Storm Quotes

Quotes tagged as "storm" Showing 241-270 of 538
Victoria Aveyard
“Strange that she is both the anchor against the storm and the storm itself.”
Victoria Aveyard, War Storm

Wayne Gerard Trotman
“Nature has a myriad of weapons to combat human arrogance.”
Wayne Gerard Trotman

F.C. Yee
“Water was calmness and tranquility, but it was the rage of a storm as well.”
F.C. Yee, The Shadow of Kyoshi

Darryl Anka
“What's going on in our world today is not something we can run away from. Therefore the calmest place is the eye of the storm. (...)

Chaos may be swirling all around us but if we stay in the center, obviously also metaphorically the centre of our own Being, that's where we're going to be able to handle everything that's going on, no matter how chaotic it gets. (...)

In the eye of the storm we're not tossed about by what we see.”
Darryl Anka

Marcus Garvey
“Look for me in the whirlwind or the storm, look for me all around you, for, with God’s grace, I shall come and bring with me countless millions of black slaves who have died in America and the West Indies and the millions in Africa to aid you in the fight for Liberty, Freedom and Life.”
Marcus Garvey, Emancipated From Mental Slavery: Selected Sayings of Marcus Garvey

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Often, not the storm but the fear of storm beats us!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Nitya Prakash
“Sometimes you don't face the storm. Sometimes you let it rip you apart so that you no longer have to feel the pain.”
Nitya Prakash
tags: pain, storm

Stephen         King
“The wind doesn't scratch at doors... or whine to be let in.”
Stephen King, Cycle of the Werewolf
tags: storm, wind

“In the storm, be still.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Kate Morton
“The lace curtains fluttered, and the sweet rich smell of Outdoors pushed through the open sash window- eucalyptus and lemon myrtle and overripe mangoes starting to boil on her father's prized tree. Vivien folded the papers back into the drawer and jumped to her feet. The sky was cloudless, blue as the ocean and drum-skin tight. Fig leaves glittered in the bright sunlight, frangipanis sparkled pink and yellow, and birds called to one another in the thick rain forest behind the house. It was going to be a stinker, Vivien realized with satisfaction, and later there'd be a storm. She loved storms: the angry clouds and the first fat drops, the rusty smell of thirsty red dirt, and the lashing rain against the walls as Dad paced back and forth on the veranda with his pipe in his mouth and a shimmer in his eyes, trying to keep his thrill in check as the palm trees wailed and flexed.”
Kate Morton, The Secret Keeper

Abhijit Naskar
“Be not scared to sail into the storm, every storm reveals the jewels of life. Be not scared to walk into the dark, your footsteps are the very light the dark is afraid of.”
Abhijit Naskar, Revolution Indomable

Mehmet Murat ildan
“The storm likes to go where it's not invited, not where it's invited!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Gerard Manley Hopkins
“Be adored among men,
God, three-numberéd form;
Wring thy rebel, dogged in den,
Man's malice, with wrecking and storm.
Beyond saying sweet, past telling of tongue,
Thou art lightning and love, I found it, a winter and warm;
Father and fondler of heart thou hast wrung:
Hast thy dark descending and most art merciful then.”
Gerard Manley Hopkins, The Wreck of the Deutschland

Tennessee Williams
“I want what I'm afraid of and I'm afraid of what I want so that I'm like a storm inside that can't break loose!”
Tennessee Williams, Spring Storm

Mehmet Murat ildan
“The most awesome mission of the storm is that it reminds us that the universe is never actually a calm garden with flowers! Peace is always an exception in this universe!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan
“The storm hits the lonely tree more strongly!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan
“The storm does evil, but it also has a morality: To treat everything equally while ruining everything!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

“По някакъв особен начин той знаеше, че е изгубил нещо незаменимо, но също така ясно разбираше, че макар и незаменимо, това беше нещо, което не беше нужно в неговия живот.”
Преслав Иванов, Кралица Буря. Детонация на бурята

K. Weikel
“Why can’t we be quiet and strong, why can’t we be innocent and sweet and still be a force to be reckoned with? Why can’t we be who we are without becoming a constant storm?”
K. Weikel, Replay: Ghost

Avijeet Das
“sometimes things happen... moments cannot be controlled by us... we flow unknowingly into a storm...”
Avijeet Das

“Feelings should be honored and given a voice. Still, like the storm that threatened Peter, the feelings we carry are real, and they're worth listening to - but they don't always tell us the truth about our identity and safety.”
Nicole Zasowski, From Lost to Found: Giving Up What You Think You Want for What Will Set You Free

Mehmet Murat ildan
“A huge storm appearing on the horizon both scares and fascinates! When you are afraid, you want to escape; when you are fascinated, you want to run towards the storm! The storm both pushes and pulls you!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

“Be still in the storm”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“The Sovereign LORD is with us even in the storm.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Mehmet Murat ildan
“The footsteps of the storm are the most compassionate part of the storm! Before the storm comes with all its might, it sends you hard breezes and warns you!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Aspen Matis
“Not pausing, Justin grabbed my laptop and opened applications for me to return to college, the moon framed in our kitchen, winking in the window from behind a slate storm-cloud. He asked me questions from the forms aloud, marking my responses—applying me to schools in New York City.”
Aspen Matis, Your Blue Is Not My Blue: A Missing Person Memoir

“The storm is still.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Storms think that they will scare everyone on their path, but they are very mistaken because they have forgotten the stormy souls who are afraid of nothing!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Kio Briggs
“I believe it is supposed to get difficult - your belief in your dream life is supposed to be tested. Remember, just beyond the storm is the island; if you really want to get there then fight for it and stay the course.”
Kio Briggs, Meditations: On Freedom

“Cry if you have to, you might be harbouring a silent storm.”
Goitsemang Mvula