
Suspenseful Quotes

Quotes tagged as "suspenseful" Showing 1-30 of 85
Alan    Bradley
“Do you want to live, Sander?”
Alan Bradley, The Sixth Borough

Alan    Bradley
“Look around! Look what we’ve done to the world. We fucked everything up. In a few years it’s going to be unlivable. We don’t deserve to be stewards of this planet. And that pales to the things we do to each other. We’re monsters, Sander, and someone needs to end it.”
Alan Bradley, The Sixth Borough

Frank  Lambert
“Suddenly feeling tired, Bonnyman yawned with his eyes closed. When he re-opened them, the changeling stood a few feet in front of him, staring at Bonnyman like it was a meal waiting to be eaten.”
Frank Lambert, Xyz

Kathleen Lopez
“Her firm belief was that things would be better in society if there was a periodic ‘social cleansing’ to eliminate those influences that are considered unsavory. She sounds like she’d be fun at parties,” the officer joked.”
Kathleen Lopez, Thirteen for Dinner

Rebecca Rosenberg
“Esprit de l’escalier. Staircase wit; the brilliant thing you should have said, coming to you only as you leave by the stairs”
Rebecca Rosenberg, Champagne Widows: First Woman of Champagne, Veuve Clicquot

Elizabeth Reyes
“Angel clicked on a few more pictures on the screen, and Alex made small talk about the place. Then he finally walked away. He stopped just before walking out.

“Did Valerie say anything else to Sarah?”
Angel glanced back at him. “About what?”
“You know about that guy she’s seeing.”

Angel turned his attention back to the computer. “No, not really.”

Alex frowned. He wasn’t one of those guys, so he wasn’t about to keep asking. If Angel knew anything, he’d tell him. He’d just have to wait until the rehearsal dinner.

He started back out when Angel spoke up. “I’m not sure, because she didn’t actually tell me, but I overheard Sarah on the phone last night. It sounded like Valerie was telling her about him.”

“Yeah, what did you hear?”

Angel looked up trying to remember. Something seemed to come to him but he hesitated. “I don’t think you wanna hear it, Alex. I know I wouldn’t.”

Alex squeezed the doorway with his hand. What the hell could he have heard? “Tell me.”

Angel shook his head and looked back at the monitor. “Only reason I caught my attentions was because I overheard Sarah ask her something about wearing lingerie.”

Alex felt the hair on the back of his neck rise and his gut tightened. He banged his fist against the doorway. He didn’t need to hear any more. Angel had been right that’s the last thing he needed right now. He charged back out of the office, infuriated with himself. Why the fuck had he asked?”
Elizabeth Reyes, Always Been Mine

Rebecca Rosenberg
“Wars are senseless and cruel, fought for our power hungry emperor, not for the people.”
Rebecca Rosenberg, Champagne Widows: First Woman of Champagne, Veuve Clicquot

Rebecca Rosenberg
“Optimism is the madness of insisting that all is well when we are miserable.”
Rebecca Rosenberg, Champagne Widows: First Woman of Champagne, Veuve Clicquot

Rebecca Rosenberg
“Heard straight from Napoleon’s mouth himself,” I say. “Champagne! In victory we deserve it, and in defeat we need it.”
Rebecca Rosenberg, Champagne Widows: First Woman of Champagne, Veuve Clicquot

John M. Vermillion
“Is Cade a criminal, a sinner, or a biblical purveyor of justice? Your answer is your own. I cannot say whether or not you made the correct choice.”
John M. Vermillion, Awful Reckoning: A Cade Chase and Simon Pack Novel

John M. Vermillion
“He wasn’t a reader of anything serious, but he had set himself the task of reading Walter Isaacson’s biography of Jobs, after which he entertained the idea of committing himself to a stay on the subcontinent in a hermitage to learn about Indian religions. He could find a yogi to give him the spiritual insights he sought. That would get him away from his boring wife and kids for a year at least, and who knew, maybe he could finagle a way never to come back.”
John M. Vermillion, Awful Reckoning: A Cade Chase and Simon Pack Novel

John M. Vermillion
“Then she saw the animal, a German Shepherd, from the looks of him at this remove. He probably belonged on one of the farms out here, where owners don’t feel obligated to pen or chain their animals. Suddenly she saw he was coming without surcease directly toward her. He was still a long way off, but she was now terrified.”
John M. Vermillion, Awful Reckoning: A Cade Chase and Simon Pack Novel

Kathleen Lopez
“Oh yes, how terrible for you. Having to have a staff wait on you, having the world for yours to take due to being born into privilege and being so unbelievably bored at the prospect of living a life of leisure thanks to the genetic lottery you won that you threw it all away for a pursuit of a career that, quite frankly, is not your strong suit, shall we say. Yes. Poor little rich girl. Everything you have now, everything you had lost and walked away from, is of your doing. You just had to maintain a life of decorum. Sorry if the expectations of being proper were unattainable for you. I hadn’t expected that to be outside of your reach.”
Kathleen Lopez, Thirteen for Dinner

John M. Vermillion
“He said to the big fellow with the taffy hair, “Before we finish off this operation, I need to hit you up with some ideas.” At that moment, Cade noticed how physically similar Preston was to Merlin Olsen, the NFL great, actor, and all-round good man. He marveled at Preston, the man who couldn’t be happier, as he twirled his head from monitor to monitor, adjusting joysticks and pressing buttons in this claustrophobic workspace.”
John M. Vermillion, Awful Reckoning: A Cade Chase and Simon Pack Novel

John M. Vermillion
“Pack had decided how he could help. But he could not fully explain himself to Cade. No way. There are problems, and there are big problems. This was a big problem. Big because it was risky, and big because Pack now confronted a moral dilemma. Were he not to assist Cade, there was a good chance the young woman might die, or be subjected to antifa brutality.”
John M. Vermillion, Awful Reckoning: A Cade Chase and Simon Pack Novel

John M. Vermillion
“Julie was cold and miserable. The wind whipped up, soughing through the grasses, making mournful music. Now the fog had thickened from broth to gruel between her and the little-traveled farm road.”
John M. Vermillion, Awful Reckoning: A Cade Chase and Simon Pack Novel

Kathleen Lopez
“Each time she glanced in his direction, she was struck with the fact that this measly slip of a man had had the power to destroy her husband’s career. Every bit of loathing she had for him was there on display for Willum to take in.”
Kathleen Lopez, Thirteen for Dinner

Kathleen Lopez
“Ma’am.” The officer was already tired of the haughtiness of Ms. Headstrom. “You specifically sought out this particular group of people, who all had a particular criterion of being in the press for unfavorable reasons. Is that correct?”
“Well, not all of them were for unfavorable reasons,” she tried to rationalize. “Some were associated with an unfavorable reason. It was a themed party. That was the theme. That was the only reason. Why else would I have brought them all to the house for a dinner?”
Kathleen Lopez, Thirteen for Dinner

Kathleen Lopez
“Each group seemed to be collected in front of two doors, each looking at the other, and no one looking at Mica. There was one person looking at Mica, but she was unaware that she was being watched.”
Kathleen Lopez, Thirteen for Dinner

Kumar Kinshuk
“Akshay felt mesmerized, looking at her full lips and beautiful skin. He knew she was a powerful personality, but he was slowly getting to know her better. He was trying to look through her imposed image of a strong p-type and of a go-getter.”
Kumar Kinshuk, Ritualistic Murder

Kathleen Lopez
“It appeared to be from behind us. We were all turned and listening to Barry as he was in the midst of a rant and had all our attentions. The gun shot seemed to come from the area of the foyer.”
Kathleen Lopez, Thirteen for Dinner

Marie Montine
“I don’t know how much more of this I can take,” Ryan said. “I don’t know who or what I am anymore. How can I help and heal people when I am drinking their blood!”
Marie Montine, Arising Son: Part One

Kumar Kinshuk
“Radha was now in a trance with mouth agape. She just looked at Akshay, who looked all romantic, and he had taken out a diamond ring by then.”
Kumar Kinshuk, Ritualistic Murder

Kathleen Lopez
“And I’m a sheriff,” Shuller jumped in. Willum’s demeaner faltered for a moment. It was so minor that it could have been missed by most, but Shuller caught it. The ever-so-slight blanching at the mention of law. Shuller was able to perceive the slight discomfort which concerned him. It was not a good sign to Shuller when someone bristled at the idea he was a sheriff. It never boded well for the type of person he was dealing with if the fact he was a man of law was what made them act oddly.”
Kathleen Lopez, Thirteen for Dinner

Kumar Kinshuk
“He was a nifty dancer and his charm bowled her over.”
Kumar Kinshuk, Ritualistic Murder

Kumar Kinshuk
“He looked downright handsome, young, and in shape. He saw some young women drooling over him, while they should have cried hoarsely, hurting their throat and eyes. India was changing by the day and girls were powerful.”
Kumar Kinshuk, Ritualistic Murder

Kumar Kinshuk
“Last she knew, she was swooning at Akshay’s fluidic dance moves. Well, it was time to get involved. She knew Saurav was good for her, but she found the unpredictability of Akshay a bit of the X-factor.”
Kumar Kinshuk, Ritualistic Murder

Kumar Kinshuk
“Radha thought he lacked his opinion and, therefore, his personality. However, she liked him for what he was. A good buddy.”
Kumar Kinshuk, Ritualistic Murder

Kumar Kinshuk
“Dear darling, I know you can release my pressure, by exercising your writ over my body’s various pressure points and pleasure points. You are creative in that department, and I totally adore you for that.”
Kumar Kinshuk, Ritualistic Murder

“Each chapter felt like unwrapping a beautiful surprise.”
Rendi Ansyah, Beyond the Bouquet: A Symphony of Love in Fifty Movements

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