
Someday Quotes

Quotes tagged as "someday" Showing 1-30 of 45
Gabrielle Zevin
“Someday, we’ll run into each other again, I know it.
Maybe I’ll be older and smarter and just plain better. If that happens,
that’s when I’ll deserve you. But now, at this moment, you can’t hook
your boat to mine, because I’m liable to sink us both.”
Gabrielle Zevin, Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac

“One day you will wonder what was so important that you put off doing the most important things. 'Someday' can be a thief in the night.”
Deborah Brown

Akshay Vasu
“You can never heal completely. The scars will always stay behind, just to remind how cruel the time was once to you. But someday, you will learn to see beauty in the world that gave you these scars. And your eyes will shine with no lies in it. That day, you become beautiful. With baring all the scars, Which you always tried to hide from everyone.”
Akshay Vasu

Munia Khan
“A lost road will remember your footsteps because someday you may want to return, tracing the way.”
Munia Khan

James C. Dobson
“12. There will come a day, much quicker than your parents would wish, when you will no longer be comfortable living at home. You will want to move out and establish a home of your own. After that time, your mother and father will be more like your friends than your parents. And someday, if they live long enough, you will be more like a parent to them than a son or daughter.”
James C. Dobson, Life on the Edge: The Next Generation's Guide to a Meaningful Future

Akshay Vasu
“Maybe, someday we all will come out of those beautiful and warm shelters we have built around us and open our arms to the storms, smiling at them. Maybe, we all will finally let them take us all and throw in the middle of nowhere. Where nobody knows each other anymore, and we are all strangers again.”
Akshay Vasu

Rachel Hollis
“Stop waiting for someday; someday is a myth. Don't wait to have the time; start planning to make the time.”
Rachel Hollis, Girl, Stop Apologizing: A Shame-Free Plan for Embracing and Achieving Your Goals

Andrew Kendall
“I believe in the simple things--the classic beginning of once upon a time, that good conquers evil in the end, fantasy and fate. My life is that of wondrous enchantment, a place of endless possibilities and dreams, where inspiration is found in the oddest of places. I aspire to inspire, and someday I will change the world,”
Andrew Kendall, The Dark Dictionary: A Guide to Help Eradicate Your Darkness, Restore Your Light, and Redefine Your Life.

Danielle Steel
“This was real life, not a book. And in
real life, people met, nothing happened, and you went
Danielle Steele

Nitya Prakash
“Someday you will be just a memory without feeling.”
Nitya Prakash

Danielle Steel
“Never settle for less than your dreams. Somewhere, sometime,someday,somehow, you'll find them.”
Danielle Steel, Bittersweet

Debatrayee Banerjee
“Sometimes we don't even know what we seek anymore. Life halts for a second, and we see a shadow of dreams, some lived, some unlived. So many stories, so many voices and yet each stands distinct for each took a part of your heart, each made a part of your soul. A list of songs, and a whole lot of unkempt moments, a handful of tears and a whole sky of smiles, so much walked and yet such a long path remains, only the steps aren't the same anymore. Words and silence play within and without as nothing seems real in a world that is made of moments, yet the memories bind a reality that shines vividly through a hole of illusions, an illusion of happiness, an illusion of despair, an illusion of love, an illusion of loss. Someday, perhaps in a distant dream, in a known star, there would be a home, where the void of nothingness will forever merge with the wholeness of moments. Someday, in the stillness of a wild heart, we would hold each other in the sky of that dream, that which isn't sought yet found. Because sometimes, we don't even know what we seek anymore.”
Debatrayee Banerjee, A Whispering Leaf. . .

James C. Dobson
“Jesus Christ is the source—the only source—of meaning in life. He provides the only satisfactory explanation for why we’re here and where we’re going. Because of this good news, the final heartbeat for the Christian is not the mysterious conclusion to a meaningless existence. It is, rather, the grand beginning to a life that will never end. That same Lord is waiting to embrace and forgive anyone who comes to Him in humility and repentance. He is calling your name, just as He called the name of Pete Maravich. His promise of eternal life offers the only hope for humanity. If you have never met this Jesus, I suggest that you seek spiritual counsel from a Christian leader who can offer guidance. You can also write to me, if that would help. Thanks for reading along with me. I hope to meet you someday. If our paths don’t cross this side of heaven, I’ll be looking for you in that eternal city. By all means, Be there!”
James C. Dobson, Life on the Edge: The Next Generation's Guide to a Meaningful Future

“Someday we'll meet again and when we do, I hope that at that point in time, I'll be enough for you.”
Amanda Lovelorn

Israelmore Ayivor
“Someday", you said you'd do it yesterday; Yesterday, you said you'll do it today. Today, if you push it to tomorrow, it's likely tomorrow, you'll shift it to "Someday"! Do it now!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Daily Drive 365

Kate Bowler
“I think I'm running out of time...," I say finally. "I'm not trying to be dramatic, but here's what I worry about: What if you are too?" She knows what I am saying...her selflessness has caused her to surrender too much of herself to "someday." And now someday has come, at least for me.”
Kate Bowler, Everything Happens for a Reason: And Other Lies I've Loved

Emory R. Frie
“It might take a while, and we probably won’t recognize it when it comes, but I do believe – I have to believe – that someday we’ll get our happy endings.”
Emory R. Frie, Realm of the Snow Queen

Brian Andreas
“I should probably give up pretending I'm going to be somebody someday, he said, but a rich fantasy life is one of my best qualities.
—Fantasy Life”
Brian Andreas, Theories of Everything

Emma   Scott
“Silas arched a brow. “Mighty Max was wrong?”

“It happens,” I said with a wry smile. “Rarely, mind you, but it happens.”
Emma Scott, Someday, Someday

Anthon St. Maarten
“Many people live their lives for ‘someday.’ They put their dreams on hold, waiting for the right time, not realizing that someday may never come.”
Anthon St. Maarten

Stephanie Klein
“Here's what I've learned about "soon"; it's short for "someday." We make space in our lives for what matters, now. Not in promises and soons, but on mantels with sterling frames, in shelves we clear to make room for our now. Everything else i talk.”
Stephanie Klein, Straight Up and Dirty

“I wish I could see you some day,
Just for a moment, just see you,

I wish I could hear from you some day,
Just for a moment, just here you,

I wish I could live my whole life in that moment.”
Ratish Edwards


To have a promise, we shall meet again someday”
-Sanika Ullalkar

“To have a promise, we shall meet
-Sanika Ullalkar

Lidia Longorio
“Yes, we will all fade away
We’ll be just memories someday
But it is still today”
Lidia Longorio, Hey Humanity

Nitya Prakash
“And someday maybe, our paths would cross again. I sit and stare at the night sky, wondering would you stop short and smile. Or would you look straight past me, like I don’t exist? Like, never mind.”
Nitya Prakash

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“Someday you are the guitarist; someday you are the guitar.”
Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma, 10 GOLDEN Steps of Life

Debatrayee Banerjee
“Walking on my own Symphony
Clutched in a lost Melody of Time
I shall find my way
I shall find my way.
Until then
Lemme keep Chasing that Sunshine
That counts on a lost Harmony of Tides
In a Dream of a Symphony
Clutched in a lost Melody of Time.”
Debatrayee Banerjee

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