
Sci Fi Quotes

Quotes tagged as "sci-fi" Showing 1-30 of 1,444
Lois McMaster Bujold
“Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself.”
Lois McMaster Bujold, A Civil Campaign

George Carlin
“People say, 'I'm going to sleep now,' as if it were nothing. But it's really a bizarre activity. 'For the next several hours, while the sun is gone, I'm going to become unconscious, temporarily losing command over everything I know and understand. When the sun returns, I will resume my life.'

If you didn't know what sleep was, and you had only seen it in a science fiction movie, you would think it was weird and tell all your friends about the movie you'd seen.

They had these people, you know? And they would walk around all day and be OK? And then, once a day, usually after dark, they would lie down on these special platforms and become unconscious. They would stop functioning almost completely, except deep in their minds they would have adventures and experiences that were completely impossible in real life. As they lay there, completely vulnerable to their enemies, their only movements were to occasionally shift from one position to another; or, if one of the 'mind adventures' got too real, they would sit up and scream and be glad they weren't unconscious anymore. Then they would drink a lot of coffee.'

So, next time you see someone sleeping, make believe you're in a science fiction movie. And whisper, 'The creature is regenerating itself.”
George Carlin, Brain Droppings

Laurell K. Hamilton
“There comes a point when you either embrace who and what you are, or condemn yourself to be miserable all your days. Other people will try to make you miserable; don't help them by doing the job yourself.”
Laurell K. Hamilton

Douglas Adams
“This must be Thursday,' said Arthur to himself, sinking low over his beer. 'I never could get the hang of Thursdays.”
Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

Therisa Peimer
“Aurelia was just about to take a sip of a mimosa when Mother Guardian snatched the flute away and promptly downed the drink in one gulp. Burping unashamedly, she said, "We can't have the validity of the marriage contracts jeopardized because the bride got rat-assed on her wedding day.”
Therisa Peimer, Taming Flame

James Patterson
“You...are...a...fridge...with wings,' Fang ground out, punching an Eraser hard with every word. 'We're...freaking...ballet...dancers.”
James Patterson, School's Out—Forever

Therisa Peimer
“She's just one of the plethora of women you rotate through your bed." Lily looked scared out of her mind as the queen changed direction and stalked her. "I will not allow you to besmirch the Esca name with your filthy plot to steal the prince.”
Therisa Peimer, Taming Flame

Kyle Keyes
“You're not a Quaker, Jeremy. I happen to know you put beer on your cornflakes.”
Kyle Keyes, Matching Configurations

Todor Bombov
“While an elderly man in his mid-eighties looks curiously at a porno site, his grandson asks him from afar, “‘What are you reading, grandpa?’” “‘It’s history, my boy.’” “The grandson comes nearer and exclaims, “‘But this is a porno site, grandpa, naked chicks, sex . . . a lot of sex!’” “‘Well, it’s sex for you, my son, but for me it’s history,’ the old man says with a sigh.” All of people in the cabin burst into laughter. “A stale joke, but a cool one,” added William More, the man who just told the joke. The navigator skillfully guided the flying disc among the dense orange-yellow blanket of clouds in the upper atmosphere that they had just entered. Some of the clouds were touched with a brownish hue at the edges. The rest of the pilots gazed curiously and intently outwards while taking their seats. The flying saucer descended slowly, the navigator’s actions exhibiting confidence. He glanced over at the readings on the monitors below the transparent console: Atmosphere: Dense, 370 miles thick, 98.4% nitrogen, 1.4% methane Temperature on the surface: ‒179°C / ‒290°F Density: 1.88 g/cm³ Gravity: 86% of Earth’s Diameter of the cosmic body: 3200 miles / 5150 km.”
Todor Bombov, Homo Cosmicus 2: Titan: A Science Fiction Novel

Therisa Peimer
“I'm so proud of you I could burst, but in the interest of saving the poor cleaning staff the hassle, I would, instead, like to take you to our room and lick you from stem to stern until you beg me to stop.”
Therisa Peimer, Taming Flame

Therisa Peimer
“Too pissed off to care, Aurelia interrupted him. "No, I will not wait just one moment!" Piercing him with her best scary stare, she said, "It surprises me that no one has pointed out your glaringly obvious agenda, so let me be the first.”
Therisa Peimer, Taming Flame

“We all know interspecies romance is weird.”
Tim Burton

Lois Lowry
“The life where nothing was ever unexpected. Or inconvenient. Or unusual. The life without colour, pain or past.”
Lois Lowry, The Giver

George Lucas
“The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.”
George Lucas

Brandon Sanderson
“I ask of you your lives,” Elend said, voice echoing, “and your courage. I ask of you your faith, and your honor—your strength, and your compassion. For today, I lead you to die. I will not ask you to welcome this event. I will not insult you by calling it well, or just, or even glorious. But I will say this.
“Each moment you fight is a gift to those in this cavern. Each second we fight is a second longer that thousands of people can draw breath. Each stroke of the sword, each koloss felled, each breath earned is a victory! It is a person protected for a moment longer, a life extended, an enemy frustrated!”
There was a brief pause.
“In the end, they will kill us,” Elend said, voice loud, ringing in the cavern. “But first, they shall fear us!”
Brandon Sanderson, The Hero of Ages

Veronica Rossi
“In the afternoon, they stopped to eat on a rocky outcrop. Perry brushed a kiss on her cheek while she was chewing, and she learned that it was the loveliest thing to be kissed for no reason, even while chewing food. It brightened the woods, and the never sky, and everything.”
Veronica Rossi, Under the Never Sky

“When you're a kid, they tell you it's all... grow up. Get a job. Get married. Get a house. Have a kid, and that's it. But the truth is, the world is so much stranger than that. It's so much darker. And so much madder. And so much better.”
Elton Pope

Max Nowaz
“Every morning when I wake up, I ask myself, "Why was I born?" Then I answer myself, "You were born to be successful." If you can learn to define your own success and not let others dictate it, you can find      fulfilment.”
Max Nowaz, The Polymorph

“You think that because I am unwanted, because I am neglected and-and discarded-" My voice inches higher with every word, the unrestrained emotions suddenly screaming through my lungs. "You think I don't have a heart? You think I don't feel? You think that because I can inflict pain, that I should? You're just like everyone else. You think I'm a monster just like everyone else. You don't understand me at all.”
Tahereh Mafi, Shatter Me

Iain Banks
“You need to read more science fiction. Nobody who reads science fiction comes out with this crap about the end of history”
Iain Banks

Kyle Keyes
“Boson forces don't exist in Quantum space. The Light of the World is only found this side of the Timewall.”
Kyle Keyes, Matching Configurations

Kyle Keyes
“We know you stood guard duty at the White House, Reuben. We have film of you urinating behind the bushes.”
Kyle Keyes, Worm Holes

Kyle Keyes
“Molly is not a Quaker, Jeremy. Quakers don't have tits that big.”
Kyle Keyes, Matching Configurations

Sherrilyn Kenyon
“Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Born of Shadows

Kyle Keyes
“Each time Olan Chapman comes to life, his anti-quarks remain on the far side of the Time Wall. After his life cycle ends, his quarks collapse back to these roots, and – presto – America's most wanted man is ready for his next adventure.”
Kyle Keyes, Worm Holes

Kyle Keyes
“Frankly, Olan couldn't hit a bull in the ass with a ping pong paddle.”
Kyle Keyes, Worm Holes

Kyle Keyes
“Most of us can find our way out of the wilderness without Moses.”
Kyle Keyes, Matching Configurations

Kyle Keyes
“Somehow, creation manages to form without species intervention.”
Kyle Keyes, Matching Configurations

Jay Kristoff
“You might get only one shot. So shoot. You know who said that?"
The rifle clatters to the bloody floor.
"Hanna FUCKING Donnelly. That's who.”
Jay Kristoff, Gemina

Frederik Pohl
“A good science fiction story should be able to predict not the automobile but the traffic jam.”
Frederik Pohl

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