
Silence Communication Quotes

Quotes tagged as "silence-communication" Showing 1-30 of 36
Criss Jami
“Simply minding one's own business is more offensive than being intrusive. Without ever saying a word one can make a person feel less-than.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Harold Pinter
“The speech we hear is an indication of that which we don't hear. It is a necessary avoidance, a violent, sly, and anguished or mocking smoke screen which keeps the other in its true place. When true silence falls we are left with echo but are nearer nakedness. One way of looking at speech is to say that it is a constant stratagem to cover nakedness.”
Harold Pinter

Amit Abraham
“I love my loneliness as it helps me gather strength to deal with people.”
Amit Abraham

Edith Wharton
“But they're too shy to speak when my mother-in-law doesn't; sometimes they open their mouths to begin, but they never get as far as the first sentence. You must get used to an ocean of silence, and just swim about in it as well as you can.”
Edith Wharton, The Buccaneers

Ruta Sepetys
“We sat and drank in silence. It was something I appreciated about Jesse. He didn't feel the need to fill every moment with talk or some sort of silly exchange.”
Ruta Sepetys, Out of the Easy

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Be a flower. Be a seed. Let your growth arouse curiosity.
Let it fascinate and amaze.
Let it inspire the artist and the scientist. Let it shock the doubters.
Let it grant hope to the hopeless.
Let it begin in silence, and end with a loud bang.
Don’t be an open book - be mysterious. Be extraordinary, be undefinable, be a ball of fiery fire, and above all, grow in silence, and let your success do the talking.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

Abhijit Naskar
“Sonnet of Silence

I am the loudest when I am silent,
My lips are shut yet I speak treasures.
Speech without heart is nothing but noise,
Listen to my silence, you'll hear the universe.
Words spoken with mere lips reach nowhere,
For it's the heart that makes words alive.
Tell people who you are without saying a word,
Speak from your very core, they'll listen alright.
I repeat, silent people have the loudest hearts,
For when you speak less you get to listen more.
The more you listen the more you are heard,
The more you hear the more you get to grow.
Set the words on fire, let them all turn to ashes.
Tell people who you are without all the speeches.”
Abhijit Naskar, Honor He Wrote: 100 Sonnets For Humans Not Vegetables

Robert Sarah
“The spiritual life goes through alternating phases in which God successively shows and hides himself, makes himself heard and is quiet. Prayer teaches us the subtleties of divine speech. Is God being silent, or are we not hearing him because our interior ear and our intellect are not accustomed to his language? The fruit of silence is learning to discern his voice, even though it always keeps its mystery.”
Robert Cardinal Sarah

“Distance doesn't ruin relationships but silence does.”
Farid F. Ibrahim

Jacqueline Simon Gunn
“The Silence of the Final Goodbye

I knew you best from the silences,
The time and space in between,
The moment before our lips touched,
The way your arms went up in the air before you laughed,
The smile that we shared before we talked,
The redness on your face before your tears,
The sensation of your arms around me after you released the embrace.

The look you gave me before you walked away,
Nothing had ever been so painful,
No words could say what your eyes told me,
When I wake in the morning without you,
It’s the first thing I hear…

The silence of the final goodbye.”
Jacqueline Simon Gunn

Abhijit Naskar
“If they don't hear your silence,
Words won't do you any good.
Listen to the silence beyond the words,
And you shall hear the divine tune.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amor Apocalypse: Canım Sana İhtiyacım

Srividya Srinivasan
“Most of the conversations we are ever likely to have with people are the things we do not and cannot say”
Srividya Srinivasan

Avijeet Das
“we sat there and
looked into each
other's eyes

that was all
we needed”
Avijeet Das

Frank  Sonnenberg
“Just because a person is silent doesn’t mean there’s no message.”
Frank Sonnenberg, Soul Food: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

“Gravidez �� o tempo de silêncio mais intenso entre duas pessoas.”

“In silence

One can fully know


Abhijit Naskar
“As long as you are next to me, even your silence is tranquility.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amor Apocalypse: Canım Sana İhtiyacım

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“There are innumerable voices in the silence, and the voices are constantly talking to one another. Our job is to learn how to listen.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

Michel Fais
“Τότε, εκείνο το τετράμηνο του περπατητού πένθους, διδάχτηκε τα δύο βασικά μυστικά της συναναστροφής. Το πρώτο ήταν ότι αυτός που μιλάει έχει ξαναμιλήσει, κι αυτός που δεν μιλάει δεν έχει ξαναμιλήσει, αλλά δεν αποκλείεται κάποια στιγμή ν' αρχίσει πάλι να μιλάει, ώστε κάποτε να ξαναμιλήσει - εξάλλου υπάρχει καιρός για όλους και για κανέναν. Το δεύτερο ήταν ότι αυτός που μιλάει, που γεμίζει τον χώρο μιας συνάθροισης με λόγια, που τρέμει τη σιωπή, που τη θεωρεί ένα βήμα μετά την αγένεια κι ένα βήμα πριν από τη βλασφημία, έχει μυστικά, μυστικά που τα σκεπάζει με λόγια, όπως η γάτα τα κόπρανά της με χώμα· κι ότι εκείνος που σωπαίνει συχνά σωπαίνει λαλίστατος, αφού ξελαρυγγιάζεται να φωνάζει προς όλες τις κατευθύνσεις, σαν τον χαμένο στην έρημο, ακούστε τη σιωπή μου, είμαι σιωπηλός σαν την πέτρα.”
Michel Fais, Απ' το ίδιο ποτήρι και άλλες ιστορίες

“Trust me, comparing to what is infront of you in marriage, blaber is a sign that everything is alright; silence is what you should be worried about!”
Islam Bakli, كل شيء بقدر

Dave Cenker
“There's a simple elegance in the silent space between Leah and me.”
Dave Cenker, Second Chance

Abhijit Naskar
“Come, sit next to me.
As you will, so will be.
As long as you are next to me,
Even your silence is tranquility.

I know it hurts like the dickens!
Yet every wound delivers valiance.
At your every whim I am your servant.
But to every wound you are your treatment.

Your trouble is my trouble.
Be not disheartened if the world frowns.
Clouds are nothing but herald of sunshine.
Pain of today is tomorrow's crown.

So I say, come, sit next to me.
As you will, so will be.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amor Apocalypse: Canım Sana İhtiyacım

Abhijit Naskar
“When all are one sentience,
Language withers and fades away.
Let's sit together and speak in silence,
Let's be light to each other's way.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amor Apocalypse: Canım Sana İhtiyacım

Marc Levy
“- Du får lära dig att en viss sorts tystnad säger mer än tomma ord.”
Marc Levy

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