
September 9 11 Quotes

Quotes tagged as "september-9-11" Showing 1-4 of 4
“Peace is not so much a political mandate as it is a shared state of consciousness that remains elevated and intact only to the degree that those who value it volunteer their existence as living examples of the same... Peace ends with the unraveling of individual hope and the emergence of the will to worship violence as a healer of private and social dis-ease.”
Aberjhani, The American Poet Who Went Home Again

“The planes were hijacked, the buildings fell, and thousands of lives were lost nearly a thousand miles from here. But the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were an attack on the heart of America.
And standing here in the heartland of America, we say in one voice

We will not give in to terrorists;

We will not rest until they are found and defeated;

We will win this struggle, not for glory, nor wealth, nor power, but for justice, for freedom, and for peace;

So help us God.”
Tom Harkin

Susan Abulhawa
“I grieved three thousand times. Then I grieved for myself, a lonely woman without the honor given to the wives of the fallen. The reverence for their loss, for their children's loss. It was eloquent and grand. So moving and charged with solidarity...On September eleventh, I faced the last moments of your father's life. I saw him in every person who tried to jump and every body they pulled from the rubble. And I saw myself as I was never allowed to be, consoled, understood, and loved.”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin

“When the towers again twin-tickle the clouds, I offer to walk again, to be the expression of the builder's collective voice. Together, we will rejoice in an aerial song of victory. I will carry my life across the wire, as your life, as all our lives, past, present, and future -the lives lost, the lives welcomed since.
we can overcome.”
Philippe Petit, To Reach the Clouds: My High Wire Walk Between the Twin Towers