
Records Quotes

Quotes tagged as "records" Showing 1-30 of 53
Bram Stoker
“We learn from failure, not from success!”
Bram Stoker, Dracula

“It’s estimated that AI could free up to 25% of clinician time across different specialties. This increased amount of time could mean less hurried encounters and more humane interactions, including more empathy from happier doctors. This is important because empathy has been shown to improve outcomes by boosting patient adherence to the prescribed treatments, increasing motivation, and reducing anxiety and stress.”
Ronald M. Razmi, AI Doctor: The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare - A Guide for Users, Buyers, Builders, and Investors

Thomas Jefferson
“Let us save what remains: not by vaults and locks which fence them from the public eye and use in consigning them to the waste of time, but by such a multiplication of copies, as shall place them beyond the reach of accident.”
Thomas Jefferson

Haruki Murakami
“Shimamoto was in charge of the records. She'd take one from its jacket, place it carefully on the turntable without touching the grooves with her fingers, and, after making sure to brush the cartridge free of any dust with a tiny brush, lower the needle ever so gently onto the record. When the record was finished, she'd spray it and wipe it with a felt cloth. Finally she'd return the record to its jacket and its proper place on the shelf. Her father had taught her this procedure, and she followed his instructions with a terribly serious look on her face, her eyes narrowed, her breath held in check. Meanwhile, I was on the sofa, watching her every move. Only when the record was safely back on the shelf did she turn to me and give a little smile. And every time, this thought hit me: It wasn't a record she was handling. It was a fragile soul inside a glass bottle.”
Haruki Murakami, South of the Border, West of the Sun

Donna Tartt
“They were playing old Bob Dylan, more than perfect for narrow Village streets close to Christmas and the snow whirling down in big feathery flakes, the kind of winter where you want to be walking down a city street with your arm around a girl like on the old record cover”
Donna Tartt, The Goldfinch

Mouloud Benzadi
“Who said the Arabs are incapable of breaking world records? Qatar has just set a new world record by becoming the first host nation ever to lose an opening World Cup football match.”
Mouloud Benzadi

Douglas Coupland
“I'd sooner have died than admit that the most valuable thing I owned was a fairly extensive collection of German industrial music dance mix EP records stored for even further embarrassment under a box of crumbling Christmas tree ornaments in a Portland, Oregon basement. So I told him I owned nothing of any value.”
Douglas Coupland, Generatie X: Vertellingen voor een versnelde cultuur

Craig Groeschel
“Love keeps no record of wrongs, but bitterness keeps detailed accounts.”
Craig Groeschel, The Christian Atheist: Believing in God but Living As If He Doesn't Exist

Madeleine Thien
“The things you experience are written on your cells as memories and patterns, which are reprinted again on the next generation. And even if you never lift a shovel or plant a cabbage, every day of your life something is written upon you. And when you die, the entirety of that written record returns to the earth. All we have on this earth, all we are, is a record. Maybe the only things that persist are not the evildoers and demons (though, admittedly, they do have a certain longevity) but copies of things. The original has long since passed away from this universe, but on and on we copy.”
Madeleine Thien, Do Not Say We Have Nothing

“O Solon, Solon, you Hellenes are but children. [...] There is no old doctrine handed down among you by ancient tradition nor any science which is hoary with age, and I will tell you the reason behind this. There have been and will be again many destructions of mankind arising out of many causes, the greatest having been brought about by earth-fire and inundation. Whatever happened either in your country or ours or in any other country of which we are informed, any action which is noble and great or in any other way remarkable which has taken place, all that has been inscribed long ago in our temple records, whereas you and other nations did not keep imperishable records. And then, after a period of time, the usual inundation visits like a pestilence and leaves only those of you who are destitute of letters and education. And thus you have to begin over again as children and know nothing of what happened in ancient times either among us or among yourselves.'
'As for those genealogies of yours which you have related to us, they are no better than tales of children; for in the first place, you remember one deluge only, whereas there were a number of them. And in the next place there dwelt in your land, which you do not know, the fairest and noblest race of men that ever lived of which you are but a seed or remnant. And this was not known to you because for many generations the survivors of that destruction made no records.'
[Spoken by a priest of Egypt]”
Plato, Timaeus

“When people would ask me what I’m addicted to, I always said ‘music.’ And while they’d laugh it off like it’s a cliché, I’m actually a complete shopaholic when it comes to records. I’d literally buy 10 albums a week for years, so when I went to that Virgin Records and it said ‘going out of business,’ my heart stopped.”
Blake Lewis

Madeleine Thien
“In the end, I believe these pages and the Book of Records return to the persistence of this desire: to know the times in which we are alive. To keep the record that must be kept and also, finally, to let it go.”
Madeleine Thien, Do Not Say We Have Nothing

Maggie Nelson
“This is one of the things I’ve learned about happiness: when you feel it, it’s good to say so. That way, if and when you say later in depression or despair, “I’ve just never been happy,” there will be a trail of audible testimony in your wake indicating otherwise.”
Maggie Nelson, On Freedom: Four Songs of Care and Constraint

“Surely ghosts will follow wherever there is bad record keeping”
Colin Dickey, Ghostland: An American History in Haunted Places

Shirley Marr
“Then you had the B-side, which was where the musicians could be creative, even experimental. Life had a nice symmetry, back then.”
Shirley Marr, Preloved

Richard M. Nixon
“One measure of a truly free society is the vigor with which it protects the liberties of its individual citizens. As technology has advanced in America, it has increasingly encroached on one of those liberties--what I term the right of personal privacy. Modern information systems, data banks, credit records, mailing list abuses, electronic snooping, the collection of personal data for one purpose that may be used for another--all these have left millions of Americans deeply concerned by the privacy they cherish.

And the time has come, therefore, for a major initiative to define the nature and extent of the basic rights of privacy and to erect new safeguards to ensure that those rights are respected.”
Richard M. Nixon, State of the Union Addresses of Richard Nixon

Curtis White
“Everybody of my generation has the same memory. We were twelve or thirteen or we were twenty-one, for that matter, and we were going to be veterinarians or we were, like Ringo, going to own a hairdresser’s parlor. We walked into the record store and saw the cover of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. We thought together, 'Life can be other than it has been.”
Curtis White, Idea of Home

Steven Magee
“In all of the workplaces that I have been in, broken mercury lamps were swept up with the nearest brush and pan and the broken glass thrown into the closest trash can. There were no records kept of mercury releases or where they had occurred.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“After informing the management team at Dartmouth College that I was keeping daily records of the behavioral problems I was observing in all staff that I supervised, they insisted those records be destroyed.”
Steven Magee

Jay Reatard
“I really don't think records should be made in the manner where you sit and write, and when you're finished writing, you start recording. That just seems conventional and old-fashioned to me.”
Jay Reatard

Jay Reatard
“I refuse to write out lyrics for any of my domestic releases. I remember when I was 11 or 12 years old and I would listen to a song over and over and I would make up my own lyrics because I couldn't understand what they were saying. And later when I got the internet I googled the lyrics: What was he really saying?
Jay Reatard

Dax Bamania
“The paralysis of analysis might stop you from creating new records.”
Dax Bamania

Sherley Anne Williams
“Women must leave a record for their men; otherwise how will they know us?”
Sherley Anne Williams

“Journalist Tony Horwitz describes its laser show as an unfortunate mix of Coca-Cola, the Beatles, the Atlanta Braves, and Elvis sining "Dixie," followed by the "Battle Hymn of the Republic." Television ads end with the inclusive slogan, "Stone Mountain: A Different Day for Everyone." Eventually the desire for everyone's dollar may accomplish what the physical elements cannot: eradicating Stone Mountain as a Confederate-KKK Shrine.”
James Loewen

Steven Magee
“The historical nature of the Desoto Solar Farm dictates that true events are documented in American historical records.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The current historical records for the Desoto Solar Farm are corrupted.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“You are legally entitled to your public police records. However, it is unlikely you will ever receive the complete set of records they have.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“When the police withhold requested records from their victim, it does make the victim wonder what is in the records that they do not want to be witnessed.”
Steven Magee

“See this decade, it started with a bang, and ended with an explosion.What we wrestled out of the hands of the dullest cunts on earth…got taken back and they weren’t loosing it again. Corporate disguised itself as hipster, and indie just disappeared. They were gonna do whatever they wanted, no matter what the people thought.”
Alan McGee, Creation Stories: Riots, Raves and Running A Label

“Maybe you don’t have shit besides a skateboard and a Supertramp record, but if you have one true friend you have everything. . .”
Robin Brown, Glitter Saints: The Cosmic Art of Forgiveness, a Memoir

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