
Stay Strong Quotes

Quotes tagged as "stay-strong" Showing 1-30 of 101
“Rule your mind or it will rule you.”

“Take charge of your inner world by destroying the limitations caused by the outer distractions.”
Hiral Nagda

Mitch Albom
“Do I wither up and disappear, or do I make the best of my time left?"

Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie

Germany Kent
“Don't allow one negative incident to cause you to lose hope in people.”
Germany Kent

“Those who saw the true beauty, complexity and the very nature of Nature are [all] incapable of using their intelligence for conciously evil acts, furthermore, the eyes will see violence buried underneath millions of other viable solutions.

Rational good radiates, and inspires more rational good.

As each ray of the sun harmless [but] in great numbers.”

“Don't lose hope, you still are your own boss; Walking away is not yours, it's their loss.”
Wrushank Sorte

“Every rain drop falling on my face is screaming for its soulmate which is hidden somewhere in my eye.”
Wrushank Sorte

Germany Kent
“If you are contemplating ending your life, know this: Your Life Matters!”
Germany Kent

Kaitlyn Hill
“Don't let yourself be swayed by stupid internet trolls and men too up their own asses to recognize that an eighteen-year-old girl's looks and actions and love life have no bearing on her professional abilities. Don't be a martyr because the shit you've faced in the past has convinced you that you don't deserve better this time around. You deserve it all and you should let yourself go after it.”
Kaitlyn Hill, Love from Scratch

Germany Kent
“Instead of trying to rush the process, trust the process.”
Germany Kent

“Be fearless, courageous and heart pumpingly awesome.”
Hiral Nagda

Avijeet Das
“Most people don't support you when you are struggling. They support people who are successful. All of you who are struggling will realise this one day. But don't give up your struggle.”
Avijeet Das, Why the Silhouette?

Avijeet Das
“Most people don't support you when you are struggling. They support people who are successful.”
Avijeet Das

“At times being strong is not a choice but it's the only option.”
Garima Soni - words world

“We act tough only to protect our heart from getting hurt.”
Garima Soni - words world

“Take charge of the tide. Be the current to change the course of the storm.”
Hiral Nagda

“Never waste your pain. It's a gift from the Gods of heaven. It's perfectly orchestrated to build you back staggeringly magnificent.”
Hiral Nagda

“The book is open but you are still not on that page; the word is highlighted find somewhere on the edge.”
Wrushank Sorte

Germany Kent
“Mental wellness is so important. Take care of your mind and the way you speak to yourself. Don’t let negative thoughts weaken you.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Do not suffer in silence. Somebody somewhere is willing and prepared to help in any way to encourage, empower, and support you.”
Germany Kent

Avijeet Das
“Let us leave no effort.
let us give it our all
we will chase our dream
like mad men and mad women,
who have the gall.”
Avijeet Das

“Fall seven times, Stand up eight”
Chinese Proverb

Ritu Negi
“There are chances that success may build your ego but failure, failure is bound to build your character.
So whose side you are on?”
Ritu Negi

“Lots of people are going to be mad at you, because you decided not to be a nobody.
Deshawn Yeldell

Ritu Negi
“To all those people who are too worried about bringing their life "On Track", the Track doesn't exist!!

It's just a matrix created by society for you to follow when they can't escape it for themselves.”
Ritu Negi

“Jalani kehidupan dengan tabah, cekal dan sabar. Setiap langkah pasti ada cabaran tersendiri. Terus kuat menongkah hingga mencipta sejarah dalam hidupmu.”

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