
Surgery Quotes

Quotes tagged as "surgery" Showing 1-30 of 74
“Pilots used to fly planes manually, but now they operate a dashboard with the help of computers. This has made flying safer and improved the industry.
Healthcare can benefit from the same type of approach, with physicians practicing medicine with the help of data, dashboards, and AI. This will improve
the quality of care they provide and make their jobs easier and more efficient”
Ronald M. Razmi, AI Doctor: The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare - A Guide for Users, Buyers, Builders, and Investors

Henri Matisse
“I didn't expect to recover from my second operation but since I did, I consider that I'm living on borrowed time. Every day that dawns is a gift to me and I take it in that way. I accept it gratefully without looking beyond it. I completely forget my physical suffering and all the unpleasantness of my present condition and I think only of the joy of seeing the sun rise once more and of being able to work a little bit, even under difficult conditions.”
Henri Matisse

“Surgeons can cut out everything except cause.”
Herbert M. Shelton

Patrick O'Brian
“I sew his ears on from time to time, sure.”
Patrick O'Brian, Post Captain

“Cutting out bad habits is far more effective than cutting out organs.”
Herbert M. Shelton, Fasting for Renewal of Life

Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly
“We priests are the surgeons of souls, and it is our duty to deliver them of shameful secrets they would fain conceal, with hands careful to neither wound no pollute.”
Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly, Le plus bel amour de Don Juan précédé de Le rideau cramoisi

Emily Dickinson
“Surgeons must be very careful
When they take the knife!
Underneath their fine incisions
Stirs the Culprit—Life!
Emily Dickinson

David Nott
“The boy's death turned me into a person marked by war: it was the Sarajevo equivalent of a campaign medal, although not one to wear with pride.”
David Nott, War Doctor: Surgery on the Front Line

Paul Kalanithi
“Before operating on a patient's brain, I realized, I must first understand his mind: his identity, his values, what makes his life worth living, & what devastation makes it reasonable to let that life end. The cost of my dedication to succeed was high, & the ineluctable failures brought me nearly unbearable guilt. Those burdens are what make medicine holy & wholly impossible.”
Paul Kalanithi, When Breath Becomes Air

Paul Kalanithi
“Certain brain areas are considered near-inviolable, like the primary motor cortex, damage to which results in paralysis of affected body parts. But the most sacrosanct regions of the cortex are those that control language. Usually located on the left side, they are called Wernicke's & Broca's areas; one is for understanding language & the other for producing it. […]If both areas are damaged, the patient becomes an isolate, something central to her humanity stolen forever. After someone suffers a head trauma or stroke, the destruction of these areas restrains the surgeon's impulse to save a life: what kind of life exists without language?”
Paul Kalanithi, When Breath Becomes Air

“We both know there's no returning to the beginning, no knowing who you've always been, no going home again. But we also know that there's no staying where you are: that the moment that your body sutures together into a whole and steady place you know, something will give way and you'll be changed to mere parts again.”
Molly McCully Brown, Places I've Taken My Body: Essays

Eric Overby
“Surgical Talk

As we look at the insides of humans,
We find the inside of ourselves
And each other.
What lies beneath us?
What do we believe
About the world and our place in it?
We cut down layer upon layer
And dissect the inner life.”
Eric Overby, Legacy

Michael  Anthony
“Sometimes I go into the hospital and have to do surgery just as the sleeping pills begin to kick in. I spend the rest of the night pinching myself and throwing cold water on my face. At night I tell myself it’s not worth it. I tell myself I hate the Army and wish I’d never joined. I curse the war on both sides, American and Iraqi. I wish everyone would just...die...so that I could go home.”
Michael Anthony, Mass Casualties: A Young Medic's True Story of Death, Deception, and Dishonor in Iraq

Awdhesh Singh
“A good doctor should not avoid performing surgery or prescribing a bitter pill if it is in the interest of the patient. Similarly, a wise person must not avoid taking unpleasant and difficult decisions, if they are in the interest of the people and the organisation.”
Awdhesh Singh, 31 Ways to Happiness

Steven Magee
“It was clear to me that using your earned sick time for essential surgery would put a target on your back at the toxic W. M. Keck Observatory.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“From the point that I returned to work from essential surgery to the point of being terminated, it was clear that the toxic W. M. Keck Observatory had declared war on me.”
Steven Magee

Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
“The only way to a wicked man’s heart is through surgery.”
Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Karen A. Wyle
“He had brought his bone saw in its leather case. And his white linen smock, the one he used to save his clothes when he had dirty work in store, and would have Li Chang wash and bleach after. An amputation would be the dirtiest work there was. He remembered the smocks the surgeons wore, layer on layer of red, dried blood darker under fresh red splashes, with the occasional white splinter of bone.

Joshua prayed as he rode, prayed hard and desperately, prayed that the smock in his bag would be clean and white when he turned homeward.”
Karen A. Wyle, What Heals the Heart

Karen A. Wyle
“He staggered and might have toppled sideways if Clara had not been there, grabbing his arm and steadying him. He turned toward her and saw her read, and then reflect, the anguish in his face. Her grip on his arm went from support to a more frantic clutch. She said under her breath, “You can get through this.” And after a long, shaky breath: “I’ll get you through it.”

But her hand was trembling on his arm.”
Karen A. Wyle, What Heals the Heart

Karen A. Wyle
“He kept eating, with a stubborn determination like something in a dream, until he heard the door open and close again. There was still some soup in the bowl. He set it on the floor for Major, let his head fall into his hands, and sobbed like a broken-hearted child. Or like a young man, barely more than a boy, waking up with only half a leg.”
Karen A. Wyle, What Heals the Heart

Hank Bracker
“Into every life some rain must fall and December was one of those months when the downpour was beyond reason. Ursula, my wife of 61 years, had the same problem that I had about five years ago. Namely she had inflamed intestines brought on by a gallbladder operation which caused an intestinal blockage brought on in part by having had a total of 9 intestinal operations over the years. This time it necessitated having the numerous adhesions and quite some internal scar tissue removed. It also required the surgeon to remove a part of her small intestines (with me it was two feet) before being able to glue the two severed parts together again.”
Captain Hank Bracker, "Salty & Saucy Maine"

Nicole    Carter
“The health of our gut is impacted by our food, lifestyle, toxins, stress, and trauma in our lives, and no drug or surgery can fix that.”
Nicole Carter, Health Is Not A Mystery: The Cause of Your Illness is Also the Cure

“Joe blinked, turned his head and tried to focus on the table. There was a card that said 'Happy Birthday' except that the word Birthday had been crossed out and the phrase 'Badass Cyborg Arm Surgery' had been hastily written beneath it in what appeared to be black marker.”
TimeCloneMike, Terra Incognita

“Excuse me? Who here had the bright idea of healing a gunshot wound with the bullet still in it?”

All eyes turned to another doctor that had stepped into the hallway. Toriel narrowed her eyes. “That was my doing. You must be Doctor Akron. Doctor Ross mentioned you might stop by.”

“I'll bet. Listen to me. What you did put that girl's life in danger. You left contaminated shrapnel in an open wound and sealed it up without even trying to sterilize it.”

“I... I am not familiar with the details of human medical treatment-”

“Exactly! You have no business making those kinds of calls! All you did was make things worse! Even with the X-Rays we had to perform exploratory surgery to find all of those bullet fragm-”

Hal Greene suddenly pushed past the queen and stood face to face with Dr. Akron. “Hi there doctor! You sound cranky, you could use some fresh air!”

Before anyone could respond, Hal grabbed the doctor's shoulder, knelt down, pulled, and twisted in one seamless movement that left the doctor in a fireman's carry across his shoulders.


“I can't put you down here, you silly billy! The fresh air is outside the building! Let's go! DAH NAH NAAAAAH DAH NAH NAHHHH....”

Every person in the hallway watched in confusion as Hal carried the angry doctor on his shoulders, running down the hallway, into the lobby, and presumably outside the building.

“...WAS THAT THE ROCKY THEME HE WAS TRYING TO SING?” Papyrus scratched his skull in confusion.

“Yeah.” Justin shrugged. “Hal loves underdog stories.”
TimeCloneMike, Ebott's Wake

Lindsey Fitzharris
“New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without any other reason but because they are not already common. —JOHN LOCKE”
Lindsey Fitzharris, The Butchering Art: Joseph Lister's Quest to Transform the Grisly World of Victorian Medicine

Mitta Xinindlu
“The influence of Sarah Baartman’s beautiful body echoes the most during the present day in our lives; the day of the popular BBL (Black Butt Lift) surgery.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Mitta Xinindlu
“Even those who were born in the same skin shade as Sarah Baartman find their backpacks not big enough until and unless it resembles that of the Original Queen of BBL, Ms. Sarah Baartman.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Mitta Xinindlu
“Ladies and gentlemen, today many people are paying millions of dollars to have the same body as Ms. Sarah Baartman. What a Force. What a Queen!”
Mitta Xinindlu

Mitta Xinindlu
“Sarah Baartman came from being the number one Body Mockery to being the Number One Body Influencer in the whole world. She's a majestic goddess.”
Mitta Xinindlu

“Modestia është instrumenti më i mirë i një Kirurgu.”
Dr. Agon Bislimi

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