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Heroes Wiki
Hero Overview

I seek nothing more than to battle the most powerful beings alive, which excludes the lowly likes of you.
~ Sesshōmaru.

Sesshōmaru is a major character in the Inuyasha franchise. He is a powerful dog daiyōkai who is feared throughout the feudal world, the half-brother of the hanyō Inuyasha and the first son to the great Inu no Taishō, their father. He originally started off as a villain but then progressively became an anti-hero allied with Inuyasha and the main group of heroes.

Unlike many other yōkai, he has no interest in possessing even one shard of the Shikon Jewel to enhance his powers. On his journey, he is accompanied by a two-headed dragon named A-Un, a demon imp named Jaken, and an orphaned human little girl named Rin. Years later, he eventually marries with an adult Rin and has two twin daughters with her, Setsuna and Towa Higurashi.

He is voiced by Ken Narita in the Japanese version of the anime, and by David Kaye and Michael Daingerfield (The Final Act) in the English version of the anime.


Humanoid Form: Sesshōmaru appears handsome and frail-looking at the same time, appearing as a tall and slender young man. He has fair skin with pointy ears, golden eyes with slit pupils, and waist-length white hair with short bangs. He has a crescent moon on his forehead that can be seen beneath his bangs, two stripes on each cheek, and a magenta stripe on each eyelid. When he uses his Dakkoso three stripes appear on his wrists.

Yōkai form: Sesshōmaru's true form is a giant white dog with markings similar to the ones he has in his human form. His eyes become red with blue irises; the yōkai marks on his body widen and become more apparent the stripes on his cheeks which are usually smooth become jagged and change into a somewhat fiercer color while his mokomoko wraps around his body and extends into his tail. He only fully transforms to his yōkai form three times: during a battle with Inuyasha, which results in the loss of his left arm, again when he meets his mother, and finally during the battle against Magatsuhi.

Sesshōmaru's armor includes a spiked pauldron that covers his left shoulder attached to the upper section of his cuirass and "lotus petal" faulds. When damaged, the armor automatically regenerates itself using yōki. Both his armor and his long flowing sash have a decided Chinese influence, as opposed to the customary Japanese armor and obi. His kimono is mostly white with a red and white cherry blossom flower crest at the collar and sleeves, showing that he is of royal birth. He wears sashinuki hakama which are gathered at the ankles, producing a "ballooning" effect. His footwear consists of black ankle-high boots, also reminiscent of Mainland influence. On his right shoulder is his mokomoko-sama: the fur and tail of his true form which he retains in his humanoid form.

In the 3rd movie it is seen in his younger year he worn a similar but different outfit. His kimono was cream color and had leaf patterns, and a blue sash belt.


Sesshōmaru, born of a great demon bloodline, possesses the perfect power that many demons desire. Because of this he is always composed and confident in his power.

His air of aloofness and indifference is a product of dignity that only one of such rare demonic power may possess. Sesshōmaru is more or less emotionless; only anger, annoyance, and dissatisfaction showing on his face. Because both his heart and body are so strong, he had no desire whatsoever for the Shikon Jewel. He had absolute confidence in his power, so he did not need the Shikon Jewel and doesn't have to conspire with allies. Sesshōmaru even responded sarcastically towards Naraku, who had assumed an air of impudence due to his increased demon power. In battle he judged his enemy's power level and attacked with the minimum power necessary. He dealt with his enemies after determining their power. Once he had realized their weak point, their attacks were futile.

Sesshōmaru is obsessively proud of his father the Inu no Taishō, of whom the whole demon world was in awe. Because he respects his bloodline so much, he despises Inuyasha as well as Inuyasha's human mother Izayoi. He insults Naraku, who tried to take advantage of Sesshōmaru's power. All that his father left him was a dull sword that wouldn't cut anything. Anger welled up in his heart for not being able to use Tenseiga, which was left by his father, whom he highly respects. Sesshōmaru held resentment towards his father for having left Tessaiga to Inuyasha, whose power was weaker than his own. However, over time, Sesshōmaru comes to grasp why his father gave him Tenseiga and lets go of his disgust towards his half-brother, even showing concern for him in rare moments. He was also secretly angry that Naraku, who was assembled by demons far lower in level than Sesshōmaru, used abusive language and disrespect towards him. Sesshōmaru had stated that he seeks to only fight the strongest beings alive and how he had wanted to fight his father and defeat him. Sesshōmaru's love for his father was so great that even though he inherited the at the time worthless Tenseiga, he kept it around him for sentimental value. During the brief period Tenseiga was stolen from him in the third movie, he stated Tenseiga is not a sword he would miss if he lost if not for his father.

Sesshōmaru felt nothing for others, sneering and dismissing humane feelings. Anyone in his way is an enemy whom he will exterminate without hesitation. He does not hold back his power, even against women. He rationalizes that all his prey is the same and defeats them accordingly. For one with such pride in his power, cooperation is proof of weakness and being alone is a condition for the strong. Once he judges someone as an obstacle, he is quick to kill without hesitation.

He used to feel nothing for anyone, but meeting various people, such as the ever-changing Inuyasha, Naraku with his numerous proposals, and all-alone Rin had brought change to his heart. After he saved Rin and became a true owner of Tenseiga, he started to show feelings behind his heartless and cruel words. He stopped the demonic Inuyasha's wildness by controlling his power and he looked at him like an older brother reprimanding a younger brother, though claimed he would kill Inuyasha despite his actions showing the opposite. He even refrained from killing Kohaku when he could easily do so, when he looked in his eyes and saw emptiness and that he had given up everything.

Sesshōmaru has a very inquiring mind when there is something he cares about, but at the same time, he had almost no tenacity of purpose. If he becomes interested in something else, he will arbitrarily turn his back on what he's doing, even during battle. Just like his fighting style, he is quick to make decisions and act on then immediately.

The encounter with Rin awakened him as the true user of Tenseiga. The smile and fleeting life of this young girl who tried to save him caused Sesshōmaru to change for the first time. The will of his father, who cared for humans, has finally been passed to his oldest son. Sesshōmaru used to leave anything behind that might bind him but he has slowly but surely changed. Sesshōmaru genuinely cares about Rin and Jaken and while he rarely shows it, he does appreciate their loyalty. Sesshōmaru originally held much contempt towards protecting the weak, seeing it as a waste of time and ridiculous. Unlike the Inu no Taishō and Inuyasha, Sesshōmaru has trouble admitting he had people to protect (Rin and Jaken) and out of pride, would never admit that he does, as Sword of An Honorable Ruler showed. Another trait of Sesshōmaru is one he shares with his younger brother. Both have tempers and are very easy to annoy (Inuyasha being loud in his anger, Sesshōmaru being subtle) as he has been known to hit Jaken when he says something that displeases him, similar to how Inuyasha is with Shippō.

Growing Compassion[]

A rite of courage and cowardice.
~ Sesshōmaru in Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon.

Sesshōmaru, who previously was a cold-hearted, arrogant, and extremely powerful daiyōkai was humbled by his "worthless half-breed" brother, Inuyasha, who used the sword to cut off his left arm. In another incident, Sesshōmaru had used his poison claws against Inuyasha, temporarily blinding him. Having sensed the clashing of the two yōki, Inuyasha unknowingly used the Wind Scar against Sesshōmaru. The Tenseiga prevented a possible fatality and transported the daiyōkai's battered body. Sesshōmaru quickly rested for the time-being in a forest near a village, where he first met the orphan girl, Rin.

He was cared for by Rin during his rehabilitation from injury. He was initially hostile to the mute girl, who offered him food, by refusing to eat and telling her to "mind her own business." However, the little child continued to serve him. Once he recovered, he set off with Jaken, but he sensed Rin's blood scent when she was attacked and mauled by Kōga's wolves; he was initially going to ignore her but when Tenseiga pulsed and told him to save her he used Tenseiga to resurrect her, whereupon she began to follow him. This incident proved to be the turning point in his life as it dramatically transformed his attitude towards everyone else. This was apparent when Rin was seen wearing new and colorful kimono later. When Rin falls off to the cliff in the process of getting life-saving herbs for Jaken, Sesshōmaru comes in a bolt of light to save her after she called out his name. In Forever With Lord Sesshōmaru, after Sesshōmaru saves Rin, he asks Rin to do what she wishes. This is not at all typical of Sesshōmaru, as he was usually shown to leave Jaken at times before he met Rin. Jaken is even shown to be mumbling that "Lord Sesshōmaru will kill him if something happens to Rin," obviously showing his concern for the girl's safety. Sesshōmaru, while fighting Jakotsu, rushes off to rescue Rin, who fell when the bridge broke. Jakotsu notes that Rin is Sesshōmaru's weak point. Exploiting this fact, Suikotsu and Jakotsu threatens to kill Rin when they are cornered. Sesshōmaru even saves Kohaku, Rin's best friend and protector, who was under Naraku's control, under the behest of Inuyasha and his friends. These are some of the many traces of compassion that Sesshōmaru displays.

Sesshōmaru's compassion for Rin is evident, but he prefers to disguise it, because it would taint his pride. However, he shows his love and concern for Rin when she appears to be dead due to her time in Hell. Sesshōmaru enters Hell for the purpose of rescuing her, but upon learning that he cannot save her life, he is crushed. When he realizes that it was his urge to strengthen Tenseiga which brought them to Hell and ultimately killed her, he casts the sword aside and says that for the sword to gain power at the expense of Rin's life means nothing. However, when Sesshōmaru's mother revives Rin, he is seems to be relieved. Finally the will of his father, who cared for humans, has been passed to his son.

When Kagura was injured, Sesshōmaru originally intended to leave her in the river she was drowning in, but when Rin falls in trying to save her and Jaken follows Rin, Sesshōmaru pulls all three from the river. He stayed there afterwards and warned her not to do anything that would get her killed. Later however, before Kagura's death, Sesshōmaru seeks her out and considers using the Tenseiga, only to conclude that Tenseiga cannot save her.

He has also been shown saving Inuyasha's friends on several occasions. On his way to Mount Hakurei, Sesshōmaru saves Kagome, Miroku, and Sango from the poison master Mukotsu, one of the Band of Seven but only claims that he killed Mukotsu because he would not answer his questions. He also revives a young otter yōkai's father, claiming that it was the will of Tenseiga. Another example is when Inuyasha and his companions are involved in a fight with the "water god" Numawatari: when Sesshōmaru arrives, he insults Inuyasha's inability to kill a "low life yōkai," and then easily dispatches Numawatari using his Meidō Zangetsuha ability, leaving straight after.

Also, when Byakuya, Naraku's newest incarnation, is about to take Kohaku, who had one of the last three shards of the Shikon Jewel, back to Naraku, Sesshōmaru appears and launches a ranged Meidō Zangetsuha (still in the crescent moon shape), barely missing him. Byakuya flees, claiming that he does not want to die, and comments on how it is so unlike Sesshōmaru to save someone. Thereafter, Sesshōmaru seems to have taken Kohaku under his protection, albeit in his typical grudging demon-slayer fashion. Later, when Kohaku's shard gets tainted by Magatsuhi, Sesshōmaru attempts to save Kohaku at the expense of great injury to his arm.

It is his compassion that caused the Tenseiga to be reforged as a weapon. Its offensive powers were locked until Sesshōmaru was able to show true compassion. In his battle with Mōryōmaru, the villain insulted the dying Kagura, which angers Sesshōmaru and he shatters Mōryōmaru's indestructible shell (and his only weapon in the process). Acknowledging the yōkai's growth because he is defending a dead person, Tenseiga called to its creator to reforge it as a weapon. Later, to show his compassion and respect for his father, he gave the offensive powers of his sword to Inuyasha (albeit in his typical fashion) in accordance with his father's wishes and recognizing his brother's worth as the heir to the sword.

He refused to use Bakusaiga on Inuyasha when even Magatsuhi noted it was the obvious choice to make and in the third movie Swords of an Honorable Ruler it is hinted that he actually does care about Inuyasha but refuses to admit it when he is protecting him from the Sō’unga's "Dragon Twister" attack.

Despite his growing compassion, he, like his brother, uses impolite Japanese. He addresses strangers or people he does not like with "kisama," which, like "temee," is an offensive form of "you," though still more formal. He addresses himself with the polite "watashi", signifying his high rank and power. Other than "kisama," he uses "omae," either to Jaken or to Inuyasha, the latter being occasionally and not rarely. Thus, he can be insulting while retaining the dignified speech pattern of a lord, as opposed to the rougher speech used by Inuyasha.



Sesshōmaru and Tōga[]

Sesshōmaru had a deep admiration for his father's power and respected him, considering him the strongest demon in existence. However, due to Sesshōmaru's desire for supreme power and conquest over all and disregard for humans sharply contrasting to Tōga's humble and good heart and compassion for humanity, their relationship was strained, Tōga being exasperated by his son's single-minded desire for power and rulership and ruthlessness and Sesshōmaru disdainful of his father's love for Izayoi and Inuyasha. In their last meeting before Tōga gave his life to save Inuyasha and Izayoi, Sesshomaru expressed some concern over his father's wounds from fighting Ryūkotsusei by questioning him if he seriously wanted to go without healing his wounds but knowing he couldn't stop his father, instead asked for Tessaiga and Sō'unga and Tōga refused to give him and even indicated he would overcome Sesshōmaru if he tried to take it by force. Sesshōmaru said nothing, indicating he was hoping that his father would give what he deemed to be his birthright willingly. The final exchange of words between father and son was Tōga asking whether his son had anything to protect, clearly showing he was asking if there was anything other than his desire for power that Sesshomaru held dear, and Sesshōmaru's flat scorn sealed Tōga's decision to pass on the Tenseiga to him instead of the Tessaiga, though perhaps as he had placed a barrier that not even Sesshōmaru could breach this was actually to protect him from the harm it would take to wield the sword, but primarily he did this along with many other things in order to teach Sesshōmaru the importance of compassion and humbleness.

Sesshōmaru was extremely angry and resentful that all he was left with was a healing sword that was useless in terms of combat power but as the series progressed, he started to show a more jealous and emotional side, revealing that he believed Tōga favored Inuyasha over him and he hated Inuyasha because Tōga died to save him and Izayoi, seeming to show that despite his aloof demeanor when they met for the last time, Sesshōmaru actually did feel some guilt that he didn't stop his father and let him die what he believed to be a miserable death and took it out on Inuyasha in order to spare himself the blame, suggesting despite his claims of wishing to defeat his father and prove his supreme power, he truly did want his father's approval. It may be that Sesshōmaru wanted to prove his father's choice wrong by killing Inuyasha out of bitter spite. However, despite this, he never lost his admiration and deep down attachment to his father, punching Inuyasha for fighting in his grave and stated he wouldn't miss Tenseiga had it not been his father who left it to him, suggesting despite not getting his wish of being bestowed the Tessaiga, Sesshōmaru did in fact value the healing sword, if only as a sentimental value to remind him of his father. When met by his father's spirit, Sesshōmaru for the first time showed genuine awe and respect and as his father praised both him and Inuyasha for their success in sealing away Sō'unga, he looked on somberly as his father's spirit vanished, seemingly touched by the fact that his father had finally praised him. When it was revealed his father had made it so that Tenseiga could be forged into a weapon with the deadly technique of Meidō Zangetsuha, Sesshōmaru's views of his father seemed to have taken a turn for the better as he clearly felt closure that his father did in fact acknowledge he was worthy, but alas this newfound closure soon vanished when he learned that Meidō Zangetsuha was meant to be Inuyasha's and that his father seemingly never intended for him to reach his full potential, enraging and reopening the old wounds of jealousy and betrayal even further than it had ever been opened. Nevertheless, Sesshōmaru continued to have deep respect for his father and willingly relinquished the technique to Inuyasha, though only when he proved himself worthy.

Sesshōmaru and His Mother[]

Although it was clearly his mother who had raised him since Toga had left to be with Kagome and Inuyasha, Sesshōmaru and his mother seemed to have a formal relationship instead of a warm familial one, as evidenced by the way they interacted and Sesshōmaru's willingness to ignore her warnings. Sesshōmaru's mother kept a generous but lightly sarcastic attitude around him but it was shown that like with her former mate, she was exasperated with Sesshomaru's hunger for power and pride. Indeed, she knew fully well that Rin would get taken to the Underworld and die but she allowed it to happen despite knowing Sesshōmaru would obviously be hurt by it in order to harshly lecture him on how with all his power and Tensaiga's ability to save lives, he is not a god and that he must learn to stop denying that he can in fact care for others, knowing that the only way to teach him that lesson was if he experienced for himself the grief and suffering of losing someone he cared about, and that the path to growing more powerful isn't about increasing his demonic power, it's also about growing his heart. However, she ultimately showed she loved her son by resurrecting Rin for him and was pleased to see Sesshōmaru finally expressing care for someone, stating he's finally becoming like his father. Sesshōmaru in return seemed to acknowledge that his mother was right, not expressing any complain after she revealed why she put him through that, and was clearly grateful to see Rin resurrected.

Sesshōmaru and Rin[]

Rin is a young orphan who becomes the traveling companion of Sesshōmaru and Jaken. When Sesshōmaru was injured by the Wind Scar after trying to steal the Tessaiga again from Inuyasha, Rin bravely attempted to care for him as he lay near a tree, bringing him water and food. Sesshōmaru initially rejected her kindness, telling her generosity was a waste, as he does not eat human food. She continues to bring him things and he is caught off guard by her smile. After letting his wolf pack hunt, Kōga's wolves killed Rin. Sesshōmaru, recognizing the scent of Rin's blood, stumbled upon her dead body in the forest. He was initially going to ignore her, but the image of her smile flashed in his mind, he unsheathed Tenseiga and it began to pulsate. He then saw the beings of the underworld surround Rin's body and decided to resurrect her with the Tenseiga as a "test." To his surprise, her heart began to beat again and she is revived. From that day forward, she would be by Sesshōmaru's side along with Jaken and a two-headed dragon yōkai known as A-Un.

Throughout the series, Rin's warmness and kindness play a significant role on Sesshōmaru. His growing compassion for her allows him to advance in battle. He constantly rescues her and looks out for her despite claiming he did not care for her. He often instructs her to stay in a safe place with A-Un when he knows he is going somewhere dangerous. He often avoids killing in front of her, unless it is the only way to protect her. When Sesshōmaru sought out to improve his Meidō Zangetsuha technique, but realizes it came at the cost of Rin's life, he finally felt sorrow from the loss of his beloved companion. Concerned with her son's sadness, Sesshōmaru's mother resurrected Rin with the Meidō Stone.

Following Naraku's defeat and after some input by Kaede, Sesshōmaru agrees that Rin needs to reside in a village to get used to living with humans once again and where she is safe from potential harm. In this scene it is implied that leaving Rin in the village for now is to allow her to choose which world Rin wishes to live in when she matures. He continues to pay her regular visits often bringing presents with him; she is last seen receiving a kimono from him.

Sesshōmaru would later reciprocate Rin's affection and they would wed. Thus leading to the birth of their daughters. At some point, he would seemingly place Rin in a deep sleep and bury her in the Tree of Ages, continuing to watch over her.

Sesshōmaru and His Daughters[]

The choice is yours, Towa.
~ Sesshōmaru to his oldest daughter, Towa.

Towa and Setsuna are his twin daughters. He left them at a very young age which Setsuna and Kaede refer to as "A Rite of Courage and Cowardice". It was later revealed he left them in order to keep them safe from Kirinmaru and Zero and had Jaken protect and watch over them and though he allowed Homura to burn the forest they were in, it was indicated that he couldn't interfere less Zero kill them herself.

Sesshōmaru and Inuyasha[]

Aside from the fact that Sesshōmaru loathed humans and hanyō, Sesshōmaru despised Inuyasha not only because he wields the Tessaiga, is a hanyō and his half-brother, but also because he couldn't stand the fact that his father's yōkai blood courses through his veins. The feeling is pretty much mutual on Inuyasha's part, who hated Sesshōmaru for his treatment of him. For almost the first half of the series, Sesshōmaru's hatred for Inuyasha seemed to stem at least in part from his strained relationship with his father; both from the fact that he was given the "useless" Tenseiga instead of Tessaiga, and because of his failure to understand both of their affinities for humans. After much growth and reflection, Sesshōmaru eventually starts to care for Inuyasha, though he would never admit it, and vice versa. While Sesshōmaru continues to make rude comments towards Inuyasha, their relationship eventually improves, and they appear to look out for each other in battle, as shown when they join forces to battle against Naraku. By the end of the series, Sesshōmaru appeared to have more-or-less lost his antipathy for Inuyasha, and even decided to leave Rin in Kaede's village (which was Inuyasha's home) in order for her to re-integrate into human society. When Sesshōmaru decided to temporarily join forces with Kirinmaru, apparently to protect his two daughters, despite Kirinmaru wishing to kill his half-brother, Sesshōmaru's true goals was clearly to also protect Inuyasha, Kagome and their daughter, as they were warned by apparently Sesshōmaru himself and able to send Moroha to safety and Sesshōmaru decided to seal him and Kagome away to his father's grave to protect them, with Jaken even stating Sesshōmaru will eventually release Inuyasha under the pretense of needing Inuyasha's Meidō Zangetsuha in the future.

In Secret of the Divine Jewel at the New Moon Cave, he was surprised that Inuyasha turned into a human.

Sesshōmaru and Kagome[]

Because of her affiliation with Inuyasha, and his hatred for all humans in general, Sesshōmaru had little regard for Kagome. Kagome reacted angrily surprised when she realized that an attack by him in the remains of his and Inuyasha's father was intended to kill her. For his part, Sesshōmaru found Inuyasha's mere association with a human yet another reason to despise him. Over the course of the series in both the manga and anime, Sesshōmaru demonstrates a change of heart he will admit to no one. He begins to look out for her, protecting her from enemies such as Mukotsu and Naraku. Part of his grudging acceptance of her and his half-brother Inuyasha comes from his companionship with Rin. Nevertheless, his tolerance remains "a work in progress." Kagome in return seemed to have began to view him in a higher regard as he saved her several times, to where she had no qualms working with him and seemed much more tolerant of him than Inuyasha.

By the end of the series, Sesshōmaru and Kagome met again three years after Naraku's defeat and while Sesshōmaru flies over the village after visiting Rin and merely mutters a "hrrm!" when Jaken remarks she has returned, the excited Kagome yells to him with "お兄さん" (onīsan, "big brother"), meaning she is his sister-in-law, having married Inuyasha. This startles him and he glares back at her. Kagome is surprised at his "dirty look" and an embarrassed Inuyasha admits that address does not "sound right." However, it was evident that he does accept her but is not willing to admit it, as he even tells Jaken to shut up less get beaten.

Sesshōmaru later prevents Kirinmaru from killing her and her husband, instead sealing them away in his father's grave to keep them safe, at the pretense of needing Inuyasha's Meidō Zangetsuha.


The flow of wind has changed its course. It appears she still can't suppress her blood.
~ Sesshōmaru sensing that his youngest daughter still can't suppress her blood.


  • Sesshōmaru's name means "killing perfection", which is fitting, considering how powerful he is.
  • Sesshōmaru has transformed into his true form a total of 3 times in the series:
    • He transformed to test Inuyasha's power with the Tessaiga.
    • He transformed to greet his mother.
    • He transformed during his battle with Magatsuhi.
  • It's unknown if his Mokomoko fur is a part of his body, although according to the Inuyasha: Profile Book makes it very likely.
  • Sesshōmaru and Inuyasha's sibling rivialry is often cited as an iconic character dynamic in anime history.
  • Sesshōmaru knows Rin's heart extremely well; he knows that Rin would value Towa and Setsuna's lives over her own should killing Zero (who linked her life to Rin) become necessary.
  • It can be inferred Sesshōmaru originally did not intend to take Towa and Setsuna away from Rin, but forced to put them through a faux life trial due to the threat of the irrational Zero.
  • Sesshōmaru is the only character to have no desire for the Shikon Jewel (not even a single shard). Instead, his obsession with the Tessaiga fuels his desires for most of the series.
  • His first English voice actor, David Kaye, also voices Soun Tendo from Ranma ½. David Kaye returns to voice Sesshōmaru in Yashahime, but is unable to fully replicate his old take on the voice; instead, it sounds deeper compared to the original.
  • The pattern on Sesshōmaru's kimono is based upon an actual crest of a samurai clan known as the Azai.
  • In The Holy Pearl, a Chinese live action loosely based on InuYasha, Sesshōmaru is paralleled by a character named Wu Dao.

External Links[]


           Inuyasha LogoHeroes

Main Heroes
Inuyasha | Kagome Higurashi | Miroku | Sango | Shippō | Kirara | Towa Higurashi | Setsuna | Moroha

Myoga | Tōtōsai | Hachiemon | Kōga | Kikyō | Kaede | Kohaku | Ginta | Hakkaku | Jinenji | Shiori | Ayame | Kin'u | Gyokuto | Hermit Sage | Tarōmaru | Water Godess | Hisui | Sesshōmaru's Mother | Tōga | Takechiyo | Riku | Rion | Rokuta | Nanasuke

Sesshōmaru's Group
Sesshōmaru | Jaken | Rin | A-Un

Akitoki Hōjō | Saya | Asagi | Moegi | Dai | Roku | Shion | Ai
