
Strong Willed Quotes

Quotes tagged as "strong-willed" Showing 1-30 of 54
Jennifer Donnelly
“For mad I may be, but I will never be convenient.”
Jennifer Donnelly, Revolution

C. JoyBell C.
“We're always taught that God wants us to always only say "I can't do this without You God" , "Whatever your will is God, that's my will too" but God says He is a father, and there is no good father who wants his children to have no will and to think that they can't stand on their own two feet. So maybe what you should be saying is "I can do it" and "I have a strong will, I know what I want." When you think God's left you and wants you to be sitting like a duck, maybe He's actually believing in you, teaching you how to fly.”
C. JoyBell C.

Alexis  Hall
“I think it’s usually better to face the world as it is. The more we try to hide from something, the more power we give it.”
Alexis Hall, Boyfriend Material

Nikki Rowe
“She was a gypsy, as soon as you unravelled the many layers to her wild spirit she was on her next quest to discover her magic. She was relentless like that, the woman didn't need no body but an open road, a pen and a couple of sunsets.”
Nikki Rowe

Fernando Pessoa
“This world is for those who are born to conquer it, Not for those who dream that are able to conquer it, even if they're right.”
Fernando Pessoa, Poems of Fernando Pessoa

Criss Jami
“Easily mistaken, it is not about a love for adversity, it is about knowing a strength and a faith so great that adversity, in all its adverse manifestations, hardly even exists.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Trinity Faegen
“Lucifer will be furious with you for failing, but it's not like he can do anything about it. Women don't always do what you want, even if you're Lord of the Underworld.”
Trinity Faegen, The Redemption of Ajax

Toba Beta
“Strong-willed heart attracts.”
Toba Beta, My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut

Joey W. Hill
“The only thing that ever scared him was finding out there was something he couldn't do, so he damn well made sure there was anything he couldn't.”
Joey W. Hill, Rough Canvas

Pawan Mishra
“The only thing God is afraid of is a strong-willed human.”
Pawan Mishra, Coinman: An Untold Conspiracy

“I wouldn’t have turned out the way I was if I didn’t have all those old-fashioned values to rebel against.”

“Don't allow others to direct your ethical resolutions, rather navigate with your own moral compass so you can see the beacon of your own conscious......”
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection

Bob Woodward
“Cohn assembled every piece of economic data available to show that American workers did not aspire to work in assembly factories.
Each month Cohn brought Trump the latest Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey, called JOLTS, conducted y the Bureau of Labor Statistics. He realized he was being an asshole by rubbing it in because each month was basically the same, but he didn't care.
"Mr. President, can I show this to you?" Cohn fanned out the pages of data in front of the president. "See, the biggest leavers of jobs--people leaving voluntarily--was from manufacturing."
"I don't get it," Trump said.
Cohn tried to explain: "I can sit in a nice office with air conditioning and a desk, or stand on my feet eight hours a day. Which one would you do for the same pay?"
Cohn added, "People don't want to stand in front of a 2,000 degree blast furnace. People don't want to go into coal mines and get black lung. For the same dollars or equal ollars, they're going to choose something else."
Trump wasn't buying it.
Severl times Cohn just asked the president, "Why do you have these views?"
"I just do," Trump replied. "I've had these views for 30 years."
"That doesn't mean they're right," Cohn said. "I had the view for 15 years I could play professional football. It doesn't mean I was right.”
Bob Woodward, Fear: Trump in the White House

“You are stubborn."

"That’s what people say when you won’t do what they want.”
Lexie Talionis, Dreams of Lethe

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“You didn't allow me,' I reminded him. 'You just couldn't stop me.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, From Blood and Ash

Ellen Stellar
“Ten pushups reminded me that I, Kiran McVarras, do not take any abuse and do not forget those who insult me.”
Ellen Stellar, Kiran: The Warrior's Daughter

“I am not interested to be a guest in your life!

I just wanna be someone who you afraid to lose!

I am sure when you read this, you know it is specially written for you.”
I'm salmiah

“The strong-willed decision is the cutting edge of the mind.”
Prof.Salam Al Shereida

Jaachynma N.E. Agu
“Notable Things Happen In Our Lives When We Don't Allow Fear Roam Freely In Our Situations!”
Jaachynma N.E. Agu, My Heritage

Germany Kent
“Every single time someone rejects you, it promotes you. Maybe you don't see it today, but later you will be able to thank each person because through their rejections, betrayal, the setbacks, and the delays you have been made stronger, wiser and more successful.”
Germany Kent

“I think sometimes the motivations you need are from few individuals, maybe just one or two who believes in you and keep reminding you of how strong willed you can be. Believe me such motivation could push you higher than one could ever imagine.”
Deborah Nwakwesili.

Gift Gugu Mona
“Leadership is not for weak-minded people, but it is for the strong-willed, who can listen to the will of their followers without being weakened by the challenges at hand.”
Gift Gugu Mona, The Effective Leadership Prototype for a Modern Day Leader

Emiko Jean
“Being one of the few Asian people in Mount Shasta had its drawbacks. I never felt like I fit in."
He blinks. "Do you feel like you fit in Japan?"
"Sometimes, yes. Sometimes, no." It's hard to shake the feeling of otherness, telling me I am a tourist in my own life. Growing up in America, Princess Izumi will never be truly Japanese, an imperial biographer recently wrote. I faced the same in Mount Shasta. Izumi will never be truly American.
Truth? Sometimes I question if I should even be a princess of Japan. If I am laying claim to something that isn't mine. Maybe I will never be Japanese enough. My throat is scratchy, and I curl my fingers into my palms. No. This is my right. I was raised in America, but my father is the Crown Prince, and Japanese values are still a deep pool within me. Entrenched in my blood. People can say what they want. That I am not enough. They can talk, but I stay silent, quietly digging deeper, pulling up my roots, satiating my thirst.”
Emiko Jean, Tokyo Dreaming

Amy E. Reichert
“Living here is a commitment to a very specific lifestyle. It's not for everyone. Astra needs to know."
Astra blinked at her, visibly surprised by his mom's comments, and Jack didn't blame her. His mom had been pestering him to find someone, and now she was being difficult because she didn't agree with his choice.
His dad cleared his throat.
"Astra, any questions for us?" his dad said. Jack gave him a grateful smile.
Astra finished chewing and took a sip of her water, sitting up straighter as she set her glass down.
"Jack's done a wonderful job of answering my questions and giving me the history. I can see why he loves it so much. And who you might be protective of it." Astra's eyes flicked to his mom. "I understand that people join the Julemarked, but I haven't asked about people moving to the Outside."
Mads's lips formed a silent "oh" and he heard Ani whisper, "Damn," under her breath. Astra kept her body turned toward his dad, but everyone at the table knew who the comment was directed at. Astra was letting his mom know she didn't intimidate her, that she wouldn't meekly disappear when challenged. Up to this point, Jack knew he could fall in love with Astra, that he stood on the peak, where one nudge would send him plunging headfirst to worship at her feet. This was the moment when he tipped over.
When raised by a strong woman, a man can't help but respect and admire other strong women. Astra had proven herself capable of holding her own and now his heart was hers forever.”
Amy E. Reichert, Once Upon a December

“The tuitions of unbridge boundaries thus recollect the pole pillars of a mighty strong Gate",”
Ben Jr Grey

Sarah J. Maas
“You do know this is Nesta Archeron we're talking about? She does nothing unless she wishes to. And she's the least likely to listen to me.

Clotho huffed a laugh. She has a will of iron.

'Of steel.' He smiled. 'Good seeing you, Clotho.'

You as well, Lord Cassian.

'Just Cassian,' he said, as he had said so many times now.

You are a lord in good deeds. It is not a title born, but earned.

He bowed his head as he said thickly, 'Thank you.”
Sarah J. Maas, A ​Court of Silver Flames

“You can’t control how others think or say about you, but you can make them eat what they say.”
Ann Salonen

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