raise on high our glasses
To Eternity--the ever-living Now.”
Clarence E Edwords, Bohemian San Francisco, Its Restaurants and Their Most Famous Recipes: The Elegant Art of Dining

Beth Harbison
The Enchanted Broccoli Forest. Oh, what a pleasure that was! Mollie Katzen's handwritten and illustrated recipes that recalled some glorious time in upstate New York when a girl with an appetite could work at a funky vegetarian restaurant and jot down some tasty favorites between shifts. That one had the Pumpkin Tureen soup that Margo had made so many times when she first got the book. She loved the cheesy onion soup served from a pumpkin with a hot dash of horseradish and rye croutons. And the Cardamom Coffee Cake, full of butter, real vanilla, and rich brown sugar, said to be a favorite at the restaurant, where Margo loved to imagine the patrons picking up extras to take back to their green, grassy, shady farmhouses dotted along winding country roads.
Linda's Kitchen by Linda McCartney, Paul's first wife, the vegetarian cookbook that had initially spurred her yearlong attempt at vegetarianism (with cheese and eggs, thank you very much) right after college. Margo used to have to drag Calvin into such phases and had finally lured him in by saying that surely anything Paul would eat was good enough for them.
Because of Linda's Kitchen, Margo had dived into the world of textured vegetable protein instead of meat, and tons of soups, including a very good watercress, which she never would have tried without Linda's inspiration. It had also inspired her to get a gorgeous, long marble-topped island for prep work. Sometimes she only cooked for the aesthetic pleasure of the gleaming marble topped with rustic pottery containing bright fresh veggies, chopped to perfection.
Then Bistro Cooking by Patricia Wells caught her eye, and she took it down. Some pages were stuck together from previous cooking nights, but the one she turned to, the most splattered of all, was the one for Onion Soup au Gratin, the recipe that had taught her the importance of cheese quality. No mozzarella or broken string cheeses with- maybe- a little lacy Swiss thrown on. And definitely none of the "fat-free" cheese that she'd tried in order to give Calvin a rich dish without the cholesterol.
No, for this to be great, you needed a good, aged, nutty Gruyère from what you couldn't help but imagine as the green grassy Alps of Switzerland, where the cows grazed lazily under a cheerful children's-book blue sky with puffy white clouds.
Good Gruyère was blocked into rind-covered rounds and aged in caves before being shipped fresh to the USA with a whisper of fairy-tale clouds still lingering over it. There was a cheese shop downtown that sold the best she'd ever had. She'd tried it one afternoon when she was avoiding returning home. A spunky girl in a visor and an apron had perked up as she walked by the counter, saying, "Cheese can change your life!"
The charm of her youthful innocence would have been enough to be cheered by, but the sample she handed out really did it.
The taste was beyond delicious. It was good alone, but it cried out for ham or turkey or a rich beefy broth with deep caramelized onions for soup.”
Beth Harbison, The Cookbook Club: A Novel of Food and Friendship

Adeline Dieudonné
“In the main, my mother’s function was to prepare the meals, which she did like an amoeba might, with neither creativity nor taste, but lots of mayonnaise.”
Adeline Dieudonné, La Vraie Vie

Reza Negarestani
“In the wake of scientific rationality, mind turns into a wave of noetic deracination. This deracination of thought and its noetic drift is commensurate with what Plato calls the Form of Good as the Form of Forms, since it sets up the scaffolding for a conception of the realm of intelligibilities as a complex system of recipes for crafting a world which includes not only satisfying lives but also the perpetual demand for the better.”
Reza Negarestani, Intelligence and Spirit

Rhys Bowen
“Page after page of sauces. Page after page of soups. Bisque of snipe à la bonne bouche. Bisque of crab à la Fitzhardinge, which included adding a pint of boiling cream. Puree of asparagus à la St George involved three dozen small quenelles of fowl and half a pint of small fillets of red tongue. Mercy me.
I flicked on. What on earth was ragout of cock's kernels à la soubise, or ragout of ox palates? At the Tilleys' residence, we rarely ate offal. Mr Tilley was fond of liver and bacon, but Mrs Tilley saw offal as food of the lower classes, for those who could afford nothing better. So our meals were good old-fashioned roast beef, leg of lamb, chops and steaks, with thee occasional steak and kidney pie. These recipes looked horribly complicated: Put about half a pound of cock's kernels, with cold water, into a stewpan, let it stand by the side of a slow fire to remove the little blood they contain, taking care that the water does not become too warm.
I read on. As soon as they whiten... pat of butter... simmer... drain them on a napkin... small stewpan, with a ragout-spoonful of Soubise sauce and a little Allemande sauce...
Rhys Bowen, Above the Bay of Angels

Beth Harbison
“What'd you bring?"
"The Sweet and and Salty Coconut Rice from the first Cravings book."
"Yum! I almost made that, since I did the Shake and Bake Chicken with Hot Honey and the garlic and soy shrimp. That should be great with both of those!”
Beth Harbison, The Cookbook Club: A Novel of Food and Friendship

Craig J. Tomsky
“In most cases what we perceive as ‘perfection’ is rarely attainable. However, if you continuously strive for excellence, you will be pleasantly surprised by just how close you can get.”
Craig J. Tomsky

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Accountability is accepting the fact that the soup’s too salty, that there’s only one saltshaker in the kitchen, and that I’m the only one holding it. And an inability to accept any one of these three realities means that I prefer to spend my life blaming others for recipes gone bad because of the way that I handled the ingredients.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Too often life is like a pot of stew that we made without a recipe. A lot of things got in there that shouldn’t have, a lot of things that should have didn’t, and everyone around the table would rather starve than eat it.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“Mrs Beeton writes in anticipation of her absence.”
Rebecca May Johnson, Small Fires: An Epic in the Kitchen

Matt Puchalski
“The way I think about kimchi is:

leafy plant + crunchy plant + sweet plant + spices = delicious”
Matt Puchalski, A Pandemic Gardening Journal

Mitta Xinindlu
“Mix different foods. Make your own recipes. All recipes are a discovery of a curious mind.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Jessa Maxwell
“Recipes are like architecture; a combination of tested methods with personal elements is what makes a bake memorable.”
Jessa Maxwell, The Golden Spoon

Jessa Maxwell
“They are all unique and lovingly constructed. There's one for a chocolate ganache tart striped with hazelnut and praline, a honey cake with orange marmalade filling, coconut cream-filled doughnuts with meringues in the center.”
Jessa Maxwell, The Golden Spoon

“Quyển nào dạy cách làm chả giò chay Thanh Dũng, hoặc đồ ăn chay truyền thống Việt Nam không”
Chef Effect, My Recipes Journal: My Recipes Vegetarian

Sarah  Chamberlain
“Maybe she hadn't worked in a restaurant, but anyone who made their cookbooks look like that must have known something.
I flipped through a few others. Thai salads, meringue-topped cakes, Carolina barbecue. Then on the bottom shelves, I found a row of cheap black-and-white speckled notebooks. They didn't fit the grown-up vibe of the rest of the room. Everyone has a soft spot, Jay had said. I reached for one.
"Cooking Notes," it said in sparkly green pen on the cover. The handwriting was rounder. A kid's.
"October 25," I read slowly, trailing my finger along the page.

Fish sticks. Cook at 400F for two minutes longer than the box says. Hank likes one tablespoon ketchup and one tablespoon yellow mustard mixed together. Mom likes one tablespoon mayonnaise with juice of a quarter of a lemon and one teaspoon Tabasco.

Hank's waffles. Toast Eggos on medium, put on butter and maple syrup, then microwave for ten seconds to melt everything together.

I flicked through a year of little Ellie's cooking. A lot of it was her trying to dress up convenience food--- pancakes, ramen. Toward the end of the notebook, she'd started to try random scratch recipes. Ground Turkey Tacos had lots of stars and fireworks drawn around it, while another for zucchini omelets only had "Yuck.”
Sarah Chamberlain, The Slowest Burn

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