My Vampire Plus-One Quotes

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My Vampire Plus-One My Vampire Plus-One by Jenna Levine
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My Vampire Plus-One Quotes Showing 1-30 of 41
“But for you I would brave a blizzard just to see you smile”
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One
“How long had it been since a man had openly stared at me like this? Like I was someone he found desirable. Like I was something he wanted.”
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One
“I wondered if he knew how much I already missed having his mouth on mine, or if he could somehow sense the rash of butterflies taking flight in my stomach at the the mention of the word forever”
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One
“Reggie let out a quiet moan. "You're so hot when you talk taxes,”
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One
“This man was so outlandishly funny I never knew whether I wanted to hit him or to laugh. He was disarmingly kind, and so thoughtful it made my head spin. And I realised, with a sudden, all-encompassing jolt of awareness - he was mine.”
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One
“The truth is, I quite like making you happy." He shook his head. "I'm frightened to think too much about what that means because I honestly can't remember the last time I wanted to do anything for another person, simply for its own sake. And without having an ulterior motive." His eyes when they met mine, were so intense I had to look away. "But for you, I would brace a blizzard just to see you smile”
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One
“I'd have said this lapse in glamour functionality would one day be my villain origin story if I didn't already have at least four of those”
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One
“Reginald: Maybe Sam told Amelia about you at some point? So now she thinks all vampires are like an undead Mr. Rogers?”
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One
“This will be one of those good old-fashioned platonic fake dating arrangements”
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One
“Roles I play in my life: Friend, enemy, "frenemy," vampire, amateur glockenspielist”
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One
“A small part of me, though--- probably the part of me that hadn't kissed anyone in about a year and hadn't had sex for what might as well have been an epoch--- imagined what it would be like, kissing this bizarre stranger. He was hot, like burning, despite his odd mannerisms. The confident way he stood, his manner of speech, the bold smolder of those bright blue eyes...
I bet he'd kiss like the world was ending.”
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One
“Probably because I was afraid to get too close to anybody. Because getting close to people only leads to eventual pain."
His words from earlier in the day came rushing back to me. To be perfectly honest, kissing you was probably a mistake on my end, too.
Was this what he'd meant by that?
"So," I said, trying to make sense of everything he was telling me, "for the past hundred and fifty years or so, you were a jerk to keep people from getting close?"
He raised an eyebrow. "I don't know if you can really describe my behavior in the past tense like that."
"You haven't been a jerk to me."
He gave me a small smile. "I suppose that's true." His gaze softened. "I haven't been tempted to be an asshole to you even once."
I didn't know what to do with the look he was giving me. It was too much, too warm. I couldn't look away. "Does that mean that you don't like me enough to worry about losing me?"
Even as I said the words, I knew it wasn't true. An expression I didn't recognize crossed his face. "No," he said. He gathered me even closer to him. When I didn't resist, or move away, he tipped my chin up with a finger so I had to look him in the eyes. "That isn't what it means at all.”
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One
“Your group is decades out of compliance with IRS requirements for nonprofits. Everything I've seen from you suggests your nonprofit is a sham. And Butyl and Dowidge doesn't represent sham organizations." I paused, letting this sink in. "Even if you hadn't been trying to kill Reggie from the moment you first contacted my firm, you're still the worst client I've ever had."
As I spoke, Richardson simply stood there, processing everything. "How much trouble are we in with the IRS, exactly?"
"A lot," I said. "Though it's hard to say exactly how much. Best-case scenario, they'll dissolve your nonprofit." I shrugged. "When that happens, you'll be getting a bill for back taxes you won't be able to pay, given your nonprofit's annual budget. And the worst-case scenario..."
John Richardson leaned forward, hanging on my every word. Excellent. "What is the worst-case scenario?"
I waited a beat before answering so my next words would have maximum impact. "Worst-case scenario is the IRS finds that you intentionally withheld taxes you owed. You could face time in jail." There. The closest thing to a mic drop any accountant ever got. I leaned in closer, readying myself for the kill. "Unless, of course, you do exactly what I tell you to do."
Richardson narrowed his eyes at me. "And what might that be?"
Bingo. This was the part I'd been looking forward to the most. The part I'd practiced in a mirror the night before until I'd gotten the ferocity of my expression just right.
"What happens next is you are going to leave Reginald Cleaves alone, forever. If you do that, we will pretend we've never heard of you if the IRS ever comes knocking." I trailed off, letting my words hang in the air for dramatic effect. In the entirety of my time as an accountant, I had never once had the opportunity to do anything for dramatic effect. I could all but feel Reggie looking on, beaming with pride. "If you continue to harass Reggie, however, I tell the IRS everything I know.”
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One
“His mouth was on mine before I could draw breath, devouring me in a way that left me gasping, showing none of the gentleness he had a moment ago. He kissed like a man on the verge of drowning breathes: desperate, and like he couldn't get enough. His lips pressed so hard to mine it felt bruising, his tongue tracing the seam of my lips for only a moment before plunging within.”
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One
“Before I could finish the thought, he yanked both the flannel and the thin T-shirt he'd been wearing beneath it over his head and tossed them over his shoulder.
Then he took each of my wrists in his hands and pinned me, arms above my head, to the mattress.
Our change in positioning seemed to unleash something within him. He kissed me again with a harsh groan, his grip on my wrists like a vise. He was everywhere, all at once, his mouth on my cheek, on my jaw, on the sensitive pulse point where neck met shoulder. I felt seconds away from bursting out of my skin, writhing beneath him as he kissed his way down my body.”
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One
“He also said that leaving you when he did is one of the hardest things he's ever done. He placed special emphasis on the word hardest, but out of concern for my own sanity, I refuse to analyze why that might be."
My cheeks flamed at the double entendre.”
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One
“As it had in Wisconsin, Reggie's playful mask had slipped just enough to show the vulnerability he hid from the rest of the world. His heart might not beat anymore, but my own heart was full enough in that moment for both of us.”
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One
“You'd be willing to try this even though the ending to our story would be the opposite of already written?"
I hesitated, but only for a moment. "I've never tried storytelling before. Might be fun to write our own ending, don't you think?”
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One
“Before I knew what was happening, he had me crowded up against the wall that separated my living room from my bedroom. He nipped a gentle line down the column of my throat, letting his teeth lightly scrape against me as he moved.
His real teeth; not the ones he showed the world.
"I've wanted to touch you for so long." His mouth was everywhere. On my neck, my collarbone, then moving back up to kiss along my jaw. He gave my ass a firm, possessive squeeze. Mine, it said. It felt so good I nearly moaned out loud. "Do you know how many times I've thought about it?"
"Tell me," I gasped. I didn't know where that bravery was coming from, but I needed to know. "Please."
He answered with an excruciatingly slow swipe of his tongue along the sweet, sensitive spot where my neck met my shoulder. His touch was like wildfire, and I keened, my body alight with anticipation as he mouthed at me. My knees felt seconds away from buckling. I threw my arms around his neck so that I wouldn't fall to the floor.
As though sensing my insatiability, he thrust his hips forward, pinning me in place between his body and the wall.
"At the coffee shop," he mumbled against my neck. His words were gentle vibrations against my heated flesh that I could feel down to my knees. "At your family's party. Every time you touched my hand, smiled, and leaned over in that tiny fucking black dress.”
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One
“It was like a switch flipped inside him. Whereas moments ago his kisses had been gentle and restrained, now he was a man unleashed. His hands slid down my body and gripped my ass, hauling me closer to him, the chill of his touch seeping through the fabric of my clothes and down to my skin. My arms wrapped instinctively around his neck, and he held me tight, tighter, as he ravished my mouth, his tongue tracing the seam of my lips before delving inside. He smelled incredible--- like the laundry detergent he must have used on his shirt, cool male skin, and his own uniquely Reggie scent. It was indescribably erotic, what we were doing. I moaned against the pleasure already rising inside me.
"I'm going to make you feel so good tonight," he promised against my lips. "Can I tell you what I plan to do?"
There was a hint of wickedness in his voice. I melted against him. "Yes." My hands slid into his hair, tugging hard on the strands of messy gold. He groaned--- he liked that, I thought through my haze of lust; I'd have to file that away for later--- and gripped my ass hard. "Tell me."
It took him a moment to regain composure enough to respond. "I'm going to bend you over every flat surface in this apartment like we are in one of those filthy Regency novels Frederick pretends he doesn't read," he murmured against my cheek.”
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One
“He walked me backwards through my bedroom, steering me with one hand on my hip and the other at my waist, until the backs of my knees hit my mattress.
"Lie down," he murmured. It was dark in my room, but there was enough light from the hallway, enough moonlight streaming in from my bedroom window, that I could see him clearly, broad shoulders silhouetted against the darkness. "I want to touch you."
I complied, eager for the same thing, then closed my eyes, expecting to feel the mattress dip when he got in bed with me.
Instead, I heard him kneel beside the bed. Felt his hands wrap around each of my ankles.
"What---?" I began. Then yelped as he tugged me towards the edge of the mattress.
"I want to see you let go," he explained, hands snaking beneath my skirt to tug at the edge of my underwear. "And I want it to be because of me. I want you to fall apart on my tongue, feel your legs quivering beside my ears as you shout my name." He drew my underwear down my legs and threw them over his shoulder. Then he shoved my skirt up to my waist. "I want to taste you. Everywhere. So badly."
"Reggie," I whimpered. I shivered as he pulled my legs over his shoulders, tilted my hips up with his hands. I was splayed open for him, naked and vulnerable, heart thundering so loudly that surely he must be able to hear it.
His mouth was just a hairsbreadth away from where I ached for him. I could feel each shaky exhalation of breath against my core. His beautiful, expressive eyes met mine. "You want this. Don't you." He closed his eyes, rubbing his cheek against the inside of my thigh. The delicious scratch of his stubble pulled a groan from me before I realized it had happened. "I can smell how much you want me."
I whined, wriggling in his grip. "Reggie, please." I could tell he needed verbal confirmation from me that I wanted to be with him like this. But if I didn't have his mouth on me immediately, I was going to lose my mind. "I want this. I want you. Please."
His mouth quirked up into a half smile. His eyes darkened. "As my lady commands."
Then his mouth was right there, electric, flooding me with sensations I could scarcely remember feeling before and couldn't name. He was relentless as he devoured me, sucking my clit into his mouth a moment before laving it with the achingly soft flat of his tongue. I tried to cry out but couldn't, made mindless by pleasure and pure desperate need as I lay helpless on the bed before him, held together only by the determined way he worked me and the vise grip he had on my hips. My breathing was way too fast and growing shallow, my chest heaving, my blood pounding in my veins as he teased and drew out my pleasure.”
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One
“Reggie, please."
My pleas seemed to spur him on, his grip on me tightening as he hauled me up even closer to his mouth. I tried to buck against his face, his clever tongue, desperate for more friction, for release. But his hold on me was too strong. He pinned me in place, keeping me right where he wanted me, preventing me from moving at all as he drove the tight coil of pleasure inside me higher, and higher.
And then---
He pushed one rough finger inside me, and then another, so tight, the delicious intrusion forcing every sentient thought from my head. I needed this--- him--- all of it. I needed it now.
he growled against my cunt. "I cannot wait to fuck you."
His filthy words, muttered right there, were all I needed to hurdle headlong into orgasm. I scrabbled at the sheets, at Reggie's hair, clinging to anything I could to anchor me as the waves of bliss came again, and again, and again. Reggie coaxed me through it with his lips and tongue, holding me as he urged my body to keep going. I moaned his name, mindless, back arched like a bow above the bed, locked in pleasure that seemed to stretch on forever.
When I collapsed to the bed, boneless, he was on me in an instant.
"You are so fucking beautiful." His growl was visceral, animalistic. "The way you looked when you came--- fuck. I nearly came too, just from that.”
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One
“Fuck," he whimpered, mouth at my ear. "You feel--- so --- fucking good." His hips were already picking up speed, his body pistoning into mine so insistently, so needfully, it obliterated all self-doubt. He grabbed both of my hands in one of his, pinning them above my head, and stared transfixed at the way my breasts bounced with his movements. The way he was looking at me--- and the way it felt, my cunt clenching around him as he thrust into me again, and again, and again---
His hands dropped down to grip my ass, lifting my hips and changing the angle of our connection. Something about the new positioning opened me up to him even further, allowed him to go deeper, harder, to brush up against parts of me no one had touched before.
"Reggie," I gasped. "Oh, fuck." Something... something was different. I cried out again, helpless in the face of this delicious mounting pleasure, an ecstatic sort of pressure at the base of my spine that was threatening to pull me under. I felt drunk, wild, and burning hot, my body already racing towards another sharp crescendo as my hips sped up to match his movements.
Without thinking, I flung my head back onto the pillow, the angle leaving my neck completely exposed.
His hips stuttered to a stop, even as he remained fully seated inside me.
He growled.
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One
“It happened so fast I hardly saw it. One moment Reggie was above, incoherent with need. The next, I was crying out at the unexpected pleasure of being bitten. I was making love to an animal in that moment, all vestiges of the man Reginald was most of the time lost to the creature kissing and suckling at the shallow puncture wounds he'd made in my neck. Why didn't it hurt? Why did it feel good, when he bit me? The pleasure from his bite raced down my spine, straight to my cunt, amplifying my need to a nearly unbearable degree. Making me insatiable. When my next orgasm crashed over me, I ran straight into the blissful release, the waves of pleasure wiping my mind of everything but him.
When I returned to myself, Reggie was groaning, fucking me so hard and so desperately I was going to have trouble walking for a week. "So beautiful, so sweet," he moaned, mouth coated red with me. He was nearing his breaking point; I could feel in the way his thrusts were becoming chaotic, frantic. I could hear it in the fevered pitch of his words. "I knew it. Knew you'd taste so good, I never want to leave you, want you, I--- you are mine."
I felt, more than heard, the sound he made when he came. His hips stuttered up hard once, and again, and then his body went rigid above me, back bent in an exaggerated arc as he spilled himself. His eyes were unseeing, glassy with pleasure. I'd never seen anything more beautiful in my life.”
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One
“I woke up the next morning with the sun blazing through my window. I groaned and made to pull my pillow over my head.
I froze, and grinned sheepishly when I realized my head was not resting on a pillow, but rather on Reggie's chest.
"You should be sorry," he said in mock chastisement, his voice thick with sleep. He didn't look upset, though. His dirty-blond hair was an utter wreck from all the pulling on it I did last night, and the beatific smile on his face...
I had seen Reggie smile dozens of times by that point. His smile was a mask he wore. He smiled when he was sad, he smiled when he was anxious, or when he was playing a practical joke to deflect.
This smile, though, reached all the way to his eyes, making them crinkle at the corners. This was a real smile. In that moment, he looked happier, and more relaxed, than I'd ever seen him.”
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One
“Reggie shoved Richardson away from me and jumped between us. "If you bite her," he growled, his face a mask of fury. "No--- if you so much as breathe on her, I will stake you where you stand."
On some level at least, I shouldn't find Reggie's protectiveness as hot as I did. But I was too stunned and terrified by what was happening to care.”
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One
“His eyes were so vivid, with a sort of starburst brightness to the blue I'd never seen in anyone else's eyes.
I really must have been the densest person alive not to realize from the jump just how not human he was.
They were beautiful eyes, I realized.
He was beautiful.”
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One
“Do you ever drink animal blood? I thought some vampires drank animal blood."
He snorted. "Twilight?"
I blushed. "Um. Yeah."
"Listen, as kickass as I've always found Edward Cullen, an entire family of celibate vampires living only on animal blood... well." He smirked, his mask of cool indifference back in place. "None of those details apply to me."
My face went hot at the innuendo.”
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One
“He must have realized he'd crossed a line because he pulled back immediately. "I'm... sorry." He squeezed his eyes shut tight and hung his head. "I just---sorry." He carded a hand through his hair, tugging on it nervously. "Just because you're okay with kissing a vampire... no. I shouldn't have assumed you were also okay with my tasting your blood."
He gave me a sheepish smile that showed his teeth.
And for the first time since I'd met him, I saw the points of what were very obviously vampire fangs.”
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One
“I never imagined you would want this with someone like me."
I frowned at that. I'd never taken Reggie as someone with low self-esteem. "What's wrong with kissing someone like you?" I asked.
He pressed a kiss to the tip of my nose, and to the apple of each of my cheeks. I kept my eyes open so I could see the blue of his, count the light freckles that dusted the bridge of his nose. "It's just... unexpected. All of this. You."
"Bad unexpected?" I asked.
He shook his head. "No." He paused, then added, "It might add some... complications. But this is the very opposite of bad."
What did he mean by complications? He kissed me again before I could ask, bolder now, his tongue darting out to trace along the seam of my lips. I opened for him on instinct and he groaned, placing one hand at either side of my waist and hoisting me onto the kitchen table as he thrust his tongue into my mouth. I thought back to the night we met, how I'd wondered whether Reggie kissed like the world was ending, and oh, it was exactly like that, the way he carded his fingers through my hair, tugging just shy of too hard, as he tilted his head and kissed me deeper, harder. It was like a dam had burst inside him, all the restraint I hadn't even realized he'd been using swept away with the tide, until I had to pull back, gasping for breath in his arms.
"I want to taste you," he murmured, his lips finding my jaw, my clavicle, pressing hungry, open-mouthed kisses down the side of my neck. "God, I'm so fucking hard, just thinking about how sweet I know you'd be.”
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One

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