
Spy Thriller Quotes

Quotes tagged as "spy-thriller" Showing 1-30 of 65
Simon W. Clark
“She adjusted her body weight and caught his eyes, her gaze shiny and with a tinge of sadness. “My grandmother told me once that the world is filled with ghosts. The longer we live the more ghosts will haunt us.” She paused glancing at her palms. “But they’re here to remind us we are alive. That our hearts beat, blood runs through our veins, we breath air into our lungs.”
Simon W. Clark, The Russian Ink

Simon W. Clark
“An overhead light blinked and extinguished.
Armitage drew the pistol with his right hand. He swung and aimed, checking there were no innocent people obstructing the way. None. Fired a single shot. It sailed over a plant and table setting. The round hit an inch from the watcher's heart. On impact the brown-haired assailant tipped. Jake ducked. A table toppled. The watcher groaned as the force of the momentum pushed him toward the floor-to-ceiling glass wall.
A second table collapsed, plates thrown asunder. Jake stepped forward, arm stretched and gun straight. A waitress hugged herself, crying. Two more male patrons hit the floor and crawled between chairs.”
Simon W. Clark, The Russian Ink

Simon W. Clark
“The Audi tires squealed as the vehicle tracked the same path. Jake hammered down the avenue, hunting for a getaway. Traffic thickened at the juncture ahead. A green light flickered into amber. He ramped up over the limit, punching over the white lines on a red signal.
Tires screeched and a horn beeped. The needle sat on one hundred kilometers per hour. He fishtailed at a laneway. The GPS showed a right angle, car slid into a slot in an overhang. Jake got out and crept toward the opening, hugged the brick wall. He pulled the SIG and flicked off the safety.
The Audi braked at the mouth. Door slammed. A shadow fell over the concrete. The swish of clothing indicated a possible weapon draw.”
Simon W. Clark

Simon W. Clark
“Jake’s shirt and jeans gave off a business vibe with the hint of a wide range of corporate occupations from sales to IT. Only politicians and real estate agents wore a suit and tie these days. Dressed to push an agenda. A man wearing a two-piece suit and tie would be remembered and many people became guarded, sus of the wearer’s intention. Guarded meant memorable.
Blend into the environment; do not stick out.”
Simon W. Clark, Dead Mercenary's Trail

Victor Robert Lee
“Cono felt embarrassed by the thought that he might have been just another pitiful orphan trying to turn his friends into family, and that he might be blinded by this need, a need that colored his whole life, that ache to offer worth to someone.”
Victor Robert Lee, Performance Anomalies

Jeff Phillips
“Their conversation ceased abruptly with the entry of an oddly-shaped man whose body resembled a certain vegetable. He was a thickset fellow with calloused and jaundiced skin and a patch of brown hair, a frizzy upheaval. We will call him Bell Pepper. Bell Pepper sidled up beside The Drippy Man and looked at the grilled cheese in his hand. The Drippy Man, a bit uncomfortable at the heaviness of the gaze, politely apologized and asked Bell Pepper if he would like one.

“Why is one of your legs fatter than the other?” asked Bell Pepper.

The Drippy Man realized Bell Pepper was not looking at his sandwich but towards the inconsistency of his leg sizes.

“You always get your kicks pointing out defects?” retorted The Drippy Man.

“Just curious. Never seen anything like it before.”

“I was raised not to feel shame and hide my legs in baggy pants.”

“So you flaunt your deformity by wearing short shorts?”

“Like you flaunt your pockmarks by not wearing a mask?”

Bell Pepper backed away, kicking wide the screen door, making an exit to a porch over hanging a dune of sand that curved into a jagged upward jab of rock.

“He is quite sensitive,” commented The Dry Advisor.

“Who is he?”

“A fellow who once manipulated the money in your wallet but now curses the fellow who does.”
Jeff Phillips, Turban Tan

“I am depressed

I keep loving people
That are far away
Where I can't go

I hope
For a miracle”
Jazalyn, Rose: Future Heart

Scott McEwen
“God of War is a fickle son of a bitch, his father had always been fond of saying. Don't ever trust his ass.”
Scott McEwen, One-Way Trip

John     Casey
“Sometimes it's better to beat a dead horse than to worry about whether or not it might recover.”
John Casey, Devolution

Kent Giles
“Some tyrants are brought to justice by those upon whom their boots have tread. Others simply fade into the fog of war and disappear like with the wind.”
Kent Giles, Operation Grey Wolf: Not all heros wear the victor's uniform.

John     Casey
“The future is as much an unknown masterpiece as your mind, imagination, and conduct can fashion.”
John Casey, Devolution

John     Casey
“Things we have done and said and experienced, or things that have been said and done to us, those are recorded. Facsimiles of a bygone present. It’s data, more or less. What we do with that data, with that information, has impact on how we feel and what we choose to do in the now.”
John Casey, Devolution

John     Casey
“It helps to treat time as it is—a continuum. That is to say, there is no such thing as the past. And likewise, no such thing as the future. ‘Past’ and ‘future’ are just monikers for concepts invented by man to simplify the processes and order of life. The truth is, time takes place continuously in the present.”
John Casey, Devolution

“Just wanted to congratulate you on the job you did in Siberia and reporting your findings to the scientists in San Diego. Said you're so honest, I could shoot craps with you over the phone."
— President Lyndon B. Johnson”
Ron Costello, Insomnia

John le Carré
“Een radicaal is een radicaal. Het maakt niet uit of het een ex-communist is of een ex-wat dan ook. Het is en blijft dezelfde man. Je manier van denken verandert niet omdat die tot een andere conclusie leidt. Je verandert alleen de conclusie. De menselijke natuur. (p.99)”
John le Carré, Silverview

Lachlan Page
“I’m only doing what every intelligence officer already knows: professional and state-sanctioned deception. If governments have course for legitimate violence, why can’t I, as a Government employee, have course to legitimate lying? Besides, it’s not like I can be prosecuted. There’s an Official Secrets Act, but there’s no Official Lying Act.”
Lachlan Page, Magical Disinformation

Lachlan Page
“It was when stumbling down the rain-soaked Andes wearing a woollen poncho, a handwoven sombrero, and high on ayahuasca that Oliver Jardine decided to lie for love. The lying wouldn’t be hard, he was a spy after all.”
Lachlan Page, Magical Disinformation

“When light brings me sorrow
And dark gives me peace
It's difficult to reach tomorrow
And hope blooms in endings”
Jazalyn, vViIrRuUsS: I Never Forget

“I can't die
It's a paradox
I've got the consciousness here”
Jazalyn, vViIrRuUsS: I Never Forget

“This world needs me;
If I don't exist
The world doesn't exist

The World Ends With Me”
Jazalyn, vViIrRuUsS: I Never Forget

“I also send you on this mission,' said Arken. 'In the hope that if he is, in fact, responsible for all this. That you'll keep your head and not let it get personal.'

'You can trust me,' said Anargrin.

'I trust no one, and I suspect everything,' said Arken.

'I thought you trusted me, Arken.'

'No,' said Arken as he swivelled in his seat and swirled his glass. 'I just mistrust you the least.”
BAD Agar, The Angaran Chronicles: The Underside

“I'm suffering;
Always people wanted to hurt me
To harm me
With bullying
And other schemes

I always felt inferior
Unable to defend myself
Weak as lonely
Mentally tortured

This world is cruel

But I can say “no”
And I will be saying it”
Jazalyn, Rose: Future Heart

“I’m the truth
Waiting for the day
That this world will know fairness

I don’t regret for anything more
Than having regrets
For everything that didn’t happen
And passed
As forgotten”
Jazalyn, Rose: Future Heart

Mike Bodnar
“Imagine having all the peace you could dream of, but no freedom of choice”
Mike Bodnar, Unity: Peace for All, Freedom for None

Charleigh Frederick
“My family, the Alderidge family, is one of the major four syndicates that specializes professionally in what some might call “criminal activity.” We never leave enough evidence to get caught, and we never fail a mission. If you are born in the family, you work for the family, and you never go against the family. With members all over the world, we have our hand in everything from elections and assassinations to bank robberies and jewelry heists. That is how it has been for hundreds of years. I, however, am praying I get stationed in Paris with my Aunt Magdalena who makes personnel files on everyone from presidents in Polynesia to your average pancake flipper in Memphis. You never know who you might need to blackmail, bribe, or break to complete a mission. You may fear Big Brother spying on you, but the person you should truly fear getting your personal information is my Aunt Magdalena.”
Charleigh Frederick, Rule 25: Don't Fall For The Target

Scott McEwen
“The God of War is a fickle son of a bitch, his father had always been fond of saying. Don't ever trust his ass.”
Scott McEwen, One-Way Trip

Scott McEwen
“The only easy day was yesterday.”
Scott McEwen, One-Way Trip

Bear Grylls
“Strap yourself in for one hell of a ride.”
Bear Grylls, Bear Grylls - A Survival Guide For Life

“You’ve got to have balls of steel to do this job!”
Philip R. Broom

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