100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again Quotes

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100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again by Karl Wiggins
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100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again Quotes Showing 1-30 of 34
“Banks are nothing but old fashioned money lenders. They encourage you to borrow, to get in debt, and when you can't pay back the loan they take your home away. At least a money lender only breaks your legs.”
Karl Wiggins, 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again
“You’re not supposed to agree with everything I say. It’s okay to disagree. It doesn’t make you right and me wrong, and it certainly doesn’t make me right and you wrong. It’s just opinion. So it’s not whether you agree with my opinions or not that matter. What matters is that you respect them. And conversely that I respect your opinions. You can disagree with me, you can argue with me, and you can be different from me, but don’t ever try and shut me up.”
Karl Wiggins, 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again
“The banking institutions, my friends, are sailing under false colours. They are running with the hare and hunting with the hounds. And we should never forget it.”
Karl Wiggins, 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again
“I’m the guy who finds the fucking cat”
Karl Wiggins, 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again
“If any immigrants are found guilty of crime the punishment, for a minor crime such as shoplifting, should be double that of someone born or bred here.
A bit harsh? Not really. The country will have bent over backwards to offer them assistance, they’ll have cost the British taxpayer money, and if they repay that by committing crime then they need to be sorely punished. The British Taxpayer who’s helped them should feel safe from any criminal activities that they themselves are inadvertently funding”
Karl Wiggins, 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again
“Now I don't know much about finances, but I do know not to trust these smooth-faced wolves in sheep’s clothing. We trust these confidence tricksters because they know best, right? They'll be able to advise us, won't they? Yeah, they know best all right. They throw legal dust in our eyes, always keeping something back and dressing up their untruths with promises and alluring pound-note signs. But all the time they're making a killing out of us. A FUCKING KILLING!”
Karl Wiggins, 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again
“Policies should also offer a solution. What a concept! Imagine that! A policy that sorted out all the shit in this country once and for all”
Karl Wiggins, 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again
“If the police catch someone using their mobile phone whilst driving they should have the right to confiscate the person’s license with immediate effect, AND confiscate their car keys so they have to walk home. I don’t care if they’re 200 or 400 miles from home, take their keys off them.
And no need to waste the court’s time over this one. They don’t go to court. The police should have the power to write out a year’s driving ban on the spot and force them to surrender their license.
Anyone got any arguments over this one?”
Karl Wiggins, 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again
“Any immigrants found guilty of serious crime – rape, murder, violent gang membership – should be sent straight back to their country of origin.
That ought to act as a deterrent. If they choose to bite the hand that feeds them, then they can fuck off. We don’t need people like that in this country.”
Karl Wiggins, 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again
“The Home Office informs us that there are around 400 ex-offenders from overseas currently seeking refuge in this country. One geezer, who has 78 offences to his name, managed to escape deportation on the grounds that he’s an alcoholic! Drinking alcohol, it seems, is illegal in his homeland, so because he claims he’ll be persecuted and tortured we’ve said, “Oh, bad show, old chap. Tough call that. Enjoy a spot of scotch myself from time to time. Quite understandable. Well why don’t you stay here at our expense? You’ll be able to fondle and grope any woman you like. We’d never deport you for that, I can assure you. You’ll be perfectly safe here.”
Karl Wiggins, 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again
“I know for a fact that if a country took me in and offered me assistance, I would be on my best behaviour forever! I would show total respect to the people of that nation and their laws. And I certainly wouldn’t expect special treatment.”
Karl Wiggins, 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again
“If we bend over backwards to help immigrants and they throw that assistance back in our faces by committing crime then the punitive sentences should be double what would normally be expected, and upon serving their sentence they should be deported immediately.”
Karl Wiggins, 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again
“I do have a sneaking admiration for anyone who has the intelligence to plan a ‘job’ properly and the courage to carry it out. As long as no one gets hurt and the target is a bank or an insurance company.”
Karl Wiggins, 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again
“My policy is if they haven’t found a job in twelve months then they take the first one that’s offered them. And no choice in the matter. They’ve had twelve months to find the job they want, and they’ve done fuck all about it, so it’s time to grab them by the scruff of the neck and send them out to work. Agreed?  ”
Karl Wiggins, 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again
“Why should you and I pay for the lazy sods? They’ve given up looking for a job! Why should we pay for them? While you drag your arse out of bed and put in a shift, they sleep, play video games, watch Jeremy Kyle, eat and shit. And yet you and I have to pay for their very existence!”
Karl Wiggins, 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again
“A ‘discouraged worker’ is someone of legal employment age who has stopped actively seeking employment because he or she has simply given up looking, hence the term ‘discouraged.’ Well I’m fucking discouraged at having to pay for the lazy sod!”
Karl Wiggins, 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again
“If someone’s been signing on for six months with still no sign of finding gainful employment, then in order to continue to receive their Unemployment Benefit or Jobseeker’s Allowance they should complete at least 30 hours of compulsory work a week with the idea being that not only do they benefit their own communities, but this would also assist them in developing basic employability skills”
Karl Wiggins, 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again
“Anybody who has been on Jobseeker's Allowance for more than six months must carry out some form of community work to earn their money”
Karl Wiggins, 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again
“If you’re fit and healthy and capable of mending a fence or stacking shelves, and you’re not doing either of those things, then I say you don’t get the right to vote. I don’t want someone who’s too lazy to get a job making decisions on how this country should be run.”
Karl Wiggins, 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again
“Why should you and I struggle to pay our bills while some pisshead dopehead wanker spends OUR money on getting wrecked?”
Karl Wiggins, 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again
“If a fairly substantial percentage of the money you and I work hard for is to be given to people too lazy to drag their arses out of bed at six o’clock in the morning, then we need assurance that they’re not spending our money on booze and drugs.”
Karl Wiggins, 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again
“For the most part policy-makers are too nervous about offending people, yet when BRITAIN really was GREAT that was the last thought on our minds.”
Karl Wiggins, 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again
“When I was young I lived in several different countries, and we HAD to find work because there were no welfare state options open to us in those countries. And do you know what? We went out and found work. We had no choice.”
Karl Wiggins, 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again
“Unemployed people will use any number of excuses including discrimination for reasons such as disability, race, sexual orientation, religion, sex or age, or maybe there’s a shortage of jobs in their area. Well if that’s the case then they can travel to wherever the work is and go into digs. I work in construction management and regularly work with steel erectors from Ireland or Newcastle, electricians from Cardiff, fixers from Sheffield or Birmingham, steel fixers from Romania, carpenters from Poland, canteen girls from Romania, scaffolders from Lithuania, and concrete gangs of Indians, and they all travel wherever the work is and they all live in digs. We all do. It’s the nature of our industry.”
Karl Wiggins, 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again
“I believe the Law of the Land should allow migrants three months on benefits and then the benefits cease”
Karl Wiggins, 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again
“We owe shelter and welfare to people who were either born here or people who show a desire to not only integrate but become useful members of society. And certainly, nobody else”
Karl Wiggins, 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again
“Give me someone who was born elsewhere yet clearly demonstrates he wants to get involved over someone who was born here yet believes he/she has a right to the money you and I have worked so hard for”
Karl Wiggins, 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again
“When I was young I lived in several different countries. This is before the EU and at a time when America only chased the Irish vote, not the English. We HAD to find work because there were no welfare state options open to us in those countries. And do you know what? We went out and found work. We had no choice”
Karl Wiggins, 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again
“The majority of these old farts are content to crash out in a drunken stupor on the backbenches. They just want to pick up their company directorships at £200,000 a year, claim for everything they ever spend personally on expenses and make sure not to rock the boat. I have better things to do with my time than to waste it by voting a different yarn-spinning joker-in-the-pack in. Whoever's in power is not going to affect me in any way. And if you believe otherwise then you can truly nail your colours to the mast of stupidity”
Karl Wiggins, 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again
“If a fairly substantial percentage of the money you and I work hard for is to be given to people too lazy to drag their arses out of bed at six o’clock in the morning and put in a shift, then we need assurance that they’re not spending our money on booze and drugs.”
Karl Wiggins, 100 Common Sense Policies to make BRITAIN GREAT again

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