The Call of the Heart  Quotes

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The Call of the Heart  The Call of the Heart  by Swami Dhyan Giten
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The Call of the Heart  Quotes Showing 1-30 of 59
“Real love knows nothing of the ego. Real love starts as self-love. Self-love knows nothing of comparison with others. You simply love yourself as you are. Ego comes with comparison with others.
In real love, there is no division. The lovers melt into each other. In egoistic love, there is great division. ”
Swami Dhyan Giten, The Call of the Heart 
“Everybody is condemned from his early childhood. Whatever he does on his own is not acceptable, because the crowd of people in which a child is born have their own ideas and ideals. The child has to fit with their ideas
and ideals. The people who are in power are able to mold the child in the way they want.
This is the psychology behind the fact that everybody wants to pretend to be what he is not.  They have never been allowed to be themselves. Each person has been made into somebody else. Everybody knows that they
have been forced and molded into something that they are not. Nobody is themselves and nobody is at ease with themselves.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, The Call of the Heart 
“You cannot frustrate real love, because there are no expectations. You cannot fulfill ordinary love, because it is rooted in expectations. Unreal love always brings
frustration and real love always brings joy and fulfillment. 
The American psychologist Abraham Maslow divides love into two parts: need-love and being-love. Need-love is ordinary love and being-love is real love. Need-love is based on expectations. Being-love is to share your love
from your inner being. Serve love through your beloved, so that you never become attached to love. Unreal love shows much worry and concern, but real love is
Swami Dhyan Giten, The Call of the Heart 
“Ordinary love is demand and expectations, real love is sharing. Real love knows nothing of demands and expectations; real love is the joy of sharing. Love knows only giving and never asks for anything in return.
Ordinary love is greed hoarding. Greed only wants and never gives. Ordinary love pretends, real love is real and authentic. Real love is nourishment, it strengthens your
soul. Ordinary love strengthens your ego. Ordinary love is conditional love, real love is unconditional love. ”
Swami Dhyan Giten, The Call of the Heart 
“A loving and authentic man allow others to be themselves. When you are judging others, you are trying to interfere in their life. Nobody has the right to judge anybody. These are way to control and dominate people.
It is not your business to judge others as god or bad. Everybody has to be conscious of his own qualities.
If you want to help others, you cannot help by judging. You can only others by making them more conscious. There is a great joy and beauty in helping people, then the first is a total acceptance of the person. Whatever the person is it is the way existence has brought him. But we have been told that person have to be in a certain way. We have been told things which are good and bad, and that people should be condemned and rejected by the society.
Don’t’ judge people, Rather love people as the are. We have been taught not to love people, but rather we are taught to judge people. Love knows no judgement, it simply loves, as you are.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, The Call of the Heart 
“A man of fear can only hate. Love is a state of harmony; hate is a state of illness. Hate is illness, and love is health and wholeness. When you hate, your ego is fulfilled. The
ego can exist only if you hate.
In love, the ego has to disappear.  In love, you are no longer separate.  Love helps you to be in harmony with others. If you are too identified with the ego, then hate becomes easy, and love becomes difficult. 
Love needs courage, because it needs the sacrifice of the ego. Only those who are ready to become nobody, to become a silence, a nothingness, are able to receive the gift of love.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, The Call of the Heart 
“Love is as easy as drinking a glass of water. Love is a natural state of being, a natural state of consciousness. Love is your very being, but love has become almost
impossible, because the society and the religions do not allow it. The society and the religions condition you in such a way that love becomes impossible and hate becomes the only possible way. The society and the
religions have reduced humanity to a mere state of survival, to a low state of consciousness. ”
Swami Dhyan Giten, The Call of the Heart 
“Start trusting yourself is the first lesson and the fundamental lesson on the spiritual journey. Trust is only possible if you first trust yourself. The most fundamental
lesson has to happen within yourself first. In India, where they have developed the inner science of spirituality for thousands of years, they made a basic condition that one should begin to develop trust in oneself. If you do not trust in yourself, then no other trust is possible. If you trust you are open, receptive, if you are doubting yourself, you are closed. 
Intuition is basically to develop a trust in yourself. When you trust yourself, you can trust others, you can trust existence. Love and silence are the two ways to develop intuition, to develop trust in yourself. Trust is a prerequisite for love. Start loving yourself, if you do not love yourself, who is then going to love you? To love
yourself is the first step to love others.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, The Call of the Heart 
“Society destroys the very roots of trust. Society does not allow you to trust yourself. It teaches you all other kinds of trust: trust in the parents, trust in the teachers, trust in
the church, trust in God, but the basic trust in yourself is destroyed. The man who trusts himself is dangerous to society, because a society depends on slavery. A man who trusts himself is an independent man. Freedom will
be his life. His love will have a truth to it. The society needs dependent people, who do not trust themselves. ”
Swami Dhyan Giten, The Call of the Heart 
“A man who trusts himself comes to know the beauty of that the more you trust yourself, the more you bloom. The more you are silent, calm and cool. And the more he trusts, the more he will trust life. The more you trust, the more you can relax into your being. You know that you are cherished by the Whole. The Whole is breathing and pulsating in you. When you start feeling this love and trust of the Whole, you start to grow roots in your being.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, The Call of the Heart 
“In this world, there is only one happiness and that is to be yourself. And because nobody is himself, everybody is trying somehow to hide, with masks, with pretensions and with hypocrisy.  They are being taught everything in the education system, but they are not taught to be themselves.  This is what makes everybody miserable. To be what you do not want to be, to do something that you do not want to do. These things are the basis of all
misery. Sooner or later, you have to decide. You have to say: Whatever the cost, I want to be myself. Condemned, ridiculed, losing respectability, everything is ok, but I cannot pretend anymore to be somebody else.
This decision and declaration of freedom, freedom from the weight of the crowd of people, gives back your natural being. Then you can simply be yourself just as you are.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, The Call of the Heart 
“The first love of oneself has to rise in your own heart. If the love has not risen for yourself it cannot rise for anybody either. One has to love one's body and one has
to love ones soul. The person who loves himself is bound to become more silent and meditative, than the person who does not love himself. If you love yourself you will be nourishing yourself. When you love yourself you will discover that others will love you. Nobody loves a person who does not love himself. To love yourself is of immense spiritual value. 
The person who loves himself will find that there is no self in him. Love always melts the self. Whenever you love, the self disappears. Ego and love cannot exist together. The less a person is loving himself, the more egoistic a person is. The more you love yourself, the
more you will find that the self disappears. For moments, you will find that the self is not there and only love is there. ”
Swami Dhyan Giten, The Call of the Heart 
“Love yourself and in that love your ego will disappear. And when the ego disappears your love will start reaching to other people, to flowers, to animals. And it will not be a relationship, it will be a sharing of love.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, The Call of the Heart 
“Joy arises out of our very core. Joy is not dependent on other people or outer circumstances. Joy arises when you
come home. Joy is to enter into your own inner being, into your own self. In the beginning, it is difficult and arduous. In the
beginning, you will have to encounter fear, misery and pain, but the deeper you enter into it; the greater will be the reward.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, The Call of the Heart 
“Once you have learned to face your fear,
misery and pain, you will start becoming joyful, because in the process of facing misery, it will start disappearing,”
Swami Dhyan Giten, The Call of the Heart 
“Joy and happiness is a state of consciousness, a state of our being, which is not dependent on other people and outer circumstances. To be joyful is the basic nature of life. Joy is the spiritual dimension of happiness, in which
one begins to understand one's intrinsic value and place in the universe. Accepting joy is a decision to go with the flow, to be grateful to be alive and for all the challenges and opportunities in life, rather than setting
conditions or demands for happiness. ”
Swami Dhyan Giten, The Call of the Heart 
“Joy and bliss means you have reached to the depth of your inner being. The joy belongs to the depth of your being, where even the ego is no more, where only silence prevails; you have disappeared. In joy, you exist a little
bit, but in bliss you are not. The ego has dissolved; it is a state of nonbeing.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, The Call of the Heart 
“Joy and happiness is a state of
consciousness, a state of being.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, The Call of the Heart 
“We rejoice in others, but not in ourselves. We get a little happiness, but always from others. Do we ever rejoice in ourselves? The seeker, the meditator, should start delighting in himself. He should slowly give up delighting in others. Happiness and unhappiness are
related to other people and outer causes. As long as happiness and unhappiness is dependent on others and outer causes, we are dependent on others and we will not find our inner source of bliss. Living dependent on others for happiness makes you a slave. You sit unoccupied and feeling unhappy. You think that if some friend arrives it will give some fun. Alone, You begin to feel sad. The meditator should start rejoicing in himself. You are sitting alone, be joyous. Without
external reasons, simply be happy. Do not make your happiness dependent on the other or outer causes. Happiness can only come from within, without any reason. Happiness because of others and outer reasons is
only a false happiness - love, relationships, power, money, status, position and fame - the end result will always be frustration and misery.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, The Call of the Heart 
“Only sorrow comes from others and the world. Do not associate happiness with others, associate happiness with your own self. Sitting unoccupied under a tree, be alone, love and accept yourself, and be happy. Happiness without any outer cause is ecstasy. One is rejoicing from within. Bliss is
without cause. Bliss is within. The seeker should always give up delighting in others, and start delighting in himself.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, The Call of the Heart 
“An individual who is rooted in his inner
self is always blissful. If bliss is not forever, it is not bliss. Happiness and unhappiness comes and goes, but bliss is always there.
What is always within you, it is your nature, your true self. Your very nature is bliss. But you have forgotten your true nature, bliss, and have become identified with what continuously changes: happiness and unhappiness.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, The Call of the Heart 
“An individual who is rooted in his inner self is always blissful. Through awareness, the meditator continuously experiences the blissful self.  An individual who is experiencing centeredness and bliss
can also be surrounded by unhappiness, but he is not identified with unhappiness. The meditator is rooted in bliss through awareness. Through awareness, the experience of bliss can be found. Awareness is the method through which you can recognize your true nature,”
Swami Dhyan Giten, The Call of the Heart 
“What is happiness? We have been taught to be ambitious and competitive, but no ambitious person has ever been happy. If you
watch the people who have succeeded in the world, who have all the money, power and success in the world, they are not happy. 
Happiness has nothing to do with success.
Happiness has nothing to do with ambition. Happiness has nothing to do with money, power and prestige. Nothing fails like success. Happiness is a totally different dimension. Happiness has to do with your being, with your consciousness not with
ambition and success.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, The Call of the Heart 
“In this world, there is only one happiness and that is to be yourself. And because nobody is himself, everybody is trying somehow to hide, with masks, with pretensions and with hypocrisy.  They are being taught everything in the education system, but they are not taught to be themselves. 
This is what makes everybody miserable. To be what you do not want to be, to do something that you do not want to do. These things are the basis of all misery. Sooner or later, you have to decide. You have to
say: Whatever the cost, I want to be myself. Condemned, ridiculed, losing respectability, everything is ok, but I cannot pretend anymore to be somebody else. This decision and declaration of freedom, freedom from
the weight of the crowd of people, gives back your natural being. Then you can simply be yourself just as you are.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, The Call of the Heart 
“What is the relationship between love and meditation? The natural consequence of meditation is love. Love and meditation are two sides of the same coin. Meditation is
the flower and love is the perfume. If, at the end of the journey of meditation, love has not flowered then the whole journey has been futile.  ”
Swami Dhyan Giten, The Call of the Heart 
“One of the fundamental rules of life is that how you are being with yourself, you are going to be with others. If you love yourself, you will love others. If you are flowing in being with yourself, you will be flowing in
relationship to others. The inner tends to become the outer. ”
Swami Dhyan Giten, The Call of the Heart 
“What is meditation? Meditation is to learn to be with yourself, meditation is to delight in your own being. Meditation is a totally relaxed state of consciousness, where you are not doing anything. Meditation is just to
be, not doing anything, no action, no thought and no emotion. You just are, and it is a sheer joy and delight. This joy and delight when you are not doing anything comes from nowhere or everywhere. The essence of existence is joy. Joy and happiness is your very being, your innermost core. When you look at the birds, the trees and the stars, you will see that the whole existence is joyful. Birds are
happy for no reason, trees are happy for no reason and flowers are happy for no reason.  The whole existence is made of joy. If you can just be with yourself, not doing anything, just enjoying yourself, just being with yourself,
not doing anything, then you are in meditation. ”
Swami Dhyan Giten, The Call of the Heart 
“When you are happy for no reason, the joy and happiness goes on spreading to others. It becomes a sharing. This is what compassion is. Meditation is being with yourself, and compassion is overflowing from that being.  It is not that you have to be compassionate. In the state of meditation, you are compassion.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, The Call of the Heart 
“A man of meditation is cool, but not cold. Compassion is cool, yet warm, welcoming, inviting, happy to share, waiting to share. If a person of meditation becomes cold, he has missed.  Don't try to change your actions, try to find your being. The action is secondary, being is primary. Action is something that you do; being is something that you are. ”
Swami Dhyan Giten, The Call of the Heart 
“Meditation means awareness. Except for meditation, nothing makes a person find his inner being, it changes a person. If meditation is progressing, then the only criteria of its progress are love, the only criteria for its progress is compassion.
A man of compassion always thinks about you, about your needs. Love always thinks of the other, the ego only thinks of oneself. Love is always considerate, the ego is absolutely inconsiderate. The ego has only one language and that is of the self. The ego always uses the other; love is always ready to serve. ”
Swami Dhyan Giten, The Call of the Heart 

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