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Heroes Wiki
Chihiro cropped

Chihiro Ogino has declared Apprentice of Villain is to be renamed to
Apprentices of a Villain

for the following reason(s): Plural and Grammatically less clunky.
Please discuss it on the talk page for this article.
"I want you to know my real name. It's Chihiro."

Stop hand

Darth Vader:I've trained you well... but you still have much to learn.

Galek Marek: You have nothing left to teach me.

~ Darth Vader and Galen Marek.
Ignorant boy! This is not a world, a universe in which a free man can afford to be soft! I WILL teach you to be ruthless Kaldur'ahm, even if I must beat that lesson into your skull!
~ Black Manta.
We're expressing our appreciation to Setsuna-sama who directly taught us Ongeki and made us become stronger. However, Asterism's Ongeki connected us.
~ Mia Kashiwagi revealing that Setsuna Sumeragi taught the Marching Pockets Ongeki.

Heroes that served as an apprentice to a villain at any point of their lives. These heroes may have been forced to be an apprentice to a villain under some certain circumstances, not aware that their mentors are villains or simply lost their way.  When they find out their mentor is evil, or when they realize the path they are on is the wrong one, the hero abandons their master, which will most likely lead to a confrontation between teacher and student.

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